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Everything posted by joeblogg

  1. what is your favorite genre of movie. if you've seen some of my other posts you will realise my favorite genre is horror. lets see which is the most popular type of movie!
  2. windows and internet explorer 7 are good. its simple and easy to use and macs cost so much. macs are quite uncomfortable and anoying to use. its probably because i'm used to windows but still some games and programs are only for windows which can be anoying for mac users. also mac uses microsoft office they use windows explorer for mac and stuff like that so they might as well just use a windows!
  3. i personaly think it is just a myth. secrets can never be kept something like this would definetly be leaked out in bigger numbers than this. i'd never even heard of the myth before.
  4. i'm reading digital fortress by dan brown. its a really good book which i would recommend to anyone who liked the da vinci code and anyone who like action, technology, hostages and all of that stuff.
  5. i borrowed an artemis fowl book once but i got bored of it after a few chapters. that was a while ago though. i might like it now lol. though my favorite author is Dan Brown.
  6. i hate harry potter. i used to like it but i'm older now. its only for young children. i mean all they do is "kill voldemort" i'm sooooooo scared. "abra cadabra" kill all the really evil dudes!
  7. that was really bad. it shouldn't have happened. parents should only use babysitters who are reliable and trustworthy not just someone you bump into on the street.
  8. that is horrible. but i guess mistakes do happen. in cases like this mistakes are rare but its impossible for mistakes not to happen so i guess he was just unlucky. that is really sad huh?
  9. hello diffusr! have a great time at Xisto and like bluebear said its good to see that you are getting active on Xisto which is how you get hosting credits! hope i see you more on the forums. i have seen a few of your posts though so good work and keep on posting good quality posts!
  10. beagles are good dogs but it really just depends on the owner. i like them though i've never owned one. if you want a beagle get it don't be scared!
  11. it is just a joke. in Australia there is a newspaper and tv show called Chaser. they target everyone from politians to celebrities to average people by making fun of them. the one of there newspaper front pages read like this: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED America successfully disarms Iraqi children. (there is a picture of an Iraqi child with no arms because he was in the way of a bomb) that was pretty slack to both the US and that child but i mean its humor and it was funny so i don't think something like that went to far.
  12. i just watched it on tv. obama-biden has won the US election i wanted the republicans to win not the goddam democrats! but we'll see how good a job they do. you never know, they just might be good. if you like the republicans and don't like the democrats visit this site i made: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. yes yes yes. this question again. which came first? the chicken or the egg. i'd say the egg first because it seems to make a little more sense but neither of them do when you think about it.
  14. i find horse racing very boring and i never watch it. but i think it isn't cruel. the horses probably enjoy getting out there and racing. its more interesting than staying on a farm doing nothing right?they like getting active and racing. the only way we can find out if it is cruel is if we ask them and we can't do that so we are going to have to use our own judgement.
  15. at my school (its a private school though) we have an IT department. they are like computer geeks who spend there whole day in the IT room securing the school network and stuff like that. they also spend there whole day like roming through the internet trying to find good new software for the school. it is good in the fact the school is secure and that it has good software.
  16. i just finished my yearly exams. i generally do better than the average of the year but i totally stuffed up foreign languages! i didn't do really well in design and technology but i did well in math, english, science (the basic subjects).but the point is i didn't revise at all really. maybe if i did i would have done better in languages and design and technology but yeah. just revise on the subjects you are bad at. there is no point revising the subjects you are good at.
  17. i like my school. it is a private school so its not a dump like the primary school i went to. so yeah school is alright.
  18. who prefered primary school over secondary school. secondary school is more challenging and has more responsibilities but you are more free and you can be more independent.
  19. yeah i agree with jlhaslip - taking it for a walk would be a bit of a challenge wouldn't it? i said it would be ridiculous but i mean it is up to the person. its their choice if they want a snake. i have heard of people who have snakes as pets but i'd rather stick to dogs and cats.
  20. yeah i checked out the site. it looks so unproffesional! and besides you can get hosting for free right here! why would you go to some stupid unprofessional trailer trash site for $10 a month hosting when you can get free hosting at Xisto!
  21. okay thanks for telling me that. i know that there are tricky people out there and we all have to be careful not to engage in business with these people. they are tricky and they target people who don't know as much as some people. as michaelA8 said do research and find a trustworthy organisation.
  22. so it looks like the democrats are getting more favor on Xisto. i think the democrats wil win even though i prefere the republicans. and yeah sometimes there is just no point to vote.
  23. hope you enjoy Xisto! i hope i see you around in the forums. get active with good quality posts.good luck at Xisto.
  24. good luck Yai64! hope you enjoy the open discussion just as much as the free hosting. Xisto is pretty big isn't it? the good thing about the forums on Xisto is that it is about everything not just gaming like mpcforum and movies like IMDb message boards. you get really board on those forums. i mean imagine continuosly talking about one particular topic! hope you have a great time on Xisto.
  25. joeblogg


    hopefully you will have a great time here blair. i know a bit of french but not much lol. just do good quality posts and your hosting credits will shoot up. have a good time and good luck at Xisto!
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