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Everything posted by joeblogg

  1. i don't really believe in the "sixth sense". those "sixth sense" moments are just coincidenses and that is all. the human senses are all the same. the 5 senses there is no sixth sense. i know there is *evidence* which may lead you to believe that there is a sixth sense but after all its just a coincidence. we all know that coincidences happen and that things which may seem strange happen but its all part of life. because these weird things happen it is human nature to "explain" them. but we are just lying to ourselves just trying to cover up the fact that we really aren't able to explain quite a lot of things in this world. this brings religion, science and phycic powers into question but quite a lot of these are just cover ups for the fact that we don't know much about this world.
  2. i think it is definetely impossible to be able to travel to the past and change things. i mean it doesn't make sense. so if you go back in time and kill your grandmother she won't be able to have your mom and you mom won't be able to have you so you won't exist right? if you don't exist how can you go back and kill your grandmother? that is just one of the reasons why you can't just travel back in time.
  3. i never even knew there were people who even thought about even thinking that dragons existed. i don't believe much and i'm afraid that i don't believe that dragons existed. i mean dragons! they are the stuff of myth. but in this world there are people who will believe in anything. i mean there is a goddam flat earth society who thinks the earth is flat and that all the photos of the earth are faked and that somehow all the governments of the world have managed to keep this secret without any arguement at all.
  4. dammit! i was going for the dallas cowboys even though i don't even live in the USA ( i live in Australia). i like rugby type sports and thats why i like us football. and the dallas cowboys are cool and have won the 4th most championships so yeah. the new york giants are a good team though and they did deserve the win.
  5. basketball by far man. i don't particularly like the olympics though. why don't they have rugby in the olympics. they have soccer, hockey, basketball you name it but they don't have rugby the best sport in the world!
  6. lol i've never even heard of street basketball. what is streetball?
  7. forget about that lol. australia is going to win! the rugby league world cup is not as competitive as the rugby union world cup because australia and england are the only countries that have ever won the world cup. if only they could make it a bit more competitive.
  8. well firstly you need your site to have good information. you need to have a wide variaty of sports to be able to attract the largest number of visitors. i like rugby league (and rugby union) so the main sports site i visit is the National Rugby League website http://www.nrl.com/ . if you want graphics advice i know a site that just has the WORST WORST WORST graphics IMAGINABLE and claims to be the best free hosting site. it is http://bestwebhost.com/. oh god it is the worst site lol and they charge $10 a month for hosting and look at how crap the sites graphics are. good luck on the site.
  9. which is better Nike or Adidas? i personally prefere Nike. i think it has better style and the quality is better in my opinion.
  10. i use paypal. paypal is the easiest, the most used and why would you even bother with the other ones lol. i'd never even heard of most of the other ones. paypal is safe and secure and i'm not the kind of person who would actually bother to use anything other than paypal.
  11. i have a toshiba laptop currently. its not one of those ones but i'm not that happy with it. its not THAT slow but its not exactly fast. its a tablet pc so it has a tablet pen but the hole which the pen goes in on the side is very tight (it used to be fine) so its really hard to get the pen in and out. you are meant to be able to just press the button on the top of the pen and it would pop out but know you have to pull it out. its quite anoying. also the mousepad sometimes screws up so that is also bugging me.
  12. i have to disagree there. hp/compaq laptops are very reliable and for me the costumer support was good. i don't know maybe they are bad in your country or something but over here they are very reliable. i have a toshiba now but its really anoying and has many software and hardware problems. its a good laptop but hp/compaq's are better for me at least. well good luck with the laptop.
  13. geez those are good cars huh? i don't like the nissans and stuff but i love those porshes and mustangs! if i were making a list of top 20 sports cars i would have made a few changes but those porshes and mustangs definately would have stayed!
  14. so many people say that adsense sucks and that there are way better programs out there. but adsense is easy to use and you can still make money so you might as well use it. so i would go with adsense over adbrite.
  15. i personally wouldn't trust that site. maybe its good but i think i'll leave it for now. thanks for telling me anyway.
  16. i've personally never tried moroccan food. but now I think i'll go and give it a try. when I think about it i think there is a moroccan restaurant quite near me so i'll go and give it a shot. i might love it!
  17. thanks for that recipe. it looks pretty hard and i can't cook so i'll see if i can find someone who can. it sounds delicious though.
  18. thanks. i'm just collecting all of these recipes so when i learn to cook i won't have to buy a cookbook!
  19. i tried to make it.it TOTALLY screwed up! i do not know how to cook! so i thought "i'll give it a shot. how hard can it be?"yes that sentence, the worst sentence in the english language: how hard can it be.i found out how hard, the hard way! you know on cooking shows and stuff it looks so easy just mix the crap and then shove it in the oven and take it out and there it is done! thanks for the recipe i might give it to someone who does know how to cook.
  20. thanks for that info. but i prefere just eating the goddam stuff!
  21. my favorite foods are pizza, pasta, hamburgers and chips!
  22. joeblogg


    welcome to Xisto sbfc93. hope you enjoy your stay and hope you like the forums and the free hosting that is provided.
  23. looks good but the problem is that i can't say it sounds good because i can't hear it. i can imagine it and it seems good so well done. keep up the excellent work.
  24. yeah he has a point. you don't need to make everything rhyme. all poems don't have to rhyme. and it only sounds good if the rhyming is good. if it is cheap crappy rhyming it sounds horrible. good job though. keep up the good work.
  25. ha lol. good job man keep up the good work. i can't rap for nuts so yeah your doing a good job. all rappers had to start somewhere right?
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