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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. well as someone that used to work nites, it is hard for me to go to bed before say 1 or 2 in the morning. But if I must go to bed early I find a good hot shower and the old warm milk will do the trick.
  2. See above pic. I rest my case on that one 100% so cute and cuddlly. thats just what I wanna be a big furball with black eyes.
  3. did look into the arcs and couldnt find anything. I did however find a PDF file but the road names and highways are not marked that well and it looks rather out of date. I have written our States EOC Emergency Operation Center of this as well. A plan like this Should be up 24/7 regaurdless of any problems or updating of any servers. Most southern states have a plan not only on that states server but on a backup one as well. This god forbid could get someone killed.
  4. Okay as a lot of you know of my site I deal with the weather and everything. Today I was going to add a few little things to it such as a state by state evacuation plan which every state should I thought have posted on the internet. Well as I searched starting with my home state of New Jersey I was shocked to find it was a 404 error page could not be found or has been moved! I mean how stupid can you been to take away or even to move a site like this without having a backup site already up and going? I mean come on. That is so foolish to me. Well after I looked even more using a few more keywords some offbeat I did find a PDF file of a plan. but old and not very clear on what routs to take. Don't they know that there are peoples lives at stake here? Do they even give a rats Beep? Yes there are signed posted on roads of a evcuation rout but it should also be posted here in the internet as it is in other states.This has me so beepping mad. I voted for these people and I now find for what? nothing but Beeping BS
  5. The Strawman played for the New York Mets from May 6th 1986 to oct 19th with the NY Yankees. by the way. I only used him as a refferance though. these people are playing a sport not a job but a sport. only differance between that a job is the word professional. thats the key word. but if you break it down it is still only a sport. I dont care if your a Daryl strwberry or a joe the plimber from hoboken. why get paid all that for playing a game. Look at the Yankee's with there 2009 payroll? over a billion dollors for gods sake. Trust me when I say that thay payroll will trickel down to people who at this rate will not be able to go to any games because these players are making so much money for nothing but a game, that the owners will have to put ticket prices so high even Bill Gates would have to think twice of going to a game.
  6. only used it once, then went back to the default settings. found it to load a little slower than I liked. Also just got so used to the white.
  7. I have to disagree with you on Joomla for the biggener. True that do have some nice options and all that but for a noob. Best to start small. download some free html editor like coffeecup and just play around with it. your page may not be perfect but you would get to know the differnt coding and in's and out's of web design. Also too if you would like a real website. may I suggest using a templet. also real easy to edit even for the noob.
  8. If I said what I really feel of Dell, I would be banned faster than S_M's spam. I have owned 2 dell computers in my life, both desktops and both junk. Both times I would call them to find out a problem I was having and they was like you idiot real your owner manual. Guess that's why I now own a gateway. never had any problems. and when I have had to call, they was very helpful and nice.
  9. thank you Zeyo. Yes a link exchange is one of many ways to bring trafic to your site. Other ways is to have a good SEO , Good Meta tags such as keywords. Also word of mouth and haveing a good rep for what your site is about. that is the main key for making any site work.
  10. Bani I agree with you 110%. I too have seen all these how to make money posts. some are valid yes. but honest some I have seen are just true spam for there sites or a clear cut and pasting. Just a thought but maybe Opaque should think of making that part of the forum strickly moderated where the moderator could check into these posts to see if they are valided or just junk. Would not suprise me any of a lot of these 1 time posters are just a scam.
  11. All are so good and true. Just wish more people would follow these tips. would be a better place
  12. Was this for XP or Vista? I never saw anythink like what you discribed when I opened anything. I a pic also a doc. and nothing.
  13. OMG I have read it all now. kinda neat to see I am sure but also a little bit morbid and down right creepy.
  14. Da Bears. any player for Da Bears. and Soccer isnt that the game that the kids play, not a real man's game? ONLY JOKING! have not really kept up with it much anymore since Pele. he was the man.
  15. That's all a bunch of you know what. You must drink water at a mean Before during and after. Water helps the food to digest better than say a cup of coffee or tea or even a soda. Sorry to bust your bubbles on this but it is true. Atleast that is what my mother always used to tell me. why would she lie?
  16. played it a couple of times. honestly you may think the best. I could take it or leave it alone.
  17. Oh I got a laugh at this one. but I have to agree with S_M republishing is bad for a SE. they will look and see every site that has whatever republished and published text that you are searching for. when they find it you will have so many hits of pages. it makes it hard for the SE as well as the searcher to find what they are looking for.
  18. they both are over priced and just a brand to make a statement. Give me a pair of Kmart blue light specials any day of the week. Just as good at a better price.
  19. Well I feel as nothing can ever beat the org series. You can not beat perfection at it's best. As for the movies? The rath of kon by far was the best. pretty true to the org TV show but with a newer look. Worst one was the one with the whales.
  20. 1st what kind of PC is it? sounds to me as you have changed the bios from there org settings. Had that happen to me once or twice and there a pain to reset
  21. Thank you JL, I will remember that for next time.
  22. 29th Century. Yes I saw that. would be nice having a holodeck as on a pc. There some chat rooms that have that sort of thing but honestly the graphic bite the big one.
  23. well I will say this of your site.As for design I will give it a 5 out of 10Navigating around 8 out of 10loading speed 8 out 10over all 6 out of 10As for the design, White background? I dont think so. Reminds me of a pop up add you see on some websites
  24. Right! This is why at the MLB Winter meeting 2 years ago they put the halt to a lot of these kickbacks too like X amount for winning the Cyyoung and MVP. They know it is getting out of hand. I also put the blame on a lot of these sport Agnents that are getting 10 to 15 percent of the pay.
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