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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. Well Guess what all. Global Warming was all a big lie. http://icecap.us/ Like I have said over and over again. No Such Thing As Global Warming
  2. two words Gateway. Good price and always have had no problem with anything that I have ever bought from them. What not to get? Sony, One thing goes out your whole LT goes. A few years back I bought there Vio, Mistake paid $1900 and within a year the screen went black. Called them up and was told $900 plus shipping to repair it. Needless to say I told them a few Beeps and peeps before hanging up on them. Bad think was I took it to some local shops and there prices where just a little bit lower. So honestly I would have to go with a Gateway. Maybe followed by a Dell.
  3. myself and this is only my feelings of this whole Swine Flu thing is this. M O N E Y!Myself I feel as they say, Oh we do not have enough vaccine just to drive the price up even more all throughout the world. It's sad to think that the world has come down to the all mighty dollar and who can and can not pay but it's sadly true. I could go into a certain person and his or her health care plan but will not do that here, even though Money has a lot to do with it just as it has with the H1N1 Virus AKA Swine Flu.
  4. well I do not know about this, and I have not heard of anyone being "kicked out" or banned unless there was a real reason such as clicking there own ad's or other abuse. I do know however they want you to make $10.00 USD before you are able to be paid. Well I have this on my site Echo Of Thunder Weather and in the time since I joined Adsence I am a rich man. A whopping 0.31 cents so I think it will be awhile before I get paid or kicked out lol
  5. I have to agree with the above, always something to do around Xisto. if not try facebook. A few nice apps to play there. but then again you can always drive JL crazy with Spam, I hear he loves it
  6. Oh yes I love internet radio, I listen to a lot of HD stations in the NYC area as well as some true online stations as well. you would be surprised of just how many stations there are and just what you can find if you do a search. everything from music to talk even my favorite weather hehe
  7. Good call JL Good call, now I know why you da man.. another idea here though. maybe have a mod here as much as possible that could take the simple help questions and answer them so no ticket would be needed. I know there have been a few times that I have had to send in one, and I felt kind of silly because it would be something so simple even after I got the reply I had to slap my head silly.
  8. No I would not change mine. Upgrade it yes but never change it. Believe it or not I am using Netzero wish is only Dialup in my area for now. But I have to say this. For a dialup connecting they give me the best service. in all the many years that I have used them I have yet to have any problems at all. I just wish that they would hurry up and move there DSL into my area. that is the one and only gripe that I have about it.
  9. lol naughty naughty not to worry been there did that myself. its all part of the web game. I feel sure there is not one person here that has not done that at some point. I know I have and am man enough to admit it
  10. Well my friends, we have lost one of the best weather tools to date. the Quickscat satellite For the ones of you that do not know what this is, NASA's Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) is a satellite that operates in a near Polar orbit. It circles the Earth every 101 minutes. I was used by NOAA and the NHC to detect winds in hurricane and or typhoons. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The loss of this satellite will really hurt in the forecasting of these storms throughout the world. It was used not only by the Americans but other countries as well.
  11. no problems what so ever with SP-3. Fact my computer runs a little better with it I have noticed too. but then again I try to run as few things as I can at any one time. but in all honestly XP is one of the best OS that Microlimp ever made. I say one of the best because I am not able to run windows 7, and honestly from what I have heard of it, Its was the 1st build of XP
  12. I have to agree, 5hrs a day total is not that bad. as long as it does not interfere with school work or your family, then you have a problem. my advice? for one day, unhook everything. PC everything if your phone has the internet. the day before, give it to a very trusted friend and tell them NOT to give it back to you for 24 hours and give them the reason why. If after that time you feel as you can go another 24, Good for you and do it.
  13. I have to say I agree with the above. I like that lightening shot. Do you realize just how hard it is to catch a lightening strike like that? I have some friends that do that, and they can go 2 or 3 rolls of film before even getting 1 strike. How many did it take you? as for the 2nd one? hmmm sorry bud but can we say photo shop. just being honest. 3rd the word interesting is the 1st thing that popped into my head. very nice. the last 3 unreal. very beautiful shots indeed.
  14. Howdy everyone. I have some questions for you all about ustream.com 1. does anyone here use it? if so how well does it work for you? 2. If you are a user can you allow others to use your stream? I am looking into it for my site echoofthunder.com to stream live video of weather events such as tornadoes hurricane landfalls even a blizzard or 2. I have some friends that are chasers that would like to do this from my site as well. I am hoping someone here in Xisto will have a good answer for me, being there help page is a little confusing at times. Thank you a bunch Happy Holidays John
  15. well here it is Nov 16th 2009, that means just about 14 more days left in the Atlantic Hurricane Season. I had been looking back at some of the past threads on this season. We got off so very lucky here in the US this year. Unlike the Philippines with there Typhoons. But with El Nino that was respected. and from what I have seen it will be going back to a neutral year for next year 2010, which could be a normal to just above a normal hurricane season. Let's just hope that none will make landfall and cause any problems like in years past.
  16. oh man, this is my kinda thread :)I think besides a good hurricane, which is nothing but a bunch of very complex thunderstorms. a good ole Meso Cyclone is one of the best. True they can cause tornadoes large hail and damaging winds. But just the site of the lighting and hearing the pounding rain and the thunder. Being here in New Jersey USA, we have our share of thunderstorms in the mid summer. But I grew up in the southern part of the US, Mississippi. There they would form from Late February til about November. I can sit back for hours just watching a thunderstorm on radar too. watching how it will form in it's stages. Mother Nature is sure a wonderful lady when she can make something so dangerous yet so beautiful
  17. wow nice into porkins. We are happy that you found Xisto. I know myself you will enjoy yourself here in the forum. so many good topics to pick from. Please do take the time to go over the Rules and Regs if you have not done that already. Enjoy yourself Echo
  18. Just another way to spend tax money that the American people do not have to spend. Don't get me wrong there is a time and place to go looking for that stuff but right now is NOT that time. a waste of OUR Tax dollars. Use it to get people back to work. not crashing some milti billion dollar rocket into the moon. Besides that could be dangerous I feel anyways. It could throw off its orbit and cause crazy tides here on hearth.
  19. Wow that time of year already. How time really flies huh? Well I have to say this. If I could nominate someone here in Xisto "which I am not nominating for this reason" I would have to vote for everyone here, Yes even you S_M. Everyone here does such a great job from the Mods to the spam patrol. I have been in with trap for a couple of years now, and every time I come on, everyone is so warm and friendly, and willing to help with any and all problems. This is why I am not nomination anyone because the list would go on and on forever. would be 2011 by the time the counting would be don Thanks to all of Xisto for making this work. You are ALL winners in my book.
  20. well well the prodigal son returns. good to have you back among the group where you belong
  21. thank you so much, I have that. I needed it to be able to scroll like a marquee, but I have found out that when there is an active hurricane that the page also includes some graphics so it really would not work as planned. thank you though. Just going to have it as I have now. manual scroll down. Thank you
  22. never! My mind is always trying to work out a page problem or thinking of ways to improve it. that or thinking of that cold or warm front and what if? You got it I got weather on the brain, hey better than no brain.
  23. Hi all, need a little help here before I start to drink again haha just kidding. I need this link put into an Iframe which is easy enough I know. been there did that, But I need it to be wide enough to be able to read it on. the height say 15% or so and now the hard part which is what I am here for. to vertically scroll like a marquee would do. I have googled it all day and nothing I have tried worked. I think because the link is from another site, or maybe something in the phasing. I really do not know for sure, but if someone here could take a look see and send me back a cut and paste code so it will work I really would be very happy. Thank you John
  24. use your sir name. Might work, has for so many other places around the world
  25. Hello everyone I just wanted to give you all a little review of some software that I use. It is called GRlevel-3. It is a Nexrad weather radar software. What it does is to gather radar images from all of the US Weather Radars in the United States. and shows them on your computer. the site is. http://www.grlevelx.com/grlevel3/ The trail version is only for 21 days however, which is more than enough to give it a spin. The program also has a FTP which is very simple to understand where you can upload the radar images to your server. For GRlevel 3 the price of the program really is not that bad $80.00 and that is just a 1 time payment. there are also some "Addons" you can use too such as being able to add weather watch boxes when the nation weather service has issued them. on the Echo Scale I would have to rate this a 9.8. the other .2 points however have to go to if you happen to be on Dialup which and don't laugh I am still. sometimes the FTP is slow to get going.
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