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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. Oh yea, Hotmail = evil... I used to like it... it seemed decent enough, until, I had to send and receive emails where things were time sensitive, and I wasn't getting things at a reasonable speed anymore. I was getting things sometimes days after they were sent.Then, about two weeks ago, I got a message in my email, that was from December... that was the kicker. A month and a half later! No more Hotmail for me. Gmail is my new provider.
  2. I'm so happy! There wasn't an edit button the entire time I've been around, but I still felt kind of lost without it. I would finish the post, and think of something really great to add (okay, so it probably wasn't really great, but you get the drift!) but then couldn't do it without annoying the mods. I didn't want to do that, so I'd wait around for someone to reply, so I could add it into my next reply of the thread. This makes things so much better! I'm happy that it's here, and hopefully it can't be abused, and we can keep it :rolleyes:Thanks for always making this place better!
  3. Wow... 200 - 300 visitors per day and you are making about $10 each day! I wish I had that sort of luck. That's about the amount of visitors that I am making right now, but I'm not making nearly as much as you are. What is the current ad company that you are using? If you don't mind my asking.
  4. Not that I know of... of all the geeks that I know, none of them are 'freaks' so far as I can tell. They just seem like normal people, but know a little bit too much about computers and all that techie stuff. I wish I knew more :blink:As for crazy, I can't really say that they are that either. They could be, but I haven't seen them do anything crazy, so I guess they aren't.
  5. Hi, I was wondering if there was any good shopping carts, that could work with paypal, that could sent out digital products immediately after payment is confirmed for paypal. I saw a bunch that were expensive that claimed to do that, but I was hoping for something a little cheaper, like in my price range, because I don't have a money making site right now...I saw that you could auto direct people to a page after they go to paypal, but that the address to the auto-direct is in the plain html in your page, so people can read it, by viewing the source, and stealing your products without paying. I wouldn't mind a redirect, but then I'd want it so people couldn't get to it, unless payment was confirmed. And the other problem with that, is if people buy more than one thing, how would a redirect work, they could only be directed to one page, and wouldn't be able to find any of the other things.I was even thinking about sending an email with all the links to the places after they pay (if that could be done automatically, because I heard people don't like to wait if it's digital products so I don't want to make them wait). I just don't know how to go about it, I've been trying to figure something out for like four days now, and everytime I come up with an idea, I end up with more problems that I don't know how to solve.Are there any good ways to do this sort of thing that you have found? I was trying to come up with something on my own, that would work the way I wanted, but I'm not good at all the programming and coding stuff, so I wasn't getting very far.Any suggestions?
  6. I think it's funny to read the posts that are mentioning that you all feel short, because you aren't 5'10... it seems kind of bad, because I'm so much older than a lot of you, I'm 21, and I'm 5'5 and always somewhere between 115 - 120 pounds.My sister is 5'11 and 160 pounds (which I find very hard to believe because she is so thin, but she's very athletic, so I guess it's muscle), my dad is 5'10 and my mom is 5'8 if you wanted to know.Yes, I'm a shorty
  7. I'm not too sure that I'd call you an amateur, because you are really good. It nice to see some of the quality sites that look like they were made by real people. Since your's is so nice, and has lots of great stuff in it for people, it's an excellent addition to the web, as far as I'm concerned.Anyway, as far as amateurs go, I'd have to say that you are one of the best Way to go!By the way - I'm up in Canada, and you're graphics all seemed to be showing up fine for me.
  8. Hello! Welcome to Trap 17! I'm sure that you'll really like it here, I know that I sure do and a whole ton of other people for that matter do too!As for the 30 credits.... it shouldn't be too hard. Just look around at the forums, I always find places that interest me, where I can share my opinion or knowledge (how limited it may be!). Just remember, that it isn't the quantity of posts that get you the most credits, it's the quality of the posts. So, do be afraid to say a lot if you want to... it'll just end up giving you more credits, so you'll be hosted for longer without having to worry about posting as much.Mind you, don't forget to keep posting after you get hosting, because I found, that once I got my hosting here, I wanted to work on my site, and had trouble trying to post for the first few days because I was so excited about getting a new site. But I managed it, and now it isn't a problem anymore. And anyway, it doesn't take long to get credits.So, welcome... have fun here, and if you ever have any questions, (I know I always do!) be sure to ask. There's usually always someone here that can find you an answer
  9. That's pretty much what I'm after, Avalon, just with a couple different things like I want to have the date as a field as well.I tried to convert my page to php, by I messed it up big time, and couldn't figure it out, so I'm trying again. Should I be getting the page to work in php first, and then try to add the database? Or do it all at once? What do you find works best?In class, the teacher just gives us a file, and basically tells us to change the variable names, so I haven't learnt much other than what I've taught myself either, but I'm way behind you lol... and hey, bad habits, aren't really bad habits so long as they get the job done.One thing my teacher does say is that it doesn't matter what means you take to get the job done with a client. So long as it works in the end, the client isn't going to know/care depending on how much they know about programming.
  10. I'm learning php in class right now, but I'm still not that good at it, what I'm wondering is when I write the php so that it can connect with a database, can I at the same time have it that it is able to display back images that I choose.Like, I want a search feature, where you can search for a keyword, and it will bring back a list of all the possible entries with that keyword, but each of these entries will have a photo associated with it.Now, do I put these image files directly into the database, or do I write the code to link them from my files to the other information that will be stored in the database? I've looked in Google, and around this forum, but can't really find what I'm looking for.Any suggestions?
  11. Yes, from what I know, the ../ is the correct way to put it. You just have to make sure that you do indeed have the file that you are calling in the folder one level up......I had no idea that all servers don't recognise relative links. Is this something that I should be worried about when making them, or is this 'apache' server not what we use. I'm all confused, but what else is new lol...
  12. I know, things like that seem unfair, as do many of the other things that I've read people saying in this thread. But, whenever I think about how things were not that long ago, and see how far we've progressed, I'm really happy about it.I don't know if I want to take on all the traditionally 'guy' roles. Mind you, the vision of a perfect girl isn't me either. I'd like to stay at home, but work from here, online and make a career that way. If I had kids, I'd love to be able to look after them from here, and keep my job all the while.And I've always said for as long as I remember, that when I have kids, I'm going to make sure that they have my last name. And I'm not going for that hyphenated stuff either. Especially since my last name is already 10 letters long as it is.I have my reasons for wanting to keep my last name. It seems that we are a dying breed, my family. I only have one sister, and two female cousins on the side of the family that shares my name. It's all girls, and I'd like to think that it doesn't end here.I always wanted to adopt, so, I suppose that I could adopt a girl and a boy. That way, there would be at least one person to carry on the name. I always wanted a son that was a little older than his sister, so he could look out for her and all that sort of stuff. Not that I could know that it would happen, because kids are unpredicatable, but it would be nice if it could.So, for names having to go to the husband, it's nice that it isn't a law, because I wouldn't want to be forced into giving away my last name. I feel that the name is me. It's who I've been my entire life, and it's a defining thing. If a guy doesn't have to give up a name, why should a girl?But who knows... maybe I'll meet someone that I really like, decide to get married and forget my whole idea and end up with a new last name. You never know. It could happen.
  13. Hmmm... that's like that episode of the X-Files, where that one guy had a tail. I forget what the episode was even about now, but the image of the guy with a tail stayed in my mind.But 12 million? I never knew the number would be that big, but it's pretty cool though. I'm not so sure about the whole evolution idea, but neat enough on it's own.As for it hurting to sleep on or sit down, I can't see that being the case, because I know other animals have tails, and they don't seem to be hurt by them. And my dog certainly lays on her tail and she doesn't mind
  14. Hi, I just ordered a new website with Xisto - Web Hosting.com and was very pleased about the fast job they did to get it up and running! I'm so happy! I can't wait to use it...Anyway, is there some more time that I'm supposed to wait to be able to get in there? I got emails saying that it was all up and running and registered and all that, and a link to log into cpanel, but when I go there, it won't accept the username and password that I received in the email. Is there a certain time that it takes to get it working?And another question, the emails mentioned setting the domain nameservers to certain addresses. Am I supposed to do that, even if Xisto - Web Hosting.com registered my domain for me, and all that? And if I am supposed to do that, I'm not sure how to access something like that. Is it in the cpanel or something?Thanks.
  15. Wow... glasses. Yep, I wear them. But so does every member of my family. Sister, mother, father, grandparents on both sides... And most of my aunts and uncles too. So, I wasn't really surprised when I needed them.I have noticed that since I enrolled in a laptop program in school, my eyes have gotten worse, as with the people in my class that I talk to. But we stare at the computer all day at school, and then go home and do the same thing. It's pretty straining on the eyes.I can still see close up fine though. Infact, I'm not even wearing my glasses right now. I usually take them off when I'm looking at the computer at home, because I do not have to see the board far away. Usually for me, it's easier to see my computer, without looking through the glasses, because I always see the dirt and dust on them, no matter how often I clean them.I have contacts too, but don't wear them anymore. It was fine before, if I was going out, but now I have too long of days at school, that they hurt my eyes. So I just stick with glasses. And it's not like I look that bad with them. They are just small ones.
  16. Have any of you tried the whole subscriptions thing? Do people actually pay for subscriptions? I'm thinking about it, but I'm not sure that people will order a subscription so readily, especially on a site that is just getting started.Do you find that people who do subscribe, keep subscribing? Like recurring payments? What would you say is the average amount that people are willing to pay for? If I were to sell things such as website content, like images or stories or whatever, do you think people would be paying enough money per month to make it worth my while?I plan on adding new content regularly, so that people will want to resubscribe, so that they get it. Otherwise, they could grab the entire contents of my site in one month, and cancel the subscription.Does this even sound like a good idea? I was trying to figure out a way that I could implement a free shopping cart, that would automatically send out the products sold to the buyers, but after looking into it quite deeply, I just found more problems and few answers.$10/month is like nothing to pay for a subscription to a site that has a lot of content for you to use, but I feel that if I go and charge more, people won't bother. But if you think about it, people are paying far more than $10 per article written, so I think I would loose out in that manner if I was using subscription based.It would be neat, if I could do something that was like a subscription for $10, that allowed one download, while a subscription for $50 allowed 5 downloads and so on. That way, if people feel they are going to get more out of the system, they can pay for what they want, and I shouldn't end up loosing lots of money to the people who go download crazy, just because the content is available.If you really think about it too, $50 isn't that much to pay for unlimited articles, let's say for an example. But, to me, it seems high, like I wouldn't pay it myself. But then again, I've sold single articles for more than that, so I'm not really sure. And if I'm selling single articles for more than that, and someone can get an unlimited monthly subscription for $50 it still seems like I'm not making as much as I should be.I don't know... it seems like an endless battle to try to get a site together to do what I want, and I've never really gotten a 'e-commerce' type thing going, so I'm all confused by it, and slightly overwhelmed if I might say so. I don't have the coding know-how to pull off a huge e-commerce site that does the things I want it to, nor the money to pay for someone that does.Do you have any ideas as to what I can do to sell electronic products, so that people can receive them right after payment, either by way of subscription, or by way of cart - because I'm open to both. Any other ideas would be more than welcome too, because once again, I seem to be stuck.I suppose if it was easy to make money online, everyone and their brother would be rich by now. I suppose it's those who keep at it that eventually feel the rewards.
  17. That is going way too far. I don't think that schools should be able to do that. I don't think anyone should be able to do that, without incredibly good reason. Even so, I'd feel so violated because of it. It seems wrong to me. Very very wrong.As for the getting in trouble for over the counter drugs like aspirin and midol and all that... that's going over the edge too. I live with pain everyday... if I didn't have my meds, I wouldn't be functioning all that well. There was a long time during highschool that my routine was, wake up, take a couple aspirin and then get ready for school.I'd take the pills with me too, because typically, I'd be having more during class if the pain returned.So, if someone thought they were illegal drugs, and then searched my locker, I wouldn't think that was so bad. They are just trying to keep the bad stuff out of the kid's hands. But if they didn't find anything, and did a strip search... I couldn't imagine anything more humiliating.
  18. I'm pretty sure there is, though off hand I'm not really sure which ones do. I heard that google adsense just recently started offering that feature (with the per impression) but I'm not too sure how it works. From what I can tell in my reports, there is no way to tell the difference between if you made the money from the impressions or from the clicks... Unless of course if you made money that day and you hadn't had any clicks reported at that time. But I've never seen that happen yet. I don't think...
  19. I can see myself using something like that... because between my computers, I've got a lot of stuff saved up. I've got 40 gigs on the home computer, with about 30 gigs used. I have another 40 gigs on my laptop... and it's only got about 35 gigs used... I had to go out and buy an external hard drive, because it got full... It was 80 gigs, and I figured there was no way I could fill that! But low and behold, it's full too. I'm going to have to buy another one soon I think. I think I'd rather buy more externals than a 'super-computer' though. I don't know. It's probably cheaper this way. Specially since I got my 80 gig hard-drive for $200, and there were many cheaper ones out there.
  20. I was looking into that other cart that is offered in our cpanel... but I hadn't heard of the payment options. It did let you use paypal as an option, but you'd have to upgrade for that which costed extra money that I just don't want to pay right now.I was looking into other shopping carts out there, and read that paypal has one of there own. Since I'm already a member, I would prefer to get payments made to there, if I am so lucky as to actually sell something (I'm keeping my fingers crossed).From what I can tell, I have to make my own store, and then I tell the paypal forms what the items are and the costs for such items and all that, and they make me a 'purchase now' sort of button. Once the user clicks it, the item is added into their shopping cart until they check out. Perhaps, after something is purchased, I'll have to manually remove the items, until I've figured out what else to do.I really really want to have a way that'll allow me to send the 'intellectual properties' as you called them (I like that by the way... I'm going to have to hold onto that one... ) immediately after purchase so that people don't have to wait. I don't think many people would want to wait for anything that is just going to be sent to them over the internet. Mind you, I suppose that could be what is being done on ebay when people buy ebooks and such, so I guess it wouldn't be so bad, but I'd really rather send them right away.As for methods of payment... I believe I read somewhere that paypal allows for credit card payments, even if you don't have a paypal account already, or if you do, then you can use your account funds. I'm not positive on this though. You might not want to quote me :PTo get the shopping cart function of paypal, I did have to upgrade to a Premier Account, which I'm assuming is free, because they didn't charge me anything for it. But they make the money by taking a small percentage of the money that is transferred into my account. I don't mind this, because in other places that I've been working with, the cut was outrageous - like 40%! So, I figure this can't be so bad. It was something like a flat fee of 30 cents per transaction plus 3% of the total paid or something. And another couple percent if they need to convert the currency for you.Okay, that was a lot more than I expected to say... but it's all that I know for now... so I'd love to hear anything else that anyone has to say
  21. heh... welcome! You're going to be really happy that you've found this place. I can honestly say that I don't think there is any place better out there for hosting.Posting is easy, so long as you remember, because there is always lots of things going on, and if you have questions, you can always ask. People are always more than willing to help.So, you're in Canada, eh? So am I But I was born here. I'd really like to travel the world though sometime, because I haven't seen much of it yet :PBest of luck with the new Xisto and you pairing. I'm sure it'll be a good fit
  22. I don't know how much help I can be... but when I connect I do it in Dreamweaver, and it connects to my ftp fine.These are my settings:FTP Host: ftp.yoursitenamehere.trap17.comThe login and password use the same thing as it takes for me to log into cpanel.Also, 'use passive FTP' is checked, but I'm not too sure what that means, or what it does. Just thought I'd mention it.Hope that helps...
  23. Well... Welcome to the boards lol (seems sort of funny saying that to someone whose been here a while!)Anyway, I'm sure that you are already used to the place by now. That was my problem. When I first joined, I was highly confused by the giant forum that lay ahead of me. Perhaps I just wasn't used to it all... but now I am and I love it.So, hopefully you'll find your time here very worth it. I can't wait to see some of the graphic design stuff that you put together once you get that far.And hey, even if you don't finish highschool, don't worry about it. I didn't either... and now I've found myself smack in the middle of a college course of web design. So it can be done!Best of luck with everything
  24. So how many people advertise would you say on your site? Do they all have to decide to advertise once they've visited, or is it like google, where people choose what kind of sites to advertise on, and then it matches them up with your site.Plus, is it topic related ads? I suppose it if wasn't people probably would want to advertise on a site that was related... I don't know, I'm just curious too, because I'm a beginner in the way of advertisers.
  25. I have no experiance with online shopping carts (though offline, that is a completely other story lol!). Anyway, what I'm wondering is, are the shopping carts that paypal offers simple to impliment, and do they do a good job?Can you modify them in ways to make them do certain things that you want to do? For instance, I wish to sell online products, that once someone buys something, it gets sent to them, as soon as the money arrives in the account. Since they are images, or stories or other digital media, this shouldn't be a problem, right?Or do I have to go and email the people their products once they've bought them?I don't know how extensive shopping carts can be. Is this sort of thing something that I've have to code into my site?Plus, I wouldn't mind it, if after someone purchased something, and I've received the money in Paypal, that the item is removed from my site. Again, is this possible to do... even if I have to write some codes or something on my site.I don't really know much about e-commerce, and any insights would be much appreciated. Thanks.
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