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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. Well yes, Japanese hunting ships do hunt, but it is illegal beyond their borders. Many whales don't go into their hunting area, and the ships are usually acting illegaly by going far off to the sea in areas of Indonesia and the Antarctis, even though antarctis isn't owned by anyone. Yes, they should stop hunting but I think that as long as there are whales in those, the hunting won't stop. Very sad thing but it is more the fault of the hunters who hunt illegaly.When I first saw this topic I thought you ment the hunting in atlantic. The same thing with the Indonesian hunters that trap sharks in the Australian area, they hunt them just to cut their tale of and throw the rest in the sea.I think the solution to this problem is to use radar on borders, so they can see when a hunting ship/boat/whatever is going over the border.
  2. Wait a minute!The whales that are being hunted for food are not the whales that are in danger to die to extinction!The countries that are hunting whales are mostly norway and Iceland. They hunt whales for food, it's their tradition, like you like eating a pork - they like whale meat. The same thing with seals, Inuits or whatever they are have all the right to hunt for something they've hunted for several hundred years.The negative thing I see here is that whale meat has lot's of toxins in it since whales live usually a long life, their meat gathers a lot of it (WICH IS HUMANS FAULT, WE ARE THE ONES THAT THROW STUFF IN THE SEA!!!!). Whale meat is very expensive, so it won't be used too much, EVER. The amount of hunted whales a year for market is restricted.Please remember to think from the both sides before you just jump to the section you say " Why anyone would ever kill so wonderful animals?".
  3. Well, for you guys to have something to compare to, I've made benchmarks from my computer running on vista premium.Model: HP DV7-1090 (laptop)processor: amd turion X2 Ultra Dual-Core Mobile ZM-80 2.10 GHzRAM: 3 GBGRAPHICS: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3450 256 MBWell my PC is a little different but at least you can compare them somehow... better than nothing? right?!Here are the benchmarks, I don't have any video but you can trust me :PBoot: 01.29 min (appears to be a little slower than tramp's pc)Some common programs I use:Firefox: 1 secGimp: 7 secMacromedia flash 8: 8 secVLC media player: 0.5 secWMP: 1.5 secCrimson editor: 1 secIf you want me to try a program on vista, just ask me(if it's not freeware I might not have it but you can try asking if I have).
  4. Depends if it is in front of you and that is your front the way you're going. If you're travelling exactly the speed of sound, you will. You won't be able to see it anyway, you will only see light when it reflects from something. If you're travelling exactly with the speed of light, the light will remain in the headlights as it won't have the extra speed to reflect from it, so you can't see it. What you mean you can't?
  5. Baniboy

    Hi All,

    ahh... always nice to have a new member. Welcome and enjoy your stay here.You've been very active, I noticed you've made lots of topics about science and stuff. I'm into that stuff too but more like in physics and cemistry.Hope I see you around. Enjoy your hosting.
  6. I tried using website templates once, but I need custom banners & panels for myself.But when I try adding DIV elements the document, they get all messed up.And because I am too lazy to read the CSs code, I design my own web pages as I can understand them myself.Designing with CSS isn't that difficult. And when you become better in CSS, it is much easier to edit ready templates,since you'll understand the code well.But if you don't know CSS, and you're looking for a quick solution then templates are good one.
  7. You know what, I think you need some strippers to light up the place... :PI hope S_M can pay to them 1 cent at a time, cuz that's the way you pay them.Umm.. keep the beer coming echo, and some grilled ribs would be nice too since this is a grill.
  8. It's very easy. If your handycam records video on a small dvd disk then follow these instructions:1. After recording whatever you want, go to the functions of the camera and search for finalizing. If there is such option there, select it and follow the instructions in the screen.2. Go to *Start->computer-> the disk drive you put the disk in.* then you should have a folder named "video_TS" in there, double click it and it will open and you'll see a set of files named video_TS1 and video_TS2 and so on, the files have extensions like these: .vob .bup and another one that I can't remember.3. Copy and paste all the files to any location you desire.4. Erase the disk if you want to record more on it.If you cam records on a memory card or usb stick then follow these instructions:1. Remove the card/stick from the handycam and connect it with the pc.2. Do the same thing that you do to a dvd disk in step 2 above.3. Erase the stick/card if you want.DONE!!! Play the files on your computer!
  9. Yea SM writes more spam than all us together ever will. All he's doing is writing spam and he's getting mycents for it!!
  10. That was so discusting, I'll never start smoking! Hey bishoujo, you forgot to say that it makes your fingertips go yellow. I've seen that on some old people, it's so awful. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke, I can't figure out why anyone would like to breathe that stuff in. Here in Finland smoking is against law in public buildings, that includes restaurants and stuff, buss stops and the whole center of Helsinki (the capital of Finland).
  11. I love learning stuff, as for the school stuff being too easy and boring, I agree. In my school we don't get much of homework, and if we do, I do them in like 15 minutes. Internet tutorials are a great way of learning really. I don't think it's too difficult to have multiple things to learn, it's very stimulating.I'm currently learning php, flash and how to play piano.If anyone wants to learn flash I recommend "Macromedia flash for dummies"-eBook. I search for sheet music over the internet to play them with piano. I use w3chools for learning php.Things I've learned so far from the internet: How to build an wind turbine, xhtml, css, a little php, how to build a radio, how to build an engine that works with electricity and finally(hahahaaa) how to get a free drink from a vendor machine(this was a lot of fun learning, and tastes sooo good to learn too).
  12. First of all, I would never trust to download from a website that is a subdomain of some freehosting company. I looked at the license of the software, there says "we don't take responsibility of any damaged that was caused by this software" So, would you like to risk your operating system performance for "increased speed" with a program that hasn't any kind of guarantee of working? I'm sorry, but you aren't convincing at all. And this all was been copied from raymond.cc.blog. At least you should show some kind of respect to the original writer to put quote tags. It seemes that you want to make your post look "bigger" by putting so many emty lines. There's nothing wrong with empty lines but not bethween sentences when you don't actually have anything different to say. You're not gonna earn more mycents just because your posts looks big, this site's admins/moderators look trough all the posts carefully. Be carefull on what you write, and add quote tags when necessary.
  13. Nice to see you enjoying your time here.You're right, this is the best forum on the net.The reason we are nice to you: we want mycents and don't wanna get banned (just kidding, )This doesn't include SM, he can do whatever he wants and still earn mycents. :P
  14. 1) I'm using vista premium. 2) My second HDD is blank, it has no OS installed (I think so), so basically it's all wiped out anyway? Not sure 3) my second HDD is "250 gb" but vista shows that it's really 232 gb. The manual says that don't install programs on the second drive. Both drives are physical. I was wondering, linux is light isn't it? so it doesn't need much space. If I partition the second drive and keep 40 gb for linux shouldn't that be enough? or am I wrong? The recovery "drive" is E. It's name is "hp_recovery"
  15. Well I was just wondering.. I've got 2 hard drives in my laptop (2 x 250 gb)The manual of the computer says that the other hdd may not be used for operating system.Now what I wanna know is that can I install linux on my second HDD?And if I do, and if I don't like it, how can I uninstall an OS?I actually like my second drive, it is useful to put big files in it.I wanna know if this can be done, I don't want to install them on the same drive cuz then I have to play around with partitioning and I know I'll mess it up!
  16. Well drums are quiter easy to learn(the basics), I got interested in drums at school. I'm pretty much drumming on the tables all the time. I'm very terrible at singing and stuff. We have a piano in our house and I sometimes play (easy, actually very very easy) songs with it. Everything is is hard at beginning, but once you start, you don't want to stop. It is definitely worth it.
  17. 1. Lay down that peanut butter, you won't be needing it, throw it away :P2. If you want to cook, and your favorite meat is fish then search the net for some recipes,If you want something fast-to-make to keep you from 7:30 to between 11:36 and 12:07, Then I suggest a good breakfast (leave out the peanut butter tho) Some bread, cheese(if you like it), cucumbers or whatever you like to put on bread and (I was going to say orange juice ) milk or coffee. Use margarine(not butter) on bread and cheese and cucumber slices. Do not use any kind of sauce or mayonnaise. You can make 2 of these if you like.Also eat an apple ( because it has lots of sugar and you won't get hungry so fast)You could also eat about 2 dl of yogurt at morning.I'm replieng this topic since anyone hasn't replied yet and I tought that this is better than nothing, hope I helped.
  18. Yes the guy should make the first move, I think.But most of the girls I've been dating have been very attacking, so you should expect that girl can do that first move too. Or is it just the type of girls that I usually date, don't know
  19. I'm wondering if they tattoo "$" sign in my eye, then it would be like in the cartoons haha! I guess a blind guy could do it as the first test subject, but the problem is that they won't know if the tattoo made him blind or not. You know some crazy guys who tattoo that they love someone and tattoo it in the *bottom*, and then they can't get rid of it even when they wouldn't be with that girl anymore. I was wondering if this leads to guys tattooing their girlfriend's portrait in their eyes, that would be some serious brakeup that they couldn't handle, after all, their loved one is always in front of their eyess hahahaa :P
  20. I've got DTXPRESS 4 DRUM TRIGGER MODULE but I don't really know the what model the pads and the rack are, it doesn't read anywhere Latin must be fun Do you have a drum set?
  21. Actually you know, coffee has more caffeine in it than energy drinks, the legal limit when adding artificial caffeine to a drink is 32mg/ 100 mlWhen a normal coffee drink has about 90mg caffeine in 100 ml of coffee. (espresso has more)Coffee is legal for anyone because it's a natural product. Energy drinks seem to have the same effect but it really is, because of the sugar in it. Also here in energy drinks they write on the labels "guarana" and "taurine". Few facts: guarana is a plant, they use GUARANA TO MAKE CAFFEINE!Taurine has no effects on human body, except if you're a 1 year old or so, human milk contains taurine, kids would have vision problems if wouldn't get it enough. It has no "drug like" effects on your brains.I don't like energy drinks, they taste weird and they are yellow like human piss, too much sugar.
  22. Wikipedia is not a reliable source and when you try to sound scientific and such, gm doesn't mean gram g = gram gm = general motors, car manufacturer. When you see something on wikipedia I suggest you look the subject from another site to confirm the information, like an international site based on biology and such.
  23. I once had black contact lences, they looked so cool, and I scared the hell out of my teacher :Pthese contact lenses apparently suspend tiny jewels from strands of wire. Why don't they just but a cowbell hangin there? So we can here from far when the coocoo eye guys are comin heh.About the tattooing an eye, how does that happen? what if you move your eye accidently when you're being tattooed?I can't imagine how it must hurt when you're being tattooed, IN THE EYE since it hurts alot (I've heard) even when it's your arm or some other body part. I think that kind of activity should be illegal before people start stucking diamonds in their eyes. Imagine a robbing situation: "give me all your jewelry or I'll stab you!" "hey you back there, gimme that sapphire in your eye!"
  24. same thing. I don't underestand why wannabe dr. phil people always keep saying that caffeine is bad for you. When I ask why, they answer: "it's addictive". SOOOO WHAAAT????? Also they keep saying that children shouldn't drink coffee or energy drinks, there is no proof that says caffeine has different effects on kids than adults. Now I didn't know about this memory thing, but I need coffee because I'm often sleepy even if I've slept like 12 hrs. Don't know why hehe. After all, when you make a research about something, almost everything you eat/drink might be good for you in a certain way. Caffeine does (gotta admit this one) increase your blood pressure, but only if you drink a hell lot of coffee, more like pure caffeine powder.
  25. Internet. I don't usually read news on internet neither do I watch the news on tv, it's just boring. But most of the INFO I get from the web.I don't think net is going to beat the tv anytime soon since computer monitors aren't going to get 50 inch big anytime soon. And it's just fun to sit on the sofa and watch your favourite shows and movies.
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