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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I personally prefer to use Wordpress and think it is one of the best Blog software ever made, but some services like blogspot and live journal are great too. As said above, because of the Themes and Plugins Wordpress has it it is just great. I never had any serious problems with it and sometimes encourage people to use them.
  2. But I wonder if it recognises the words normally, because I doubt it will be very popular, that it would get more powerful and understand sentences, now that would be cool, for example how the search will need to work if you want to use "" quotes - + and etc. ? Well, I am not that busy or lazy to type something in the sidebar of the browser.
  3. What I don't like about those massive Hard Disks is that I don't believe they are stable, because it would be a pity to loose your files, wouldn't it ? in some hdd crash, Today I only trust 80 GB hard disks to be the most stable ones, I use a 160 GB one and usually am afraid that one day I will loose all my music, that is why my brother started to make DVD backups of mp3.
  4. Well, I don't know if you need it, but if you don't want to send html emails from your web server, you also would need to use strip_tags() function -> http://php.net/strip_tags - it will strip all html and php tags from the function, then you could use wordwrap. Or if the server has magic quotes on, you also would need to make stripslashes() so maybe you could use this code: <?phpif (isset($_POST['message']) ) { $message = wordwrap(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['message']) ), 72, "\n"); if (FALSE !== mail(/* Your Parameters */) ) { echo 'Mail send with Success' . "\n"; } else { echo 'Error: Could not send Mail' . "\n"; }}?> Of course, sometimes you want the HTML code to be in the mail, so you can just remove the strip_tags() function.
  5. Well, I am using Gimp as my main Graphics editing program, because I can't afford to buy Photoshop, but I got used to Gimp, and it is quite enough for me, I am no graphics designer, but use it for my personal things and I know that Photoshop can do much more. So what kind of discussion you want using Gimp ? You have any problems ? if you search google, you will definitely find a lot of tutorials. I mean, practice, that is what you need and by the way, Gimp is not only able to edit photos.
  6. As said mastercomputers, everyone should use .html and as it is already explained way I thin I won't repeat it. because there is no such header as text/htm, just that text/html is being used on most of the browsers I know for html, html, shtml. When I see a website using .htm I think that the webmaster/s etc. are not professional there, htm should be avoided in my opinion. :PNever used frontpage, but as I understand it still saves the files with the three letters extension .htm ?
  7. I read all of your problems and still don't really understand what you're trying to do, others I think does not understand too. So I assume You have a database with a table and all the infos for your login script, so you want that people could login by using admin.php ? If so when write a script into it and when you fetch all the stuff, check the pass and user-name and let him login or else show some other page. ??? and admin.php is a file or a folder/directory ?
  8. I like to have different Partitions too, here is the way I have done it.1st HDD 80 GB SamsungWindows XP - 4 GBSwap - 1 GBSoftware - 4GB (aka Program Files)Multimedia - 40 GBBackup - 10 GBand for Linux on the same HDDBoot - 32 MBSwap - 512 MBMain - 12 GBand for Amithlon on the same HDDWorkbench - 4 GBand all the left space I have left free in case for something I could need. I use the Multimedia drive for Downloads, Documents, Games, Photos/Pictures and so on. ;)2nd HDD 160 GB SeagateMusic - 80 GBFilms - 80 GBBy the way, when I were mainly using an Amiga computer, it had a 4 GB HDD which also was partitioned into 6 partitions, 1 for the OS, other for software, the third for multimedia, 4th for games and some needed files and 5th for all the downloads backups and stuff. Oh yea, and 6th was only 32 MB which was using a compression to store different files, something like Swap/Temp.
  9. As I woke up Today, I noticed that my hosting account does not work, but after some time I understood, that all the addon domains don't work for me, I get errors while connecting to them. But when browsing through the Xisto subdomain I was given at the start, everything seems to work. Could this be solved ? Sometimes I get "Could not locate remote Server" or Sometimes I get "404 Not Found". Furthermore, I want to know if this is only happening to me or others also has this problem, I checked the server status and everything is alright. EDIT: After Several Hours of that "downtime" the domains works again, but if needed, the error finished Today at 13:00 GMT+2 and I noticed it at about 9:00 GMT+2 and before that I was sleeping, so don't know how long, but when I went to bed, at about 2 AM it was up.
  10. But as a standard, I think he meant about the .Zip format, because using 7zip you get much better compressing rates (He quoted it and the %) than using some other archiver, for example WinZip. Like, I personally need to deal a lot with LHA and LZX formats on my Amiga, XP can't unarchive them by default, even though the Win 98 and 2000 could, on the further versions they removed this feature. I agree, that zip can be unarchived without problems on any OS, at least on all of which I know.
  11. Well, as nobody gave any examples I think I will write how to use Error pages, even though as I remember I made a topic about how to use .htaccess files where using Error Pages were included. Just create a .htaccess file which is a hidden file and upload the file to your server, I recommend this directory - "/home/username/" so that it will still read it for all your further files. The htaccess file for Error Pages needs to contain this: AddType application/x-httpd-php .doErrorDocument 400 /e.do?error=400ErrorDocument 401 /e.do?error=401ErrorDocument 402 /e.do?error=402ErrorDocument 403 /e.do?error=403ErrorDocument 404 /e.do?error=404ErrorDocument 405 /e.do?error=405ErrorDocument 406 /e.do?error=406ErrorDocument 407 /e.do?error=407ErrorDocument 408 /e.do?error=408ErrorDocument 409 /e.do?error=409ErrorDocument 410 /e.do?error=410ErrorDocument 411 /e.do?error=411ErrorDocument 412 /e.do?error=412ErrorDocument 413 /e.do?error=413ErrorDocument 414 /e.do?error=414ErrorDocument 415 /e.do?error=415ErrorDocument 416 /e.do?error=416ErrorDocument 417 /e.do?error=417ErrorDocument 500 /e.do?error=500ErrorDocument 501 /e.do?error=501ErrorDocument 502 /e.do?error=502ErrorDocument 503 /e.do?error=503ErrorDocument 504 /e.do?error=504ErrorDocument 505 /e.do?error=505 I will explain, the AddType, you don't necessarily need to use it, I just use the extension .do for my coding, because I like it, you can just use .php to generate your custom error pages, or you can also link to your .html files. There is also a possibility to print the error through the .htaccess file like this: This is easy, isn't it ? So every time you will have an Error message your server will parse the error, you need that the file /e.do (from the example) would be in the root directory, for example your domain is http://www.mydomain.com/ so the file should be here "mydomain.com/e.do or you also can point to further directories like "/mydir/myfiles/e.do" and etc. As I know You can use ./ current Dir, ../ parent Dir and / root Dir. I always thought, that the error pages could have a full path like "/home/user/public_html/e.do" but it can't it needs to be in the public_html. If you are using subdomains like "mysubdomain.mydomain.com" You will need to put another e.do file in your subdomain error, because the root for it is different. Now what can the file e.do contain ? Here what my file contains: <?php/*+=================+| Error Page File by Quatrax+=================+*//* Check Server */$url = '/home/user/privateFiles/';/* Include Root File */include $url . 'e.do';?> If you know PHP you can easily edit it, but I have my library files in my Private directory, which is not public_html, the included file contain: <?php/*+========================+| Error Page File for Hosting by Quatrax+========================+*//* Check Input */$code = isset($_GET['error']) ? $_GET['error'] : '404';/* Parse Error */errorPage($code);exit;# the errorPage functionfunction errorPage($code = '404') { /* Client Error 4xx */ $e['400'] = array('400 Bad Request', 'The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client should not repeat the request without modifications.'); $e['401'] = array('401 Unauthorized', 'The request requires user authentication. The client may repeat the request with a suitable Authorization. If the request already included Authorization credentials, then the this response indicates that authorization has been refused.'); $e['402'] = array('402 Payment Required', 'This code is reserved for future use.'); $e['403'] = array('403 Forbidden', 'The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request should not be repeated.'); $e['404'] = array('404 Not Found', 'The server has not found anything matching the requested url "'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'" and no indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.'); $e['405'] = array('405 Method Not Allowed', 'The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the resource identified by the requested url "'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'" and the response must include an Allow header containing a list of valid methods for the requested resource.'); $e['406'] = array('406 Not Acceptable', 'The server has found a resource matching the requested url "'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'" but not one that satisfies the conditions identified by the Accept and Accept-Encoding request headers.'); $e['407'] = array('407 Proxy Authentication Required', 'The client must first authenticate itself with the proxy. The proxy must return a Proxy-Authenticate header field containing a challenge applicable to the proxy for the requested resource. The client may repeat the request with a suitable Proxy-Authorization header field.'); $e['408'] = array('408 Request Timeout', 'The client did not produce a request within the time that the server was prepared to wait. The client may repeat the request without modifications at any later time.'); $e['409'] = array('409 Conflict', 'The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.'); $e['410'] = array('410 Gone', 'The requested resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known. This condition is considered permanent. Clients with link editing capabilities delete references to the requested url "'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'" after user approval.'); $e['411'] = array('411 Length Required', 'The server refuses to accept the request without a defined Content-Length. The client may repeat the request if it adds a valid Content-Length header field containing the length of the entity body in the request message.'); $e['412'] = array('412 Unless True', 'The condition given in the Unless request-header field evaluated to true when it was tested on the server'); $e['413'] = array('413 Request Entity Too Large', 'The requested document is bigger than the server wants to handle now. If the server thinks it can handle it later, it should include a Retry-After header.'); $e['414'] = array('414 Request URI Too Long', 'The URI is too long.'); $e['415'] = array('415 Unsupported Media Type', 'Request is in an unknown format.'); $e['416'] = array('416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 'Client included an unsatisfiable Range header in request.'); $e['417'] = array('417 Expectation Failed', 'Value in the Expect request header could not be met.'); /* Server Error 5xx */ $e['500'] = array('500 Internal Server Error', 'The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.'); $e['501'] = array('501 Not Implemented', 'The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request. This is the appropriate response when the server does not recognize the request method and is not capable of supporting it for any resource.'); $e['502'] = array('502 Bad Gateway', 'The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request.'); $e['503'] = array('503 Service Unavailable', 'The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. The implication is that this is a temporary condition which will be alleviated after some delay.'); $e['504'] = array('504 Gateway Timeout', 'The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to complete the request.'); $e['505'] = array('505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 'The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, does not support version of HTTP indicated in request line.'); /* Check, default is 404 Not Found */ $e[$code] = isset($e[$code]) ? $e[$code] : $e['404']; /* Remove the output buffer and turn off output buffering */ ob_get_clean(); set_time_limit(0); /* Create Output */ $output = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"><HTML><HEAD><META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, FOLLOW, NOARCHIVE"><META HTTP-EQUIV="CONTENT-TYPE" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=ISO-8859-1"><META HTTP-EQUIV="CONTENT-STYLE-TYPE" CONTENT="text/css"><META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="'.$e[$code][0].'"><TITLE>'.$e[$code][0].'</TITLE><STYLE>body { padding: 6px 24px 6px 14px; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;}a { text-decoration: none;}a:hover { text-decoration: underline;}p { font-size: 15px;}h1 { font-size: 32px;}small { font-size: 11px;}address { font-size: 13px;}hr { border-style: dashed; border-width: 2px 4px; border-color: #8f8f8f; margin-left: 0; text-align: left; width: 60%;}</STYLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>'.substr($e[$code][0], 4, strlen($e[$code][0])).'</H1> '.wordwrap($e[$code][1], 64, "<BR>n").'<P>Go back » <A HREF="http://'.str_replace('http://', '', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']).'">the Root</A> - Main Web Site</P><P><A HREF="http://validator.w3.org"><SMALL>Valid HTML 3.2</SMALL></A><HR>'.$_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE'].'</BODY></HTML>'; /* Send the Headers */ if (!headers_sent()) { header("Content-Encoding: none"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("HTTP/1.1 ".$e[$code][0]); header("Status: ".substr($e[$code][0], 0, 3)); header("(anti-spam-content-type:) text/html"); header("Content-Length: ".strlen($output)); } /* Display Error */ echo $output; return TRUE;}?> You can edit it the way you want to, but always be sure you send the right headers, that robots would know that the page is not found on the server, to prevent them from appearing in search engines index I also added a meta tag. The ob_end_clean() function is only necessary if you are using ob_start(); Well, if you have any questions ask, because I don't want to comment on the PHP code, you can easily use simple Text. By the Way, some Servers has a feature to support 404.shtml files, You can put a 404.shtml file or any other error code filename on your root Dir and if the server encounters an error, it will search for that file, but I think the first priority is usually given for .htaccess files. If you know Perl language, you can use include function to include php or any html file or even print the text, as I remember the CPanel has something similar. I have found my old topic, so if you're interested, here is the link to it: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/87897-topic/?findpost=1064332540 I see that the the forum has edit some of my code in the quotes, I think for safety reasons it should be Content-Type not (anti-spam-content-typ..) Best Regards, Quatrux.
  12. Yea, I am using 7-Zip File Manager myself and I encourage all my friends to do it rather than using WinZip and similar. Eventually, most of my friends liked it and I am happy that when I send a .7z or .tar file for them, they can extract it easily. The only thing I miss on it is LHA, LZX, XPK support for it, because I, personally, quite often need to use them.
  13. This is quite fun, I didn't try the game itself, I think it would not run on my system, because I use quite an old graphics cards, due to I am not gamer. But really, to create a 96kb game is exciting, I remember the old "demos" on my Amiga, which were 4kb or 64kb and showed really a lot of graphics+music and always wondered how did those hardcore dudes did it, it is still a mystery for me, but programming is cool! Usually when I compile something, the size of even small code is quite large, to large.
  14. That is quite interesting, I never what about why this layout for keyboards were chosen, but as you told a lot about the basics of this, I can add only one thing, that in different countries some places of keyboard might be different, for example I remember I was using a German keyboard, where the Y and Z letters were in different places, so it was really hard to adopt for me, especially when having several computers at home. Moreover, I had an older computer, as I remember it was an Amiga, the letter A was in another side of the layout not for from the Enter key.. so when talking on IRC I usually was mistyping it and a letter was missing, because the real place where the letter A by QWERTY needed to be, was a blank button. :SIn addition, the keyboard layout also matter by not the key places, but how it is designed, how your fingers and arms are placed. When browsing through those expensive keyboards for computers, I feel I want one.
  15. Yeah, this is really great, Personally as my Sites are usually Informational and stuff and I don't really have my own Communities, this really has potential for me to put the google ads into the content and I will try and see if my revenue rises a little, but the thing I am afraid that my CRT will rise, because people might be pushing on the ad when I imagine it, because my google impressions are not to high.
  16. Let them, the less pirated versions of Windows, the more people will start using Alternative Operating systems which are free, moreover, the less Windows users, the less income for Windows and Companies which create commercial software for It and etc.. So I don't think it will be so unPirated as was said above in the Post. And I don't think a lot at the start will change to Vista, due to XP can do a lot and takes less resources, the same was when XP appeared, only after some time a lot of people started using it.
  17. This is really cool, but the idea is quite old, just that this one is the most closes approach I ever saw to make a desktop. About 4-3 years ago, I used to have a site design which looked totally like my Amiga OS, Workbench screen, it all was written in HTML with a little of javascript (I didn't really use CSS at those times and what a pity) The most hardest thing for me was to make the Height of the design using just plain html, so it wasn't very compatible with all the browsers, because of different font sizes on different computers (yeah, I was using html font tag and size attribute) so sometimes the tables and images were broken.Furthermore, I again made a big Amiga OS, Workbench Screen Image which I cut to load quite fast and use some javascript and a lot of AREA tags to make it look like a website, but this was also a stupid idea, I have run out of bandwidth, because at those times I didn't have a lot of bandwidth.Anyway, HTML is not meant for Style
  18. But Internet was thought to be something very bad too, but look how much good things it offers now ? What would you be doing without the Internet ? Of course, I agree that a lot of bad things can happen (Especially thinking about Future Technology) that is why we need to think about different alternatives and maybe choose the best one ? but a lot of people are not organized and usually tries to eliminate the problems, when they have already happened.. Everything has a good and a bad side.
  19. This is great, even though I wasn't looking forward to it, it is quite useful for a lot of people and when the google is in the name, I see quality and that it is reliable. Opera has an integrated Spell Checker with which you can easily spell check your Text Area, it is fast and easy to use, I still don't know but I think there might be an Firefox Extension which might do something similar by using Aspell or something, the online spell checkers are not so Fast, especially if your connection is not super fast.
  20. I am having this error too, the first time I got it when Editing something Wordpress Blog, I did not know how to make it work, but after some time I understood why this Error appeared for me, does it only outputs you this message ? (I just needed to turn of my proxy) Your browser does not send a Referrer, you can't Edit anything by making a Direct Hit, so this might have happened, because you use some kind of a Proxy or even Privoxy (Some Ad Block, Firewall, Browser Setting.. etc.) which might make your browser to not send the Referrer, it is empty, usually bots have empty referrers, this is just for security. here is a link which might explain a bit better: https://codex.wordpress.org/
  21. I don't really see any point of using a javascript password protect anyone, even unexperienced can brake it and "login" or see the content, the only place I might of think is to integrate it with xml and send a http request, yes to use AJAX.
  22. Yes, if you code properly it is easy to use header() and other functions like session_start() and setcookie() which requires that no output would be send before they are called, as a matter of fact it is best to output your site at the end of script after everything has been execute, but an alternative to this is to use output buffering, earlier a lot of whom did not use it, because they were "afraid" that something might be wrong and were avoiding ob_start() function, but a lot of whom saw the potential to use it and saw that everything works clean, I use it myself and now I usually don't have problems with it, but you need to get used to it and use it properly too. and sometimes using the Refresh header, which brakes the back button is good, especially if you want to break it and that users could not browse back to them and you can use it not only by meta tags, it is the same with header() function: <?phpheader("Refresh: 0; URL=\"file.php\"");?> And the code can continue if you want it to parse something, just add some more seconds for the header, the browser will redirect. But remember, that Refresh header is not the Standard of HTTP, Most browsers just support it and thats all, so be careful when using it, the alternative is to use flush() with sleep() but this is crazy.
  23. I also agree with above that services like google adsense and similar pay per click are not going to be doomed in the future, it may even grow, because google get a lot of money from adwords and etc. furthermore, imagine that every banned person left his money and it is not a surprise that yahoo launched something similar to google adsense, because it has potential. I just hope that they (pay per click services) will get more advanced, even though they got so far by now.
  24. This is really great, have heard a lot of rumors about it and now it is online, seems that a lot of things are being put online and a lot of whom said a lot of advantages for it, but personally I think that not all computers have java enabled browsing, especially when you will need to use this java software online, because a lot of whom will be using it in public libraries, schools and other buildings, where java can be disabled or even not installed. On your own computer it might be easier to install Open Office 2 and be happy, but anyway I still like it, the idea and that it is online and the features it offers.
  25. I always try to use the us-gb, and say the words such as these like this: "colour", "favourite", "grey", "mom" and etc. but usually when people say/write color and stuff, more to the American grammar, I can still understand it, but what do you think about programming comments written in French or German ? even the variable names and stuff, it is really hard to edit this kind of scripts/programs. But English language is not as hard as say my mother tongue Lithuanian, as I know it is the 3 hardest language in the world, or in the 3 group, can't remember.
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