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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. Hello Bob, and I know I can speak for everyone here at Xisto in saying welcome aboard and enjoy yourself
  2. I have to agree with the above. But I will say this though. Maybe too your looking too hard. Maybe your pushing yourself on these ladies/men. Chill out and be yourself. Good Luck
  3. ah so they take it out for ya then. Thanks. You da man.
  4. I was looking around the net at all the differnent templets for websites and got me to wordering. Which do you prefer to use?Templets are great. I use one myself. Mainly because I really am not that good with a true design. Only bad part of using one is your a little limited on styles. Free templets anyways. So what do you all think? Design or templets?
  5. Here on 01-03-09 My hosting plan runs out. I just looked at my client area and do not see a place for Renewing. will I have to go threw all that again or what? Also can I do all this before the renew date?Thanks
  6. Nothing is wrong with it at all. We are all born that way. If you really think about it too, Your a virgin even after you have sex. I mean what do a lot of people call someone that has never used say the internet before? a computer virgin. So there is nothing wrong with it.
  7. To use the old phrase, Monkey see monkey do. comes to mind with this. I really don't think he can change things like he wants though. Maybe makes things a little better, but change? no.
  8. Well I have been dating a women on the net now for over 2 yrs now. I am in new jersey and her in the philippines. Sadly I know in my heart we really have no chance to ever meet in person, but Love yes I do love her greatly and would never cheat on her as I know she wouldnt on me. As for being healthly? I think anytime you have someone that loves and cares for you and you for them, That is healthy. Where is you may be in a real relationship and there maybe a little fighting or things like that. which are unhealthy. As for lies? None from me honestlly, Yes for about 6 months I did keep from her that I was handicapped, but I realized how I really felt for her and came clean and told her.So yes I do feel it can and is a very healthy thing
  9. Lately I have got hooked into making google maps. My google map was of the USA with a dopplar radar overlay. yes had errors due to I really do not know much of Java and KMZ files. My next project is to make a map of the Gulf states of the US and easten coast. with a hurricane tracking map. really unsure if I can do all this, knowing what little I do know of how to make these maps. Also with how Google's map help is. If any of you here in trap have any idea's on this let me know. maybe make this a group project.
  10. Yes I do believe. Call me crazy but I have seen things that I can not understand. namely the day that my mother passed away. When I got up that morning, not knowing that she had died in the night. I could feel what felt like a very big hug and a kiss on my cheek, and I sware to god I could smell that smell only a mother has. Then catch this. I could hear her voice say everything is okay now. Well I told my brother and sister that a few days later, and they too had that happen. So yes I do believe in ghosts, or spirts.
  11. done all that, could it be something happend when I installed SMF? I dont know. and honestly now not really worried about it. Don't feel like reinstalling it and dealing with the data base and all that.
  12. I have to strongly agree. Some of these go way back. Yes these are nice to look back on but honestly do they need to be here in the forum, even in the arcives? Wouldnt it be better for space and the database to remove them, put them on CD or something if they are really needed.
  13. Yes Bluebear, its a weird sock, back many years ago that is what they used to call socks.
  14. Most likely weather permitting. I will go over to one of out local nursing homes and help out for a hour or 2. Something I have been doing for the last 5 ot 6 years. Then come home, get a bite to eat and sit back and watch some football.
  15. No more bata for chrome. I did download it a few weeks back and also made a posting like this of about it. Now that the newnest has wore off, I can take it or leave it. I do like the feel of it though. Seems to load pages faster, even more so with something like google mail or apps. But like you I do love FF even though when I come here to Xisto I do like IE. To me the look of Xisto is better in IE that FF or Chrome, runs a little faster too. But everyone has there favorit browser, I know.
  16. yes eye contact is very important, Would you trust a person if he or she couldnt look you in the eye as he or she said something like I love you? I know I couldnt. so yes eye contact is very important
  17. Sounds to me as you really do care for her and her well being. But as you said your 15 and she is 17, you said she gets drunk and alot of babits you dont like. You can not change how people are. I know. My ex wife was a alicholic. I tried and tried to change her ways. Never could. I finally left because it was affecting my well being. Sometimes you have to do what is the right thing to do for you not the one you love or care for. Notice I say care for. You will not like hearing this but I am going to say it anyways. your 15, You are too young to know what real love is yet. You said she gave you the choice? My advice. Close this chapter and go to the next. You can however if she wants be her friend. But I would not try and push her into anything of you take the big chance of losing her forever. Good Luck
  18. So true, and honest I do not blame them one bit at all. With how everyone is Sue Sue Sue now a days, I would honestly be scared to help myself. It's sad but true. The world is not like it used to be when anybody would go out of there way to help his or her fellow man or woman. Now everyone is scared Bleepless to help out. I even know some people that went down to Texas right after hurricane Ike to try and help and was turned away because the city of Galviston and the state of texas was scared to be sued.
  19. very nice idea, could be done with a solor pannel running straight to the AC, via a couple of batteries in the trunk. If I was you, I would look around the net. see if you can find the right person or persons to take this idea and work with it. Just be smart though and Patten it 1st.
  20. been there done that. Even went to the SMF board and they said same thing that you did.
  21. I'm wondering if my Christmas wish list this year should have included more sweaters, woodburning stoves, canning techniques, and other tools for self-preservation in tougher times. On the other hand, maybe the only way out of our economic sadness is to spend on gadgets that will bring a little joy into our daily mess. Yeah. That's the holiday spirit. And on that note, let me say that it is amazing how far digital technology ? from cameras to flat-screens ?has come in the four years GWB took office, So start giving! At least that's what I'm telling my GF and family.1. Apple iPod touch 8GB MP3 Player who would not want that. 2. Panasonic TH-50PZ800U Television Perfect for the upcomming baseball season. 3. Acer Ferrari 1100-5457 Laptop Computer. Rather have the car, but always wanted a Ferrari lol4. Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2008 Software. have to have something for the farrari, right?These are just a few things that I would love for Santa to bring me this year.
  22. On my Site I have a SMF Forum and would like to do some upgrading there. I click on Packages to get what I want to upgrade and it says instal. clicking that it takes me to a screen asked of my FTP well I put in the info and then it tells me, AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED! Session verification failed. Please try logging out and back in again, and then try again. Well I do as it says and log out and try again. then I get the same thing again. what is it I am doing wrong here?
  23. Hmmmph you left out the best team in the poll. New York Mets
  24. okay but your boston must bring back Buckner lol, I will even throw in that black cat lmao
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