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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I used to use EasyPHP and I could say it was easy, moved to WAMP and later updated to Wampserver2, and for my localhost stuff I'm still using it, even though there are no new updates recently, but it doesn't really need them, if present you can only update the php, mysql or apache version, you just need to download the module.. Another thing I would like from Wampserver is easier options or easier editing with .conf or .ini files, whenever I change the apache version, my www directory is different from the default wampserver, but I can easily edit the conf file though, just it is irritating..Even though it's quite easy to create alias directories, load modules or change php settings.
  2. Well, google translate has added some languages recently, for example they added Lithuanian and Latvian, but the translations are quite pathetic, but to understand what the page content is it's really a great tool, so I guess with time other languages also needs to appear, but it might depend on Turkey people, programmers and etc. who would create an algorithm and a DB etc.
  3. But if I'm a member there but not in the HOSTED group, just registered and post on the forum?
  4. Yet, I don't like the new system because my account used to have so much, 99-999 of everything, now I only can have 5 MySQL DB, 5 Addon domains which costs ~extra 3$ a month also I need more than 1 ftp account, but I can only choose 50 more for another 1$ where I need only 3.. At least 50 subdomains are cheap, only 0.49$ :PSeems that the only good option is that I got another 500 MB of disk space, which I really don't require, 500 MB were plenty enough for me :rolleyes:So every month I'll need to post for about ~7$ from myCENT, I noticed that for this week of posting I got about ~18 days to continue on my hosting, but got about 2$ and some cents, so another 13 days would give say another 2$ so for what I was posting 31 credits to keep the hosting I'll get about ~5$ so I'll need to post much more every month, another 2$ or maybe my calculations are bad, but still I have an account with less of everything.. Heh, even though I like the new system idea, but I think I'll need to be even more active, even though it's getting harder every time.Another question:If I'll register to Xisto forum with the same email, will I also get myCENT $$$ from posting there for my Xisto account? As I understand I can, but can anyone confirm me if it will work if I register now?
  5. This may sound stupid, but here goes:So do I need to order through the Xisto - Support panel anything if I am already hosted for a quite long time? Do I need to choose in the Xisto - Support client Panel -> Order -> Linux regular hosting and the Logic Plan or something and then to transfer a domain or something or is it already done and if it's done where can I see how much I need to pay monthly or something like that?I don't really want to play with those tools until I'm not sure to not stop my account from working :rolleyes:Furthermore, it seems that the ordering there is for Xisto - Web Hosting and not for Xisto?
  6. Try spoofing yourself as a google bot or any other bot and browse different forums and you'll see what you get, by spoofing yourself I mean use a different user agent, the one google is using. As I know it can be done in a lot of ways, the most easiest I guess is using a Firefox add-on which can change your user agent and just use lets say this user agent: Google-bot/2.1 (+https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/182072) or even this: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/182072) You can find more user agents for all the other bots on google or any other search engine. To tell the truth, I always thought that showing different content to bots than to users was forbidden and your site could get a ban, but I guess what matters is content and not HTML, but also a lot of those forums changes anchor links to be SEO friendly, why can't it always use them :? Anyway, have fun, I believe there are even sites which you can browse with a different user agent online like through a proxy..
  7. There are so many topics about this new system, but I still have a question, I don't know if it was answered yet, I passed some pages and didn't read them :rolleyes:Do I need to do anything in the xisto client panel for my website, I just registered and didn't do anything, I mean about adding/choosing how much DB and etc. in Order area or is everything automatic?And lets say how much $ do I need every month to post on my account?
  8. Well, I'm trying to move from my desktop computer to laptop, even though I have several problems I still use a laptop.. I bought a quite good laptop some time ago, so I also bought a good monitor for it and a cordless mouse with a keyboard, so now it's almost like a desktop, except I can unplug it and take it to the university or my job without any problems.. Even though I'm still having problems with primary and secondary screens, because it doesn't work as I need, even though I'm still searching for a solution, mainly it's because different resolutions, the laptop is 1680x1050 and the monitor is 1920x1200.. I've set the monitor to be a primary screen and everything works fine, the laptop screen is secondary, but whenever I plug the monitor out to take the laptop somewhere else, the primary screen gets on laptop and all the icons get misplaced do to different resolutions and I really would want them to be in the same place or even better, I would like to have two different screens that nothing would be changing..Anyway, I noticed that my laptop can only play stereo channels and as I have a 5.1 surround system, it got a bit annoying so for my laptop I bought an usb sound card which is quite good, because now the microphone and headphones slots in the laptop are empty and I always can put my headphones with a microphone on it and talk on Skype and at the same time listen to music, which on the desktop computer was impossible.. the weird thing now is I have a lot of wires on my table near the laptop :PFurthermore, I wanted to buy an usb hub to have more usb slots, but I noticed that my monitor has two extra slots, so I didn't buy it and as of storage, my laptop has only about 320 GB, but as I have a Home server with ~500 GB the storage is not a problem and I think I have solved all my problems with making the laptop to be like a desktop and which can be portable Also, the laptop is more power saving than a regular desktop computer, so I guess it's also good.. :rolleyes:And my laptop I guess is enough for graphics and as I'm not into graphics that I would need an external graphics card, what's the point of that, unless you like me want it to be like a desktop, but portable as a laptop..
  9. If I got this right, yeah we done the same in the university, I only had sql plus at my home computer installed and overwritten some files to connect to a remote server and I always connected to the uni server with a username, password and host string to use the queries from the book with the DB I connected, the funny thing, students had permissions to drop and delete data, update and insert, so you know ho usually it ended, but that wasn't a problem usually.. later I could login to a remote server in the uni from anywhere with my own username and password, that noone could do anything with my created DB which everyone needed to create..To connect to a remote server, all I needed is how you told, to edit the .ora file and I think I also overwritten something more in a forms90 directory, well it was some time ago, can't really remember.
  10. I also usually use Joomla and recommend it to anyone who asks, but usually also include Drupal as they are the most popular. Joomla: because it's easy and with it you can do most of the stuff, there are very good and popular modules/extensions today for it web shops.. from which you can even make money, by using Joomla and a web shop extension to create a web shop for a client, it's easy and free for you, just takes time and if its not your first web shop, then it's really easy! Anyway, I wanted to suggest also trying to use Wordpress, it has lots of stuff and also can act as a CMS and not only as a Blog
  11. I am using Gimp and Paint.net, even though I usually prefer to use Gimp and am more used to it, but I also disagree that paint.net is for kids, it has most of the main features with which you can do a lot.. and it's really much better than simple Paint on Windows, even though it depends what you want to do with it, as I know paint doesn't have layers and such stuff and whats really good that Gimp and Paint.NET is free software, you can start with them and if you get into graphics then you can buy Photoshop or any other expensive program and create much more and "better"
  12. Yeah, the signature is really good, even though the topic is quite old, I don't really remember it, it could use a border like in the signature techocian is currently using
  13. I'm using SQL plus from Oracle, even though it's not the best thing I've ever used, but I needed to create a DB using Oracle for university, so I used it as most of other students, but I think I used version 9 and not 11, even though I don't really know what is the difference, I didn't really like it's interface, don't know about 11 version, but I have done my things using Notepad2 because it is easier to edit and write sql queries there and later I just copy pasted them to see if it works..The fun thing was to drop, update, delete data in the lectures, most of other students didn't know sql though..
  14. In addition, what I liked about google before the page rank technology is that I could copy and paste the text from a website for example and it would show up in the first page and usually in the top, now when you do that you sometimes don't even get that page or it's in page 10, I usually don't go over page 6.. That means, that sites having the info are not shown, usually some stupid sites are shown which have stupid content, I never really like the page rank system, because a lot of sites which can be useful are not being shown, however other can say that those sites which are not in google shouldn't be paid attention..Using google with some other search engines like yahoo, ask, live is much better than only using google.
  15. Even though for some years I'm not a gamer, but my friend recommended me to play Crysis, because this game supports multi threading.. I just tried it and now on some free time I like to play it, got quite far and from the new FPS games, I can say it's my favourite, because for a lot of time I didn't play anything well except maybe for CS, Medal of Honour, Call of Duty, Wolfenstein I think those are quite old now
  16. That region studying History always were a zone of conflicts, Jew never owned that land in the first place, they occupied it.. Even though there is a History that they lived there for some time.. I also never liked this situation, I always used the example for people to understand..Imagine you are living at your home, everything is quite alright, you have resources to live from and suddenly, some people come and say you don't belong here armed with cool guns having money and want you to live in the yard where it's cold and etc. living in the yard, you get angry by seeing how happy the newcomers feel in your home, you are mad, but you remember the good days, some of your kids remember the good days, but your kids kids don't remember anything, they just heard stories and in my opinion they are totally mad about it..I think most of you understood the example, something must be done about this, but I don't think anyone cares, Jews can do a lot and most of the world can think "it's alright" they started a war some time ago on Lebanon, but they didn't really get a lot of bad criticism about it, even though they killed so much innocent people as I know, but when some other country does something similar, it's the biggest conflict in the world and it should pay lots of money and etc. sometimes it's strange for me, even though it's a quite long debate to write about, I don't have anything about Jews, but I don't like that they are so greedy, in most Europe countries they are searching for ways to get they property back, when they are offered some land elsewhere as a compensation they don't want it, they want that part in the downtown of the capital, when after 3 years of debate the country being nice about it gives the land and some money to make it a Jew culture center after a month it is sold for even more money for commercial purposes and those Jew disappear and no one does anything about it, it's just being shown on TV and never ever being talked about again.. I'm not saying all Jews are like that, it would be the same as saying all Muslims are terrorists, but in my opinion the Jew them self should be stopping this kind of holocaust business and property returning for money and nothing more, but of course there's money there is power..A lot of other countries have lost much more than Jews in the second world war, but a lot of them don't really do business out of it. Native Americans there killed in numbers of millions, Ukrainians famine died over 7 million because of Stalin, Soviet Union and Tsar Russia killed over 40 million of innocent and different culture people and even didn't let them speak/read/write their own language, Aboriginal people in Australia killed by British invaders, even Black people from Africa brought to America as slaves to work, but even thought this problem got "solved", current genocides in Africa, noone cares about that, from all of those in my opinion Jew people really got a lot and some even got to much by lying and making out facts, a lot of what have been proved, but again nobody ever do something about it, why Jew don't pay compensation for what they have done.. Everone have suffered in one or another way.. Seems that these days all the tears can be remunerate by money which in my opinion is quite stupid.
  17. If you program in the "right" way with PHP and MySQL you should be safe, experience is required to write your scripts/programs to be safe for Todays environment, but that is not the only thing on what security depends, usually it's the server, your php application may be really good and very well written, but the server itself might be really bad, usually people leave everything as default, which brings lots of holes, for example for apache, ftp server, firewalls and different permissions for users and etc. thats way you need to have a secure server and only then worry about the security of your scripts too..Using frameworks for php like Zend Framework, avoids a lot of security holes people usually do, the basic ones, but still you need to write your applications in the "right" way to make it hacker proof..
  18. If you have time, then you can learn C++ if you think it will help you, but I also suggest you to learn more about performance if it is possible, algorithms which would do the same but faster, but maybe not so accurate, there are a lot of ways to make java applications work faster, if you say your program is very big and it's written with java, there are lots of other programs written in java and some of them also are really big, but they don't seem to be superb slow, but I guess they would be faster using c++ or something like that.. optimizing your application is what counts..for example, lets talk about a program called PHP Designer, it is using or used to use .NET and etc. and it was quite slow, I guess it used c#? when you changed between tabs it was quite slow, but now the new version is really great and much faster, maybe he moved from c# to c++? I don't know, but if he just optimized it, then he did really a good job.
  19. by icon you mean favicon? or what kind of icon? if for example you have domain.net when in that folder domain.net/dir/dir/file.extension the root directory with favicon.ico or gif or whatever you want will have the same favicon if the page won't link to another one.. thats the secret.. if you have a subdomain, like sub.domain.net when the favicon needs to be in the root/sub directory..So I guess your question is if is it possible to have the same favicon for all your pages for your account including subdomains using htaccess? it can always be done with simple HTML by using <link rel="icon" href="favicon.gif" /> and the href can have a full path or the path to your favicon file.. I don't really think that you need to use htaccess here?
  20. Nice site ;)I like the logo, where you drag the mouse and picture changes, really funny
  21. For reviewing a site if it's a legit one or note, I don't think that it really needs to translate automatically very well, just the basic stuff that you would see that it's not a warez, porno, racist or any other website which is not allowed. ;)Of course, I agree that it's much easier to review English site's, because it is faster and less complicated to browse.
  22. I agree, even though I doubt there is Dominos delivering pizzas in my country, but there are plenty other companies and some of them also marketed something similar and I think it really works, those ads are a great idea for marketing, because usually when people want to order a pizza to home, they are hungry and usually it takes about 1 hour to wait for it and being hungry for an hour is really hard.. so when somebody has a a paper ad or something like that, that they deliver in 30 minutes or fast, people choose to call them, thats the main idea..still being hungry for an hour is hard to wait for a pizza and if you need to wait even longer, sometimes you really need, been there done that
  23. it depends if it's better than PHP, for example you could try Zend Framework with PHP and you won't need to do a lot of things too, Ruby on Rails is also a framework for Ruby, but because Ruby is a better language than PHP it's framework is better, but ZF (Zend Framework) really is a great peace of software and it's free, if you move from simple PHP programming to ZF, it might be hard, but with time you learn it it really gets easy to create applications for Web, you just need to get used to it and you'll never want to do programming with PHP without any framework...
  24. Quatrux

    C At Uni

    Well people used to say that too, when moving from cobol or fortran, in some year as I read ~1999 a lot of software was written in COBOL, I mean the most software were in cobol, bank systems and etc. thats why people still learnt it, anyway I guess now in 2008 it has changed, but anyway, just look how people start using Java, C# and Ruby even though it's not as C,C++ but a lot can change in upcoming years, noone really does ASM to much for software, except drivers, OS and similar stuff or some hardcore people, because the hardware is so fast that noone cares, in the years 1985 noone really liked scripting languages, because they were quite slow, especially bigger ones, Today we can see that scripting langauges really are popular..
  25. Is it me or as I remember Xisto used to permit foreign languages without having an English version? as I remember this was the reason I moved here years ago but maybe I'm just dreaming, google translate has a lot of languages to choose from and anyone can just translate to English and see the content, I always suggested this on different hosting services, but most still wanted to leave English only or etc.
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