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Everything posted by wariorpk

  1. I know what you are saying. My computer has been destroyed because of a power surge. I was on the computer when there was a bad thunderstorm (worst time to possibly use a computer). Then all of the sudden there was a power surge and the whole computer was wasted. I was kind of asking for it but in your case that really stinks because there was nothing you could have done to prevent that.
  2. I think that pop-ups are one of the worst things that are on the internet. Almost none of them have links to sites that anyone cares about that are usually some kind of free offer scam. They plain just get in your way. Many of them have annoying flashing text and some even have sound. Pop-ups unlike other kinds of ads get in your way.
  3. In my opinion the Xbox 360 is by far next generation. I saw a commercial for a game for the Xbox 360 and the graphics were amazing for a second I thought that I was watching a commercial for a television show. This new system is also going wireless for controllers (this would not be next generation except for the fact they are the only ones you can use) so that has made playing video games a lot better so you can sit in your favorite chair in the living room while playing it.
  4. I would have to enjoy playing the old school games every once in awile. Sure maby they are not very advanced and do not have sory lines but for some reason they are addicting and fun. Graphics really do not mean anything to me as long as a lack of them does not make the game look horrible or make it hard to play. I am a fan of pretty much every old system created.
  5. This is not going to be good for Sony. Since the Xbox 360 has come out maby a few months ago Sony is losing a big market share as gamers want to get their hands on next generation graphics as soon as they can. If they continue to delay Microsoft will have no market competition. I think this delay is going to help Microsoft take even more of the video game console market share.
  6. It seems like all you hear on the news anymore is that soldiers died in Iraq. People act like it is a really big deal, which it is but you have to realize that the number that have died is a reasonable number for any war. During both World Wars and the Vietnam War countless thousands were lost verses a couple thousands. Also, the wars mentioned were not optional you were drafted into the military. While the Iraq War was optional. These people understood what it meant to go to Iraq so you can not always blame Bush for their deaths, but since it was optional for them to go they are heros.
  7. A lot of webhosts are like that. For some reason they do not mind making your webhosting experience awful. Whenever you look for a webhost even if you pay for it never look for unlimited space or bandwidth. All of the hosts who offer this are trying to scam you and if they are a free host they use this to distract you from the many ads they will place on your site to offset the cost of your hosting and to bring themselves a good amount of profit.
  8. Thats just not right you can't go around to people's cars and do stuff like that. You should complain to your school to get parking lot security or something like that because security cameras do not prevent things they only catch people in the act of doing something. Better still you could get one of those hub caps with the lock on it to cover up your slugs. If you have been at a car repair shop recently it is possible that they did not get them tight enough so someone from your school may not be the one to blame if this is the case.
  9. People at my school are like that too. Its really annoying because they go around like they are all that throwing the same insults that are really dumb at people because they feel insecure with themselves so they have to degrade other people. The ones who say they are just joking around usually are not.
  10. Stuff like that happens with Windows. It pretty much always has and always will because they do not care about making a stable operating system they just want to get it on the market. It is so unpredictable when this stuff is going to happen too. There are no signs that tell you that a program error is near it just happens. It seems the farther along they go the less stable their operating systems are.
  11. I will admit that Iran is dangerous but if Bush is so worried about them attacking us going to war with them is the wrong thing to do. I mean if you leave a country alone unless they are powerhungry odds are they will attack your. However, if you attack them for no reason if they have any sort of military they will use it and possibly use weapons of mass distruction if they have any.
  12. Gmail is the best e-mail account that I have ever used. It has a lot of space (over two gigabytes of space). The one ad they have are from Adsence so you know the ad will not be annoying and will be about what you are reading. I have gotten maby one spam message since I signed up for Gmail so that is not a problem. The only downfall is the invite system but once you are in its no problem at all.
  13. If you hate these people so much why are they your friends? I have had a few people join my group of friends and no one in our group really likes them but it is a part of life. If you do not like someone in your group tell them that just because they are the friend of your friends does not mean that they are your friend. If no one in the group likes them everyone has to tell that person to go away or they will not know they are not your group's friend. There is no nice way to do it but try not to be too rude if you take my advice.
  14. wariorpk


    I would have to say that I disagree with you. My friends and I insult each other on practically an hourly basis. We do not do it because we are seriously questioning each other's intelligence. Its only to joke around. Your friends are probably just joking around with you and don't honestly think that you are stupid.
  15. That is a total pain for you and your family. A few people in my family have gambling addictions but they only lose money that they can afford to lose. My advice is to find some sort of program that helps control gambling addictions for your mother in law. When people in your family have to give money to someone who lost all of their money to gambling the addiction is getting way out of hand.
  16. I do not agree with you. When I go to the movies I never hear anyone's cellphone so the people in your area must just be inconsiderate. Some people have annoying ringtones but that does not mean that being able to download ringtones is bad it just means that people abuse the feature. I think that cellphones make it easier to contact someone when you are on the go or you are too lazy to reach the phone. The camera phones do not annoy me because I don't even think they have a flash but I could be wrong.
  17. There are definatly people who just plain annoy me in my life. There is this kid who sits next to me in computer class. If you were to just come into that class you would never know he is there but when he gets bored he starts to annoy me for no reason day I go to computer class. I have to tell him to stop about every 5 minutes and he is quiet for probably half of that time. Some people just have no reason to annoy you but they do it anyways. If they don't know they are annoying you they don't know to stop but if you tell them they can and should stop. I feel sorry for you that guy in your networking job he sounds pretty bad.
  18. I currently have unlimited space in my Cpanel as well. I am guessing that this is just another error because it has happened a few months ago. Don't go above your limit while there is unlimited space because your account may be in trouble if you do. Also, I have read a topic that an admin posted saything that Xisto does not oversell their servers so giving us unlimited space for any reason would go against that.
  19. I think that Gmail is taking the wrong step to go public. They should make an automated registration service because many people like me would rather not give our cell phone numbers to Google just to get e-mail.
  20. I personally love Wi-fi. At my house we recently got two laptop computers and we had a normal wired router. That is a problem. We didn't want to go running cables all over the house or be tied to the router in the one room. When we got our Wi-fi router it opened up new possiblities like using our laptops anywhere we want in the house. I heard that some place in Michigan is having Wi-fi everywhere. They are putting transmitters on the telephone poles so everyone in the county gets free internet. It may be a rumor but if thats true then someday Wi-fi will be everywhere.
  21. I know that is really annoying if you ask me. At school if some of the popular kids start thinking that something is cool like a certain band or something it is all that anyone ever talks about for up to a month. I just wish that people would be leaders and do what they want instead of following others.
  22. This is a great tutorial. I just started using Photoshop today and you tutorial was easy enough for me to understand so I could make a basic signature.
  23. What you really need is a forum kind of like what you are posting at right now. In your Cpanel there is a free forum. It is called phpbb and it pretty much can do all the things you are asking and more in my opinion.
  24. I am thankful for how things are going for me at school. Last year was really tough and I am glad that it is not so bad this year. I am also thankful for all the friends and family who make my life even better.My hope for next year is that the United States can finally pull out of Iraq so all the soldiers can come home. On that note I hope that the Iraqis soon will no longer have to worry about being killed when they leave their homes. I also hope that the school system where I live can get out of debt.My wish is that the jobs come back to the United States. I know too many people who have lost their jobs during this past few years. I also wish for this Earth to become more peaceful because I would consider this one of the most violent times in the history of civilization.Merry Trapmas to all who posted here and may all your wishes come true! Notice from BuffaloHELP: Credits to transfer : 2
  25. I know what you are saying completely. At my school there is just a group of the popular people who think that they are so great. They just insult people to make themselves feel better. They also might do that to impress their friends. People who do that usually are very insecure but that doesn't make it any better.
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