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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I totally agree with, it's something what I tried to tell, but just in a different way.
  2. This seems really interesting, I'm also thinking of changing most of google stuff and search queries to Yahoo, due to with time I'm using it I'm more happy with the results, even though google is default in a lot of places, I still don't know if it's available or not, but due to I use Google Adsense, maybe in the future there will be something like Yahoo Sense or maybe there is something like that already, just I don't know about it.Will need to play with Yahoo BOSS soon!
  3. The given 500 MB for this free hosting is also used for the Databases, you can have ~500 MB of information in your SQL databases, as I remember earlier in older CPanel versions, the stats on left menu bar in CPanel showed how much space currently the Database is using, but I just tried to search for it, it doesn't show that anymore, so I guess phpMyAdmin can show it, if you really need to..
  4. sparkx, yeah you're right, it did work, but now it doesn't again.. so I guess the board admins, mods or somebody would need to write a support ticket, because the problem still exists... ;(
  5. I don't really remember, but as I know if there is no sound card or something or similar stuff, the processing is done by CPU as said, so if I don't have one, and will try to play an MP3 file, it will be done by the chip using CPU which will be much slower than with a decent sound card, besides almost all motherboards include a sound card drive and yeah, if you have a bad sound system, speakers and etc, only stereo you don't really need a good sound card, for a better sound you should have at least 5.1 surround system or even better, only when you should get a good sound card.
  6. Linux has almost all alternative software which is available on Windows, except for some bigger paid software which might not be as good as the real thing and it also includes games, but anyway, if you like playing games why not get a console? Emulating Windows on a Linux running on x86 architecture is quite easy and it works.
  7. I also agree that simple, fast and free is Filezilla, I am using it and I forgot all other FTP Clients out there for Windows, even though the Updates are quite frequently and you need to update, but that isn't necessary like with say Apex DC++ which when it updates, you need to update, because it doesn't let to use that version for a reason like "this version has a major flaw for other users" or something like that, for Filezilla updates, most of them can be ignored if you don't have time to update
  8. Vista already has a SP1 so I guess it's more stable than it was in the beginning, but I also still use XP SP3 and don't really have problems with it.
  9. I still have a geForce 7600 GS and I'm quite happy with it, as I'm not a gamer, only play sometimes to relax and waste some time But my friend was buying a graphics card and he also mentioned something that he really wants a 8800 and mentioned some others too, but he will still choose a bit later.. The problem with graphics cards is that when I changed to 7600 GS I didn't really feel any difference from my previous graphics card, well only Winamp with modern skin support started working much better, I mean faster and maybe transparent modes aren't so slow.. :DI guess I need a new motherboard and not only a graphics card to upgrade my computer..
  10. Yesterday it seems it still didn't work, but Today everything is alright? because I can access the things I couldn't access, so I guess it has been fixed?
  11. When using just simple md5() isn't very safe these days, thats way it's much better to do a random seed and generate random strings with md5 or something, which will always be the same to look, for example I have a function like this somewhere in my scripts which is a much better way to check the password and encrypt it, normally there is no way to decrypt unless you're a tough hacker or something.. It's really quite a complex thing, but when you understand that it does when you think, wow how this is simple an brilliant function pw_hash($pass) { /** PW HASH() Notice! **/ // * $pass check isn't required, this // * function should only be called from: // * pw_encode(); && pw_check(); // Split password for every letter $pass = str_split($pass); $salt = ''; // Hash every letter of the password foreach ($pass as $letter) { $salt .= bin2hex(md5($letter, true)); # for PHP4 -> md5($letter); } // Return the Hash of the word return bin2hex(md5($salt, true)); # for PHP4 -> md5($salt);}function pw_encode($pass) { // Check Input if (is_string($pass) && !empty($pass)) { // Hash the password for every letter $pass = pw_hash($pass); $seed = ''; // Make a Random Seed for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) { $seed .= substr('0123456789abcdef', mt_rand(0,15), 1); } return bin2hex(md5($seed.$pass, true)).$seed; // for PHP4 -> md5($seed.$pass).$seed; } else { user_error('pw_encode() The input should be non empty string', E_USER_WARNING); return false; }}function pw_check($pass, $value) { // Check Input if (is_string($pass) && is_string($value) && !empty($pass) && !empty($value)) { // Hash the password for every letter $pass = pw_hash($pass); // Get the Seed $seed = substr($value, 32, 8); // Check the Passwords if (bin2hex(md5($seed.$pass, true)).$seed == $value) { # for PHP4 -> md5($seed.$pass).$seed == $value return true; } else { return false; } } else { user_error('pw_check() The both input values should be non empty strings', E_USER_WARNING); return false; }} To tell it shortly, it hashes every word and letter and hashes all those hashes into one string, I use a little bit other technique on my CMS, so I won't tell it publicly, because you can change something a little by changing some numbers and you'll get quite different results, those who knows PHP will know what it does, there are even some comments to understand its functionality.. To use them, you can do just as top post, by using some if statement and calling the functions like this: if (pw_check($_POST['password'], $db_password) && $_POST['username'] == $db_username) { .. do something here .. } else { echo "wrong password or username in the login form or something liek that";} If you want to encrypt the password or store it to the database, you can just do it by using the other function: $string = $_POST['password'];$encoded_string = pw_encode($string); You'll see that every time you get quite different random hashed string, but the meaning is the same, when you check it with the check function, it returns true all times if the words meant the same.. To continue. why using only md5() isn't safe, because there are software for hackers which have most popular dictionaries hashed with md5() for all the words on different languages and most popular symbol and numbers with letters and they take up several GB or a TB and they use it to check check with a loop, of course to prevent that you can just do a check by logging how much he tries to login or only let your php script login everyone in a timestamp of half second or do a sleep function for everyone for a second, there are much ways you can avoid this, even if the hacker has a lot of ips to use..
  12. Hmm, well you're right, just did a test it works, but my CMS doesn't work, I can't login and do something to the Panel, so as others said, maybe it's a session problem, because it uses sessions, strange though, when I'll comeback I'll need to check a simple php script with the server by using sessions.. yeah, just took a look and to get that login error it could happen due to sessions also.. So maybe something is happening with permissions or the place the sessions are saved, never saw these kind of errors.
  13. You think it's only a PHPMyAdmin problem? Why doesn't MySQL work as it should with PHP too when yo try to do something more, like insert a row..
  14. I have Hard drives which also work since 1996-1998, 4 GB and 6 GB hard drives, a Seagate and samsung or another Seagate, I'm to lazy to go and look, but they work even though they did a lot in those years.. Hard drives has default time when they "die" by running time and turning them off and on again, but I guess if your computer, everything motherboard and etc. are equipped very well when they can live a happy lifetime I can't remember a hard drive which broke, only one when a lightning stroke at my brothers house and burned the computer, because of electricity, but I can't remember if the HDD died, but I really know that the motherboard was kaput
  15. In fact, Communism, the real Communism, should have been an Utopia government, where everyone are equal and live a wonderful life, it means everyone has food, has a job, a house, a wife, kids and there is no murder, no bad things, everything is kept secret, but as it's Utopia and people can't really all be equal even if they will feel so, and it never worked, people knew that bad things are happening, people can't be fooled to much.. China or Vietnam aren't really as Communistic as you can call them, especially China, they have Communism, but they have a really strong market economy and sometimes it really is funny to me how China wants to hid everything from their people by banning most of Internet, even google can't show a lot of results Some day and that day will come it will disappear somehow or another way..Democracy isn't perfect too, just look how much evil is happening, evil and bad and stupid, it's due to people and the way they are, money in democracy world means a lot and for money people do stupid things, most of them are egoistic, so how a really good order exist!
  16. Even though I'm not fan of Firefox as I'm using Opera, but I have Firefox 3 and I browse with it and don't have anything bad to say about it, it's really is much faster now than Firefox 2, really very well optimized, bigger site's which felt that works slower, works much better, for example last.fmAs I know it's still beta? and much of addons are still not available, but when it doesn't have to much maybe thats because it's so fast, with time when it'll have more addons and more code in it, it can get a bit slower, just I wish not to much and it would remain as optimized as it can be
  17. Quatrux


    Hello, well I'm quite fine Welcome to the boards, I also like cheese
  18. I can confirm that I have the same error when I'm trying to access phpMyAdmin through CPanel..the third error I guess is due to the previous two errors, they outputted something and headers couldn't be sent, it's a cookie or just a simple header..strange error that Database is full, I wonder which database is full, maybe the server's?I just tried to browse my CMS and the Panel, when I tried to do something with MySQL, something more than SELECT, I got an error from my CMS:"Error: Are you *u*king hacking theSite CMS Panel.."As I don't really remember where I wrote this error message, but as I remember it never should have been able to be shown, so I guess when I did UPDATE or INSERT it didn't work and else if didn't work as it should and it showed the else error message So I guess who's on that server can't really add anything more, it's out of Space? or somebody hacked something and put all the DB Free Space with trash information..???So I guess we aren't able to store or change anything in our MySQL databases..
  19. I don't believe in miracles like someone did something with supernature powers or something like that, sometimes a miracle can be if you did something and you thought it won't work, but it did or sometimes a miracle for me can be that if you got really lucky somehow, but that I guess would be luck, I mean you never thought you will do it, but you did or something like that, but in miracles like a wizard vanishing and etc. it's all just tricks or something that can be explained with time. But it's just my opinion..
  20. Why don't you want to store your DJ productions on some file storage service and just link to them? they give lots of GB usually, because if you have Package 2 you get ~500 MB and to upgrade.. I'm not an Admin or a Mod, but as I remember on every topic to upgrade everyone said you could use the Xisto - Web Hosting paid, but really reliable and quite cheap hosting or maybe there is something with credits systems of this board, but I suggest you store them somewhere else and just link to them if it's possible for you.
  21. Quatrux

    Fast Computer

    Well he wasn't buying in USA and it isn't dollars here, so I don't know exactly how much is a dollar now and by saying best I didn't really mean the best of the best and the only one best best best, but with lots of stuff, I just have asked him and he says ~8500 LT so that's maybe ~4000$ but thats still much of money, because for 1000$ I could get quite a really good computer Today
  22. Quatrux

    Fast Computer

    The fastest computer I've seen was at my friends house, he bought last year everything what was the best and thought he will have an ultimate computer, but as he said to me later, he just wasted a lot of money, because buying a bit cheaper things, games could run in a similar speed, but still it was really fast comparing to my current computer..
  23. In my country Baseball isn't so popular or being watched and shown, unless on sport channels, but as I know there are some teams playing for them selfs, but my country doesn't even have a baseball stadium as big as football stadiums :)As I know baseball is as popular as it is only in USA?
  24. I agree, for just a forum the first is just enough, all you need is some space for forum and some space for your mysql database, while you'll be having more posts and users, the space for sql will be growing, but as toby said you'll be able to upgrade if you really will need to, besides, for storage of other files if the first package isn't enough, you can use different Internet services to store your images and files elsewhere, so this is usually not a problem.
  25. I agree with sparkx, I have been here for a lot of years and the email's I'm using on CPanel or here with Xisto, I don't get any SPAM on it, where are sites where I use different email and I get lots of SPAM there For some emails, my all inbox is just getting SPAM and none good emails, I don't know why I still keep it, maybe because I'm using it since 2002..
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