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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. How did you delete it ? the PHP installation I mean. Moreover, what Windows version you're using, if your exe don't work, why not make a fresh installation and use your computer normally! ? I never had this problem, but when I installed a WAMP server on Windows, I downloaded the latest stable php mysql and apache and installed them and everything worked. Maybe the file you're trying to execute is bad ? maybe it is not an exe file at all ? You gave not much info to find a solution..
  2. Well, I made that survey or whatever and here are my results: "You are worth exactly $2,165,476" Well, it is quite strange, I didn't exactly know how much is an inch, lbs, and height, but I counted it fast in my head, so the numbers are ~ almost normal. But it is quite funny, I wouldn't pay for someone that kind of money
  3. I totally agree with you, I am the only user of my computer and I don't really like when someone else is using it, that is why I also made everything automatically, I mean the logging to windows and Linux.. and auto checking of emails, notifies of different stuff and logging to skype, msn, irc. I just can't imagine sharing my computer with someone from my family members, my bro has his own computer. I have some friends who are sharing their computer, for fun I cal those kind of computer "bit*hes" due to they really are. When I start a conversation/chat someone reply with his username that he is not home, his sister or brother, doesn't matter - I really don't like it, you can never know with whom you're speaking and your sister or brother can browse your documents, you can't use auto logins with the browser, you always need to log off and stuff. So uncomfortable..
  4. I don't really find it so great, I just use it as my default text editor, because I just can't stand the windows notepad or wordpad.. and I don't use it for programming or coding/scripting. Furthermore, I don't agree that front page and dreamweaver own HTML Notepad++ highlites the code quite nice, but if you're really into programming and have quite a big source, it is not so comfortable as some other applications, of course it is hard to find a free one. And it can't save the text files to different charsets, atleast I haven't found how, all my Baltic letters become unknown symbols. And I found Notepad2 better than Notepad++ for more simple stuff if you only want a text editor which loads fast and you can edit/save something fast and not wanting to work with it. But this is just my opinion, if your project is not big, only several files, you can easily choose it. oh, yes, if someone want to see what is Notepad2, here is there you can get some interesting info: http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html
  5. Err, you will push the button to start the download and your page won't change, you'll see the same page and a window will appear which will say save/open :oWell, you could make it with AJAX, but I am still not good at it, just played with the forms, don't know much javascript, but you could send an xml request which also would force the download by the same headers I think.That is why I am using output buffering to have no problems with headers, sessions and cookies etc. ob_start() is great, besides you can control a lot of output too.
  6. Well, it is not so bad, I think I would really like it some years ago, but now if you're not lazy and have time, you can make it better using some more things for it, like said above. But I like that it is quite simple, just one thing, but it is personal, due to I don't really prefer a lot of purple colour.
  7. To force the download is quite easy, you just need to send the right headers to the browsers header('Content-Encoding: none'); header('(anti-spam-content-type:) application/force-download'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$file.'.csv"'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check="0", pre-check="0"'); header('Content-Length: '.filesize($file.'.csv')); /* Output the File to User */ set_time_limit(0); readfile($file.'.csv'); exit; Just fix the variables you need, like if it is not going to be a file, don't use filesize() instead use strlen(), Well I think you only needed to know the Content-type of the force download, as I remember it works on all browsers I tested, except for old versions of IE. Be careful if you are using output_buffering, before the headers always do a ob_end_clean(); if you do.
  8. @ XIIIBy using blogger.com and having a blog from google with some content, you usually will always be accepted to use adsense there, so just get a blog there and have some serious content and thats all, later after being accepted you can place the adsense code on other sites, it does not matter, even create different channels and customize them as you want. You also will be able to use the referrals and google for search features. :oThough, I don't know what might happen if you delete your blog on which you got accepted, better keep it and good luck. P.S. Everyone makes mistakes, google isn't perfect.
  9. I wanted to see this for myself, so my brother has burned a life cd with the new X server. Actually I thought it won't work with his gfx card which is only 32 MB but it loaded from the CD with no problems and worked really fast. I quite liked all the special effects on the desktop, most of them are convenient and some are even funny, but it is powerful.I was amazed by the speed, the performance was really good, I wonder how it would work with a much more modern gfx card. I remember I tried WindowsFX or something on WindowsXP to make the windows "cool" but it was really slow, my performance of windows got really slow, so I uninstalled it and never wanted to see it again. Of course I have to agree that is using more resources, but we always can choose, that is great.Well, I think that most of the Linux distributions had already had a lot of customization, you could do a lot if you wanted, many themes and mouse pointers etc. I think that Linux really has a lot of what to show now, not only as a server OS, but as a desktop OS too, if Windows Vista will fail again as longhorn at the end of this year, we will see much more Linux users. More and more people knows about Linux even if they did not use it yet, that is really good. Some years ago when I mentioned that word, most of people were lost.
  10. Well, this is interesting, but not very serious, but I just keep wondering now, how much that dinner could have cost them ?
  11. Well, I have owned some systems too, I used to play a lot on them, I learned patience playing with old system, due to most of them did not have the save command and the game was easier if it had passwords :PSystems:Atari 2600 - It was broken by my family member, I remember I got quite mad then.NES - Spend lots of time on it, but I think I had different cheap systems of it, like UFO, Zhilithon, Famicom or whatever :oSega Mega Drive II - Now those games were much better, but when I had Sega, I have already owned an Amiga, so it wasn't so fun.SNES - No Comments, I still like to play it with an emulator.Playstation 1 - But it wasn't mine, I played a lot though for couple of months it was at my home.And other Platforms I had/have.Spectrum 48kb and 128kbAmiga 500+ and 1200I lost interest in playing games, especially new ones, so never thought to buy PS2 or XBox and stuff.
  12. I personally have disabled virtual memory at all, due to it is very slow, but I have done this because I have 1 GB of RAM and usually half of it is used. these tweaks, I met them some time ago and did a lot to make my windows feel less windows as it can, but it might be good for someone else, who still did not do similar things.
  13. If you're planning to use php+mysql database, it is quite easy to store the info into the database, if you don't want anything fancy in 15 minutes you can learn to do it with some simple tutorial, but I mean to learn sql, but if you do not know php yet, it will take longer. Here is a simple resource which might help you fast. http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp But if you want us to help by writing the code, I did not understand then, but hope this help a bit, it is very easy to store and to select the information. But on creating much more bigger databases needs a lot of more work, like playing with JOIN and etc. Also for fast storing and editing of a mysql database use phpmyadmin which is available in the Cpanel You can Import and Export the data to any database you prefer, not any, but which the phpmyadmin support. Good luck
  14. I saw it, but he was using Explorer and using Filezilla might help him as it is a real ftp client and it won't be blocked, but it is only a guess, he even did not use a password. Furthermore, Filezilla has proxy and firewall settings, so you can use a proxy to connect to the server and outcome the ISP or whatever Internet provider blocks. But first you would need to find an proxy which support ftp protocol and which is fast, I don't think he cares if it is anonymous it sends his header details, I only have one proxy which I need, but it only works in my country as I been testing. So try to use google. But the alternative to use the ftp web based client pre-written is also quite a good idea, if real ftp client does not work, you can go with it.
  15. Well if you believe it.. but if the body gets burned when it is dead ? in a crematory ? it also loose it spirits or the dust still has it ? Like someone could believe that if you eat a body or just part of it, you free his spirit and if they would be believing it, they would support cannibalism. I think you're not right, it something with the developed world and that one part of the world is civilized. Our population is growing rapidally, but even though it does, it is not in the west side of the world, lots of people die and get born, emigrate and population is a big problem in most of the countries, even if it is increasing or decreasing, so much crime and deaths, suicides.. if we would start eating each other.. I think people then would start paying money for fresh body parts and etc.
  16. Well, it does not load for me, in the middle I just can see loading.. and nothing more, I think it might be my problems. :S I am using Opera on Windows XP.
  17. I recommend you to get and install filezilla for your ftp usage, it is light software and works very nicely, I am always using it and not the stupid Windows Explorer, using a third party ftp program is much faster too. You can get it from https://filezilla-project.org/ And why worry and waste time for writing another php upload script, if you really want to to manage everything, filezilla is for you. Just remember that files uploaded by ftp user belongs to ftp user and php can't really work with them very well.. like rename() touch() delete() chmod() etc. will return access denied, so you will need to change permissions to 777 through the FTP Client or maybe even CPanel File Manager. But this does not effect Windows Servers as it does not have such permissions. And the CPanel File Manager Upload work just fine, for me.
  18. I used to use uni.cc in the past, it really was one of the best service and lots of forums had a lot of topics about it, but for some time it didn't support dns setting for new accounts, so it got not so popular again. But I think I have about 4 accounts, I logged in and checked, but they all point to my old hosting, so I will keep it like that. But now, when it is not so hard to get a real domain and more dns services appeared, there are lots of alternatives. I think I also used http://freedns.afraid.org/ they also offer DNS subdomains, but I don't think it is the real DNS, but it works.
  19. I never really liked DivX I tried it and after some time I just uninstalled it.. Now I only am using VLC Media Player together with MPlayer, but sometimes on Windows I play some files with Winamp, especially the ones taken from Digital Cameras, because sometimes VLC does not play them, but I never got into it.But for sometime now I don't watch movies so often as I used to, so I rarely use them now.. I never really used Windows Media Player, it just get on my nerves, I don't like it.. For some time I have been using on Windows QMP, Quintessential Media Player, but I had some problems with it, after a while it just did not load my playlist and could not start, so everytime I needed to reinstall it, I got pissed off and installed Winamp, because didn't really find another music player I liked. But now I got used to WinAmp, the main thing it has audioscrobbler plugin.
  20. Thanks for your comments, yea I noticed the rollover problem too, the third time I made the logo, I managed to make it work normally, but I think this is because I have cut the images badly. I am used to use tables, but I learned divisions too, but still can't get used to use them, but I think with time I will lose the interest in tables. This is mainly due to that Amiga OS browsers don't have css support, so I believe that is why I can't change, but this problem can be easily fixed by getting the user agent, but I didn't feel like it.As I am not really a designer and only am playing around with gimp, but your idea is simple and great, to create a custom gradient myself, well I really wanted to make it as simple as possible and I think i did it. :PYea, I think they should be happy that I gave them so much of my time I myself feel better, kind of laughing or smiling.
  21. I had no problems with gimp when I was installing it, it works for me too, but what version do you use ? what windows or linux you have and where did you download that install ?
  22. for start, you also could browse this site: http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp it is not so bad, and is easy to understand for a beginner, but if you want to go deep into php, read a book. But I think with time and practice you will learn it, it is not so hard, especially when you have some basic knowledge of programming.
  23. Well, as astahoast has a review forum, I thought to get some of my latest works reviewed, but the main thing to show it to others, well those are just little projects I did, because sometimes I really feel easy, they all use the same design, just different colours and stuff, you will see it your self. http://me.quatrux.net/ - a Site about Me http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - a Site about my Dog http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - a Site about my Chinchilla Well, sometimes I think that I am stupid, but oh well, let them be
  24. I am not really a religious person, but still my country is Christian and I know something about it: as I now the main Christian believes are orthodoxy and catholicity, I am a catholic, but I don't really walk to church on Sunday mornings. Anyway, they both appeared when Roman empire divided to west and east. So catholics believe in the new testament same as part of people of orthodoxy, but in orthodoxy there are the old believers, which numbers are quite low and as I know Jews believe in the old testament.. so there is no such a thing that we need to choose between two Gods, there is only one the same God for all the religions, we just believe in him/her/it differently, don't we ?Well, I might be wrong, because I am not really religious, but I had some info some time ago in school on theology and history lessons. In my opinion people who believe in the old testament are quite strange, from my point of view, they have different traditions and stuff, here in my country there are Churches for different sides. But perhaps if I would be reading the old testament in school to know it, maybe I would call the other believers strange, that they do the confession/shrift differently.
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