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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Nice tool, even though I prefer to write HTML in a PHP file like this: <?php// my PHP code?>my HTML<?php// my further PHP code?> and in this way if possible, you don't need to escape anything and with the right IDE you can get normal highlighting of the code... Also, in most major PHP IDE's this feature which that site includes are available, you just select text in an IDE and usually from a menu you can escape your code the way you want, by changing " to \" and etc. Furthermore, I usually like and encourage everyone to write PHP like this: <?phpecho '<div id="some_id">'. $some_content . '</div>';?> AND NOT <?phpecho "<div id=\"some_id\">$some_content</div>";?> Personally I think you avoid some problems you don't need and it usually looks better in an IDE enviroment and you can always refactor or do something with that php variable $ in an IDE rather than having it in "" (double quotes) as text and not recognizable from some panels that a variable is used.
  2. I just checked your website and it looks nice, but I don't see the standards of HTML5 ar you're using doctype and html style of XHTML 1.0 Transitional and your HTML tags are of that style too, you don't use specific html5 tags...But yes, for CSS you're using some new things, looks nice But still, what I don't like about CSS3 things, that the code needs to include for different engines different syntax, webkit, mozilla and etc. Not to good, I would rather see a good specification of CSS3 and a realization of that specification in browsers, as every browser on different versions thinks something of it's own and later will need to support it?
  3. This weekend I enjoyed myself watching Nighthawks (1981), starting Sylvester Stallone as a good guy and Rutger Hauer as a bad guy :DHere is a link to IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082817/
  4. One of my favorite all time movies are They Live! (1988) directed by John Carpenter, at least to the part where they get to the tunnel, it has the best quote "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick *bottom*...and I'm all out of bubblegum." and the best fight scene ever!http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/They_LiveI also recently started to watch movies with Rutger Hauer, he's really a good actor, good for bad/psycho guys acting :Dhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rutger_HauerI really enjoyed Blade Runner (1982) (needed to see the extended version 3 times to understand it to the end), then Flesh & Blood (1985) it was one of those movies which showed middle ages in a different more realistic format, also Blind Fury (1989) was where he was a nice guy!The Hitcher (1986) movie was also good, I saw the new remake of this movie 2007, it wasn't so good and I think it's due to the actor! :DIn the cinema I recently saw Hobo with a Shotgun (2011), also starting with Rutger Hauer, but here he is quite old, but the movie was quite good, with kind of an idea..There are lots of good movies, I also like TV series like Stargate and sitcoms like Married with Children, also I like to watch South Park and Family Guy, American Dad!
  5. Python is really becoming a good and useful language with a good syntax, I only see PHP in Web as I don't even want to see it somewhere else, even though it's a scripting language with an interpter and you can use it through a cli to run scripts, but in my opinion, things need to be used in the right place, whenever I need to do something with Web, I do it with PHP, when I need a simple application for windows to do something, I do it with C# and don't need a lot of knowledge, but whenever I need to do something on the server, I like python! Even though I don't have a lot of knowledge using it, but as much as I tried, I really liked it and I know it can do a lot more, but I just don't need more..
  6. I personally use VirtualBox, it seems to work great, it really was a good piece of software, easy to use, but when oracle bought it, the package got al ot of MB bigger, but seems the development didn't stop and is moving? More features and some speed improvements were made. Get it: https://www.virtualbox.org/ About VBox: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VirtualBox It's FREE!
  7. I think you're talking about SCUMMVM? I have it installed at home, I wanted to start playing the games it offers, as I have some originals on some burned CD's and DVD's years ago, but by playing Nightlong - Union City Conspiracy a little, I just didn't find time to continue, even though I think Nightlong didn't require SCUMMVM, it only required something like DOSBox... can't remember... http://www.scummvm.org/ I think I also were stuck in some point at Beneath a Steel Sky, but I found a walk through at one point and as I remember were was one place I didn't spot I could pick up or use something, I really liked it, I had the talkie version and it didn't seem to crash for me
  8. Well, as I said in another topic, at home I am using Windows 7, as my computer is not so old, has lots of memory and can easily work with Windows 7, even though when I bought it, it came with Vista, I removed it and installed XP, but I couldn't get all the features of it, as drivers weren't as good as for Vista, but I was quite patient and soon Windows 7 appeared, as I am a student, I got myself a copy of Windows 7 Pro for students in the MSDN program and samsung released drivers and everything, it works like a charm, much better than XPBut for older computers, which were designed to run XP, I think they should run XP, as I can't find anything bad about XP, I am using it at work and have no problems, even though the computer is new at my workplace.. just as it was said, you need to NOT USE IE6 ;)Whoever wants to use IE9, need to use Windows 7, but on XP IE8 is quite satisfying , so... just use Opera or Chrome :lol:Besides, I think XP has better performance and other stuff for some not new games which requires DirectX9, if there is no problems with drivers, when it's a good OS.
  9. I use Windows 7 at home, Windows XP at workI used to use Linux a lot, but Today, I almost don't need, as my job doesn't require it anymore, I used to use Linux Gentoo, after that I moved to OpenSUSE, but now I only have OpenSUSE installed through a virtual machine, whenever I need to test something how it works on Linux, permissions and browsers and etc. It's a pity, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of time anymore to have fun with Linux for me ;[
  10. I use Xisto as my registrar of domain, Xisto staff is quite supportive and answers most of the questions and it's easy to manage the domain.
  11. I think you can as you say use Wordpress and find some suitable plugins to use it, or you might use Facebook, create a group or a page and you can always connect there with your family and post news, photos and etc. It all depends on the privacy, if you want to share it with the world or you want to make it only for your family, secured with a password?It's much easier to use some kind of a service online, rather than installing and maintaining Wordpress yourself, you need hosting and etc. But it depends what you want, you have full access if you do it by yourself on your own hosting.
  12. Nice tool, it also references to other browsers cache viewers, but seems it works with a bit older opera version.. But I just thought, why not just use the browser? I mean you can always browse in offline mode and use the cache, usually it's problems with newer websites, which use a lot of dynamic javascript, I mean jquery ajax requests and similar to load content and display it differently using CSS, it's quite hard to cache it or to browse these kind of sites using the cache..I remember years ago, maybe in 1998, when Internet connection was expensive and slow, through a modem and telephone line, we used to cache everything, you connect, click fast what you want and go offline and read having the data in your hard drive as html files with pictures and etc. Even though usually some browsers had a method to not load images, just html to save money, even though sometimes you needed the images, but you could load it with a mouse click
  13. I agree, I think if you want free hosting, Xisto is very good, even though it seems that the forums aren't so active as they used to be, but posting on both Xisto and Xisto to earn mycents is the best method and if you don't have time to post, you can always pay with real money as it's quite cheap, even though depends on your selected package.
  14. For my web stuff I use PHP Designer 7, even though it's not free anymore, but it's cheap.. I used to use Notepad++, but usually just for simple text viewing and editing, but not programming, it has nice features, especially with the plugins, but on Windows I use Notepad2 as my default text viewer and editor, it's much lighter and simple to use. Notepad++ has more features, but for that I use an IDE. Get Notepad2 here: http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html
  15. Hmm, interesting question, but is it really relevant? if you're using a browser, usually it means you're connected to the network, unless you do something on local network without Internet and want to change themes..I think you could ask this question not here, but at developers support of some kind
  16. As of February 2011, Google Chrome does not support viewing or saving MHTML files. However, ChromePlus version 1.5.2 released on 6 of Jan 2011 does support MHTML file format. Besides all versions of Microsoft Word since Word 2002 can open and save MHTML documents, Opera can do it, but as I know MHTML is not so standardized and on different browsers or different third party software can look different.. It's something was was made for IE and I guess it may be convenient, but I think it should be viewed by what it was saved. If you're using Opera to save as MHT, then use Opera to view it, if IE, the same.. But try ChromePlus, maybe it will work for you? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it's the same engine, but not the same GUI as google chrome and usually includes older version of the engine... More about the MHTML format: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MHTML
  17. I guess it's due to the fileformat mp4? Different browsers yet support different video containers.. I guess with Theora+Vorbis+Ogg you would see the video.. H.264+AAC+MP4 is said to be supported on Safari, as it plays anything quick time can play Also as I know Google Chrome will drop support for H.264 soon, due to problems with patents and licensing.. So I guess all these videos in html5 will need to use WebM or OGG Also here is a good quote: Even though the quote doesn't look satisfying, I just hope that in the future projects like WebM which is an open, royalty-free, media file format designed for the web will succeed I guess we will need good converting tools, which are free too, like ffmpeg to put videos online.. About HTML5 video: http://diveintohtml5.info/video.html WebM: http://www.webmproject.org/about/
  18. Time is something we thought of and we use it how we understand it, but that time is different in different places it's true, as I remember time can be different by gravity and speed, as there is less gravity in space near our planet earth, we need to constantly adjust our satellites, especially for our GPS system, it always needs to synchronize with atomic clocks, because time is a bit slower..As I remember, time as we know it can be stopped near a giant black hole? Due to gravity there is very high, also it means that in the future if people will be flying between planets and stars, time will fly for them differently too, due to different gravity, but because the differences are so small, it's not like they going to age less a lot, just a little bit, but still it's a problem with the clock, how to adjust it, you would always need to synchronize it with some kind of a planet, if talking about sci-fi movies :DBut if talking about time how we input it, by all means it's different for everyone, an insect understands time differently, same for a dog or a rat or those creatures which only live for a day in a desert when it rains, for us it seems they live for a day, in that day those creature just put eggs and day and thats all, but from their perspective I believe they understand time differently "maybe they're so stupid they don't even need to understand time, but anyway" from their perspective it's a long time I guess..A sun if it would by alive as we understand alive, we would be just those little insects who just seems to get birth and give birth and day in a day from suns perspective, even maybe faster as a star can live millions-billions of years, but for it understands time differently :DTo conclude, I can say that time flies so fast, years passes you get older and older, the more older you're, faster the time goes
  19. Wow, those are really nice bridges, I don't have any kind of bridges like that in my country Well, when you think about it, there aren't any big rivers or mountains too :DI really enjoyed the photos, even showed them to some of my online friends, but doesn't the first bridge in the photo produce a lot of sound with so much water? :?
  20. Well, forums are there for a lot of years now and usually people comeback posting, it depends on the forum, but I see a lot of blogs, where some blog author or several blog authors write a blog, for example an article of some kind and it's the same as first post, the comments allows to discuss that article, same as forum posts, just it's a different style..There are plenty of useless blogs, same as plenty useless forums out there, so I don't think that forums will be taken away by blogs, it seems that for years personal sites has vanished, there are not much personal sites left, which works on a custom CMS or custom design style, a lot of whom just install a blog or something like that :DAt least I think so, sometimes it's much more interesting to look at an original site rather the same blog with little bit different content.
  21. Well, I can add my two cents to the topic, the idea of an electric car is good, especially in a city, but it's still strange for me..The reason I wouldn't buy an electric car is it's much more expensive and for the models I and some of my friends looked it has no return of investment, with it's cost and use, it's still cheaper for me to buy a simple car and pay a lot for fuel (as fuel/petrol is expensive in Europe) and drive, but maybe after 10 years.. Fuel will cost even more in the future, I guarantee it and I guess it will be worth to invest into something alternative, as it will pay off :)But as it's been said, electric cars aren't developed yet to replace all the cars, I still like the idea of hydro cars, where the car generates energy to move, so maybe in 10 years a lot of what will change? Even though most of good alternatives are bought by people who sell oil
  22. It's better to use div tags nowadays, but sometimes using tables for some logic in the design is a good idea too, due to how they work, a lot of current websites with new layouts are strict, I usually like fluid designs and the effect which works on all browsers can be done with a table tag, it doesn't mean you need to use only tables or only divs, but you can also use the table where you need to with divs for the code to take less bandwidth, load faster and be more readable, but as it's the year 2011, I started to not care about old browsers like IE6, even though the table effect for divs with CSS doesn't work right in IE too, I am talking about:display: table|table-cell|table-row and etc. which has the effect of an table..for most customers, it doesn't matter, they just see the design, not the source, I know some people who still use doctype html4 and has no problems, as they say xhtml is for a different purpose, but personally for me, xhtml is better for simple stuff too, due to it's more strict, even though I am not using in a site nothing associated with xpath and xml stuff, I still use xhtml doctype and try to use divs, but I use tables too not for table purpose, but for design purposes, so you can call it a hybrid?
  23. Same for me, the forums load very slowly, at first I thought it was my connection, but other sites open quite well, but Xisto and Xisto are very slow. I think Xisto is even slower..It's quite hard to post like that, you need to wait ages for the topic to open, so I just open all the interesting to read topics in new tab and try to read them and reply if possible :DSometimes I just get a response from the server with the error message 504 which means "HTTP Error 504 Gateway timeout"I hope things will work out as I almost out of myCents to pay for my account, need to continue to be a bit more active on the forums, but as it's been told, when it loads the page to reply, you forget what you wanted to say
  24. I like to play retro games, I used to have (and still have) and Amiga 1200 computer, so I played a lot of games and still have nostalgia for them, sometimes I just wish I can play with, but I lack time ;[ I could make a small list, but just hope I won't miss anything: UFO Enemy Unknown or known as X-COM in USA (1994) Reunion (1994) The Settlers Syndicate Dune II Cannon Fodder Civilization Labyrinth of Time Wings Total Chaos Imperium Teranum 2000 Sim City 2000 and much more All the quest/adventure games like monkey island, beneath a steel sky, flight of the amazon queen, simon the sorcerer I just found a list with which I can agree: Best amiga games list http://www.lemonamiga.com/games/votes_list.php I really like the Amiga games list where I can find complete list of games: http://hol.abime.net/ Sometimes I can just turn on youtube and watch Amiga Longplay fro some kind of a game, it's a video where a game is finished like a movie, even though I just don't watch all the game, but parts of it, just for nostalgia I hope I am not crazy, but I don't play new games for quite a while. The newest game I played was I guess Heroes IV
  25. For free or not? For Windows OS or not?If you're running Windows and want a free product, you can try Security Essentials, it's on the best for FREEIf you're running Windows and want something better, but light, you can get ESET Smart Security, which has a lot of things in one product for your computer security Kaspersky anti-virus might be quite good, but it takes up some resources So here are the links:ESET Smart Security (better known as NOD32) https://www.eset.com/us/home/smart-security/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Microsoft Security Essentials https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/14210/security-essentials-downloadhttp://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Kaspersky (which I don't really recommend for your mini laptop) http://usa.kaspersky.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Note : Microsoft Security Essentials only works on a valid copy of Windows
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