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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. Yes, I was adjusting the chmod of the files in my cpanel... somehow they got online, but not the way I wanted them, and then when I tried to upload the page the way I did want it, it wouldn't let me. Oh - is there a way to change the chmod on the files in my hard-drive too? If so, how is it done?Anyway, I decided to just create completely new pages, so that I could edit and upload whenever I want, but now I can't delete any of the files from my hard drive or from the internet, so they are just sitting around taking up space. It was one of the phpformgenerator (well, actually three because I tried a few times!) and each one sent -tons- of files and folders to the site, so there is quite a bit of stuff that is just sitting there taking up space.If you have any idea what I can do to get rid of them, please, do let me know. Thanks.
  2. Sorry I can't really help you there. I'm not sure what to do to fix that error. Perhaps you could let me know what happened to bring up this error? Like what were you doing?Anyway... just one other thing - It's very important to use discriptive titles for these forum posts. "I have a problem" isn't really letting me know too much.
  3. Yep, each credit is worth one day of not posting. So if you had 30 credits, you wouldn't have to post for 30 days... but you should always try to keep at least 10 credits in your account (I like to keep more, because you just never know!) so that if you do have to be away from the forum for a while, then your account won't be suspended, or even deleted.Credits aren't hard to come by, so I'm sure you'll be fine. Typically a couple decent posts a week will do it. Or several smaller ones. Just be sure to keep an eye on the credits you do have!
  4. I'm not sure if that's true. Because for my second form, where I used radio buttons, I used the same 'name' variable, and it works fine. I kind of thought that you needed the same 'name' variable for radio buttons, so that it is only possible to pick one before submitting. I could be wrong though. Anyway... happy to hear you got it working, Compute!
  5. Hey again - good to hear you got that other form working now. I made a second form as well after. I needed one for submissions and one for subscriptions. To do this, I made two separate txt files - one for each of them. They work fine. Just make sure to keep them in the same folder. I put them all into the same folder and it works fine that way. Good luck, and if you are still stuck, just ask again... we'll try our best.
  6. Hmmm.... interesting. I didn't even know that their logo wasn't an original. Shows how much surfing I really don't do ;)Anyway. This is a great idea. I'd love to see what you come up with as a final one because all the ones I've seen so far are pretty good. Maybe there should be a logo contest, like they have a sig contest... just a thought.Either way - nice job!
  7. Hi... I got it working now. It wasn't your tutorial that was wrong. I'm sure it's just me because like Compute said, we are just not so experianced at this, so we need a little extra help Anyway. I did have the space in the txt file. Only one space though in between the headers and the body (I believe that is what they were called), but when I added a second space, it works perfect now. I'm happy that I got it working, because I was playing around with it, because I couldn't get into the Xisto site, so I wanted to come on here, and tell you sooner, but I wasn't getting in, and then it was dinner So thank you for all your help... It means the world to me. You have no idea how the past two days have been driving me crazy over the forms lol.
  8. Okay, but it's still not working... I've got variables which should work... these are my two files: <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="http://chromlea.trap17.com/cgi-bin/cgiemail/formprocess/langtemplate.txt"><input type="hidden" name="addendum" value="Thank you. Every submission helps the site a great deal.">Language: <input type="text" input name="language"><p>Word or Phrase: <input type="text" input name="phrase"><p>Meaning: <input type="text" input name="meaning"><p><input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Send"></FORM></p> and: To: chromlea@gmail.com Subject: Language Submission Language: [language]Word or Phrase: [phrase] Meaning: [meaning] Can you see anything wrong with this? I used all lowercase words now... and the form works and sends... but only sends the last two entries. And they are in the same directory, so that isn't the problem either. And -- thank you one million times over for putting up with and helping me! Hmm... it seems like it should work from there... but I had mine in the same place that you did... and it wouldn't work for me either. So I dropped them into their own folder, that only had the two files we are making in it, and that seemed to make it work. Or mostly work Anyway, give that a try, and see if that helps you out. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Merging two posts.
  9. To add a submit button to the form (so the people can send it once it's filled out), you would type this at the bottom... <INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Send"> You might also want a 'reset' button: <INPUT TYPE="reset" value="Reset"> And I believe that you must add a line to end the code for the form too at the bottom: </form>
  10. That is all I'm after is basic information gathering type stuff. And I did find this tutorial yesterday, and I couldn't get it to work for me. Today, things are looking up. I've mananged to make a very basic form, that sends but I'm only getting the last two of the fields to arrive in the email. The first one doesn't show up at all. Using your example... if on my template, I have: All I'm receiving is: I've checked to make sure that the words are spelled the same on both files, and that they don't have capitals or anything like that. Is there something I could need to add for it to send the first one along? I tried adding a forth textbox, hoping that it just wouldn't send that one instead, but it just left out the first two areas instead and sent the same last two, so I'm not sure whatelse to try. And thanks for the offer of help, rvalkass, I might have to take you up on that, if I can't get this one working. I'm not at all familiar with php... so I think that was half my problem.
  11. I am in the middle of an evil form-mail battle, so I can relate to you. All yesterday, I tried to set up some forms... and now I finally have some set up, but they are still giving me nothing but trouble. I used the PHPformgenerator... I wanted to just set up some simple ones that I could direct the form input to be sent into my gmail account, but no such luck. I don't know when to send the form action link to. I think that if I knew that, I could send it. Well, unless you still have to create a bunch of extra files to handle that too. Then, I'd be lost again. As it stands, with the formgenerator that I used, it created -tons- of files and folders... and that is all just for one form. I need two separate forms on my site, and there is so much room taken up for two small little forms.And now that I put those premade formgenerators in there, it's messed up the permissions on my site somehow that I can't change and upload the new files. Even when I go into the files in cpanel and change the chmods of the files. Whatever the case is. I'd love to get rid of all those files and folders that it installed, but when I run the delete and uninstall thing for phpformgenerator, it doesn't get rid of the files and I can't delete them by hand either.So, yes, a big head ache. All I wanted was something simple! This has been a long couple of days... and I'm no where close to where I'd like to be.Sorry about the rant here. I'm a bit frustrated. And I would like to know how to make a -simple- form that submits three textbox's info to my email. I've tried php... it's not working for me. Anyway, if you are looking to take a crack at it, I'm about to try the cgiemail that is found in your cpanel -> scripts -> cgi center -> cgiemail...
  12. So yea... hello! and welcome to Xisto. It really is a good place to be if you want great people and great hosting. I've never had any problems with it so far. And when I don't understand something, the people here are more than happy to give me an explanation which is really nice.Anyway, your site looks really nice. I can see the graphic designer part of you through it. And sorry, I'm not familiar with shopping carts, but I wish you luck in creating one for your site!
  13. midnightvamp

    Hi Ya!

    Yes... welcome! And you're english seems very good. I think you are going to like it here, because the boards are fun and informative, so if you ever need to know anything, search the boards, and you can usually find an answer. If not, make a new topic and someone will help you out if they can.Anyway, can't wait to see your site once you get hosted! Hope to see you around the boards!
  14. Hmmm... that is strange. The only thing I can think of is for account username, you have a different one listed. I'm sure that was unintentional.But other than that, I can see no reason, because the application looks okay and your posts seem to be more than enough to cover the ten credits. But if you want to make sure that you do have enough credits, just go to the main forum index page, it tells you how many credits you have at the top of it.
  15. This is very true. Though I do like it when I get a new page... because I can always find where I came from, if I've been directed onto another site, it can be frustrating to have all those windows open on you. I think that only links that leave your site should have new windows come up, because if you are in someone's site, you should be able to navigate it fairly easily to get wherever you wish to be in it quickly. Is there a way to make new windows come open in a tab instead if you are using Firefox? That would be great!
  16. Okay, so I was trying to FTP these files over dreamweaver today... and it seemed to be working fine. But then, certain files won't let me transfer from my hard drive to the internet, or the other way around. It gives me this error message: Anyway, I know that the file does indeed exist. I've opened it on my hard-drive... and it is there. But it won't let me upload this one or certain other ones with the FTP. So I went online and searched for what it could be, because I thought it might be some settings were wrong in my Dreamweaver, since I just got this new version installed - Dreamweaver MX 2004 by the way - and found this stuff about it having bugs much like I was finding, but only in the 7.0 version and mine is 7.0.1 (if that means anything to you....) So, I don't know what else to do. I should have all the permissions. It's my webspace that I'm uploading it to, and they are my files on my personal laptop, so I couldn't see how I wouldn't have permisson other than some setting being off somewhere. Has this happened to any of you? And what did you have to do to fix it? Thanks for any help you might be able to give me.
  17. I believe that all websites are accepted... because everyone's gotta start somewhere. Plus, they give you the hosting, before they can tell your web-making abilities. Though I'm not sure on their stance on certain types of websites... I know you can't do illegal stuff on them. But that won't be a problem, right?As for the hosting... it's all over the place. It can be anywhere from a few minutes to days. It all depends on how busy the Administrators are. They are the only ones that can approve the hosting. My application took about a day to get accepted... if that means anything to you.Hmmm... I believe that one of the features in cpanel is called 'Parked Domains' or something to that effect. I don't know what it means, but I'm assuming that whatever it is... you're covered ;)And you are very welcome!
  18. Oh, I don't think you'll be disappointed. There are tons of features to work with... and most of them, I have no idea how to even use, but the one's I do are still great. Seeing as you've been at this for a while, you would probably be better at it than me! I'll definately check out your site in a little while. See how it's coming!And yes... we are friendly. Friendly is good
  19. A spell-checker would be nice. Especially when it gets into the wee hours of the morning... and your head is about to fall off. Okay, not literally (I hope!) but you get the picture.And a place for pre-hosting questions would probably be a good idea, because you hear a lot of them - most that I notice are in the shoutbox, and answered up there too usually. But if there was a forum for those kind of questions, people would be able to look through them, and probably find the answer to what they were wondering. Because most of the questions are usually the same anyway.Or maybe there could be a FAQ section regarding that. There possibly is one already. I'm not really sure...Anyway... some good ideas.
  20. Hi! Welcome! I'm fairly certain that you can and will be accepted! (Pretty much everyone except spammers and such is!)Anyway... wow you are just 15 years old and been doing this for 5 years already! Congrats to you! I can never believe just how young so many of you people are. And I'm only 21... and by no means an expert at things (especially forms... but don't get me started on them. Been trying them all day - no luck lol...)And hey, these forums are great to learn new stuff on, or share what you know. I think what I'm learning in here is probably more valuable than the free hosting you get for it. But you never know... it's pretty darn good itself. Best hosting I've managed to find!Yea, that's about it I think. Welcome! Have fun, and I can't wait to see your site once it gets up and running!
  21. Hey... hello! Good to see you've joined Xisto. This place rocks, and I'm sure you'll figure that one out real fast. Anyway... I'm Amanda, and I'm also a college student, but from Canada - though we haven't gone back to school yet. Not till Sept 6th.Anyway... be sure to read around the message boards here. I'm sure you will learn a ton. I certainly have. And the people around here and more than helpful when it comes to answering questions. We will do our best with whatever you need.So, I'm curious -- what is your wonderful cause that you are going to make a website about? I can't wait to see it!
  22. Heh... I just found this thread while searching for something else. That's okay, it's interesting, and now it's my turn to add my two cents.My name is Amanda... and obviously I get called Mandy. Nothing wierd there. But I have this cousin, who calls me Amandy sometimes and other times Manda... I get Mandy Pandy and Mandykins from my immediate family.Plus, there was this guy at school that always called me Annie. He said I looked like Annie. Still baffled over this one. Is there another Annie that I just don't know about? Or is there really some resemblance to the little orphan girl? You tell me -- that creepy person in my avatar is me... yep, definately an Annie look-a-like.Plus, this other guy, he used to call me Alberta. I was like... oo-kay. Whatever. He said that he couldn't remember my name. I would have thought Alberta was harder to remember than Amanda... but then again, who knows.
  23. I'm sorry, but I have no idea. I would though, like to know as well, because I am hosting a forum off Xisto, mostly because I didn't want it to kill all my bandwidth if it got really busy...Anyway, if the day comes that I have to switch to a new board, is that even possible? Sorry... I really know -nothing- when it comes to this.
  24. Wow, crazy, I had to go and take a second look at it, because until I heard all the border comments, I hadn't even noticed the techie border. And yea, it doesn't fit that much.You sig does have some shock value. The picture and the background mostly. Wow... that is kinda disturbing. The blood spots (if that is what they truly are - they look like it to me) are kind of neat though... but that just could be the vamp in me coming out.
  25. Okay, so I've been trying to set up a form on my site, that would allow people to submit three things:Language, Phrase and MeaningExample:Language: JapanesePhrase: Ohayo gozaimasuMeaning: Good morningAnyway, I've searched through these forums here, and ones that are off site, and tried to come up with some stuff... but whenever I find examples that I try, they aren't quite what I'm looking for, so I change things, to fit what I need, so that it looks right on my site, but then it doesn't send at all, or not correctly.I could do it fine I think, if I knew what the address for the cgi-bin thing is, but after looking through these boards, I've seen a few different ones posted, but none of them worked when I tried them out for me. Is that because I need a special page added or something?I also tried to set up a php thing, because I found tutorials for that sort of thing which didn't seem that hard, but I don't know php, so I got pretty lost pretty quickly. So, the latest one I've attempted goes something like this (By this point, I thought the simpler the better): <form method="post" action="http://chromlea.trap17.com/usr/sbin/sendmail"><input type="hidden" name="destination" value="chromlea@gmail.com"><input type="hidden" name="subject" value="New Information"><P>Language: <input type="text" name="language" size="35"><br>Phrase: <input type="text" name="phrase" size="35"><br>Meaning: <input type="text" name="meaning" size="35"><br><input type="submit" value="Submit"></form> Am I anywhere on the right track? Would that work if I had the right cgi-bin address (or whatever it is called?) And do I have to add an extra page to the cgi folder to handle the forms or not? Sorry, I've been trying to get this form to work for hours, and I was hoping that you'd be able to help me.If you need any other information, just let me know, I tried to be thorough, so that you could see where I am messing up. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as requested.
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