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Everything posted by joeblogg

  1. yeah the homepage is very cluttered and confusing. its nowhere near as good as the forum homepage. i think they should change it.
  2. i think we should make one. it would make more people visit Xisto which is what we want. i think i might give it a shot. anyone want to help me?
  3. yeah just a few well positioned ads wouldn't be bad but if you go onto mpcforum.com its horrible!! they have like so many popups and stuff offering trash and its so anoying. we don't want Xisto becoming like that but as i said a few in good places would be nice.
  4. i think the Xisto skin is great as it is. the top banner is great and yeah. don't change the skin whatever you do!
  5. there are over 350 000 posts on Xisto and almost 50 000 members so for 2 admins and 18 moderators to take care of all our problems and stuff is impossible. they do there best and thats all we can ask for. right?
  6. nice guitar forum site. to get visitors what you need to do is get your site onto google and then you will get visitors. hopefully your guitar forum site will do well. anyway just put a paypal donation thing on. don't be scared to use paypal, its great and it will get you some money. trust me as long as you have visitors there are people stupid enough out there to give money to people they don't even know. so basically all you have to work on is the amount of visitors which means putting signs up around you area paying shops small amounts to have them put a poster of your site on getting your site onto google and stuff like that and then you will start getting donations.good luck.
  7. good idea mabhishekjhawar but the amount of money you make out of this is really just the amount of money you are able to put in. the more you put in the more you get out. so you have to make this gaming place a place where people won't just walk by but want to go in. and then a place where they want to go back again. so the prices you charge will have to be resonable because otherwise they won't be coming back.
  8. forget about this natural tobacco crap and the rest of the trash. if you wanna quit smoking just don't buy cigarettes. the best solution to curing a cigarette adiction is not having any money. without money you can't buy cigarettes. so the solution is waste all your money on gambling and then you can't buy cigarettes! great idea huh?
  9. can you be addicted to sport? i think you can be addicted to anything even sport lol. i'm not addicted to sport but i do like playing and watching rugby.
  10. I HATE ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really just can't stand anime i don't know so i guess that means i'm not addicted lol.I HATE ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <BR><BR>i really just can't stand anime i don't know so i guess that means i'm not addicted lol.
  11. i'm addicted to horror movies. i've watched them all lol. the exorcist, the ring, the grudge, silent hill, boo, childs play, the omen and A LOT more. i really enjoy horror movies because they always keep you on the edge of your seat.
  12. i wouldn't worry about that trailer trash he told you. its wrong you would need to eat a lot of oranges and i mean a lot continuosly over a long period of time for any effect at all to happen. continue eating oranges there good for you. they are fruit.
  13. people smoke mainly because of their peers. they just give it a shot and then they're like - hey i actually like this crap and they take more and then eventually their addicted and can't stop and then try to stop but aren't strong enough to because they haven't had any problems yet so they say " it hasn't done any harm to me so far so i'll continue" and then eventually when the doctors tell them they have a cancer or something, its only then when they realise they've made the mistake, and then they think i'm already ****** up so i might as well continue and the cigarette companies get heaps of money.
  14. yeah i love chocolate. who doesn't? chocolate is wonderful its the best stuff out there man! but thats not an addiction. an addiction is where you can't stop and rely on it to be bothered to do anything. thats not me i just like chocolate.
  15. it's perfectly normal and healthy. and most teenagers do it. its not an addiction its just a part of life. there is absolutely nothing at all wrong with it and it makes people less fustrated.
  16. i'm definately not a perfectionist. everything i do i do it as quickly as possible without giving a crap about the quality. my bedroom is a bomb and everything about me is messy lol. i think perfectionists waste too much time on things that are not important when they can have fun!
  17. i'll be supporting galexcd in the 2009 Xisto elections. hopefully others will do the same.
  18. do you think rugby 08 rocks? i really like it. i was like addicted to it for some time but its so anoying because i could never beat france in the grand final. i'm still trying to win the world cup on the game. who else likes rugby 08?
  19. can someone rate my website. its basically just like a personal blog but i'd just like to see other peoples opinions. the website is joeblogg.net23.net. please visit and tell me what you think.
  20. i would stay away from console game design at the moment and focus on computer game desing. i have a few macromedia flash player games on my computer which probably wouldn't be that hard to make for instance n-game - type that into google and a game like that would probably be a good start. i don't think your up for designing unreal tournament and stuff like that soon. just start off with the basics and work your way up.good luck!
  21. i'd be interested. i could do with a link to my site. just what type of business do you have and what would be required?
  22. of course it makes sense. the only question you need to ask yourself is how can i make my web design business better than the rest. maybe you can make yours more personal or more inventive or just more friendly but the main thing is make your customers happy so they will recommend it to their friends and so on.
  23. trust me man if your just starting off and you are happy with small money to start of with then use adsense. once your site becomes more prominent with more visitors then you can start approaching other advertising companies willing to pay larger amount. the only way to get more money from a site is to get more visitors basically. it means your ads will pay more and you will get more donations and stuff like that.
  24. of course age of empires is better than empire earth and age of mythology. aoe rocks man! i got aoe 2 and 3. 3 is way the best.
  25. i wouldn't mind joining the clan. when you are ready to recruit give me an email at joeblogg27@hotmail.com.
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