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Everything posted by joeblogg

  1. hopefully the lurking around has given you a better understanding of Xisto. so your new but your not really new... if you do need help just ask the moderators and stuff and they will help you. make friends and enjoy your time here!
  2. welcome to Xisto. as galexcd said tell use more about yourself. where are you from what do you like, who are you! try to put as much information in your posts and don't do one line posts and stuff like that because it is counted as spam. good luck.
  3. joeblogg

    Nock Nock

    good luck here on Xisto. make friends and hopefully you will like Xisto. if you need help ask the moderators who are always very helpful and make sure you don't spam as we don't really like spammers around here. remember quality of posts not quantaty!
  4. hello theresa. if you need help ask the moderators who are very helpful they helped me as well. just stay away from spam and you'll be right. if your interested in free hosting remember its the quality of your posts not how many posts you post.
  5. hello HappieHippie. just stick by the rules and you'll be just fine here. the moderators are really helpful so if you have a problem just ask them and they always will be able to help you. its not the number of posts you make but the quality so try and spend more time on posts rather than one line responses. good luck here at Xisto.
  6. welcome to Xisto running with scizzors. you seem to be posting heaps - well done. hopefully you like Xisto.
  7. COD 4 is a must buy! fsx flight simulator 10 is also good. trust me man you HAVE to get COD 4. all of the games you mentioned are good so if you choose any of them it will be a good choice but i'd say COD 4 is the best. its a great game with great graphics (even too good graphics - make sure the computer is resonably fast).good luck hope he likes the games!
  8. it takes a little while to find your way around Xisto but after a little while you'll figure it out. trust me
  9. trap17 is way the best free hosting out there!and whats with all the N/A's?
  10. it wasn't a screen shot of one of the forums?
  11. i've had a ps1 and a ps2 and they are very reliable and i haven't had any problems with them at all. but i guess maybe you were just unlucky.
  12. trap17 is great. the moderators and admins are very helpful and the open discussion is great. the good thing about the open discussion is that it is about everything not just gaming or science or movies. it is about everything which is great. the only bad thing is that i find the hosting extrememly complicated. i don't know how to start editing my website. i have the hosting and everything but i don't know how to build my site! my cent was very confusing at the beginning but i got it after about a day. i would rate Xisto 9/10 or A.
  13. they are like the same game. counter-strike comes with half life.
  14. i think she is alright but i don't know why every thinks she isn't very good. what is so bad about her?
  15. sounds good. i think its pretty interesting. i want to find out more about this - freedom on the internet would be good wouldn't it?
  16. the question that is currently bugging me is this:how many numbers are there between 0 and 1. that includes decimals. for example 0.3456544 is between 0 and 1. the answer is there are infinite numbers between 0 and 1. because you could have 0.234565787654567876545678654 - that is between 0 and 1. so infinite numbers between 0 and 1 right?but then how about this: how many numbers are there between 0 and 2? you could have 1.2345678976543 which is between 0 and 2. so there are infinite numbers between 0 and 2 right? then the question is are there more numbers between 0 and 2 than between 0 and 1? they both have infinite numbers right. but the numbers between 0 and 2 have ALL the numbers between 0 and 1 + the adittional infinite numbers between 1 and 2.interesting question right?so this is why i think there are different sizes of infinity.
  17. political science is not a science. science is about animals, plants, man-made things and stuff but its not about politics. politics is politics and is not a science. i understand where they are coming from but i don't think it should be a science.
  18. i personally believe in the asteroid theory. all of the theories have flaws but the asteroid theory makes the most sense.
  19. the best way to increase traffic on your site is to advertise on other websites of similar type. because if they are visiting that site and your site is similar then they might like to visit your site. it will take time to get traffic like i am currently trying to do with my site but they will eventually come if you have money and time. you also should get your site onto google and other search engines. its not always that easy to get your site onto google but it will pay of trust me! put ads on your site so you can afford to pay for ads on other sites.
  20. i'm not running for any nominations and i support galexcd in the the Xisto awards 09 but i decided to make a banner of my own. its not very good and i based it on galexcd lol. joeblogg09.bmp
  21. i think it should just be left up to the department of education to decide. if there were more productive things to be doing then he should have been doing it. why would the department of education hire him when they can hire someone who will do productive things in their time. thats why they should have fired him - not because he was doing something wrong but they could hire someone else who does more work for the same salary and so they save money. they might as well hire employes who do more work right?
  22. i was asleep when it happened lol. the next day i wake up and turn on the tv at like 7:00 pm and found out about it. i can't believe i didn't know about it until i watched the news the next day. i couldn't believe it, i never expected something like that to happen but it did.
  23. i think she is guilty. i mean her brother or something was a drug smuggler or something. but apart from that wouldn't she have looked after her bags and not let someone conceal drugs in there.
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