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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. When people think of snow skiing, Hawaii may not be the first destination that pops into their heads. But, if tropical snow skiing is your bag, then Hawaii is the right place.People do snowboard and snow ski on Mauna Kea (Hawaiian for white mountain) on the Big Island of Hawaii. There are no ski lifts to take you up the mountain, which is over 13,500 feet high, so you must rent a 4WD vehicle or hire a guide. Skiers take turns being the driver up a road that also serves several observatories at the summit. Snow falls during winter months, though the ski season can run from November through July, and the snow can accumulate to a few meters depth. February and March are the best bets for good snow. This has been called the finest snow in the world, and there is a ski-able area of almost 100 square miles.At the summit, you have an incomparable, unforgettable 360 degree view - Mauna Kea's moonscape terrain, the lush tropical vegetation below, and the surrounding ocean. As an extra, in the distance you see Maui's Haleakala crater.Snow skiing in Hawaii is unlike skiing anywhere else in the world, plus, how many places do you know where you can go snowboarding in the morning and scuba diving in the afternoon? So get with your shredheads and launch some gnarly tweakage
  2. Well I have been here in Xisto for a while now and I have notice something here. I am into the weather. There have been a few other posts of this kind and a lot on globle warming and it's effects on the weather. Would you please condider adding a sub forum on this topic. 2 reasons it might take off and help. 1 would be easier to find the thread you may be looking for.2 I bet if you just even do this as a trial it would take off fast
  3. well I got it done. only was able to do a radar however. looks pretty fast in FF and GC and IE but if your on a slow speed your out of luck sadly. here it is if you would like a look and tell me what you all think, Google Radar Map Not the cleanest map but for my 1st time at doing this and not knowing what I was doing I feel as I did a pretty good job
  4. jlhaslip, are there any sites like this but with other templets? there at oswd.org they to me rarely update and it is always the same type of templet.
  5. well I use 2, dreamweaver and a free editor Hapedit, both are great but dreamweaver will allow you to do a little more
  6. no problems for me yet, and I hope I will not have any. but ofcourse things happen. Edited. yes it is now sitting on zero
  7. well tweak away. just hope all these DB Errors will end soon.
  8. Oh So I am not the only one? Thought I was just going nuts
  9. For the last 36 hours my mycents seem to be stuck at 85.27. Maybe due to the holildays or maybe not good enough postings. just was curious as to why?
  10. I agree. I do that too some. I just wish there and there most likely is, but I havent found it yet. with Blank templets that you can change around easy. I have a few ideas for my site but knowing little on codes and without ending up with a zillion erros on the page. I just end up using templets.
  11. yea thanks for the heads up. now I know who to yell at for help lol
  12. Well 99% of the time I do use a Templet in my design. Only because I really am not that good at all this myself. I do have a design in mind though and have been playing around trying my best to learn everything and how too's and all. I know the basics and all that. but when it come's down to the bigger things in designing a site, I just yell HELP or go back to a templet.
  13. Today I was monkeying around with my site. thinking I would add some flash links.googled around and found some online flash link generators but all had there alittle ad's on them. They are great for the one's of us who know very little of making these kinds of links and so forth. What do you all think though. Do they A flash link with a small ad on the bottom for the makers. Do they add or take away from the site. Myself I think they take away and make it look like someone really didnt know what they are doing. yet on the other hand. they are fast and simple. So it is a toss up. What do you all think?
  14. That is most likely the reason. Waiting on a simple how to question myself and it took 4 days.
  15. I guess too it depends on what country your in too, Here in the US there is not much if any nudity, Buttocks only on the network TV but cable anything almost goes. Yes I agree with most it would be embarrassing for some preteen or even a teen to watch this with his or her mom and dad. But why would a mother or father let there young kid see that in the 1st place?
  16. also try a hair dryer set on low. sometimes works too. My ex gf was always dropping her's in the sink or john, and that worked for her.
  17. Had problems both from fedx amd ups. Hate dealing with them both. Will take my chances with snail mail.
  18. Very Good Idea, and for us men. Same with our boxer,breifs,socks or a tee shirt or two. I would do the same thing with old coffee cans with the lids. Take some crape paper and wrap it around it, and you would never know it was a old can of Joe
  19. and now that we have K-rod and cleaned up the bullpen even better
  20. Funny but when I opened my yahoo messenger today I had a offline saying that they had seen my nick and thought it was cute, was most likely a pickup line but made me think. What are the top 3 best screen names you have seen here in the net or Xisto.mine are,1 Running With Scissors Tap172 Im_Gumby_Darn_it Yahoo3 Just_call_me_stupid Yahoo
  21. Tram what kind of monitor you using? Looks round here, and looks more like a globe than any of the others. now the one to the upper left on the other hand, looks more as a eclips moon. oh well the whole thing to me still rates a 8.5
  22. Last nite I was surfing around looking for more info on how to make google maps and came across this site. MAPme.com You can not do overlays only markers, like say where you have been and things like that. But it does all that for you. No code needed, which for me is great.
  23. wow very nice, myself loving good graphics I really like it but for one little thing. the star burst in the upper left. Would have toned it down a little, to me it makes it a little lop sided. Great work though. Should try something like that in 3D
  24. A very big welcome to you Stefan, I know you will enjoy yourself here at Xisto. great job too and any and all knowledge is more than welcome
  25. Hearing that kind of scares me, could this so called hack also get into any sites on CH? really dont want to have to deal with that. also while I am here. I have noticed here in the Xisto forum some post have a 0 read or reply and why you click them saying error. is that because of this, or did someone remove them as spam?
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