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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. good idea you have there. There have been many orthopedic doctors that have been working on this subject for years now. AKA Bionics. I have a friend that has a arm like that, Works from a charge sent from her brain to the stub in her shoulder. She is still in the learning stages with this, but can move the fingers a little.
  2. Good Choice and the right one as well. Better 1 than 10 if not more. you have to think of the people also riding on the train too. by hitting 10 people you have a greater chance of a derail I would think. so the answer is 1 person and not the 10.
  3. That is well worth it too. And if you use the Mycents even better.
  4. okay now I am hungry again. Now just to convert Grams into Ounces or cups.
  5. lol what's the old saying, don't hate the player hate the game? but yes people should be respectful for the ones that who do not smoke, just as the ones that don't smoke should also consider the ones that do smoke. Myself as an ex smoker, I understand how it is, and I respect the wishes of the ones that do not like the smell of a cigarette or cigar. It is a bad and killer of a habit that I wish that I had never started. the way that I see it with smoking now a days is this. you do not need to hate them. the government hates them enough for all of us. and THEY have raised the tax so much, soon nobody will be smoking.
  6. Don't waste your time on this. in one simple word? Scam. If these sites are still around as they once was. you would be surfing 24/7 and only make enough to buy a snail mail stamp. so in other words. for get it.
  7. hmmm will I only can tell you this much, why they collapsed was due to the weakened steel in the buildings due to the intense heat from all the jet fuel. got to remember these plane had not been in the air very long and had been heading to LA Cali. Secondly building #7 along with it surrounding buildings had been damaged from the falling pieces of not just the towers but the planes. as for why hitting the WTC? easy. they had been a hub for world trade. not only American but many other countries of the world. That's why they tried to get it the 1st time. not only to screw up the USA but the world in general.
  8. Well Welcome to Xisto Alphacide, I know you will enjoy the forum that we have here. A lot of us here are just like you. IE Coding games and chit chatting all around. We do ask that you please take the time to go over and read The Rules and Regs before you go on a posting spree. Have fun and again Welcome To Xisto. The best forum on the wild wild parking lot
  9. ty rob but they are jpg's not gif files. Also I found this late last night sarasota wx Thing is a little hard to really understand for me anyways.
  10. been there did that. just about any "prepaid" phones like that your pretty much just throwing your money out the window. As I said I have been there. But with me it was with a Good company which I will not name, mainly do to they are my phone carrier now and they are no longer in the prepay cell line. Buyer beware is what you should always think. also check with the better business bureau and see if they had anyone complain of there tactics.
  11. well I will admit I was the one that voted of war. wow was I ever wrong on that one. after searching Google I found out no, it was not used for war. Even though I bet some people wanted to start one after hearing a bad bagpipe player lol . Here is what I found http://www.celtic-instruments.com/errors/error404.html
  12. well as long as you keep posting Nguyen you will be fine just you may wanna refresh yourself with all the Good stuff IE rules and regs Never hurts to refresh yourself every now and then. Enjoy and start dry see you guys had some flooding rains there today. TC John
  13. Oh how I remember that snow storm very well. They had the forecast all screwed up. But it really was not the NWS fault though. If I remember right it was due to a cold front that had stalled sooner than they had thought it would. the area of low pressure aka the nore easter was to ride up the front but since it has stalled out, it had nothing to help push it along. that is where all the major snow came from. we had near a foot of the stuff here on the NJ shore in about a 12 hour time when they had only said we would get maybe 6 to 8 inches.
  14. Yea rob I thought of all that, but being it is a windows app and all that. well you know how it is. I did a major search on all this and found this http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/anis/ But this kind of coding is NOT my strong point. If you want, take a look and see what you think. I know your interested in all of this too so maybe it will help both of us. ttyl Here is the Folder with the files that I need to use. JPG Files as you see they end with br1_0 through 9 also as Grlevel updates each file will be over written but will use the same name. What I am needing will have to be easy to edit as well being that each radar site will have another call letter. this is out of Tulsa Oka. "kinx" So when a weather event comes up I will change that to another city. That's why it needs to be a fast and easy edit. John
  15. that's the thing I am not sure of. When GRLevel-3 uploads it's images it only uses 1 file now. ???_br1.jpg I can set it to upload in sequences but doing this would add space and the dreaded bandwidth. Image sizes range from 67 to 73K which really is not that much but it is the bandwidth I am worried about.
  16. god this thread is still hanging in there I see. as I said someplace back there once before Poofy on this. for one how can the Mayans or Aztec as it really should be pick a day and yet a time for the earth to go poof? Maybe a day I can take but bringing it down to the time? something like 5:11AM EST? Come on now. If they can or could do that, they could have at least told us how it was gonna end. Nukes? Asteroids? Viruses ? how?
  17. Bingo, I will bet anything that is the problem. that or a fan has stopped working. I know the laptop that I had before it gave up the ghost had a fan that was so quiet I did not even know it has stopped and caused it to over heat and well fry. Good luck.
  18. Help I am stumped and I know it can be done. I use a weather radar program called GRLevel-3 which operated on my PC and then can upload via ftp to my host server. Right now I have the Radar image going onto another file and then have that file embedded as a Iframe on the index page so that it will refresh itself every 5 mins. Site Visit My Website What I would love to do is to have this so that I it can animate> I am sure this can be done somehow. I have seached the net and found a few ajax and php files but there really hard to understand and to configure. I am not that bright when it comes to that. If someone here in the world of Xisto knows how or ever where I could find a way to have this done. Please Let me know asap. Really have been working hard on this, for weeks and can not find what I need or how to do it. Thanks John
  19. I have to totally agree 10 out of 10. Yea sometimes I have had my mycents not post or been in the negative. buy withing an hour or so it had corrected it self. also Each and every time I have had to fill out a ticket, they have been replied to in a very very timely matter. Even the low. with a note saying to take your time.
  20. after looking at the photo more and talking with other weather and cloud buffs we have come up with an idea of the so called UFO. And we did not know the weather in Moscow for that day but, if they had a Thunderstorm Super Cell in that area of the photo that had rotation in it. Yes that would make the clouds looks as a ring. If this is what happend though, this could be why it looks as it does. with the rotation and the sun hitting it in just the right way.
  21. Okay this is not a Nut posting somewhat. This was passed onto me from facebook tonight. 2 things came to mind seeing it. 1 Photo shop and 2 Independence day. Who know's what is it but as someone that loves the weather and how clouds react with light, it even has me saying HUH? UFO Halo in clounds
  22. been there did that, Thanks Bush and Obama
  23. Well Rob as a fan of the Late Bob Marley I do have to say not only did Aston Barrett, but the whole band did. not just one Rastaman like Bob but the whole should have a share in all the royalties . http://www.globalrhythm.net/?CFID=4cb4a3cf-07c3-4a1d-8d18-237d210aa3dd&CFTOKEN=0
  24. This is the one I use on my site. it welcomes you with by good morning or evening and gives the date and day GL <script type="text/javascript">try {var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7324896-1");pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}</script><!-- /mod_php version 1.0.0.Beta2 (c) http://www.fijiwebdesign.com/ --><!-- script to display greeting --><script language="JavaScript"><!-- var Greeting = "Hello. ";var Today = new Date();var CurrentHour = Today.getHours();if (CurrentHour < 12) { Greeting = "Good Morning, today is "; }if (CurrentHour >= 12 && CurrentHour < 17) { Greeting = "Good Afternoon, today is "; } if (CurrentHour >= 17) { Greeting = "Good Evening, today is "; } document.write(Greeting); //--></script><noscript>Hello and Welcome to ECHO OF THUNDER WEATHER </noscript><!-- end of greeting script --><!-- script to display full date --><script language="JavaScript"> var Today = new Date();var Days = new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");var Months = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");var Year = Today.getYear();if (Year < 1000) { Year += 1900; }var Day = Today.getDate();var DateEnding = "";if (Day == 1 || Day == 21 || Day == 31) { DateEnding = "st"; }else if (Day == 2 || Day == 22) { DateEnding = "nd"; }else if (Day == 3 || Day == 23) { DateEnding = "rd"; }document.write( Days[Today.getDay()] + " " + DateEnding + " " + Months[Today.getMonth()] + " " + Day + " , " + Year );</script><!-- end of date script -->
  25. well let's see here. I have to admit I tried it once and ONLY Once. They set me up with a very pretty lady. everything that I hoped for. she and I talked over the phone and E mails for about a month before meeting in person. Well That was Mistake Number 2 because mistake number 1 was even trying it, Same as most online sites, people lie. best to meet someone on the streets I think
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