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Everything posted by joeblogg

  1. runescape is alright but i don't play any rpg's any more.
  2. its 2008 now and they have made halo 3. and its one great game, i've played it its the best one yet. i recommend it to anyone who likes shooting!
  3. i think its alright, its definately better than my failed attempt to make one lol.
  4. it looks great man be proud of it. maybe make a little bit more texture and change the font a little but otherwise its great.
  5. it's pretty good but its pretty boring. make more color and animation and change the font on the wording. otherwise its cool.
  6. i love coke but i wouldn't say that i'm addicted to it. i drink it often but not that often lol. usually about once or twice a week i would have a bottle of coke. but yeah i don't drink like 5 cans a day.
  7. i'm not addicted, but i like using the computer often. sometimes i don't use it and i can manage that, so yeah i'm not an addict.
  8. i would recommend kingston - there good quality and stuff but don't use usb's. the space on them is so samll. use a portable hard drive. there resonably small and they have like 160gb +. where as a usb has like 4gb to like 12.
  9. dude the classic by far. i hate the style of the touch and the memory is way less than the classic. trust me man get the classic. i'm probably going to get an ipod nano though.
  10. none of my friends play wow. but even if they did, its their choice and they can do whatever they want with their own life. it is a little bit sad having a world of warcraft addiction but i can't do anything. just let them be.
  11. lol i thought this was going to be all about play station portable not this pascal server pages stuff. i've never even heard of that or paint shop pro. play station is the only thing that comes to mind when i hear psp.
  12. hopefully trappedinshit.com will turn it to be good. so opa is opaque lol. i never knew that.
  13. i've never heard of windows 7 until now lol. is it like an upgrade for vista?
  14. i installed free desktop clock. it has like 50 cool windows xp clock styles and you can dislplay seconds as well. i would recommend it. its free as well.
  15. i use windows xp professional. i hate the style of it so i have installed themes to make it look better.
  16. i've done it twice this year but there was no checkbox for that. how could someone do it daily!!!
  17. runescape is all right but i don't play it any more. the thing with runescape is that you either love it or hate it lol. on other parts of the forum especially in the vent you will find absolute enemies of runescape, people who have devoted their lives to the desecration of runescape.
  18. wtf? dreams are cool. sleeping would be so boring without them!!
  19. i used to have dial up like everyone else. its so friggin anoying! everything is sooooooooooo slow. i have broadband and have for quite a while. i'm used to broadband but my friends still has dial-up so i still have to expierience it somethings. its a nightmare. why is everyone complaining about it! if you don't like it then get broadband!!! thats what me and the rest of the human race did so you dial up fools quit stopping yourselves and get broadband!!!
  20. runescape is kinda gay but i don't utterly hate it. i used to play for quite a while but then i quit, but doesn't everyone quit it just depends when.
  21. yay. you can win a free ipod by shooting the gold ipod! its so easy to shoot you'd think everyone would get free ipods right. well obviously not because its a scam. you have to put in your phone number and then they send you text messages and charge it to your phone bill becuase they pay the service provider. they work together. its just one big scam. don't do it. i think its fun to shoot the ipod but i don't put in my phone number.
  22. just ignore them. i get spam emails and stuff but i mean what harm do they do, there just emails. emails can't kill! but if you really hate them just change your email address. most of the main email providers can transfer all your email from one account to another one even if you are changing email provider like yahoo to hotmail. then just delete the spam emails and they won't know your new address. but personally i just ignore them. its funny to see all of their effort to try and make the emails look as good as possible and stuff when you just ignore it lol.
  23. dude teenagers rock! but yeah some are anoying just like any age group. so why is everyone so *happy*?!!!
  24. are you kidding me? are so happy to get rid of xp its an effing piece of ****. its so old fashioned. i never want to see a pc again with xp on it. vista is way better. finally there going to stop shoving xp in our friggin faces man! celebrate. have a beer whatever.
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