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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. Tea coffee will do that too you. also will make you more thisty. why you get that way is due to your output. I have really never understood why. your drinking but you in all honesty are putting out more than your taking in. Tea and coffee are just flushing out your system.
  2. always loved the Star trak series myself. The old one was the best though. just wish that they would make 1 more movie to tie in a few more lose ends.
  3. YES! Way over paid and over rated as well. Back in the day someone like say a Darryl Stawberry was signed for 1 miillion. Now? a rookie gets something like 2.5 mil his 1st year in baseball. Same with Basketball with all the indorsements and everything. Kids today see this and say. I don't wanna be a firemen or policemen I wanna play sports. Hello Sports is just that a Sport not a Job. It's a game for god's sake. And another thing too. With all these high paid players, what do the fans get? Zippo. We go to see our favorit club. be it baseball football basketball or hockey and what do we get? Beeped with high prices for tickets and whatever. Soon if this keeps up you will not be able to go to a game or even watch it on TV due to these so called players with there high incomes just from a game. Yes I do love my baseball but I can not stand how it ( over paid players ) has hurt the game so much. It has even effected the minor leagues as well. Back in the day you could take a family of 4 to a game, Minor league and big league for less than 200. Now? that will barely get you in the gate! I say Boycot them all. let them all know we the fans hate these over paid babies that just want to play when or if they feel like it, who make a cazillion billion a year, just to go on the disabled list for a hang nail.
  4. I said it once I will say it again. It may look good now. but after it is relesed it may be like vista. Window-7 is still being worked and tweeked so until it is done and the 1st SP comes out and they have all the drivers and everything. nobody really knows how stable or goood it is.
  5. got a e mail on all this this morning. So ashame some people have nothing better to do that to come up with some worm or trojan to to steal info or to distroy your computer. what ever happen to the day when you didnt need to worry of all this?
  6. This moring when I signed into Xisto I found in my inbox a PM from a newmember wishing to ( hook up ) I have since deleted and blocked this. but question is this. is there any way to report such E mails and PM? This is about the 2nd or 3rd such PM I have gotten since joining here.
  7. you left out one thing in the not rights, Driving. As fir gay marriages? that could go both ways. but then that would be a Bi Marriage wouldnt it? pardon the pun. but honestly. Some say it's a right others a wrong. I feel as if 2 people really love each other enough to want to marry. why not. who cares if they are both of the same sex. Just my feelings.
  8. Myself I seem like the rest of you on the dark colors. but you can not a all dark page. Myself I love a black background with a white font. Also I love having some royal blue. one thing I really hate in a site though is thoughs Java scripts with falling snow or stars. also thoughs little dolls you see all over myspace. so old and tacky
  9. Not sure if they have or not, Tried to play it once a couple of years back over on yahoo but never really could figure it all out. could be fun though. Not sure of how many baseball fans we have here in Trap. Seems like it is more NFL and other sports. worth a shot though.
  10. well I have one and I love it. wish I had it long before now too. rarely any spam mail going to it too, which is a plus for me.
  11. gee all the extra's. oh well your not the one to pay for it anyways?
  12. well as someone that has mixed feeling in this matter. I really am not sure of it all.I mean something or someone had to have created earth and mandkind. If there is a god, or higher power which I do belive in. I feel as that would be the reason. as for a god? I really think it is how you look at it if you want to call that higher power god or not.
  13. Yes the Cheesecake is in now. flown in all the way from San Fran. Very good also. already had a slice. as for your chicken sanmich will that be on white or rye? we have both. Specials today are Open face turkey friend clams BBQ ribs Prime Rib And S_M on a stick lol
  14. Well I have switched Forum software and now No more spammer trying to Join. Now I am wordering what is it that Auto Spammers look for in joing a forum? When I used phpbb forum I would get maybe 1 or 2 of these a month. SMF maybe 2 or 3 a week now that I am using and have been for the last 2 weeks AEF I have had Zero joining ( so far )
  15. Yes, I have had a Yahoo account hacked and then stolen, this was back when Yahoo allowed you to use Caps for your nickname. called Rares. Someone had been messaging me begging to have that screen name and I would just click ignore or wouldnt reply. next thing I knew I couldnt get to the account. I tried in vain to get with yahoo and to get it back but never was able too
  16. Your so right on the money with this. I can remember going into WM and being greeted with a smile and how do you do. now your lucky if you ever even see a greeter. I also agree with you on finding things. One person tells you Ile 3 and another tells you no thats on 4 and it turns out its not on any but on 1 or not or they are sold out. I hate saying it being Org from the south But Wal-mart has become a disgrace in my book. Nothing but a bunch of faceless names and people in the market for money. I will say this to there defence though. They will hire the handicaped in a heart beat when no other place will. I will give them credit for that.
  17. well honestly I bought a little 3 in 1 deal from wal mart about a year ago Sakar which I had never heard of but needed a digi cam fast one day and didnt wanna spend a ton of money on it. I use it daily and very empressed with it Web Cam Digi Cam and Records AVI's. Paid something like $19.95 and well worth it I think. It has got 10X the use that I thought that it would in the 1st place and takes very good pics if you ask me.
  18. I saw this and well busted out laughing so hard I almost fell off my chair. Raper DMX now serving time in prison has to wear a pink uniform. See details http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Well DMX all I can say to ya bro is this. If you do the crime, be ready to serve your time., in pink
  19. heard bits and peices of this tonight. I know most of the C C here in NJ are closed or closing and have been in troubled for the last few years.
  20. So happy to see that put all that down in writting. that rule has been there for many years. but never really used due to 1 it was not in writting. it was really left up for the ump to decided. So many people blame Mr Selig of game 5 but it was not his fault. if it was anyone's fault it was both managers, and owners plus whoever was carrying the game on TV, All breaks down to money. You know it is said that it has, (base ball) has come down to dollors and cents, and not what it was ment to be. A Game. but oh well this topic was started to see who would win the big show this year. With all the wheeling and dealing and all. All bets are off. I am now thinking it could be a tossup for the NL East maybe in the AL East as well. You may get your subway after all.
  21. true like for a small minor burn. Aloe vara works wonders on small burns like a sunburn or a small kitchen burn. Also using Oat meal on a rash such as poison ivy also works. Great too if you have chicken pox
  22. Welcome to Xisto Parubilla. I know you will enjoy yourself here. yes we do have a lot of great topics of all kinds here. your thoughts and views are always welcome. have fun.
  23. Okay here is a debate for you all here.Just what is sexy in your better half? Is it there looks, how they act? Define sexy. You really can not do that. because each person is differnt in there own sexy ways. Some men and some women like someone who is buffed out to the max. some like that short and dumpy look. some the grung look. Myself I would define it as a woman that is smart witty who likes to laugh and have fun, but who also has her serious side to her. that is family first then other thingsJust curious as to what everyone here thinks sexy is?
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