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Everything posted by miladinoski

  1. I will reword your reply to his letter to be more formal (as I've studied in school one month ago) so use it if you want to
  2. Nope, I'm not an addict on Coke but it sure can be really, really addicting if it's one of the only cold beverages on a hot summer day and you don't have water around you (you're out on a trip etc.) Gah, like Jelly said it gets bland after a while and your throat will become soar and you'll demand more and more. Wait, it gets worse! If I drink it around before bed time, I'll surely get up during the night and go to the loo and sometimes even more than once and my stomach hurts if I eat something while drinking it because of the carbon acid I guess. So I drink it only when I am a on a party but not in front of the TV... the typical american ways
  3. Cool, now I can remove that garbage from my computer once and for all!ps. I mean, if I ever make a dumb move and reinstall Windows...
  4. ^ I couldn't open Xisto all day long, it'd just time out :DHope it gets fixed soon and it doesn't do that anymore... Hopefully
  5. Your best choice will be to submit a ticket and explain them the problem you have. As for me, I really don't know why you can't transfer the domain to Xisto I can't see where the problem could be. Your best shot is submitting a ticket both at Xisto and where you bought the domain you're talking about.
  6. As everyone before me told you what to do, I'll just wish you welcome to this forum and have a pleasant stay. I don't even have 400 posts and I have enough money to upgrade my hosting and pay for 2 months without touching this forum Also, my site was never ever down for the last 5 months, or I didn't notice
  7. You are a mod once more?? Hope you won't lose the function this time. Good luck! :)

  8. That's nothing new for the mobile market, because as buxgoddess said, almost all Nokias have this 'feature' which shouldn't be called a feature but a standard.Apple is just plain dumb to not include this from the start. Nope sir, eye candy is more important for them than just some features that oh, every other frickin' phone in the world has.
  9. Yep, I actualy had 2 tamagotchis as a kid, when I was 3rd and 4th grade (9-10 years) to be more exact They were really fun for me to care about them as I couldn't have a pet in my house so I had to find a better toy to play with. They were the boom in my country at the time and almost every single kid had one. Also, the reset button on the back of the tamagotchi was awesome! You can't do that with a regular pet if you didn't know! My brother broke one because he wanted to make me sad and nervous, and I lost the another oneā€”but it didn't matter because I was like over it the next day. Crazy japanese people!
  10. miladinoski


    Howdy morgotth, where art thou from? Have fun while staying at this forum, but make sure you read the rules and don't break them in this forum Also, sign up at the billing area so you can receive dollars with which you can buy hosting and domains. Enjoy and make friendships miladinoski
  11. Hello Angus and welcome to the best forum where you can get free hosting and domains. Make sure you read the rules before you do anything and make sure you DON'T SPAM and by that I mean don't post too many one liners on this forum and don't paste content you didn't originally write, but place it in [ QUOTE ] tags Make 5 posts and then sign up at Xisto - Support billing area w/ the same e-mail address you used here. You'll get myCents for your posts and they'll turn to one dollar when their number reaches 100. Don't worry if the status of the myCents below the avatar shows "READY[160.43]" or another bigger number than 100, because the script runs twice a day I think and when it runs you'll be left with 60.43 cents and one dollar transfered to your account if we take the aforementioned case. Also make sure you read the links on the main page on the left sidebar. Enjoy your stay ps. Also, I had the same problems with 110mb and left them to join here, just like you
  12. I'll just put this here, because a picture is worth a 1000 words:
  13. I think God is an inter-dimensional being without gender and without physical appearance, thus nor male nor female. I believe our minds aren't and won't be able to figure out God in the next 100 years and when they eventually figure out his being, everyone will be blown away by that discovery :DI know one thing for sure. The French wouldn't have a way to call it because 3rd person doesn't exist in their grammar and they will make a civil war in which both of the sides will lose, as always. Waay too offtopic I know... :DEither ways, still fun to get the hold of how people imagine it.
  14. miladinoski


    Hi Jessica Always nice to have another active chick around in the forum because there aren't a lot that are except Mich and Bluebear Please take time to read the Xisto readme file and the help files if you have difficulties with how to surf and use the functions of the forum. Stay active and you'll get paid with myCents for your good and lengthy posts with which you can buy the domain or hosting (or both) you like. Sign up at Xisto - Support billing with the same email address you used here and after 5 posts myCents will start to count below your avatar. After 100 cents, they'll be transfered to 1 'dollar' and so on... Enjoy your stay and feel free to ask any questions you like us to answer and we'll be very kind to answer you.
  15. Phew man!

    I haven't been here for a while and you s-p-a-m-m-e-d. I mean *built* over 1000 posts! Wow, congrats! :)

  16. Hey Jim, welcome to the Xisto boards over'ere You are welcomed to post and get 'cents' for your posts, the longer the post, the bigger your 'cent' count with which you can get Xisto 'money' and buy hosting or domain or both After you make more than 5 posts, sign up at the Xisto Billing area, and don't forget to use the same e-mail address you used when you signed up here. MyCENTs will be accumulated into dollars as I said, and the dollars count after you sign up can be seen at the index page of that website. You must read readme file (which contains the board rules) too and these 3 helpful posts: How Xisto gives Free Web Hosting? How to Order Web Hosting for Free? More about myCENTS - CreditSystem Enjoy your stay and have fun making new friendships
  17. What is the meaning of those quotation marks? Can you see the thing in the quoted text below that makes IE behave like poo? You see, the problem with IE isn't Microsoft, but the people who when having the knowledge of other browsers refuse to use anything other than itm and this can be said mainly for the american browser market where IE is still used like it was in the 90's. That's all. Making IE compatible pages will soon fall out of league because either: Microsoft will develop IE and make it support standards OR More and more people will ignore it and it'll soon be outdated and rarely who'll use it. Speaking of which, the first is probable but knowing the past of Microsoft, highly unrealizable; the second is not very probable, but realizable if Microsoft refuses to do something with their horrid standards support.
  18. I just want to add, although all scripts from that website are allowed, you may encounter some scripts that aren't, and those are: Xisto Knowledgebase A topic that explains the banned scripts more thoroughly is located here.
  19. :D Hahahaha that's really, really dumb. To offer money to catch a worm maker? I wonder if the award is given if you turn his living or dead body to them. Probably dead. Yeah. At least it will keep Slashdot nerds employed. Well without worm makers AV software producing companies wouldn't exist and peeps will lose their jobs, right? Hahaha, that was really funny baniboy The bear on the right is waiting for you as a reward
  20. Congrats SM, but please stop with the stupid spam. Didn't you have enough of it? I wonder how much weight you built up with eating that much spam? :DOh, and don't forget that the ASMA is behind your feet. One wrong move and we'll blow ya up!
  21. Really nice, I especially like the second one! :PFor improving the sig, I may recommend adding some avatar or some other 'styled' pic that will fit in right for her. Maybe you should ask her what kinds of avatars does she like. :DAlso a translucent background would be nice too.
  22. I wonder who was the man in the past that said something like this.... No hard feelings and I'm sorry if you feel offended by what I'm going to say EchoTang, but that was really rude to say of you.
  23. It's allright, a dude on other forum designed one for me, here it is: Thanks a lot baniboy because your sig helped him make the one that fits me the best
  24. Thanks for the sig dude! If you can, please make another one with the other render (picture) with around the same size...

  25. I told you, you don't need to follow the IP method, you just need to wait for the video to load, erase all cookies, check work offline in your browser and you can watch the video without disruption. It's really tried out by me and works. You can surf with other browsers
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