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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I don't see any real issues with the PS3 now but there just are not enough games that are only on one console and not the next anymore.Back in the PS2 days there were a lot of games just on PS2(Grand theft autos, Final Fantasys, and some others) and now everything comes out on 2-3 consoles. It's kind of annoying.Because of that I would recommend going with a 360(if you care about price!). If you do not care about the price, the PS3 is signifcantly better in terms of graphics and all(Due to the blue-ray).Overall it's really a question of how much you are willing to spend.
  2. Yeah but did you get paid as well? You can 'make' $50k a day but if you never get any of the money then you never truely made anything. I'm willing to try this out if they really do pay though. Out of all of these posts here nobody confirmed a payment. Also, if they do pay, the $3 per 1000 impressions, is this CPM rate regardless of the number of clicks?
  3. That is quite a bit of money but there are people who enjoy spending on their hobbies.To me it is really nothing different than spending 20k on fixing up a car you are just going to show off anyways. The only real difference is that this was spent for something that will be shown off online, not in real life.I used to have issues with people that do stuff like that, but the online gaming industry makes millions every day off people who buy in-game gold, items, powerleveling, etc. so I've gotten over those feelings.
  4. I really have mixed feelings about this..Okay, people's issue with Microsoft I can understand. They are mad because Microsoft pretty much dominates the PC industry(Yes I know there are Apple and Unix formats, but that accounts for probably 5% of the people, if not less)But, at the same time...Who designed the PC? Bill Gates. Who put him down and said his idea would never succeed? A lot of investors he spoke to. And now look where it is.So let's go on to the free market that we live in. Everyone has a choice of what they want. You do not want a zune or PC? Go get an Apple or Ipod. Businesses generally run their networks on Unix.So how is he truely 'forcing' his software or computers on people? By making it easy to use?That is like suing someone who makes cars because he is the only person who knows how. Others can create OS's like Windows. If one person can, I guarantee others are capable of doing it as well.But instead of compete(that's the point of an open market, right?) people would rather cry about their failures and inability to learn and adapt.Sorry, this is not to put anyone down or anything, it just bothers me that anytime someone is successful others always have to go around putting them down for their success. People need to learn to suck it up and accept their failures.
  5. I actually don't use any antivirus/antispyware at all anymore...Just been around so long that I've learned how to avoid them altogether,lol.I would honestly refer people to AVG over any other though. As far as I know it is the only one that is updated daily. Most others are like every Saturday or whatever.
  6. These are actually quite good ideas.There are a couple of issues with the whole "more credits based on views and rating" though. All you would have to do is form secret alliances(lol...Sounds like a conspiracy) and then have a lot of people always go to your threads and give them high ratings/post in them often.Whether that would actually happen or not I don't know, but it is a definite possibility.I want to say thanks for the clarification on why credits are obtained slower as you post more. I was really curious about this because I got up to ~30 at one point and from then on was getting like .3 per post instead of 1-2. You helped me understand why though.
  7. Okay, just to confirm, this means that we will be earning the CENTs instead of hosting credits. So more or less we will not obtain our credits *and* cents, but it will just be the cents, which we will start using to 'purchase' our hosting, instead of our credits we currently use? (Meaning, you are planning on doing away with the hosting credits - 1/day requirement - altogether once this is completely finished?) Or will we still be able to use our hosting credits and bank the CENTs on top of that? I'm not quite understanding how it all is going to work now.
  8. That's my understanding....So far, unless there's some missing information.Wondering when our CENTS will be updated though. So far there haven't been any updates since early last night, :)Any input from a mod or higher would be appreciated regarding it.
  9. This thread was found to me to be quite entertaining, because it's something I knew about already, but most don't.A lot of people don't know that Bill Gates was arrested when he was....17, I think it was, for hacking a PC. This was before the normal PC's that we all see today, and to my understanding was just a system of sounds that were simulated.Along with this, there are many people that do 'black-hat' hacking and get jobs from the companies they crack into.I mostly find this interesting because it's one of the few things that is illegal but can get you rich if you do it to a major corporation. Or it can get you thrown in jail. Either way, I find it entertaining to learn more about just how many people make millions of dollars each year now solely because they decided 'Hey, let's go break the law and risk going to prison so we can hack this!'
  10. Very nice system! I've got it all down now, thanks to Saint, however there does seem to be a minor issue.More or less when it first started it transferred the initial amount to Xisto's account, but left the CENTS in the forum account as well(Which was almost 600) so it ended up ignoring my later posts last night(It's now zero'd but nothing else got transferred).Aside from that, all is good and again, you guys are awesome!Edit : Actually, looking at other accounts as well of people who post here all the time, it seems everyone is stuck at zero...Is this normal?
  11. Yeah, everything that you said seems to be right based on what I'm seeing so far(It already transferred money to my account for my past posts)But I am wondering how often it should be updating. For example, myCENTS shows that I still have the 593.07 and yet so does my Xisto account. I'm not sure if it should be updating with each post, or after a certain amount of time, or how it works but so far there have been no updates to it.Also, can you confirm that we will be able to use the funds to purchase *any* addition on your site? Meaning domains and all.Last but not least, will we be getting rid of our current 'credits' here altogether and just be 'purchasing' our pages through your site?Thanks in advance all, and I really do think that this is an awesome change. No longer will some of us feel obligated to stay with lower quotas, . Was just wondering last night what I could do about bandwidth on my site too, since it's been growing and was afraid of bandwidth limitations.
  12. I can't stand Vista either, and I always also downgrade to XP. It's just faster, more efficient, etc.In my opinion Vista is a downgrade from XP, just because of it's performance issues. But then again, it's getting to where buying 4gb ram and 3.0 ghz quad cores is the norm, so I guess overall it's fine. Just hate spending a lot of money to do upgrades when they're really not necessary to begin with.
  13. Wow, o.ONever really thought about that before,heh. I mean sometimes I get annoyed at things that don't work but most of them can be fixed with work and patience, :lol:Your issue with the battery seems interesting though, seems like it wasn't the battery that was bad, but rather the power supply in the phone itself...
  14. Reading these posts here makes me wonder how many of you are actually informed enough to know what you are talking about.I personally have not been keeping up with the election, debates, or anything else(gasp) so I do not know enough.The messages I am reading here though are making me feel as if a lot of you really don't know anything about the people running either, and instead are just listening to one source and saying "That's truth! Has to be!" Now I'm not saying that you're not right, or partially right, but rather it is probably something that you should look more into.
  15. Windows Vista has a great media player. Honestly, if you get the remote with it as well it would make a great media player. I like being able to control my music and videos while laying on my bed or in another room. Along with this, it has the built in functions for tv/cable and to send the signal to other rooms of your house.
  16. That site's layout really isn't bad, but I did not like the orange text. It just kind of hurts my eyes when trying to read it. The black was fine though.It contains all of the information that would be needed from you though, so I mean from the "informational" point of view I think it's pretty good!
  17. This is actually quite interesting to me.I do have a question though. When you talk about investment companies, where others invest your money for you. Is the money backed up by the FDIC or can you lose it?I just, at least right now, find that it is better to put it in lower interest with no risk than to go with higher interest and risk losing everything.I have done a little research on different things but never really found valuable information. Everyone always just says "invest it!"...
  18. I really can't judge the information in the original poster's message. This is mostly because they claim to have this great knowledge about the subject, however their grammar is way off. This in itself should be enough proof that they never went to college, therefore never obtaining a degree in said field.Because of this, I will go with the previous knowledge about the subject, stating that what he or she said was completely false. You can get AIDS/HIV from needles that have the virus on them. This is why you will hear so many nurses and/or doctors ask people who have tattoos that have gone wrong if they are sure they were using a sterilized needle.
  19. Wow, I have never even heard of this before....I am a psychology major so maybe I'll be learning about it later on, and it definitely sounds interesting.It's just hard to imagine being awake yet having no real control over your body or anything.
  20. My issue with these kinds of sites is that if you are not actively searching with the sole purpose of getting paid, you will not be earning very much, if anything at all.I would much rather just go with google or whatever, as it is significantly easier to find the things I want, plus there are many more searching options with it.
  21. I find the whole concept to be interesting, yet the success of it will be completely dependant upon how many people actually know about the site.There have been many others who have done similar sites or things, and have made quite a bit of money, solely because they have a lot of visitors.Take the site where people buy things like PS3's and then record them destroying them. Those guys are getting paid a lot to do what? Break items.So overall, yes, I think that the site may have potential, but you will need to get the word out to others, not just in one community, but in many. A lot of people will disagree with what you're doing, but at the same time some may find it amusing or whatever.Either way, keep doing what you're doing and let us know how it turns out,
  22. I have been having issues getting Linux to work under things like VMware, but I would say that the best would be like Fedora core. Just something about it... Sadly I'm a Windows newbie though,
  23. Great list of sites! Thanks for the information.Actually, amazingly I have never even heard of any of these. I'll check them out later.
  24. To make money from your site I would find other companies that would be relevant to your user's desires.For example, if you are running a gaming site check out the affiliates that IGN uses, or GameSpot. That should help you find people who are looking for users of your particular interest.If you go with things that aren't really relevant to you, it is going to be much harder to make money.
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