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Everything posted by joeblogg

  1. i have the exact same phone: Motorola Razr V3. i hate the phone! it is useful and does all the basic things i need but it doesn't have much memory and the camera is pretty crappy. but i haven't had any major problems like that and i've dropped it on concrete a few times. i don't know much about phones but i know that motorola isn't exactly famous for its quality. nokia is the best for reliability and quality and everything really.
  2. yeah that site is cool. but my favorite site for phones is zedge.net. they have videos, themes, wallapers, ringtones, games everything for free. its the best site i've come across for cell phones.
  3. that would be impossible for me. its my life basically. when i need to contact people, or if i'm bored i can play games on it, i can search the internet on it, it has an alarm clock, i can take pictures of cool things and stuff like that. it is virtually impossible to live a few days without my phone.
  4. apples are very expensive. but that isn't the reason why i use windows. windows is easier to use and most games and programs are made for windows. recently they make more for apple and windows but still. also you have a much bigger choice for hardware if you use windows. you have toshiba, hp, compaq, dell everything. so you get a cheaper price.
  5. i've used it and i don't see whats wrong with it but why would you use it when you can use Xisto free hosting? 000webhost is not bad but it can get anoying.
  6. Good to see another Christian!

  7. i've read the rules. they are pretty simple. just don't spam is the main one there are others like no referal links or something so yeah.
  8. hello echo of thunder. i think this is a little late but anyway. enjoy the free hosting and the forums and write good quality posts. all you need to is write good posts to be able to get totally free hosing. pretty good huh?
  9. hello thecolorchangingfedora! welcome to Xisto. hope you have a good time at Xisto and enjoy the forums and free hosting!
  10. hello ivan2000bd! why don't you tell us more about yourself. my advice is as follows:-read the readme-if you need help as other members-don't post one linersand enjoy your time here.
  11. joeblogg

    Dhruv Here

    hello dhruv. welcome to Xisto. bluebear has outlined the basics. check the readme and post good quality posts and you'll get myCents! you are already hosted which is good (don't you love the free hosting!). i like the discussions alot not just the hosting. just have a look all around the discussion and you will find some interesting topics and some rather strange topics...good luck dhruv.
  12. hello and welcome to Xisto EinReaper. its great that you love your job ! its good to see that you have been pretty active at Xisto since your introduction so well done. hope you are here for the long run and you enjoy the forums and hosting here at Xisto.
  13. Welcome HusH to Xisto. i'm not really good at graphics but i guess i'll learn. anyway great introduction quite a lot of members right very short one-line introductions which is bad. because if you get into the habbit of short one line posts you could get banned. but it looks like your commited to spending the time to write a good posts so well done HusH.
  14. hello baniboy! hope you enjoy Xisto and the free hosting. there are many helpful members out there who can help you if you are confused. there is the Xisto readme which is a must read. just don't spam and write good quality posts. try not to post one -liners. while they are not strictly forbidden if they are counted as spam then you will get a warning and two many of those and you could get your account banned. but i'm sure you'll do well and post great posts and earn heaps of myCent!
  15. hello summerjakeg. your IT experience is great. i hope to see you more on the forums and hope you enjoy the free hosting provided by Xisto. this is a great place and....enjoy!
  16. i honestly forgot how i found Xisto. i know i just stumbled upon it but i'm not sure from which website. i just came onto it and it looked cool and everything so i signed up. this was on the 10th of October 2008. i was a bit confused about how things worked at the beginning but i eventually found my way around thanks to nice members and moderators who told me how things work.
  17. i can't believe i forgot that! i don't own a forum or anything. i wanted to know which forum is the best for the viewers point of view. layout, just general ease. but for the makers of the forum i guess your right in saying phpbb is the best. but how could something that is free be better than ip board and vbulletin which you have to pay a lot of money for. there must be a catch. i still stick by my decission for ipboard. also vbulletin is very popular for the big players in forums. here are the 15 forums with the most members. 1. Gaia Online - phpbb 2.IMobile - discuz 3.Zenhex - vbulletin 4.Deviant art - custom 5.Bioware forums - custom 6.Game show network - vbulletin 7.Myspace forums - custom 8.IMDb forums - custom 9.Sound click - phpbb 10. Gamefaqs - custom 11. Cfan - vbulletin 12.BeepWorld - vbulletin 13. MLG Pro - vbulletin 14.MacFixIt - UBB 15.The Sims Resource - vbulletin Only 2 of the top 15 forums use phpBB 6 of the top 15 forums use vbulletin and none use IPBoard so if phpbb is so good (i'm not questioning how good it is) then why do so many use custom and vbulletin when they can use phpBB which is free and saves a lot of money and hastle building a custom one or using vbulletin.
  18. i decided to make an information blog on Xisto. i have included the things which i didn't know and i wanted to found out (which i eventually found out) so other people who are confused can get some of there questions answered. the website is info-Xisto.blogspot.com please visit it and give me feedback.
  19. that is a weird question lol. i wouldn't have thought of that but know that it is asked i would say water. syrup seems thicker and heavier than water. but what are the facts?
  20. i do not believe in palm reading or any of that trash. i mean its almost like believing in magic and stuff like that. and i don't know why some people do believe in that. is it just tradition and they were told to believe it or do they have some explanation why it is true?
  21. how could you even get your dog near a skunk. i've never seen one in my life let alone bump into one on my daily walk!
  22. thanks delivi for mentioning blender and wings3D . they're really good. i love things which are free!
  23. i use norton its the best. why use some random small company's antivirus when you can use norton which is a big company. yes some of the other ones mentioned there are ok i think norton is the best. they've won awards and everything so you might as well use norton lol.
  24. telecommunications companies are so cheap. they alwasy have new tricks and scams to make themselves money. you really just need to read the small print in everything you sign up for and you should be safe. you shouldn't trust anyone on the internet. especially small companies which look suspicious.
  25. the scary thing about death clocks is not that it has psyphic powers and stuff like that (because most of us don't believe in that). we don't believe that day they predict will be the exact day but the scary thing is that it is about health and if you answer the questions truthfully then it probably will be a resonably close estimation to the years so that is what is scary. but the main thing its trying to do is scare you out of smoking and large consumptions of alchahol which is a good thing. The funny thing is that out of 4 death clocks i decided to test for fun to see the similarities in the "day of my death" two of them predicted that i would die in the same year which was freaky. but i don't smoke or drink (because i'm under age) so the year was something of what i expected which was a relief.
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