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Everything posted by joeblogg

  1. that was a very interesting story. i didn't know that there was so much hardship. it is 2008 now and i notice you have google ads up now. are you making a profit now? a profit just makes things more fun! how did you become involved with xisto? does xisto own the site or are you parterns with them? i'm a little confused lol.
  2. is it possible to do without photoshop or paint shop? can you do it with any free technology available over the internet?
  3. any group is incomplete without joeblogg! who wants to join the joeblogg group?
  4. taiwan should not be part of china. taiwan is democratic and china is communist. i hate communism and it should be abolished. taiwan is a free independent country and china should not try and control that. taiwan is totally different from china. they are a free country and they are democratic. how can a country run with some part of it democratic when the rest of it is communist. a country can either be democratic or communist it can't be both. china is doing what america did in the civil war. if the southern states want to be independent it is their own choice!
  5. how did you do that? babel fish doesn't do most of those languages? did you search it on google or something? pretty cool. now who can say 'will you marry me?' in 100 different languages?
  6. lol. that isn't a banner mate. thats a button or something. it would have to be a lot bigger to be a banner. but good work its pretty good.
  7. good to see you've come back even though i wasn't around when you were here originally. this is my first forum site i've been registered on and it is the best ( i've seen a few more now).
  8. internet explorer is popular because its easy. its already installed and you just go straight to browsing. most people won't be screwed to actually go and download some browser which does the exact same job and is no different except in the styling. no one cares about the browser. as long as it works and you can go straight to your favorite sites then everyone is happy.
  9. well australia and america have similarities and differences. australia and america are pretty similar well more similar than india and america.Similarities:-speak english-have deserts-capital city isn't the most populated (in england and france for example, capital city is largest populated)-have states not provinces-christian-democratic-western countryDifferences:-one uses metric one uses imperial system-huge population difference-geographic location-military capacityoverall i think australia is probably one of the more similar countries compared to america.
  10. yes norton isn't one of those free antivirus packages of the internet but i think you get what you pay for. i use norton antivirus on my computer and my computer goes resonably well. (well at least better than when i had free software on my computer). the free software is good for like defrag and registry fixing but for a real antivirus program norton is the best. i wouldn't use trend micro or zone alarm ( i don't trust those) . mccafee is also good especially for businesses.
  11. Okay these are my nominations. I decided to only nominate 1 person for each catagory but there are other people for each catagory that were almost as good but not quite. (And thanks everyone who nominated me. I did not think I would be nominated at all!)
  12. i've read all of his books. they are great and i can't wait for the next book. i hadn't heard that there was going to be another book until i read your post. i'm currently reading digital fortress again. that book is great: nothing happens like you expect it to happen. well that is the same for all of his books in fact.
  13. Awakashaya why don't you try and give more info about yourself. short one line posts may be counted as spam. posts like yeah thats cool! are spam and too many of those and you could get banned. i know your knew and you'll find your way around Xisto soon enough. good luck.
  14. joeblogg

    Hi, I'm New

    don't worry ruben. you can right a few short posts but just don't do to many of them. if you can write more then write more. give more detail and information. hope you will enjoy the forums and free hosting that is provided here at Xisto.
  15. The Japanese should definetely not whale! I am most certainly not an environmentalist. but here are the reasons why i think whaling should be banned: -whales taste like crap -it is cruel to the whales -no one likes whalers -there are a lot more fun jobs out there than whaling -its gay -whales REALLY taste like crap -whales REALLY REALLY taste like crap (and i mean CRAP!) but the main reason is that it is cruel to the whales. they are becoming endangered and it is just not good. as i said i am not an environmentalist or an animal rights fanatic but why kill inocent animals for meat that tastes like trash! it would be alright if whales tasted really nice but it doesn't and there is just no point. i hope everyone else agrees with me.
  16. gays shouldn't be allowed to marry. gays are disgusting! god made us so we can reproduce and the only way we can do that is with the opposite sex. that is how all animal species survive they reproduce. gays cannot so therefor they are strange and out of the ordinary. gayness is really gross and should be banned in every country!
  17. at my school they give all of us laptops which we can use for all the subjects. of course we don't use them all the time we use them about 1/3 of class time. i think that is pretty good.
  18. this is a one off case. people always focus on the bad things because they stand out. the 99% of MMO players who are nice law abiding people aren't mentioned just the 1% who are bad. there are always going to be bad people in the world and we can't stop it. its not because of MMO's people kill for money to buy drugs which are already banned! so if we banned MMO's then killing would still happen so we can't really do anything. most of the worlds population are good people and thats good huh?
  19. that dell does sound good. i've had good experiences with dell but my favorite computer brand is HP/Compaq. but if you like that dell that is a good computer and should be good.
  20. i think the nintendo wii is the outright winner. it is way the best. its just a totally new idea!
  21. who has played hitman on play station? if you have do you think it is better than on the computer or on the xbox compared to playstation. i think it is best on computer personally. actually i think basically all games are best on computer.
  22. my favorite play station 2 game would probably be tom clancy's splinter cell. its a great game on ps2 or computer but yeah its a great game. the grand theft auto series is also good. oh wait hitman is probably my second favorite play station game, maybe even my 2nd favorite game on any console.oh and deadspace is a new game which is supposed to be really freaky. i've never played it though.
  23. a woman would probably be just as good as a man but the general public would never vote a woman into presidency. its just a fact. hillary clinton she put up a good fight but obama was always going to win the nomination. although the new zealand prime minister is a woman but that is a rare case. maybe men are better because men always win the election. but is whoever wins the election better? not necessarily. you can't say whether women or men are better at being president. it depends on the individual person. so if there are more men who are better at being president than women then men are "better" at being president. but there are still women who are just as good as them but there are a lot more men so thats my opinion.
  24. Evolke made a good point by saying that it would have to be a chicken and a rooster so that actually changes my mind. i think it was a chicken and a rooster rather than the egg because if the egg hatched there would be just one chicken and no one to mate with. by having a chicken and a rooster then they can produce eggs which will make more eggs. but still both sides of the arguement have faults. maybe there was a chicken and an egg.
  25. yes you will be able to start a free public email service. all you need to do is make it better than the rest: make it look more pleasing ( i hate the design of gmail), make there be less ads, make there be good spam control. you will get customers slowly (depending on the amount of advertising you pay for) but you will be running at loss for a little while but then slowly you will start to lose less money and then before you know it you will be making a little profit and then more and more. you need to be able to keep up with the bigger ones like hotmail and yahoo. good luck with your idea.
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