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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. Hi and a very big welcome to Xisto.com AZ. I know that you will enjoy yourself here, we have a very large forum with a lot of great topics to pic from, and a lot of good and helpful members as well. We just as that you please read Da Rules They are very easy and helpful
  2. welcome to Xisto Andrei! I know you will love our forum here. Lots of really great topics to pick from. Along with the forum you will meet a lot of really nice and friendly people here. I do suggest that you take the time and read the rules You will find them to be very helpful for you. Good Luck and enjoy yourself.
  3. that is just what I am talking about willie. a lot of these places charge a fee for this when it is made to the public for free.
  4. what I was talking of is. there are some weather services here in the net who shall be nameless, that charge a fee for them to contact you in the event of a weather warning for your area. They will E mail you or Text you. even call your home phone.. I am not saying that isnt a good idea it is. But I have a very big problem with these media outlets charging a fee for this service.
  5. Today I mad a Petition for something that I fell should be free and not sold. Weather Alerts. There are some media sites that will sell there services to send you notices of server weather warnings to your computer cell phone and such for a fee. This is public domain and should not be sold at any price being it can be found for free. I urge everyone in the USA to please sign this petition. Weather alerts should be free Sorry that this is just for people in the usa only my friends. This Petition will end on 12/31/09 and then be sent to the Department of Commerce in Washington DC. By signing you agree that the sale of such services should be stopped and such services should and shall be free for all, since they are Public Domain. I honestly feel that this needs and must be done. True that these services do provide help in times of need. But should be free for everyone. You can not put a price on a life. Would you pay $$ Amount to get something you could get for free? edit spelling
  6. Welcome to Xisto Asaf. I know you will love it here in the forum. We have a lot of great people here too. Please take the time to read over Da Rule And to answer your question of posting. Yes every good quality post you make you will be credited with Mysents. These mycents is what you will used to pay for your hosting needs.
  7. Scary but I agree with S_M here. I too have been monkeying around with designing for years. But learning in a order is the right thing to do. Why because they all tie into one another I have noticed. Only differnce I would have changed in the order would be HTML, CSS, PHP,JAVA, ASP. Of course I am still learning. This is something that is on going due to the changes in styles that come about so offen
  8. Apple. there I said it And Yippy on that great news. I know that some people will be very happy with this. Finally Microsoft has done something right for once.
  9. I just opened up my E mail to find this letter from paypal. Kinda funny I do not even have an account. But thought that I would pass this on for you all that do have one..
  10. I have to agree with BK. all I can say is two words Cold and Shower.
  11. Not being a Doctor or knowing anything of your medical history or even your age, I would really think you need to talk to your family doctor of this, and not try to find out what it could be on your own. I had a friend once that would get pains like that and he thought that it was just normal. Turned out he had a heart problem and let it go for years, until it was too late. So check with your Doctor.
  12. Welcome to Xisto AWA. I know you will enjoy yourself here in the forum. Just please take the time to read the Da Rules They are very helpful, and a MUST READ We have a lot of helpful topics in the forum and some very nice and helpful Members and Mods. Enjoy
  13. Even though I am just a memeber here I have to agree with you. These should be added, there are a lot of us that would love seeing a spot made for role playing. As for what you said of web site bragging? That I feel as what site review is for. I would like seeing if at all possible a spot where people can put a link for our blogs. A lot of us here have one I know. And I bet a lot would like to be able to read them too.
  14. And that is just why I feel that this is just some beep cooked but by Al Gore and his bunch of people, that love to make up things so the american people will freak out over things like this. Stop using there cars or whatever just to try and stop it. Hello G.W is not gonna kill man kind. Man kind Will to that for all of us with wars or whatever.
  15. I have to agree with Xpress on that one. They are one of the best to learn from. Here is another one that I have even used from time to time when I get forgetful in my old age http://www.2createawebsite.com/
  16. I really think that video is a fake. For one thing if the phones put out that much power, the phones would melt. also the people would not be in the best of shape as well. Cell phones are too weak anyways to put out that much, and they are also shilded too well. Even if the shilding was removed the Cells would not be able to preduce enough power to pop corn. Would be a good one to send to Myth busters however.
  17. After reading this If I said how it makes me feel. I would be banned for life. I happen to have lost 6 good friends in the 9-11 attacks. And now finding out that the Taliban was given $6M. It pisses me off. That only aids them in getting more wepons and maybe even dirty bombs for what? to kill more inocent people.
  18. Welcome to Xisto Yuri. Please take the time to read the Rules This will help you to understand how Xisto operates. I know that you will enjoy yourself here. We have a large form with a lot of helpful topics, and some great members as well.
  19. Well Ladies and Gents, it is almost here again. that time of year where you hear the crack of the bat and the pop of the glove. Baseball season 2009 is moving in fast. I know I know a lot of you are thinking here goes Echo on a Rant and Rave of the Mets. Not this time I do however feel as this season will be one of if not the best baseball seasons yet. Close in both leagues, and in all Divs. This year we will see some new names take the field as well, This is what I can not wait for. I wanna see just who makes the cut and who will take a walk to the showers one last time. I do feel as there will be some players, and no I will not name names like some ESPN reporter But I will say this much now. There will be some very big names that during Spring Training will decide to hang up the cleats for good. All I can really say about that is this. In with the new out with the old. There are a lot of players on all teams that well have or are about to pass there prime. Sad to say even on my beloved NY Mets. So all that I can say to these long time and beloved players of the game is You have brought smiles to many faces, and we all wish you luck. now on to the good stuffHere is how I see it this year as far as your top 4 teamsNLMetsDodgersALYankeesBostonof these 4 teams its gonna come down to Mets Bosten in Oct.
  20. Only have 2 signed up, Come on fokes times a running short. The boy's of summer will be playing soon. Fact first spring training game starts Feb 25th :DEdited due to wrong date
  21. well Try the health drinks such as Ensure a couple of times a day, along with your meals. Also double up on your food intake. Bad but hey Just pig out. and if that dont get you up to 120, Take a big chain and stick it in your shorts. that will bring your weight up for sure. But all joking aside. Do try what I said. I know the Ensures taste like yuck, but they will help keep the weight on ya and they are healthy. better than say a shake from Mac D's.
  22. Really nice dad, only thing I would have changed are 2 things background to black. and the size of the kids head. reminds me of Stewie on family guy other than that 8.5 out of 10
  23. Hello and Welcome to Xisto Kathryn. I hope that you will take the time to please read the Rule for things here. I know you will enjoy your time in the foru, Xisto has one of the best if not the best on the net. Lots of helpful topic and some very very nice and friendly people too. Enjoy yourself.
  24. OMG I love it!! Wow wow wow. That is PERFECT! Thank you thank thank you.
  25. I follow most of thoughs too on mine. https://mobile.twitter.com/i/nojs_router?path=%2Fechoofthunder%2F But only think I have found bad of twitter is that it is now becomming full of people spamming there how too's. Not a good network of people with helpful things anymore. Just spams
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