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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I like the design, it's a good one and has everything I prefer, a header, a footer, content area and several menus with some bars, really a good job!Now I could tell more if you would fill the content and we would see it in action..I like the colors, I think you need to design a favicon too, if you don't know what is a favicon, when do a google search and you'll understand.
  2. I think it's only a glitch or something, it can't be real. Or maybe someone from google street created it? As it's not really a good evidence, but it's in fact fun to watch it and rotate the view and see it, quite funny.I remember I've seen more of these glitches, but is there any official answer from google about these things from google street?
  3. Todays most people are dependent on technology, as a lot of different tasks can't be made without technology, just imagine if some services goes off, internet, gsm, people wouldn't know what to do, most of things would stop and nothing would continue to progress.Even if internet would continue to work, but lets say banks would stop working, a lot of things would stop, you couldn't leave without technology today, people would go back over 100 years, I guess as it would be very hard to adopt, there could be a lot of scenarios and panic :DI believe I am a slave of technology, I couldn't live without a computer for over a month, or without my mobile phone, unless I would have different income and could still live, then maybe I could live without a computer? but I doubt it :DTechnology is slave of human, as usually it does the tasks almost for free for humans, especially automatized machines in factories and over places. Robots might one day rebel to not be slaves, but work for a normal salary and have rights :DAs years ago, it was normal for people to be slaves, now it's something terrible, so with time things change.
  4. So if I will break any captcha somewhere else from other country, it will have no effect on me? Or if I'll have a blog with different techniques and tutorials how to break captchas and similar stuff, it won't have any effect on me?I don't see any problem, CAPTCHA is not the best way to avoid not human users to do something, it's the same as buying and selling a simple lock for everyone which can be unlocked by a lot of people with an universal key and say that anyone who has that universal key and will unlock that door will be a criminal, even though the example is kind of bad, but still, that website service should create a better lock.Besides I hate CAPTCH'as which are very "strong" that even I can't really read them.And the reselling matter, it's a problem in all the countries of the world, people buy all the tickets in the first 30 minutes and for the rest 3 months they sell them for a higher price, it's really a problem in most countries.
  5. Is it really from that address?Maybe it's the reply to address? I think you need to check full headers information, as I doubt it's directly from google? But if it is, then google got hacked or something?Did you submit any resume for google? Or maybe google is spying which I doubt they would so obviously ;D
  6. You have a quite old hardware, Pentium 2 is over 10 years old? So what kind of a video card you got? if it's from that time, when of course it will be better, but if it's a newer one, which still is AGP and works on your motherboard, I think you won't get all the power from it, due to your motherboard.Also, RAM is another issue for most of games, it's best to upgrade video cards and RAM, for newer games, it's even better to upgrade your motherboard and CPU which you later will be able to upgrade with newer video card.
  7. I can say that I usually liked maths in university, as it's quite interesting, but when there were to much math, especially in the first courses, I liked the lectures about databases and programming, but when later there were less math or non at all, I started to mis it as not all subjects are interesting, especially about the things you already know or you think may be irrelevant :DI never really liked lectures where you need a lot to memorize, for example we had some law for one semester, some management for another semester, some history and today's Europe Union, which were a bit boring. Nevertheless, it was interesting to listen and etc. but it was boring to prepare for exams :DI'm currently a bachelor of Engineering Informatics in Information technologies, and currently studying further: postgraduate studies of Information Systems Software Engineering. :)There doesn't seem to be any serious math anymore
  8. Nice to hear, that they don't ban like that, but I heard a lot of stories about people getting banned just that somebody pushed a lot on his ads and that can be anybody..The best way to not be traceable is to use a browser you never use to browse, for example if you're using Opera and Google Chrome, then you can use Firefox which has no cookies and use an anonymous proxy?Or even better, go to a public library and use it's free Internet access and computers or use the school computers if you're in School, or you can always use the university computers, if you're studying, it doesn't really matters, as long as you didn't use those computers with google services :)In any case, google seems to be quite strict t about abuse.
  9. I guess 1 Petabyte is good for server, to have a lot of storage, but the server also needs a reliable storage and a lot of RPM, due to it needs to read and write a lot, so I guess it's much better to have a lot of hard drives with big RPM than one big hard drive, due to the bigger the storage, the smaller RPM it usually has.As I know there is no standalone petabyte hard drive yet? The biggest I know is 3 TB, you can buy it as a standalone hard drive for yourself.. I guess there could be much bigger ones or usually as on servers, they are connected together.
  10. I agree, I don't see any need to store templates in database with HTML code, it's in most cases useless. I suggest to store your templates in a separate folder with the name of the template in a directory templates, that way you have an easy control over it.Put your HTML files there and you can use some-kind of a template engine to replace the values or include the values you need, for example:HTML code {content} HTML codThis is your template, from a database you get your content and put it/replace it with {content}, so you have the real thing and it's much easier to edit your HTML template files in a file rather than in a Database.
  11. I agree that both systems are good, I personally use Windows 7 Professional and XP SP3, so I only can suggest to use Windows 7 on a newer hardware, it will run more smoothly and will use the new capabilities of the new hardware, if you have a n older system, when stay with XP as it's a quite good OS.. On an older computer windows 7 will usually work, but it will require a little more resources and the effect will be the same, if you'll turn of a lot of Win7 features. :PSo if you bought a new laptop/desktop and don't want to use Linux, go with Win7, I think most of users don't even need Ultimate or Enterprise versions, Home premium will be enough. Even though I am using Professional, but I dount I am using all the features it is offering.Furthermore, if you bought a new hardware and it's x64, use the Windows OS which is for x64 processors. As there might be problems with drivers, even though it seems that everything should work on a 64bit system, any application which is 32bit, but sometimes it doesn't work due to some problems, of course there might by solutions.
  12. I like Saturdays, as on Saturdays I usually sleep for all the week and I don't need to go nor to university nor to my job and I can relax and do something else. Also, I like Fridays, as I only need to be at work, there are no lectures for me on Friday evening :DUsually people hate Monday, I voted for the same day, but I could add Wednesday, I don't really like Wednesday as it's a hard day for me, but it can change every half year, depending on the lectures and studies :DMoreover, it depends maybe on the mood and how you slept, as when I sleep only about 4-5 hours, that day seems to be terrible for me
  13. I also don't need to send an sms verification when creating a gmail account, at least I didn't need to do it this summer, when I created another gmail account for more official mail, even though I still forward it to may main account as it's more comfortable.Maybe it's something new, or maybe it only works in some countries?
  14. Quatrux

    Hey Guys

    Welcome to Xisto forums, hope you'll like it here
  15. I also backup my data, the one which can be lost, I have one copy in my external hard drive and the original copy on my laptop hard drive, it's all the data for studies, web development and work and + personal stuff, once a year I usually burn a DVD, years ago I burned CDs and backup some of my data, to tell the truth I rarely use the backup from CD's/DVD's as they are just put to a drawer :DThe most of space used in DVD are pictures/images I made or somebody else made with a photo camera, as pictures take quite a lot of place with time Nevertheless, I don't backup all the photos, especially if several friends have the same pictures, I can always ask them for those pictures, it's not as if everyone will loose their data at the same time
  16. I personally used a lot of c, c++ and basic, but now I mainly do web development and oracle, with oracle I use PL/SQL and in web development I am using the standard PHP, MySQL, HTML+CSS, Javascript, mainly JQuery..I also now a lot of C# and sometimes I need to write an application with it.
  17. I also, don't have a favorite youtube video, some are pretty good, but there are a lot of videos which are useless and boring and I don't even understand why people put such trash on youtube, most of videos are so pathetic, especially the ones added by kids or somebody stupid who filmed something stupid with his mobile camera, or created something stupid with something like movie maker..I guess one of the best videos are which are watched by a lot of people, the top ones. :)I usually like to watch tutorials or interviews, suggestions, some kind of shows, or something "amazing" and usually something funny to laugh out load
  18. That is why it's not recommended to reply to SPAM posts, but it's much better to report the post as SPAM and you will solve the problem, by replying to the SPAM post you usually get in trouble yourself, as it get deleted and you loose mycents
  19. So it checks if you don't have 1 GB of RAM it won't even install? it doesn't matter if it's SD, DDR1 or DDR2 or DDR3? As it may have performance differences and it could be 1 GB or 512 MB will work differently depending on the type of RAM, so is the 1 GB a must or it's recommended to have at least 1 GB?
  20. Yes, it depends on the hardware, I think all the newer hardware is really capable to run windows 7 smoothly and if you want to use the capabilities of that hardware it good to install windows 7 and use it, but if you have a bit older hardware, so why worry about it, just use windows XP which is also good with Service Pack 3 and have no problems, most of software works on XP, well maybe expect some new software which requires windows 7, but if you have an older hardware it's a doubt you'll need it anyway. I guess XP and 7 seems to be the best OS from Microsoft? Even though I remember times, when a lot of people didn't want to move from Win 98 to XP, due to XP needed much better hardware and it sucked at that time, after service pack 1 and 2 it got much better and most of people at that time renewed their hardware, but most of that times games ran on 98 much better than on xp or win 2000 as I remember, but of course, as I said, it all depends on your hardware. For example, if you have a new computer, bought this year and you'll try to install Windows XP, in most cases you'll be successful, but you may not get drivers or those drivers won't be so good for XP than for Windows 7 or with XP you won't use all the hardware capabilities available. Furthermore, here is a good resource: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. It seems you're using much of anti spyware, malware and etc. software.. I don't like to use a lot of processes running doing the same stuff, but it depends on the way you're using your computer, for friends I usually install MSE and extra software like malwarebytes here is a quote for MSE: Where seem to be plenty of good reviews for it, it seems to be getting better and it protects me quite well, even though I don't really get much viruses in the first place, I browse with Opera and have a firewall and usually don't open any exe files I don't know.
  22. Explain, why it wouldn't work? after lets say some time elapses, 10 minutes, something happens and who will see it? what will happen? You could give us more information and we would give you a solution, there is nothing impossible, usually you need to change the logic for some processes. An example of what you want to do would help. As you said in your first post, I think all you need is to calculate the facts by having different dates and refresh only when if somebody is wishing to see, do something globally, execute a process which would calculate everything you need and only when output. As I said an example with what you want to do and an explanation why this solution is bad would help to think of another solution.
  23. I used to like ESET anti virus, but for a year now I am using the free antivirus from microsoft and it seems to be very good and FREE, even though it seems that microsoft products can suck, but seems that this one works quite fine:https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/14210/security-essentials-download - Microsoft Security Essentials, it's free for all home users, but you need to have a genuine windows installation for it to install
  24. Yes, there were some problems with MyCents, I also had positive number of MyCents and was offline for over 3 months and later I posted several posts and it updated to -800 MyCents due to something, as it was the starting of my cents, maybe due to that some old topics were truncated or something as I wrote a submit ticket, it could be something with very old posts vanishing or something, can't remember, just remember that it was in the begining of myCents, when we were converted from credits to mycents and most of old users got lots of myCents by converting credits, maybe soem of use got to much? and later the problem was fixed and mycents dropped, well nobody replaied to my submit ticket again and I quite quickly reached a positive number.But today, mycents seems to work good and you get only negative if you're posts are being edited or deleted.
  25. You can use Pidgin and use multiple accounts, which means you can use multiple emails separately in real time simultaneously and it all works, I have two accounts of yahoo and msn and when I use Pidgin, I am online in real time in one interface for all of them. I even can see myself from one msn account in another msn account as they have different usernames.. And as I looked at the interface of digsby, it seems to be something similar.. You need to play a little with Pidgin plugins to customize it the way you want, unless I am missing something with digsby, will need to check it out at home, as somehom they block IM from my workplace, but don't block IRC and Skype but MSN, Yahoo doesn't seem to work for chatting, maybe due to ports.
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