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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I was surprised when I've read this topic, I never even thought that it's possible to dream black and white dreams.. I always dream in colour and never thought that it's possible to do something else, even though dreams are quite confusing, some people dream without ability to touch, when I dream and touch something in the dream, I usually feel it, my brain generates that feeling I guess.. But I think I don't know a person who dreams in black and white colours, maybe it's all in the blood? :)by blood I mean, for people of their country and culture..
  2. I don't want to be wrong, but for example 0,0 will be in a position you are currently using top left, for example you are in the middle of a page and before you, you've got lots of elements, so 0,0 will be the currently most left position you can get and it's not like you always are linking to the top left of the page, you're linking to the top left of the current element and when you're using -1 or -20 coordinates, you overflow, I mean you get outside that element in the direction you're using.. I think it works like that here is some source for it, also it has a testing tool, try it yourself tools: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. I agree that it's over rated, I personally don't like the way how google search works, because of the page ranking system, I just got used to search with google, but most of the times it shows me websites, which really are stupid, especially the first ones in the search, sometimes yahoo shows better results, but using it is a pain, because when you do it, it seems you're using google 4 years ago. Even though, I think by using it you'll get what you need.. Most of google software sucks, because it's google it gets really cool, for example the only really good service of google is GMail, it's just a perfect email service, google search which isn't perfect, all the other are moderate services the ones they didn't bought, but the ones they created.
  4. In addition, to park a domain usually means that you park a domain on your domain, so it will point to the same domain or subdomain you're having.. Addon domain is the same as domain parking, just has another meaning it parks a domain in/on another location, in CPanel it usually needs to be somekind of subdomain which is just another directory on the server..Personally I only use addon domains, because I don't see no point of using Parked domains feature, unless you want example.com and example.org and example.net pointing to the same source
  5. I don't hate Photoshop though, I think it is marvelous, but if you don't need anything special why waste lots of money when you can use Gimp which is free/open source and be happy.
  6. In addition, I agree with Darasen, I don't let the Windows update install stuff automatically, because usually I do it myself by using IE to go to their site, even though on Vista you don't need to use a browser, you can use Windows update, but it seems to be a little tricky when using IE I could see optional updates too, on Vista it seems I can't see optional or maybe it just downloads all of them..Automatic updates are good for people who don't know what a computer is and they just use it to play music, videos, see pictures and chat online and of course sometimes surf the web, because they usually don't update anything and usually it's them who get spyware, viruses and etc. because they click an anything, experienced users has less problems with that kind of things. ;]
  7. I don't understand why are you creating links from windows environment for file:// ??? if you're using PHP why not use the normal http address? for example: LOCALHOST/Game/pic/grass.jpg ??? you can get the full/absolute path in different ways, one way is to use $_SERVER; super global, just look the array value you need by doing: echo '<pre>';print_r($_SERVER);echo '</pre>';exit; and you'll see what you can get and what you can use with it.. If you ask me, never use the file:// path, if possible avoid using absolute path, the best method is just writing: images/image.jpg and that in that html file the browser could find it, one way is to use ../ parent dir or ./ current dir or ../../ two parent directories: ../images/image.jpg it will take the image from a parent directory in that location if it's accessible
  8. Yeah, I agree if you want the software to be free, try using Gimp and learn to create images with it, it has lots of tutorials.. Gimpshop is good for people who are moving from Photoshop, but as I know the best latest versions are available for Gimp and only later the guy who created Gimpshop updates it, even though I might be wrong, did not use it for quite some time.. Also, Linux version of Gimp is much more latest than on Windows, I believe for the same reason, until somebody creates a binary working file..But I guess, if you're into graphics, you can use a little bit older version, nothing really changes to much
  9. To tell the truth again, because of drivers working not as good as on Vista on my laptop I had to move back to Vista, on XP, because it was 32 bit, I could only use 3 GB of RAM and not 4 GB as I have in my laptop, furthermore, because of drivers, the system in my opinion ran quite not as fast as I thought it would be, now then I moved back to Vista, everything seems to work alright and Samsung seems to develop better software for Vista than for XP for r560.. Well, I guess I'll need to get use to using Vista and learn how to control it, even though I think it's time for me to get back to Open SUSE then I'll find time, holidays are coming, tried a Live CD and seems the laptop has no problems running Linux, thats why I left some free space on my HDD :rolleyes:The only problem I'm facing is that I have Windows Vista Home Premium and I wonder is there a big difference with like Professional or upper version of Vista or I shouldn't be worrying about upgrading? I don't do much, all the software I need is installed on my system and it works, except for MultipleIE, I can't browse with IE6 to test my web pages :|
  10. Yahoo is a big company for a long time, I doubt it could turn off all it's servers and just leave, it could of course be sold to some other company.. If you think the only income it got is search engine or yahoo messenger, email service and etc. then you're wrong, it gets lots of money from advertisement and etc. same as google and as you know Today, because of this stupid economical crisis we are having, google and yahoo are loosing a lot of money, their shares has dropped and etc. so it's tough for such a business Today..I wish to have some competition, rather than monopoly Google, competition is good, it's what makes things better.
  11. I always knew that Norton is using lots of resources and thought that Kaspersky is much better, but I've read some articles, that today Kaspersky also is slowing down, I'm not 100% sure though, some of my friends also said that, that is the reason they moved to avast or something like that, but if I only could choose from both, still Kaspersky would be my choice
  12. If I understood correctly, this site is just like a diary, except you write/add information about your dollars? how you got them and where did you spend them?If that's the case then, eh quite cool, I also wanted to track my money like that, but usually you just don't have time or forget about it after a while when writing something like that in an excel file.. Usually I don't eve want to remember how much I spend on beer or similar (partying) stuff
  13. Welcome to the forums psionics
  14. Really well written tutorial to create user bars with Gimp, even though I remember I really liked all those user bars when everyone started using them, but Today I doubt I would want one under my signature, don't know why..
  15. I also have most of those Web developers addons installed on Firefox, but the best for me and which I usually use when I want to do something and which makes my live more easier is:Web developer, it really has lots of functions to make you happyEditCSS in real time, when you change something, it changes and you can fast know how to change something, no need to go to an Editor and later refresh..View source of even linked file, for Javascript and CSS files which are outside..To view source and the ability to edit something in that page locally on your browser and see the result!Viewing of headers, received and send, most of browsers don't show everything..and of course Firebug, when I found it, it really made me enjoy it
  16. I remember when XP got popular, some people still used Win98 to play different games, because they were faster and they worked there normally, but as I know Windows 2000 with all the service packs isn't much of a difference from Win XP, it justs looks better, but the core is similar, just newer/better and as I know with more service packs, even some older games in compatibility mode or with things like DOSBox and other software games works normally, you can make Windows XP look like Windows 2000 and it will eat the same amount of memory and CPU, just for gaming turn of services you don't need and different stuff. :rolleyes:There is software, I can't really remember the name now, but I think on google it can be found, that on your WinXP you can run it and you can play older Games which works great with Win95 or Win98, for DOS games, the best would be DOSBox, but for example that software is much better than just simple WinXP properties and when you select the checkbox to run in compatibility mode as Win95 or etc,The bad thing with older games, is the current monitors we usually use, they are huge, with better resolution, and games with 640x480 looks really ugly
  17. Yeah, Notepad2 is really simple and does a lot, but it doesn't organize your code like you want automatically.. I saw some programs which do that, but I never used it, because usually when I code, I write tabs like that myself, even though some automatic things helps, like when I write a { symbol, I get a } symbol and my pointer being in the middle of those, which really helps when you get used to it, even though for the first times it was annoying, you write a ' " { [ < and get it closed, sometimes you don't need it though.
  18. Looks like a nice scripts, I didn't try if it works, but I can suggest that a better way would be to create a little bit more complex things with math, because you're only using + to get the sum, I would suggest to make a random question of subtraction, multiply too, well I guess the script will be more complex, but it will be a better way to do it, also for fun you could add sqrt() for numbers only 4,16,49 and no more.. That it would be easy for a human to enter the true code..
  19. Quatrux

    New Here!

    I always wonder, what happens if on the same post more than 2 people clicked that it is spam yordan? do you get two messages or only one? or something like that?
  20. for free you can use Notepad2 or Notepad++, because simple Windows Notepad just sucks!Also you can get yourself Eclipse with PHP environment or even buy the best PHP IDE in my opinion PHP Designer 2008, it's not so expensive or you can get the older free version of PHP Designer if you do a search. :rolleyes:Also, why would you want to do that? You can always do that yourself, I mean the if statements thing..
  21. I usually hate captchas, which for some reason even I a human can be annoyed to verify the code, because it usually unreadable, furthermore, sometimes it isn't even said that if i need to use uppercase letters or only lowercase or the ones i see in the image, this is really annoying!Besides it's proved that captcha isn't so secure as it was first thought, computer can read it to if the captcha is cracked/hacked somehow by some pro people.. in my opinion, what stopped some spam for me was a math question, a random one which can't really be guessed by a computer, even though maybe with time it will change, but at least it's easy for the human to solve it, who wouldn't know what is the sum of 10 and 20? or something like that ;]Even though, it also might be hacked, the best method is to change it every time in some period of time.
  22. I personally prefer PHP Designer 2008, even though for some time now it's not free as it used to be, but it isn't to expensive to buy it, it really is a good piece of software! It has lots of useful features you can use, the most major for me is that when I define something, a constant, a function, a variable, a class, it lists it while I'm writing my code, something like on Visual Studio with C#, but much better I guess.. Also it has a toolbox which lists all your classes and methods and more if you want in that file! It's now is quite fast and isn't resources hungry like most other IDE, it has real time PHP checking and it is really very configurable..So I guess you should try using it if you're into PHP
  23. Well, so I thought to list what I'm using free too, freeware is usually good :rolleyes:Firefox, Opera as my web browsers, I also have Google chrome installed, as it is using webkit, I don't really need Safari for windows, because it's using the same engine.Skype, Pidgin, XChat free compiled windows version by SilvereX to chat ;]Winamp, VLC and Quick Time Alternative with k-lite codec Pack for my media, music and movies.. I also can include Last.fm software here to show my stats on the net..Gimp and Paint.net to Edit images, irfan view to view images, but for jpg,png and gif I'm using the simple Windows image viewer.. it works alright for me just to look at pictures/photos..I have Open Office, but usually I use Windows Office, because most of the work is required to be done with it in work and university..Visual Studio 6 and Visual studio 2005 for programming c,c++c# and directX, never paid for it, so I guess it counts as freeware? I'm not creating anything serious to register :PNotepad2 as alternative to Notepad, it's free, I used to use Notepad++, but I don't anymore..I have Clam win free antivirus ans spy bot search and destroy and adaware the freeware version, but usually I don't need those, I think the only good thing is teat timer, which looks on my registry.. ;]I also use CCleaner and CleanUp! to clean up most of my temp files and etc.Lets don't forget, that I'm using 7-zip File manager for my archives and CDBurnerXP to burn my CDs or create .iso files ;]I also use uTorrent for torrents and ApexDC++ to connect to a DC++ Hub, a lot of years ago I used to use Emule and Soulseek, but I don't anymore..For my WAMP I am using Wampserver, which in my opinion is really good and for my FTP client, I never found anything better on Windows than Filezilla FTP Client :PFor viewing PDF files, I use Adobe acrobat, which sometimes can be slow, but I also have Sumatra PDF viewer which can be much faster..To use IE6 and IE7 I'm using MultipleIE with which that can be possible, as I remember it also works on Vista ;]Tried a lot of other software too, blender, inkscape and so on, but in the list I think it's the main software I'm using!
  24. There is a special forum or sub forum to show of your site and get some constructive criticism or something like that, usually lots of comments ;]
  25. The only one I prefer is Symbian OS, I've heard a lot of good things about it and as I know it's used in a lot of devices, on a lot of mobile phones, also I've read that it is very stable.
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