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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I completely agree with this. There are many, many upgrades being done by Renguard, and I'm amazed at how many people are still too afraid to download it in fear that there are virii or something in it. I personally use it all the time as it doesn't slow down my game or anything, and it allows the use of other features in the servers. I mean, the custom things it "fixes" I have not ever seen first person, so I am not completely sure what exactly it does other than to keep you from cheating. The sad part is that even though it blocks out "aimbots" and all, you can still use them and get in. Then when people try to kick you for cheating it just says that you're not and will not allow them to. So although RG does fix some issues with the base of Renegade as a general game, it does nothing to fix what it was designed to do - stop cheaters.
  2. I had never even heard of those before...That's pretty cool though. I loved the colorations of them, as they vary but are like metallic in nature(some of them)...Is that normal coloring though or customized?They all look like they were cut and colored in a custom fashion, but regardless they still look pretty nice.
  3. I played Runescape a little bit when it first came out...I mean it was..."okay" for a free mmorpg...But then the better(paid) games came out and they completely took me by suprise..Then I went back to Runescape and found out they were charging to do quests....It's sad when companies do that. They should let you know ahead of time(before you even start the game) that they plan to start charging to play the game.Now it's just...Trash. Unless you're paying to play it you really can not do much in it..And along with that, I'd rather pay for better games.
  4. Hey all, I'm recruiting for a fairly new guild on Age of Conan, named TakeOver. The server we are playing on is Set, which is a PVE server. Right now we have around 35 people, but are still growing. Our goals are to more or less do all of the end-game things, such as owning and keeping a Keep, raiding, pvp'ing, etc. If anyone is interested please feel free to join our forums, or post here, either one is fine. Also, any questions will be entertained. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Thanks for looking and I hope to see some of you!
  5. I have to say that there is no real "perfect" system.The issue is a fairly simple one. There are just too many people. Let's take into consideration, for example....We'll bring up a game as our example for this.World of Warcraft(random name - no relation to it).You have two clans, one with 10 people and one with 50 people, and you are voting on something.With 10 people it's quite easy, as there are far less people to deal with. With the 50 there is a MUCH greater chance of people arguing or disagreeing. How can you make democratic decisions when this happens? "For the people by the people.." Well, when it ends up half and half, no matter which choice you make you will end up with pissed off people.Along with this, take into consideration the way votes work. With 10 people each one is 10%. With 50, each vote is 2%. The number of people who will actually take part in the voting process is considerably less, being that people say "well my vote is only 2%, it doesn't matter." When 30 of those people do it, you've broken the voter base down to 40% already. So now they're voting for how others would feel as well, although it may not be true. This is one of the issues with voting in the USA right now. People keep arguing that with 100+ million votes or whatever, their ONE means nothing. Last I heard it was like a 60% non-voting rate.That's why democracy isn't as efficient in big numbers.On the other hand, I completely disagree with things like communists. That also works in small numbers but not in large groups. Mostly because of the fact that if you have 5 items and 10 people, they can share 50% of the time. With those same 5 items but 200 people, there are going to be fights and disagreements over who should get what, and when they should receive it.I guess all in all, it can be viewed as every government being flawed in it's own ways. They all have their strong points, but at the same time they all have negatives that go along with that.
  6. I just want to say that I feel very strongly that "cancer" is something that is ever-changing.They always take different things and say "this causes cancer!"I can see it now, one day waking up and hearing that water causes cancer too. I mean they've hit most of the other bases already, including hot dogs. Come on... What was the argument? "People who have cancer generally have had at least one hot dog before"....Er? ALL people with cancer have had water before.So I mean..In terms of "preventing" it...I don't really think there is a way. If God wants you to have it, you'll have it. If he doesn't, you won't. I guess it all just boils down to being religious or not, and how religious you really are.
  7. I have mixed feelings about mixing foods. I guess it really just depends on what it is.Ketchup and gravy I wouldn't do. Why? Because I don't like gravy.I often mix things like rolls with corn, green beans, peas, and mashed potatoes though. They're all going to the same place, right?I will admit there are some things that are just...Not even close to being the same once you mix them. For example, mixing potatoes with bar-b-que sauce.But on the other hand, it has to be taken into consideration that everyone has different tastes they like. I, for one, would not eat caviar. I can't even stand fish. Or any other sea-food. So for me those are off-limits. On the other hand most people DO like those.So about it being "disgusting"...I would say it in a joking manner, just being that we are in fact different. I would never say it in a derogatory way.
  8. I personally use Gmail, and hotmail. The reason is quite simple. Sometimes my emails sent from gmail end up in junk mail folders, so hotmail is the backup for it.Gmail is my favorite because of how many options it has. The online document viewer is just great, when you're not at home or someone doesn't have OpenOffice/Word and wants to view your text or excel document.Along with this, Gmail auto updates the emails as you are sitting there, so you can minimize the screen and tell when you have emails.Plus the awesome feature of showing ONLY the latest part of the emails rather than the entire thing solves on a lot of headache. Being able to see each message as if it were it's own email is a feature I feel all email providers should have.In terms of speed, I'm really not sure which is the fastest but generally I get my email faster in gmail than in hotmail. Not to mention uploading files is much faster/easier as you can upload it while you are writing the email.The email saving feature is pretty cool as well. I love when my browser crashes and I can just go back to gmail and continue from where I left off(or not far before)Overall, I must say that gmail is by far the best email system I have ever used, and will continue using it.(Forgot to add that I get 0 junk mails a day because of the filter - hotmail gives me about 15 a day getting through the filter)
  9. Good answer. My personal view is just that I would rather not be tortured or anything...As long as it's fast, it's okay. I mean, you have to consider that you will die at some point, the question(or lack thereof) is when. I would rather it just happen all of a sudden, rather than know ahead of time. In terms of being around family....I'm really not sure about that...I think dying with family watching can be one of the most traumatizing life events that people can experience. Is that something I would really want to put them through? No.
  10. I never really liked World of Warcraft...I mean I played it for a while and all, but I had issues with it.1)Too many children play it2)The graphics look like they're from a cartoon3)I didn't really feel like it was open ended enough4)I hated how there were no real penalties for dying.
  11. Hmmm...If firewire is so much better, why do so many devices still use USB 2.0 then?Is there a downside to it or something? I guess I just don't completely understand the situation. I, for one, have not met anyone in real life that uses firewire. Everyone always uses USB instead, although most people do in fact have the firewire ports on their computers. I always assumed there was just something wrong with using it.
  12. I never knew that you could play GTA4 online....Is that in both the 360 and the PS3 versions or just one/the other?Also never knew about the parachuting out of airplanes... The last GTA I played was San Andreas, and then the one that came out on PSP(the first one - I can't think of the name at the moment)And you say that they removed the bad features of San Andreas that made the game bad....What was bad about San Andreas? I thought most of the new features were pretty cool, especially the gang wars. Those added a whole different feel to the game when playing it.
  13. My view on smokers is very mixed.My negative side comes obviously from the fact that there is an inherant risk from smoking, whether it is indirectly or directly inhaled. There is also the fact that me being around smoke honestly makes me nausious and gives me migraines. It's not an instant "you're smoking so I feel sick" thing, it does take a while before it kicks in. And it's not mental. It is a physical reaction. Along with this, I have family members who have gone through emphazema(spelling?) and so I somewhat symphatize with them. Another big negative is the obvious cost of them. People who smoke one pack a day or more are easily spending $300 a month for each person who does that. Think about what that money could be used for. There are many other things $300/month could be used for. Heck, that's $3600 a year for free if you want to look at it that way.So let's look at why I also don't have an issue with it. When my mother was a child, she was legally allowed to buy cigarettes for her parents at the store, even while around age 10-11 or so. If it was that bad then, why would they allow that? There were no warnings or anything back in those days, and there were not as many taxes or cost incurred from smoking. The warnings and "issues" started coming up not too long ago. Because of that, I still have curiousities as to whether or not the media is being honest when they say smoking is "bad." If it was, why not catch it a long time ago, rather than waiting so long? Now all of those people who were smokers are having an even harder time stopping. Because of this, I don't see it as being real negative about the PERSON doing it, but rather the ACT of doing it.In terms of my sickness from being around smokers, I would have that whether or not smoking was "deemed" hazardous to your health or not, so I don't count that into my view of smokers.
  14. I assumed that being in this category it was got console gaming only...If this is the case I would have to vote with the original Halo. Really that's the only console game I really played with others aside from "Super Smash Brothers."Oh, the Mario Kart 64 was pretty good too way back in the day.If we include computer gaming into this mix as well, I'll go with Lineage II. I've played that for about 4 years now, and as of right now I still play it. It's just so addicting it's hard to get rid of, . Well now that Age of Conan is out(or is about to be) I think my favorite may change, .
  15. How good is GTA 4 though? I was thinking about maybe getting a 360 or ps3 to play it but....It seemed like GTA3 through San Andreas was like pretty much the same exact game with more missions, a few new additions here and there, but that's really all.I honestly didn't even really like Vice City very much, due to how much alike GTA3 it was. I'm pretty sure they were the two that even used the same exact graphics engine, weren't they?Is GTA4 better graphically? I know it looks much better online and on commercials and all, but they always use polished up pictures anyways so it's really hard to tell.
  16. Are you talking about like a free/cheap RPG? To my knowledge a lot of Windows rpg's can be ported over to the Linux platform using Wine...Also, they're *attempting* to port Age of Conan over using that as well, though I doubt it will be very successful.I don't know much about Linux though so I don't know for sure if that's what you were talking about or not.
  17. I find your post quite amusing, to say the least. I live in southern Texas, so yeah, I do understand that they are here. It's obvious. So let's consider how the United States was formed, first of all. Oh, different nationalities? Okay, I never assumed we were not all American Indians. I guess it should be assumed that everyone in North America is an American Indian, correct? Those *were* the first people here. So *we*(being Mexicans, Americans, Asians, Africans, Europeans, Australians, etc.) immigrated illegally, taking over the Indian's land, right? Okay, just had to make sure I had that correct, . So let's move off onto your post about the raping and whatnot of the girls. You want me to believe that illegal immigrants are the only people in the USA who commit crimes? I can pull so many statistics to prove that wrong that you would spend days trying to read them all. It has actually been proven time and time again that if you take the overall number of a race(white, black, Mexican) and you divide by the number of crimes commited by state, county, etc.(Meaning if there's 500 whites in a county, 50 crimes, 10% rate), white people *always* come out with the highest crime rating. So what you're saying is we need to kick out all white people and let Mexico have the USA, correct? That is about *all* that I obtained by your last post there, and I for one, being an American, completely disagree with you.
  18. A lot of people bring up the point that we have less jobs because of them...Why is that? Because they work cheaper? That's probably how they got the job in the first place. If it's their fault that other's can't get jobs because they work so cheap, why not crack down on all of the high school and college students that are working at McDonalds for $5.75 an hour, or at Wal-Mart for $8 an hour? Those are millions of jobs right there too. If the Mexicans are the issue for working cheap, then every American who works cheap is an issue. No, that's actually NOT the issue. Why? Let's assume they worked for $4 an hour. I would much rather hire them for me if they work just as hard as those who want more money. That in a sense boosts the economy, contrary to what you said, by offering cheaper labor for businesses. The cheaper labor means cheaper prices. Why? Americans would be wanting 10-15x the amount of pay, and would still cry daily about having to do the job. So what would happen? If they got the pay, now it costs the company 10-15x as much to keep in business. That then gets passed along to the consumer. In essense, it would cost every consumer in America more money if they were to get rid of the cheap laborers. Keep in mind that you need to look at things not how the media says, but from common sense. Pay attention to how the economy works(if needed, take classes in economics.) The media makes up stuff called "Yellow Journalism," which is used to bring an uprising from your personal feelings. They quite often make up things or embellish on facts in order to get people to listen to their news station instead of others(This can be learned in newscasting classes.) In essense, the news media is nothing different than movie production companies. They create movies that are different, that make you want to hear them. The news companies do the same thing.
  19. Wow, that looks like a cool addition. I've actually heard of it before, as they first made one for GTA3 I think it was, but I never got around to testing any of them. Watching the videos brings some questions to mind though.1)Can you do the missions together? And progress through the game, or is it like..The whole world is already open for you?2)Gangs..You can be on like two or more separate teams while in game, and can go against each other?3)How do you find other players? The map is massive, are they on the in-game map or something?4)What about lag, is there a lot of it, or is it usually quite minimal?5)Number of players. Is it often that there are more than just a couple people on, or do you spend a lot of time just waiting for others to get in?Sorry about the questions, I just don't have the game installed right now or anything.
  20. I don't quite understand how you guys get all these scam emails. I read through the replies and a lot of you seem to be getting them. Maybe it's due to things you sign up to or something? I use gmail and I put my email out publicly all the time. I get spam from one company, and that's because I signed up for it. Other than that everything goes straight to junk mail...Maybe you guys should consider a new email client to keep you from having to deal with that stuff, .
  21. I think the whole "dragon" thing depends on what you're talking about. If it's the big things that fly around like what you would see on the movie Shrek, I highly doubt they ever existed. But if you mean like komoto dragons, of course they exist. It's not as "exciting" as what people consider as dragons but judging by the name it is obviously one of them. Here's a small description of them. "The Komodo dragon is the world's largest lizard species. It is found mainly on the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rintja, Padar, and Flores. There are only an estimated 1,000 to 5,000 of these monitor lizards living today. Reaching lengths of up to 3 m or more, and weighing up to 126 kg, these reptiles are swift runners and climbers with great appetites for deer and wild boar. Although often regarded as pests, they are not a serious menace to humans. In order to protect the dragon, the Indonesian government has made the islands of Padar and Rintja into nature reserves for both the lizard and its prey. Commercial trade in specimens or skins is illegal under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species." This was taken from http://nature.ca/notebooks/english/komodo.htm
  22. I'm confused as to why firewire is so popular. It seems to me like USB is more widely used, but if it is why would firewire even exist? Does it have higher throughput or something?I even noticed on a lot of external hard drive enclosures it has firewire ports, but I always used usb 2.0 instead. Same with my PC case.
  23. I use gmail for email, and for instant messangers I use the best. Trillian!Trillian has aim, msn, yahoo, icq, etc. all in one, and it's fully skinnable. I personally use it for msn, aim, and yahoo, because I run a gaming clan and have to be able to keep in touch with a multitude of players and it allows them to keep using the instant messanger they like the most, rather than having to swap over to mine.Also, it keeps everything much smoother and nicer looking, along with being smaller and easier on resources than the other instant messanger clients. Msn is like 18 mb's or so I think it was, though I could be wrong. Trillian is 7.68 mb's and includes ALL of the IM's.
  24. I'm sort of confused by the meaning of MUD. If it means multiple user dungeon, wouldn't that mean that going in "instances" when playing World of Warcraft, for example, would be an example of this?Or is this more of a single player with the ability to have more than one person in the dungeon? Kind of like...Hm, I guess taking an old Final Fantasy game and making it multiplayer. I guess my problem is I don't have a solid understanding as to what is considered "mud".
  25. I must say that you just posted a great point. I never really thought of it as being "lack of a belief" before but then again, come to think of it, you're absolutely right. But on the same token, couldn't it also be considered as a belief that he doesn't exist, thereby also being a "belief"? I'm not really completely sure what aethism is to be honest, I only know what I have heard, which is that it is not believing in God. But that to me could be considered as believing that it is false. So I guess it really depends on how you look at the situation.
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