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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Yes, sometimes when you create a simple login page, even a timestamp and ~10 minutes the user is logged in, it's a bit better to make him or her to stay logged on if the page is not closed, even though it's not necessary.Another problem sometimes occurs, I for example have a login logout page and I just use a simple session and not my own cookies and when I login and start writing an article, it takes usually more than 10 minutes or something like that and I hate to submit and see the please login page, I never fixed that problem though, but I feel more secure then if I leave my page open that no one else will do something, so you need to think how you want it to work.
  2. Using javascript and DOM is sometimes messy, I remember when I started using it, I always had problems with it, especially with the .value, .text and .innerHTML because on different elements I needed to use different functions, but with time trying I got the idea and now it's quite easy to understand how things work, but the thing, that you need to create it cross browser working, is also usually a headache if you're working with ajax, usually simple javascript with DOM has everything you need, I'm not saying that ajax is something different, it's just a request, but when you code, you can see something isn't working right on another browser and you need to change, as I don't work to much, I never really used a debugger for javascript, I mean a normal one, just the default one in Opera and other browsers by seeing the errors, but especially working with javascript loops which do something, I debugged it manually by using alert boxes to see what the hell is going on with the values there and with time I got things working
  3. Well, I first though they used their own engine, I didn't read anything on it, read the speed results with other browsers, thought oh, how cool, read further, so it just was webkit engine, I like webkit, so they just created a nice looking GUI for it on Windows, really great, it's much better to use it than Safari on Windows.. even thought I would have liked to see Swift browser using Webkit on Windows, but seems it won't happen or it will take a lot of time.In my opinion, because Chrome is very light, it is really great for most of users who just like to browse the Internet, simply as that, it's fast and looks good. it's webkit, I really like that they didn't use gecko.
  4. xHTML can be used either with XML, if you're using XML requests and responses, but if you just have an ordinary site, when you can stay with HTML4 and you won't have problems, because xHTML can be used with XML, it has to be stricter than HTML4, it has to have end tags and needs to validate or there may be a lot of errors, a lot of designers still use HTML4 and they are happy, because usually the main thing is for the client to see the site and not the source.
  5. Really? maybe it doesn't find the path or something? try using: <style type="text/css">body{ background: #ffffff url('background.jpg') repeat; }</style> It should work on IE, unless there is another problem, try browsing and learning a little bit from the simple tutorial site: w3schools
  6. I never played Penumbra, but after I read your topic and browsed google a bit and found some screenshots and videos of this game, I got quite interested, I played a lot of adventure games, I think I'll try it, but I doubt I would ever have time to finish it.
  7. maybe you tried Internet Explorer, because as I know display: table-cell; normally works with Opera, maybe Firefox, but differently and etc. but with IE it doesn't really work as it has to, at least the last time I tried it.. If it really doesn't work, even though it should, you can always use the HTML even though a lot of whom could say it's outdated and etc. but most of companies and designers avoiding this things, just use a table tag, of course with tr and td or th and a valign="middle"; it always works as it has if you're using it the right way. I never liked the height parameter, it never validates, but sometimes it works.
  8. I wanted to trey it out, but the question is will everything update to IE8 on my Windows XP which has IE7? even though I'm not using it, but I just want to try it out and leave Internet Explorer 7 and thats all, because I'm happy with using Opera! :mellow:I guess it will install over it? but I'm not really sure.. Maybe it's time to use some virtual machine and just test it out on XP how it works.
  9. I also don't see any difference between a notebook or a laptop, but does a desktop computer have a different name? Sometimes I also thought that notebooks refer to smaller laptops, because my foreign isn't English, moreover, for smaller computers in my language we have several words.
  10. I also think that Halo 3 is over hyped, maybe because of it's popular name and debates, even though I'm not saying it's a bad game, it's really good, but I don't think it's the best game with perfect elements, there are much better games which you can play and play, it depends I guess on the person what type of games he or she likes, for example a lot of whom says that they really like racing games, I never was interested in them, but I used to play them.
  11. I agree that we don't really live in a fair democracy, and sometimes I hate the elections, because there really aren't anyone for whom to vote, they all seem to be the same politicians, even though sometimes it can get different, a lot of times happens that a popular guy gets into the government, I mean an actor, musician or tv show artists, something like that, so..
  12. Yes, the warning issue is that once I wanted a fresh account and I got a suggestion to terminate it, post on the forum and recreate it again by getting those posts.. it worked, but the problem was that I firstly posted and got ~30 days of credits, only then I terminated the account and I noticed that I had nothing left again and again I needed to post those posts, heh, got the hosting, lost those credits and needed to post again to get at least 10 days of credits, that was a pity really but somehow I managed to get over it.
  13. I don't really have any problems accessing my account at Xisto CPanel, it seems to work, I use mydomain.com:2082 to access it and I don't have any problems, just wanted to add this.
  14. For vujsa suggested solution to work every time someone has to access the script or program to check it, otherwise it will be the same, but as for most of the things this is usually the same as using a cron job, because who cares if the information or that job isn't changed if noone is accessing it anyway, so if somebody has accessed your script, the timer thing will do everything and the client/user will see the updated data of your script or whatever the cron job should execute will be changed, I could think of situations this couldn't work, thats why cron jobs are usually used, but for everything there is a solution in my opinion, because everything is almost possible
  15. I don't use HTTPS for GMail, I have this feature off I guess, I didn't really check it, it's much faster with HTTP for me that's why I prefer it, I try to avoid connecting to anything from other computers, especially at public places like library or university, but sometimes I have to, but as there really aren't anything special, just privacy stuff.. not a paypal or bank account or something, but still if someone would have hacked my gMail account it would be disappointed, I wish my ISP would be much faster when using HTTPS connections
  16. All the others except for the refrigerator one was quite logical, but the smallest refrigerator in the world got me nowhere I thought where could it be used.. and reading a bit the posts yeah, maybe it's not so bad, but still I wouldn't buy it..
  17. Quatrux

    Getting Ip

    Here is also a way to get the ip address from a user using php language, even though this is not the best method, but I am using it and don't really have problems, I will show this example in a class, those who know php could easily just change it or something like that class MyClass { /** * @access public * @variables */ var $ipAddress, $proxyAddress = ''; function setIPAddress() { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $this->proxyAddress = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } else { $this->proxyAddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $this->ipAddress = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $this->ipAddress = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } else { $this->ipAddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } }} and whenever you want to show the ip address you just do: $MyClass = new MyClass(); and you can call the function once like $Myclass->setIPAddress(); and you'll get the value and you could use it like this: echo $MyClass->ipAddress or echo $MyClass->proxyAddress but I would do it in a constructor of that class, the class constructor is a function/method of that class and needs to have the same name as the class in other languages it also can be init() like on Zend framework on PHP.. A constructor here is good because this function needs to be done/executed/called only once, also it could be done differently as I said, but this is just one of a lot of methods which is possible.
  18. I didn't try any of those tools, even though I would be interested to try them and maybe I would like, but usually there is no time to do that
  19. It's usually a problem that something is blocking the way to you, try using a different port for testing purposes or something like that, but usually it should work.
  20. Using it from time to time. Like the new design very much. Those crazy cats with numbers drived me mad (yeah, I'm using it as free user :]). Speed is lower now, but alteast my mind is sane.
  21. Haven't seen anyone mentioned InkScape (https://inkscape.org/en/). It is great tool for doing some vector graphics. It is similar to Corel Draw (not as powerful though), but it can get job done quite easily.The good side is that it is quite popular and you can find many great tutorials for it to do some magic
  22. This is really a great service, even though I never liked ads which isn't mine, but you get quite a lot and you don't really need to post anywhere and the ads don't really look very bad, at least the demo I saw.
  23. I don't really use WYSIWYG editors too, but I have noticed that Today newbies, really like to use them and they continue to code in that way and they don't really understand how other people can code simply by their hands, it's like a habit I guess, some people really always use on some better text editors for html or php, they do things with the help of the menu, I guess when you use it and you accept it it may get faster, especially if you need to code a lot, but usually if you're doing programming with php then I guess if you work with Zend Framework and you need to do a lot of work every day you usually use the same core and add the things the client wants, the main thing is to learn it and write the core
  24. Wow, this is really amazing, I wouldn't even realize that something like this could be working, I thought this is only in the movies, but if it's so amazing, I still think there may be some problems with it and it's not so easy as it can sound.. But really interesting article, even though it's copied from elsewhere..
  25. It's even illogical that the memory needed for Firefox will just disappear, in that case I believe that Firefox development team would already have done this optimization, even though I didn't downloaded it and tested, but what I believe it will only foul people that they saved some RAM, but I think that the CPU usage will rise, because instead it will be used and it should have some virtual cache or something, this means your hard drive will increase working and it will be even slower than loading it from the RAM, even though I'm not sure, but thats usually what those RAM optimization and etc. programs due, they do a little clean up and when you try to open the window again or something, you just hear the HDD working and making slower to work.. I guess on new computers with fats and good HDD the trick works, but in my opinion if you have a good computer you should have at least 1 GB of RAM, recommended 2 GB of RAM and I would say that 4 GB is just what you need, especially if you're working with programs which use a lot of memory, like Autocad and etc. when working on some Project.
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