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Everything posted by Bluebear

  1. Yay, I love topics like this! You should not share other things like lipgloss, lipstick or anything like that. Not eyeliner either. I do not really share anything at all - and that includes my mascara. It is sacred and should only be touched by me. Wash your brushes at least once a week to get rid of old make-up and as well other disgusting stuff. Rinse them with warm water and gently massage in a mild shampoo. (Baby shampoo or something else that treats your brushes good.) Rinse and do the same thing again if it is necessary. I always finish with conditioner. Always make sure that all the soap is gone and that the water is clear. I have super soft kabuki brushes - so I do not really need conditioner. If a parrot exploded on your face it would look disgusting. Everyday make-up should look nice and natural, but that does not mean you have to use just a tiny amount. Put your make-up on in natural light, not in the colours of the rainbow. Evening or party make-up can be more fun. I hate when girls put on layers and layers of mascara so it looks clumpy and horrible - but a little bit more is good. Eye-shadow is great and some nice shadowing with good colours often works very good. The light is obiously not the same so you can be a lot more daring. I agree. One focus point is enough. Especially if using powder make-up. (Like I do.) Powder based make-up often makes a persons skin dry. But everyone should do this anyway. ...and always cleans your skin in the morning too! It is just important to get better/good skin. I will not comment on the last one, because it is true and I have nothing more to add. anwiii: I have not got time to reply to your post now, but you should not use Vaseline on your lips because it clogs your pores and so on. There are plenty of good moisturises of their that do what they are supposed to do without (may) cause your skin around your mouth to become clogged and horrible.
  2. In my opinion you should not cheat... The whole point of a game in my eyes is to try your best and win the whole thing without cheating. Cheating is never good. You feel a lot better if you have won something completely fair. Especially in multiplayer games where you play with others no one should do it. It is not fair to others and you are just fooling yourself. If you always cheat you will probably not get any better. It is like if you steal graphics from others, puts it at your own site and claim that it is yours; it can look and be good - but you will not become better at anything. You should not need to cheat.
  3. Well I have not got dark eyes, (guess what colour...) so I have no idea. Personally I can not say that some colour looks better than others - because there are so many different eye colours, lots of different shades. Even though two persons for example both have green eyes, their eyes can look completely different because there are so many shades of green.When I see someone with dark eyes, for example dark brown I think it is gorgeous! There are some that has that colour here, but not that many. When I went to South-America people constantly stared at me and my eyes, and made comments like "Oooh, she is so pretty. She looks like a little porcelain doll! Aahh, those eyes." (No, I did not like that.) My point is that it is different views of what is beautiful or not. As you say yourself there are tons of celebrities that looks marvellous - even though they have dark eyes. Such as Jessica Alba. Sophia Bush has hazel eyes, and I think she looks stunning. I would never take any sort of surgery on my eyes. Just the thought of becoming blind is more then enough to scare me off.I am just throwing in that bronzes, golds, greens as well as copper looks great with darker eyes. "Champagne" is also a gorgeous colour... but take your skin tone into consideration, because some might suit this and some do not. Earthy and natural colours is the safe way to go for everyone.
  4. Though I have pointed out several times that I try to avoid junk food... sorry! Today I actually had a burger, some fries and a coke. I have to say that it did not taste THAT good.
  5. Hello Dylan and welcome to Trap 17 from Bluebear in Hordaland, No®way. (Sorry, I could not help myself. ) Great to meet you Dylan! Mich has already told you the most important things, so I suppose you will be able to find out the rest on your own. It really is not that hard, and if you are having any problems just ask. This does not only look like a very good host, it is great too. Good luck! I will hopefully see you around at the boards.
  6. Well then your football should change to rugby. :lol:

    Only americans call rugby football. (I think)

  7. Well it sucks that I kind of never get to see my dad, and when I do I obviously can not be with my friends or my mum, so it is not good for them either. My mum works all week long so I only see her in the mornings and maybe some minutes at night. I also have this sister that makes my life miserable, but I will not bother to talk about her. My mums economy got completely broken after the divorce, she has huge loans and works all the time. That is pretty much all she can do. She can never take us on holidays, or do anything really at all. She has less money in her bank than I have in mine, and she has a huge loan. What was it again? 300 000$ or something like that. The has a complete average job, and I just wish I could do something to help her.If I ever win the lottery I am going to give all the money to her.
  8. I have that problem too! I am surrounded by noises all day long, so I only notice it when it is completely silent. It is horrible. There are times when I can not hear it. I never have headaches, and it is not like my head hurts. It is just this high sound that never changes itch volume.
  9. Hi Jeff32! Welcome to Xisto! Do you mean football as in football-football, or as in football-soccer? I love what (I feel like) the rest of the world calls "soccer", but I refer too as football. (The other thing is "rugby" for me.) I have no idea where in the world you are located, so this is hard for me to figure out. Getting into trouble can not possibly be fun. I do not really get into trouble ever, but when I do I am extremely good at getting myself out of it. Have you taken a deep look at the Xisto READ ME yet? Remember to do so. It contains a lot of useful information about Xisto and how it works. It is important to get familiarized with the forum. If you have any questions regarding anything at all we have plenty of nice members you can ask, you can also check the READ ME or post a topic. (Topic should always be the last thing you try.) If you want to learn about our great hosting please read the READ ME. (Repeating it over and over again...) It is a good community here so I am sure you will enjoy it. Looking forward to seeing you around. Greetings from Bluebear.
  10. Bluebear


    Hello and welcome (back) to Xisto KingSingh! Xisto is great, and it is certainly not a scam. It is nice to see that people that once were here are realizing how great this hosting is and that they come back. Even though you have been here before you should get re-familiarized with the forum and reading the Xisto READ ME. Some things might have changed or forgotten from the last time you were here. If you have any questions we have many kind members around the forum, if not you could search around or create a new topic. You might know this, but I will refresh your memories. You need to contribute by posting good quality posts at this forum to get hosting. When you post you get credits, and you use these to get the hosting. There are to packages; 10 or 30 credits. The amount of credits you get from each posts depends on the size and quality of your post, as well as what forum it is posted in. Note that there are some forums here where you simply do not get any credits, you can see them very clearly. Please remember not to spam or post several one-liners. I suppose that was it! Welcome back, I am looking forward to see how this turns out. Greetings from Bluebear.
  11. Well here everyone can apply for a scholarship when they accept the school. (We do it over the Internett.) The people that handle your application check what you are entitled to have. I have already gotten my scholarship for the first year (or was it three years) so I am happy. I suppose we do not do it the same way as many of you guys do it. Oh well.
  12. This did not work for me either. My hands felt horrible just because I held them that way for some time. I focused (believe it or not) on some sort of energy that I imagined had the colour blue, yet nothing special. Maybe I am not patient enough.
  13. Everyone should love their parents. Some do not because of various reasons, but there are so many parents in this world that spend all their time, energy and money into a child. When setting a child into this world they should, but they do spend a lot of their life on us. Their parents used time at them, they used time at us and so it goes on and on...Let me tell my story.I was born as the youngest child in a family with a couple of older siblings. When I was younger I never thought about how great my life was, but now I really look back at it as a good time. My dad always told me how important school was - even though he sucked at school and was just lucky with his job. He worked at some place on the other side of the earth, so I really did not see him that much. People always think people get so much free time in the business my dad works in, but I suppose he was (and is) one of the few.Even though we could afford it we never went on holidays far away like many other families. England and Denmark was really the only places we went one or two times. When my dad was home he was home - and he was not thinking about going anywhere. Even though this was very frustrating for my mother that always were at home with the kids this was how it was. My mom started worked a couple of years after I was 5 and attended school.When I was around 10 my parents got divorced. It was the most horrible time of my life and I still get tears in my eyes when I am talking or writing about it. The worst part is that I know the reason, and it is horrible. I would not be surprised if my parents hate each other - something that is very frustrating for a 15 year old girl that wants a family. I do not demand that much, but a nice time at Christmas or my birthday is not too much to ask for?Now I get to see my dad maximum 4 days a month, and that is in weekends. When it is weekends I would like to spend time with my friends instead of going somewhere I know no one at all. I suppose it is a sacrifice, but it sucks. I know that my parents love me, but it is horrible and just frustrating. It is like this huge secret that many in the family knows about but they act like they do not.What a life.
  14. Bugs in general are annoying. Always in my way and it does always seem like they are trying to make me to get some sort of mental sickness when they are buzzing around in the room. I live on the countryside, but yet I am very close to the fjord. When I am at the "beach" (full of huge rocks, glass, a lot of seaweed) there are always some annoying bug that did decide to follow me around wherever I go. When I finally manage to get this evil little creature to go away, I still feel like there are bugs surrounding me. They itch, buzz and just annoys me.It is even more annoying when some bug follows me around when I am in town, waiting for the bus or something like that. You can not exactly run around and wave with your arms when there are like 15 other people around you. You sure can, but I suppose I am just kind of shy.I hate sunscreen. It makes my skin blank and horrible, but I have to use it. It gets stuck in my hair and my bangs, something that cause that my hair looks like crap and I constantly looks into some mirror to make sure it looks okey. Bangs is also very hard to have when it is summer. I can not live without my bangs, I look like an alien without them. Diving and bathing with it is hard - just because it all gets completely horrible!Another thing is that the summer here is not that good. Rain, rain, rain and more rain. The weather changes so quickly and because I travel and move a lot it is always so hard for me to decide what to bring... especially when it is summer. I can not exactly bring a huge suitcase, so I often end up bringing clothes that really does not fit for the weather. It can be rain in one second, then sun, then rain and then it can sometimes start to "snow." Summer in general is way overestimated. Summer holiday can be very boring, the weather stinks and I have got nothing to do. Yey, summer.
  15. Well I will not be using a theme of some sort, but I will be integrating it into the site. So I will (probably) not have any need for the Wordpress templates.
  16. Hi, so I need some help. Some of you might now that I am struggling to get my blog/site up and going, but I have made some progress in the last couple of days. I have tried my best not to "fall off" and currently I am so excited and I am putting all my time and energy into my project. Even though it is not noticeable for you, I have done some stuff.Now I am wondering what to choose. CuteNews or Wordpress? I am quite familiar with CuteNews, but many people claims Wordpress to be better. Because I have worked with CuteNews before this would be easier for me. What are the differences, what would you recommend and what are your experiences?Thank you!
  17. Well there must be something wrong. I do not eat a lot of food when it is summer, but I never feel disgusted so I doubt it has anything to do with that. I think you should go see your doctor. We are not experts and it is very hard for us to tell you what is wrong. You know your body better than we do, so consulting a doctor would be a good option. The headaches and fever may be because you have not eaten enough, or something else. You say that you can not look at yourself in the mirror, so I suppose it may have something to do about your self-image. If you are depressed it must be caused by something, but what do I know...Please go and see a doctor.
  18. Uff, that is disgusting. Did you complain? If my family went there my dad would go crazy and never pay. I am very careful about such things when I make food. People around me is probably annoyed because I am so careful. If a fly lands on my food, I feel disgusted and there is a big possibility that I will not eat it. Ever thought about where that fly might have been? On some animal, on a dead body etc. I hate such things. People that have bad hygiene should not be allowed to work at a place that serve food. It is even worse when I go out and see a person that is sick, is coughing and sneezing working. That is even worse. For the sake of this place I hope that this is a one-time happening.
  19. What is KFC? Another fast food store? If that is the case I prefer neither. I love the McFlurry at McDonalds, but that is it. In general I do not like and I try to avoid fast food.
  20. Hi onscreen. Wow, another artist! This forum is full of them, I am sure you will fit right in. Welcome to Xisto. Be sure to get familiarized with the forum and take a look at the Xisto READ ME. It will come in handy so I recommend it. IF you have any questions about Xisto you will find many there, but if there is something that is missing you can ask one of our great members. Most of us are kind and helpful, so please do not be afraid to ask. The hosting is great! In order to get it you need to contribute to the forum by posting. When you post you get credits, and these are the "main part" of this whole circus. You need 10 for the smallest one, and 30 for the bigger one. I would recommend the biggest, but choose the one you need. The amount of credits depends on the size and length of your post - but also where you post theme. Shortly said it is not the number of posts you make that matters. That was a pretty good introduction, most people just write a couple of words. Maybe you could share some of your work with us sometimes? That would be great. I will be sure to take a look at your site if you get it up and running. Good luck! From Bluebear, Norway.
  21. I could go more than a week without it. A month or two months. I really would not mind, but my friends and family would. I only send messages with it, and that is not very many. I do not almost call at all with it, so for me this would not be a problem... but I have spent so much money on my phone itself so it would be a shame not to use it.
  22. If the topic is way too "bad" or something is seriously wrong then a moderator should close it. If you think one of your own topics should be closed then sending a message to a moderator is the easiest solution. I agree with some above that it would not be a good thing if we were allowed to close them ourselves. I have been at several forums, and one of them did actually have something like this. You could not close them yourself, but you asked a moderator or a staff member to do it for you. The problem was that many topics that should not be closed were closed - something that was very annoying for all us other members that had something to add. This caused that me started to create several new topics about the subject.A moderator should be careful before closing topics.
  23. My parents are like that sometimes too. My mom always complains and says that I do not do anything in the house, but I do! How can I know that she needs help with something? I am not psychic, and when she asks for help I always do. I always help them with things they need, but the few hours I do not help them they get angry, complain and tells me that I should help them more. They think they do everything around here! Arg, annoying. The thing with me is that if they complain a lot (and then I mean a lot, because they always complain.) then I will just not help them. It is okey to tell me if I am doing something wrong, but when I do everything correctly and still they yell at me; I just go somewhere else. Then they have to do everything by themselves. Even though all my other siblings is older than me, I do more then them - and my parents do not get as angry at them as they get with me. On school-days I often make dinner, I clean the house and do the laundry... then there is my homework, which I of course need to get done. Some things are just hard to understand. Maybe I behave like that with someone else? I mean what do I know. Because my parents does not seem to understand the fact that they are like that with me.
  24. I do not think that I have ever met you before. Nice to meet you, and welcome back. How the heck did you "loose" Xisto? As for the hosting you need 10 credits for the smallest package with 20mb space and 500 in bandwidth... or you could spend a little bit more time to get the bigger package with 500mb web space and (I think it was) 10000 in bandwidth. You will need 30 credits to get that one.
  25. Just like bishoujo I am not a very big fan of minimalistic designs. I love colours, patterns and other objects that can catch my eye. Yet I think your theme was actually kind of nice. Simple, clean and easy. Good job!
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