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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. Thank you very much xpress, you really are a tech geek. It appears that the php tutorial I was reading was far too old and that you have to use $_post nowadays in newer versions of php. Now I can start learning again instead of fighting with my problems hehee. thanks a lot
  2. I used that but I get the following error: What's that supposed to mean?
  3. I'm learning php, I made this simple form but it doesn't work. HELP! Here's the form: <html><head><title>Php</title></head><body><form action="process.php" method="post">Write your name: <input type="text" name="name" /></form></body></html> And here's the php process page: <?php$answer = "Mike";if ($name == $answer){ print "You've won, $name!";}else { print "You aren't $answer, you didn't win";}?> As far as I know this should work. It might be something very simple that has gone wrong but I don't know what. When I run this on wampserver it says "undefined variable" something like that.
  4. I have yamaha electric drums in my room. They aren't real drums but they are ok. I can't play acoustic ones since I don't want to annoy the neighbors. What kind of music you play/want to play. I play the songs that are programmed into the drum module and I usually hook my mp3 player with my drums and play on the songs.I really like to listen heavy metal but it's so hard for me to be so fast on drums so I can play only the easy songs.
  5. I don't think it's that important but you gotta:Less Xisto and other geekie things and more hanging out with your friends, goin to parties and dating.Remember, if you don't start now then you won't be experienced when it's time for long-term relationships. You don't actually have to wait for the "right girl", you have to try a lot of girls on your way to the right girl. This reminds me of that movie you know, what was it's name... oh yes it was "40 and virgin" or something like that.Anyways nerds do get the chanse to date too, but you gotta be out there ready when it's the right time.
  6. I'm very amazed how they can *BLEEP* someone in the modern world. Really stupid programs like ghostbusters, most haunted, paranormal state, etc are trying to be all that "scientific" too. They walk around a house and one of the guys has some kind of device that makes noises when it's near to electromagnetic field. The guy says with a very serious voise: "there some kind of e-magnetic field here, I just felt something cold..." ofcourse you idiot, you're standing next to the damn lamp, what did you expect?The stair voices I can't explain with any other thing than that you're imagining it.When people go down into some tunnel or something and see something suspicious, it's just because some gases that develop in a closed place and they make ppl hallusinate.The oxygen level might drop too.ArsenicRadiumThose are the most hallusinative.
  7. Do I believe there is other life forms in other planets? YesDo I believe there is gray guys with big eyes? NODo I believe in green guys from mars, that can't breathe air and have no hair? NoDo I believe in short guys with big heads and big eyes, handing over the pies and setting up a gigantic satelite in cartman's ***? No (Warning: if you haven't been watching south park you don't know this)Okay okay, I make no sence but it was a nice poem wasn't it? Whatever you want to call it but it includes my opinions.All the "ufo pictures" turned out fake. SO YOU GOT NO PROOFS! MUAHAHAHAHAHAAAA. umm.. sorry for caps lock
  8. Really great but it lacks one add-on, web developer toolbar. It's really great when you're learning html, css and javascript. When something goes wrong you can just look up why it's not working. It lets you disable styles and/or javascript. It validates html, css and javascript(there's some holes in the validation system but it has all that you might need when you're a novice coder) link to download page: https://addons.mozilla.org/fi/firefox/addon/web-developer/
  9. I'm not much of a graphics designer, I don't do much photo editing. When I need to edit a photo or create a new sig/banner/thingy I just use GIMP.It's a really nice program and since I know how to use it and I'm too lazy to change. Oh and did I mention I don't have 500 bucks to buy photoshop and I wouldn't even if I had 500$. Probably most of you guys have just downloaded some pirated version of it(Didn't know I knew, did ya? ).
  10. Welcome to Xisto, alberto. I hope you enjoy your time here and become a part of the community.Keep the posts clean and after a few (okay 50 or something like that) post, you've got enough myearnings to start hosting. View the Xisto readme and follow the rules and you'll do just fine.
  11. That is really nice. Companies are getting better in making synthetic intelligence. It's a big step for human kind.Although the best "intelligence" made by human nowadays can't even reach the class of a mosquito, this really is a big step. I've seen all these movies where robots decide to take over and they destroy human kind like in terminator, matrix and I, Robot. But still I can't imagine how robots could really take over. For example let's think of a future robot which is asked to fill the glass with water. It'll do the things that are programmed in it's artificial "brains":Open the faucet.move the glass under the water.wait untill the glass is fullwhen it's full, put the glass back on the table.Alright, now it can't do this:Open the faucet.move the glass under the water.wait untill the glass is fullwhen it's full, put the glass back on the table.SLAP THE HUMAN'S FACE...UNLESS IT'S PROGRAMMED TO DO SO?
  12. The negative myCENTs are because of the script bug or something like that. Please view this topic to find a somekind of answer. When your 100 cents are converted into 1 $ your mycent resets and you have that dollar available on your xisto account. You can see how much you have earned in myearnings or when you post you can see that next to your name in the "earned" section. Hope this was helpful.
  13. Welcome to Xisto ragav.bpl, I hope you enjoy your time here. Do everything that others have said here and start hosting. Nice to see some fresh blood here.best wishes,baniboy
  14. Well, although I believe US goverment will do anything to not lose it's reputation, I don't think it's fake. I found an explanation for the flag thing here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/# The video you linked is fake, I do a lot of video editing and that video has been taken by a modern camera, then by editing, made to look old. Oh and I watched the original version of armstrong stepping on earth, he doesn't hit as hard as in this video so at least that should make enough to prove this is fake. The reason the flag was standing up in right position is that there was a metal bar in top of it. It looks kinda like wind blows in there but it's really because one of the men shaked the flag while he was setting it up. In moon there's no air so the flag doesn't have to push air away to have space to move AND because of low gravity level the flag isn't being pulled down like in earth. So when it starts once it takes longer to stop than here in earth and it looks like they've got "wind out there.
  15. Nice to see some other musicians here. One of my friends plays electric guitar too, we usually make songs together. I think there should be post count for music section.
  16. Really interesting.. umm.. I'm not gonna need half of those. I don't remember any kind of disaster here in finland. Earthquakes don't happen here and strong weather is rare too. Oh and that list lacks one thing: Coffee and an espressso machine hehee.
  17. omg I didn't even know there is ads on this site, since I use adblock with firefox and I just don't notice them. Anyway, I wouldn't mind a little next ad somewhere here but not POPUPS AND NO ADS BETHWEEN POSTS. I've been on forums and it's really annoying to see ads bethween posts and flash ads that are annoying for the eye.
  18. I've been playing drums for 1 year now and I love it. What I wanted to know is that are there any other drummers or people who want to learn how to play drums here in the forums?I would love to talk about drums and music and stuff. Does anybody here play any other instruments here? I play a little piano too, I'm self learning it.
  19. To aspiration: actually norton and all those sorftwares that are being claimed as "top notch" that recuire you to pay per month are BS.echo, avast usually does the job for me, I suggest you now use hijack this and then run cc cleaner then another scan by a spyware detector.
  20. wow I'm so popular ain't I? hehe I don wanna live anymore!! 21075th??? yay there's like 871 more!!! We increase by 7 every year and decrease by 100 since the GUYS FROM THE 18TH CENTURY ARE DYING!!! 871... more than my friends total, maybe I can gather all the wolrd's Banis in one place so we can cry our sadness together lol.
  21. I've got a usb blower, I don't think I need cup warmer, if I want to warm up my coffee I'll just place it on my laptop hahaha :PNow that they've solved the problem of keeping coffee warm, they can start concentrating in making a usb device that makes the coffee itself, and maybe an additional hydraulic arm that adds milk to it and sugar then places it on the cup warmer hehee :P
  22. Hey I'm a teen, here in Finland when you reach 16 years old you can go and work somewhere, my friends brother went to work in some burger place and he earned 600 Euros (like 800$ I don't really know how much it makes in dollars) per month. One of the easiest things you can do is to make a website, for some one who needs it like a local small company or something. I made 300 ? for making a simple website for a pizza place near our house. Ads can't be that good way of getting money since you need a LOT of traffic to find those few people who actually click on the ads. Hope I helped. Hey miladoniski, how you can say "yound" and optimistic when you wrote that in june 30th? hehehe
  23. Definitely more colour, and I think the navigation bar on top needs buttons not regular links, also try to make it wider cuz now it's like in middle of the page and it's made with frames, it doesn't look like a professional site I'm sorry. For the looks: use css and dump those frames and use xhtml, these things are pretty easy to learn. I would also make it change the width of the container or whatever it is. That add on top of the page looks kinda stupid since it cuts into smooth background colour with white line. It would be nice if the banner would be bigger and then the company name comes ON the banner, now it's like there's the banner and then comes the company name without any special look, yea and change that "Welcom" to "Welcome". If you decide to change to css and need help you can always ask me. Tk is nice but kinda unpprofessional for a company website, try to get .com or .net since you get those "free" here at Xisto. Oh and remember, MORE COLOUR! Otherwise it just looks dull! :P
  24. Torrents are legal, after all, they are just 5-60 kb files with text in them. So they are legal but what you download with a torrent client by them may not be legal, like pirated movies, games, music etc. And yes most torrent tracker sites do keep a tracker list of who has downloaded the torrent /uploaded it but it can't be proven as evidence in court as they can't prove that you downloaded the files with the torrent you have downloaded from the site. But they can take the HDD from you and search for the illegaly downloaded files and they can recover them even if they have been deleted. I don't like piracy just because the thing you want to download is probably crap, I'd rather pay for the real thing than wait for download. I read somewhere that one of the most popular torrent trackers (the pirate bay) gives people wrong IPs, torrent clients can resolve them but they never show the real ip, so the person seeding the files can't be get caught.
  25. I'll have to disagree since some of those topics are helpful when you try to find an answer to something, it doesn't matter when it's made, someone else may have the same problem that has been already solved here in these forums. I remember making same kind of topic as this but I changed my mind after I got some replies. Alson some topics have been going on since 2004 to 2008 and some topics have been "awaken to life" when people start replying those again. Members might also lose mycents that they've earned by replying to old topics. It doesn't matter actually how old the topic is since you can earn mycents by replying to them. If you notice these dead topics, just tell to some administrator and they'll close it, not delete. As I also mentioned, some of them might be helpful, hope I changed your mind.umm, It's also nice to read old topics just for killing time hehehe.
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