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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Wow, reading some of these words it amazes me that people know how to spell them in the first place...I'm going to put out the assumption that some of these are written down to refer to for the people who need them(especially like the chemicals)
  2. So by following the AUP and TOS you mean that it cannot be used as a file server, picture/video database, etc. right? Or are these legitimate uses for it?I really don't need that much room as I wouldn't be hosting my own videos or anything anyways but it may come in handy in the future,
  3. If I remember correctly the amount they take is 30 cents + 4.6%.And it seems that they may have two choices, with the receiver being charged if the money is sent as a *payment*, and then if you set up *donations* you can have it set to where either the receiver *or* the sender is charged the fee.By default though it's the receiver.
  4. Must be different ways to set it up then,lol. Here's a copy/paste from mine, minus the names... Date Type To/From Name/Email Status Details Action Gross Fee Net Amount Sep. 7, 2008 Payment From (Name Removed) Completed Details $10.00 USD -$0.69 USD $9.31 USD Aug. 20, 2008 Payment From (Name Removed) Completed Details $10.00 USD -$0.69 USD $9.31 USD
  5. Uh, that actually depends on the payment system used.Paypal, for example, doesn't charge the sender the fee, but instead charges the person who received.It would say something likeUsername - ??? - $10.00Paypal Fees - ??? - $-0.49Or whatever.
  6. True, I never even thought about using domains in the place of subdomains....That's actually a great idea because it would help better organize my site as well, once it's bigger of course.
  7. As weird as it is, I post my email address everywhere...I use gmail and I get not even one spam email. My junk box fills up with 600+ a day but in terms of what actually goes through, nothing but what I want/need.So really if you're having issues with spam, just go with gmail. They have enough filters in there to knock out all of that crap, :)And it takes less time to report new domains as spam than it does to sign up to spam, so it's not even worth people's time to screw with you.
  8. I would vote .net as the fastest. This is mostly because it's newer technology and it's clean/easy to use.PhP isn't that bad, usually it executes very fast.Java has issues not so much in speed, but in terms of the resources that it takes up. No matter what you are running, if it's java then it is a resource hog. It's amazing to load up a mirc client on java and it be taking 60 mb's whereas the client in c++ is less than 3 mb's, lol.
  9. The idea of purchasing your own packages is pretty cool. It completely alleviates the feel of it being a free host, and makes it feel like you're really obtaining something.Most free hosts for me have just been like "eh, if I lose it there's thousands of others" but Trap wasn't the same...And now with this upgrade, I have no regrets about trusting the site,
  10. Ah, I get it now, lol...I never used that feature, :)Thought it was just a screenshot of one of the forums themselves.
  11. Hey all, just wondering if anyone can help out with some input about my current gaming community site.(http://www.clantakeover.co.cc/)To start off with, the goals. Right now we are based on just Warhammer Online, but I am wanting to over time expand it into other games as well. The information that will be found about various games are things such as general information, tips and tricks(no cheats/codes), walkthroughs, etc.Right now I think it will be based on just MMORPG's, but that could always change.In terms of the layout, that is my biggest issue. I'm just really not that creative. What I'm looking for is to make it very easy to navigate, with multiple navigation bars, or one nav bar that will work for everything. As of right now, depending on what part of the site you're on, you will see a different bar. For example, if you go to Warhammer Online you will see that nav bar, if you go into Reviews you will see a different one, etc. etc.Along with this, I would love to make it more graphical, but honestly my graphics editing abilities are...Well, I don't have any, :)Anyways, any input would be much appreciated, whether it's things you would change, things you like, or even things you hate.Thanks in advance.
  12. What do you mean by 9.99, then 2.97 monthly, 7.99 annually?You mean that you are paying $10 for the domain plus $3 for the hosting and an extra $8 yearly or is it $10 for the domain + 8 a year for the hosting?Kind of confused me with the way that you worded that...
  13. I thought he was asking how to transfer the file *without* ftp though.If that's the case, how about using IRC or an instant messanger? Both forums have their own file sharing programs "built in" for sending to one person.If you are looking for something where many people can download from you, your best bet is to go with a torrent. These *are* legal as long as they are used for *legal* purposes. You sharing your own files(assuming they are legal) is perfectly fine.The torrent would be the best one overall because it allows you to send to everyone at once without maxing out your bandwidth the entire time, however it also requires others to help with "seeding" to the other people to speed up the process.Hopefully this helps out some,
  14. lol, not really understanding that...It has web applications in the same place as rants?O.oShouldn't those be separated?
  15. I will definitely start doing that, and thanks for all of the advice.As for the different plans, I will do some more research on your site about the various ones that you offer and go from there,
  16. Yeah, honestly the system, even after all the months I've been using it, are still unbelievable.Even looking at other hosts most of them don't offer the same stuff on their free system, especially things like the mail system(I've yet to find another free host where you can use your forums to send out mail. The others always have that disabled due to 'security' reasons).And then you think of the fact that even at one credit a day...A decent post would be 2-3 credits, sometimes even more than that. So it's really *not* a credit a day. It's more like a post every few days, or maybe even 2 posts a week or so.I know of a lot of people who complained about that part but the way I see it, I'm learning a lot from the forums regardless, so to me it's become a point where I don't even care so much about the credits, I just like giving input and seeing how others feel about things as well.One minor complaint that I do have now though is there seem to be quite a few accounts popping up that are posting spam, like 30 links to random stuff(much like you would find on blogs and whatnot)...So that bothers me a little.
  17. Did you hear about the lady that makes 200k+ a year by just doing strip-shows in Second Life? Not even real video/pictures, she just does prostitution with her character....That is something that just boggles my mind. Why someone would PAY for a person to strip their character...
  18. Thank you to both of you. I've actually been wondering how to do something like this for my site as well. Would it be possible to have the bar come out to the side? My navigation bar is on the left side of my site, so I would need a drop-side bar instead.
  19. I really won't believe something like this until there is proof of the concept..To me this is like the flying cars we were supposed to have by 1990, and then the 2000's, and yet where are they? Nowhere.Too many concepts come out, but so few actually have proof behind them.If this does turn out to be true, though, I would definitely like to have one,
  20. Are you *needing* instant messaging?I would assume that IRC would be a great system to go with. It's not instant messaging, per se, but it is a great system that allows you to run your own server, have a centralized chat room, PM each other(Instant messaging I guess), send files to one another, etc.I would go with that due to the ease of use, customizability, etc. on it.
  21. So the robots file is just to tell it to go to the 'dns' address rather than the 'real' one?And when it comes to the page rank...What is the real way to boost that? So far everything that I have tried has given no luck.I did read places that page rank is updated every 4-6 months, but a lot of places say it's now updated nonstop. It's making it hard to tell if I should be worried about my lack of page rank/indexing or not.
  22. Heh, at least you got Google to index yours. Even with sitemaps and stuff I'm having issues with google recognizing my site.I've gotten it to the point where it will recognize it with site::address or whatever the command is, but other than that it's rough.Along with this, I have a lot of incoming links but Google still doesn't show any of them, even after a few months.I'm not sure if both of our issues are due to it being a subaddress(xxx.trap17.com) or what.
  23. Actually this somewhat does relate to the game world in RL. There was someone on Second Life who bought property and has made millions now just renting out spaces in his little world he bought. It's kind of amazing how such a small, somewhat worthless idea can turn into something big. I personally never would have thought the online virtual world would be booming like it is right now. That's just...Beyond me.
  24. Out of curiosity, what would be the point of "freezing" your account though?You mean so that you aren't using credits while you are away, right?But if this is true...Why make a website? The whole point of them is to be up all the time so that others can visit them at any time.
  25. I'm curious as to why you would *want* to read pdf files on a phone. Most PDF's have a lot of text, and cell phones have very small screens.I just couldn't really justify why I would strain my eyes to read small text when I could just pull out a laptop or PC and read faster. Even if you had to wait until you were home or whatever to do that, it'd still be better on your eyes, as well as faster, to just put it off until you could use a bigger screen.
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