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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Got it, thanks a lot for that information.I really haven't done that much experimenting with Cpanel yet - mostly just doing basic things like ftp and sql accounts.I guess it'd be a good idea to better explore all of the different options there and see what does what.As confirmation though, using the cpanel backup will back up EVERYTHING? Like including databases, every file, etc. And if so, as long as I stay on Xisto would I be able to use that to do a full replacement? Meaning...If I was to delete some pages/screw up my database I could use that backup to completely restore everything that was there before(at the time the backup was actually made)?Sorry for all of the questions, but this is very new to me and I like getting thorough understandings before screwing things up,
  2. Hey all, was told in another thread that it is a good idea to back up a website every day/week.I'm wondering what the best way to do this is.At the moment my site is using SQL and html files(The database is just for forums.)So would I just need to ensure I have a current copy of my .html files on my pc, and go into my database through trap's control panel and export, or is there a better way?I remember having a lot of issues in the past when it came to transferring forum databases from one host to another.Also, let's say I take phpbb's database from username (rpgsearcherz_rpgsearcherz) and database name (rpgsearcherz_rpgsearcherz) and transferred over to...(trap_trap) and (trap_trap) would I need to change anything in the databases themselves, or would I just need to change phpbb's directory information to point to the new server/username/database instead of the old one?Thanks in advance!
  3. Ah, thanks a lot for that information.I'm not in a rush for the transferring or anything, just wanting to make sure that everything is taken care of on my end.I'm actually quite happy with the progress so far. If I run into any more issues or anything I'll be sure to report them,
  4. Yeah, everything seems to be working great now, :)comp - what is WHMCS? I've never heard of that before...
  5. This is something that I thought of today..Once the credit system 3.0 is fully rolled out(Not just like now where it's running but not completed) what will happen with our current sites?Like, do we need to start backing up everything now for a server change or something, or will our current hosting package be automatically rolled over?Just wanting to make sure that I am not going to lose all of my information and all once the transformation is complete.Also, what if we end up doing an upgrade later? Will our current site be "copied" into the new host? Or will we need to re-upload everything again?Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but it seemed like the best fit.Thanks in advance.
  6. Eh, for me to really determine which one is "better" I would have to see Windows 7 in a completed form.The worst part about new OS's to me is that they are bugged out beyond belief for so long...Even Vista...Took months after release before most things were compatible with it, and some things STILL aren't(Gamespy Arcade for example)I just can't stand when you're pretty much forced to do an 'upgrade' to a worse operating system than you already have. It would be like saying "Sorry you XP users, we're now upgrading to Windows 95!"It just doesn't make sense.The only things that would make me even *consider* getting Windows 7 anytime within the few years after its release are for the following:1)It has to be a HUGE upgrade. Not just a small graphical, and not even security. Every OS(Yes, Windows 7 is included) has a lot of bugs and exploitations. Therefore the "security" of it isn't an issue with me. And look at Vista's upgraded security. It harasses you constantly. I just disable my security.2)It has to be cheap. No more $300 upgrades for things that really don't help that much to begin with. I find XP to be the best OS still, even after Vista has been out all this time.3)Things must be compatible with it. I wouldn't even think about 'upgrading' to Windows 7 if most/all of my stuff wasn't compatible. Nothing is worse than trying to run something you use daily just to get rejected by the system.
  7. This is a pretty cool idea.The point of it doesn't seem to be the best game there ever was or anything, but rather proof of concept.Rather than thinking "wonder what all Youtube can do" they decided to work on something above and beyond what anyone else has done.I find that their concept may bring in future changes. This makes me wonder what is going to be next!
  8. It bothers me that they would even attempt to get that information...In terms of who viewed various files and all, they can get that information *without* going through and taking our personal information.To me this is yet another step in the "transparency" and loss of privacy that we once had. They are taking one step at a time and once they get that one step they will take another, and another, and another.I really hope that it does not go through. Do I have anything to hide? Not really. Will anything happen to me? I haven't uploaded videos or anything so no. The point doesn't change that this will only lead to less privacy in the future though.
  9. I really have mixed feelings about this situation that is going on.To start off with, I completely understand why they would want to sue Google. Copyrights are being broken, true, and along with this it is Youtube's fault for not ensuring that copyrighted material is not on their server. Who owns the server? Youtube. Therefore it *is* their sole responsibility to ensure that they are not breaking laws.To break out a comparison, although quite extreme, it's like you hosting a party at your house and then someone(you don't know who) leaving their drugs under your rug or in your couch. The police aren't going to accept the "it isn't mine" story because it *is* yours by the basis that it is on your property.That is exactly the same as Youtube. Anything that is on their server is their responsibility and nobody else's.On the other hand, you have the fact that Youtube would not be where it is today were it to be much more constricted in terms of the media being posted on their site. The only real way to fix the issue would be to have each video screened ahead of time, which honestly would require too much time and manpower.Along with this, people could argue the fact that the users are the ones breaking the laws, and not the site. The site isn't the one uploading things, and instead it is the users.BUT....Youtube's software *is* converting the files. So in a sense Youtube *is* taking part in the uploading of the copyright materials.Don't get me wrong, I love Google, and like everyone else I also enjoy going to Youtube every once in a while, but I can see where people's issues are stemming from. It really makes me happy that I'm not part of Google,
  10. I'd assume that this was going on to help with Google's publicity but...Do they really need more?:)Seriously, they are(at least if I remember correctly) the biggest search engine there is, and are currently going against MSN but are losing.So there has to be another reason for her to be visiting...
  11. Actually I would love to hear an answer to that as well, if it is possible to do.The way I see domains, there has to be one central server somewhere, that houses EVERY domain, in a list like... http://www.msn.com/de-de?rd=1&ucc=DE&dcc=DE&opt=0222.222.222.223 http://yahoo.com/ and on and onIf this is possible, all you would need is to get that places address...What leads me to this conclusion is that I spent weeks trying to figure out how to set up your own name server but the only things I could find were on how to forward things in your own domain...Like let's say you have http://www.msn.com/de-de, setting http://www.msn.com/ to go over to some other site.Aside from that the amount of information I could find on anything related to this was small.Regardless, I am not having this issue myself but any information would be greatly appreciated, if you do end up running across anything. I love learning and this is something of high interest to me.Thanks!
  12. I'm confused about a part of this...You put that the BRAT diet is good because it prevents dehydration, but isn't it the water that causes diahhrea?Honestly I don't know much about it or anything but it just seems that if it's liquidy, it's due to water. I could always be wrong though, :)Also, I guess this is the right place to ask, since it's on the same subject...But would bananas and stuff help with what I would call "messy" excretions? Like would it make it more solid?Thanks in advance!
  13. What are the chances that people would really go through the work of tracing you down just to harass you like that?It's not that hard to find most owners of websites anyways as most use the same usernames, emails, etc. on other sites, or they just post their contact information right there on the website.Honestly if I was looking for information on something I would much rather go to a site where all of that information is listed publicly than one where it's hidden. It just gives the satisfaction of knowing that the person is transparent.
  14. I have a question regarding SSH as well. That is how you would install things like Teamspeak or whatever, right?(Or are there other uses as well?)If so, does this mean that we are allowed to do that on our trap server, or would that be denied to us?Thanks in advance!
  15. Very good question, actually. I didn't even know that you could hide that information. Always thought that information has to be transparent because it's like you showing your authority on your website. Otherwise when people look you're just like a random person.
  16. Usually when I look at digital cameras I pay attention to the features. Not features in terms of what it can do with pictures before being copied, but the following:PriceMegapixel rating(more or less tells how much detail will be provided - bigger MP = more details but also takes up more room)BATTERY LIFE!(This is one of the most important things. If your battery won't last more than an hour, it may not be worth getting, especially if you do a lot of traveling. Built in batteries seem to be the best in this area)Ease of transferring(I've found some cameras that will let you use external cards, but some of them will only allow a direct transfer through a cable. The cards are much, much easier to deal with)Size(The size of the camera means a lot to me as well. If it is a huge one, it may not be easy to carry around or store in my pocket.)Hope some of this helps give some ideas of things to look for. As always there are more things people look for, or even less than me, so it's just a guideline.
  17. Thanks for the heads-up with that. It's kind of sad to see how many companies are pretty much screwing over their customers.If you signed up for the domain though you should have full access to it, such as the DNS forwarding, parking, etc. of it. Do you not have any of that?
  18. Nice find. My biggest issue with most free RPG's is the lack of PvP, which this one seems to have taken care of.Would you rate it above or below games like runescape, though?
  19. I was actually kind of worried about it at first, so it was used as a backup for my other free hosts...And honestly it was a couple months before I even really started using Trap because I made the assumption it would end up like most others and just crash.But after months I checked it out and it seemed to have been going through upgrades which was enough proof to me that it will stay so I decided to go ahead and hang out here, :)Ever since then I've been regretting not just coming here sooner.
  20. Wow, that's a weird one,lol...I haven't seen anyone else's in negatives yet.I'm going to guess that maybe it accidentally over-transferred the wrong amount of cents and maybe it will straighten itself out.
  21. I currently use a Sony Ericcson s510, and I love it..Some of the best features of it are...Color screen - I'm amazed at how many phones still don't have color...Big screen - The screen pretty much takes up the entire front of the phone. It's not one that's real small.Internet - You can browse actual websites, including but not limited to email, news, or really anything else you want. With Cingular the cost can rack up kind of fast though due to it being 1c a kilobyte. I'm sure there are other plans elsewhere that offer unlimited internet and all though.Instant messaging - You can get yahoo, aim, msn, etc. on the phone and chat like that.Camera - Eh....Okay, it has a decent camera(3.1 mp I think?) but it is extremely blurry if the object is moving. You have to be extremely still if you want to get a decent picture. The phone does have flash though, which is pretty nice(although it's not flash, it's just a light). Along with pictures, the phone can also take video! Again, it is not the best quality though.Flashlight! - If you turn on the camera part of the phone and turn on the light, it is bright enough to take the place of a flash light.Battery life - The life on these really isn't bad. It gives around 3-4 hours talk time, or 24+ hours of idle. I usually charge mine every two days, but I don't talk on it much either.Bluetooth - It does have bluetooth AND infrared(Not sure what infrared is for) so you can get contacts/share contacts with your laptop and/or PC.Memory card slot - It has a card slot for storing contacts, pictures, videos, etc. on it.Overall I think it's a pretty good phone, but at the same time it also carries a very heafty price. I'm not quite sure how much they cost now but when I got mine it was around $550...
  22. This review is more for people who are not already part of Xisto, rather than those who are, but regardless everyone can read it, :)I rate the features of the hosting here as a 9/10. The only thing that is really missing is shell/ssh access(but I do not quite understand what the is/what it is for anyways).The customer service is definitely a 10/10 because anytime I have had an issue with my site, ftp, or anything else, live support has been on and they have been able to help me resolve my issue extremely fast.Uptime is a 10/10 for me because so far there have only been outages like once in the entire time I've been here(Pretty sure I've been part of Xisto at least a year) and that was solely due to changing dataservers.Speed is pretty good here. Very rarely I have an issue with sql not connecting to our forums, but that is few and far between. There are many, many other hosts that I have been on that were much worse in that department, and some were pretty much nonstop errors.Ease of use - very easy. Everything is located in the control panel, so there really isn't much else to say about that part.Features - I must say that I love Fantastico. For those of you who don't know what it is, you can use it for a lot of things like forums, blogs, CMS's, etc. There are many of each in fact. More or less it is a one-click installer, so you do not even have to go through all of the work to install those things yourself!I guess it is time to close this, so in conclusion, I would definitely recommend Xisto to anyone who is looking for a host, whether they want free or paid. If their free version is this good, imagine the paid one!
  23. I find what is going on to be amazing too. I mean they already have TV on phones...My biggest issue with the phones and how they are progressing is that they are too small. Now obviously that's the purpose of being a phone but still...If I wanted to get files off my pc, watch tv, etc. I would just take a laptop. Now only are they faster and more efficient but they have bigger screens.It's like everyone wants cell phones to eventually take over the need for laptops and/or desktops or something.Don't get me wrong, some newer things like bluetooth and all of that is pretty cool, but there are a lot of unnecessary things as well(Tv, games, etc.)
  24. Heh, so after reading this what I am understanding is that Windows 7 is an 'upgrade' over small parts of Vista.So more or less we are going to be paying for fixes that should already be in the current one?:)I'll stick with XP until it dies and then decide what to do from there. I just really feel that they should fix all of the Vista issues before working on a new buggy system.
  25. This tutorial is pretty good and helps understand most of what I've been messing with(I downloaded an already made CSS) but I'm still not understanding how to make the footer always stay at the bottom.Like...When you add text, rather than have to keep moving the footer with every line you do, it will always stay at the bottom of the box.Also really not understanding how to edit someone else's CSS. I have one with a top box, left, and center, but I was wanting to move the top to the left instead,=/
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