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Everything posted by joeblogg

  1. who likes or uses a portable hard drive? i think they are very useful for storing large amounts of information without slowing down your computer. obviously the more space you have taken up on your computer the slower it will go so having a portable hard drive is great. its also good for baking up your computer or storing all your illegal movies which you haven't put on dvd's yet and sold in china.
  2. i recieved a scam email as well. its funny how they actually think you will believe them when basically every knows its a scam.
  3. i'm really excited to see it. any movie from the james bond series is always good right? its just one of those movies you have to see when it comes out.
  4. i didn't like it. i hate the shrek series but it really depends how old you are. the younger you are the more you like it i guess. but yeah i hatet it lol.
  5. yeah i've heard of max payne. i wanna watch it cos it looks pretty interesting.
  6. i loved it. i was laughing throughout the whole movie! but the sequel disaster movie was crap. i don't know why but disaster movie just wasn't funny when epic movie was great!
  7. i've watched ironman but i personally hated it. i hate all of these superhero movies . the only good one is batman the dark knight which was great. i think ironman was just boring but i'm sure some people liked it lol.
  8. there are 22 James Bond movies if you count the current one Quantum of Solace which i'm going to watch soon!
  9. My favorite movies (there all horror cos i love horror!) They are in no order Altered BOO Childs Play The Exorcist The Grudge The Ring The Omen The Mist
  10. Yesterday I borrowed the movie Altered. It was a great horror film about people fighting an alien. It started of with 3 friends trying to hunt down an alien which killed one of their brothers. The managed to capture it and brought it back with them to a friends house. They couldn't kill it because if they did all the aliens would come. The alien finally breaks free and bites one of them and kills two of them. Basically this is one of those movies where you start of with a group of people and are left with like one or two. This movie is just one big hide and seek with the alien around this house in the middle of no where. It is a VERY VERY gross movie but i recommend it to anyone who enjoys some good horror like me. I would rate it 8.5/10 and to put that into perspective with other movies, the Exorcist is 7/10, the Grudge is 7.5/10 and BOO is 8.5/10. I love horror movies and have watched them all, this movie is one of the best horror movies. Very scary, interesting, gross and basically everything you want from a horror flick right?8.5/10 - ALTERED.
  11. i saw the trailer on tv and i knew i just had to watch it. saw v was great but as gross as all the other ones were. i love horror movies and watch any i can and this was one of the better ones. a great movie.
  12. yeah i used it. its really cool. the good thing is that unlike other vista themes it makes your computer look totally like vista. i've been using it for a little while. but now i use crystal clear which is even better.
  13. is nokia the best phone company. i think it is. it is the best value for money, and the functions and graphics are great. its a great all round phone. yes motorola style is cool. and ericson is good for music but i think nokia is the best overall who agrees?
  14. i doubt that is a memory card problem. it sounds like a phone problem. just bring your phone to a shop to ask them what is wrong.
  15. I am the SPAMMER. Nowgive me my goddam credits! [/admins don't get me in trouble for this!] FIVE GREAT THINGS TO DO ON THURSDAYS SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM
  16. i got my hosting set up and everything and got to my cpanel but i don't know how to start building my site. unlike other cpanels there doesn't seem to be a "site builder" thing so i'm kinda confused. can someone help me?
  17. thanks. i was always wondering what the warn level meant. but my warn level alwasy stayed at one. i'm a good boy lol.
  18. how many posts do you need to become a priveliged member?
  19. i don't think it should be illegal. i mean those big gaming companies have so much money, and private servers are just giving people who may not have money to burn a chance to play games that you have to pay for. i mean those companies don't NEED any more money. there so friggin rich.it doesn't really matter whether its right or wrong. this topic is about whether we should be allowed to "advertise" private servers. i mean we shouldn't advertise them but if we mention them and someone goes onto their website and likes it that wouldn't be advertising that would just be them. like if someone mentions marlboro cigarettes on the forums and i go out and buy some that wouldn't be advertising right? PS: i don't smoke, that was just the first example that came into my head.
  20. i think you can be addicted to anything. you know how they say some people are workaholics? just because something is good, or hard work like sport and work that doesn't mean you can't be addicted to it. some people seem to think that you only can be addicted to bad things like cocain and stuff when thats not true. too much of something is addiction.
  21. yeah it would be a horrible idea. some people might just close a topic in debates when most of the posts are agreeing with them so that it will stay like that. this is meant to be an open discussion, so it shouldn't be one sided. everyone should be allowed to comment back.
  22. i think that would be a great idea. so we could talk to our friends without having to talk to everyone on Xisto. also we could have like a group chat like the evil group chat and the coding group chat and stuff like that.
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