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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. My favourite freeware programs are...Filezilla - One of the best FTP programs around!Firefox - The browser that I use on a regular basis these days.FTP Commander - Like Filezilla, only on a basic level.AceHTML/1st Page 2000 - Before I got a hold of Dreamweaver, I used these programs quite often.Shareaza - Great program to download those music files - and no viruses and/or spyware!The GIMP - Awesome graphics program. Say no more!AntiVir - One of the better antivirus programs available.
  2. Welcome to the community, gimli! I'm sure you'll find a topic in here that you want to reply to - or even start up one yourself. It's not that difficult to gain the hosting credits. All you have to do is keep posting. A few lengthy posts (that are NOT spam) and you'll get your 10 credits in no time. See you on the boards!
  3. We have the same debate in Canada, although most people use the term First Nations people more often. Makes sense, though. After all, they have lived there way before the first Europeans set foot in the "New World" (what is now North America)
  4. I have a gmail account, too, but I haven't had it hooked up with Outlook. I'll give that method by bureX a try and see if I can add myself as another user sometime.
  5. I haven't had any comment spam yet...then again, not too many people know about my new web address yet. I guess the advertisers will find it eventually.
  6. I think the reality is that layout/code stealing is common practice on the net. Too bad, really, considering there are lots of people who put in a lot of time and effort (not to mention blood, sweat and tears) into making a great site - only to have it copied by someone else to on his/her own site. As a result, you see a lot of websites out there that look very similar, if not identical, to one another.
  7. Have I got a treat for you. A friend of mine who lives in near Tokyo, Japan has a great DDR page that all of you should check out. Hope you enjoy it!
  8. It's been a while since I last used either Gopher and/or Telnet on a regular basis. I used to use both quite a lot when I dropped by the computer science club for a couple of hours at the university.
  9. I agree. Most of the pop-ups I see show something about working and living in the U.S. or that the computer has a "problem" (at least these are the most common ones). If I had a choice, I'd take a banner ad over a pop-up anyday. Besides, it's scary to think that some of these pop-ups could even install nasty spyware/adware without the user even knowing it.
  10. Welcome aboard, kitty. Hope you have a great time on the forums. There are lots of great people, and I think you'll keep coming back to post some more. Believe me, it'll become a habit. Anyway, have fun and see you on the boards!
  11. Very nice layout. It would be interesting to see what the website will look like. Hope you can keep the same colour scheme, at least.
  12. I think either Emily or Claire would make a good name for the baby girl. I already voted for Emily as that would be my personal preference.
  13. Preety good job, considering it was done in MS Paint. Of course, maybe a little GIMP or Fireworks can add a lot as well.
  14. Hi Fallen and welcome to the community. I think you'll meet lots of great people here. All you have to do is visit here often and post. All the best in trying to get into a university in London.
  15. Wow! Quite an intro you have there. Welcome aboard, Neo Android! Hope you enjoy your stay here. I'm sure you'll meet lot of great people. Have fun and I'll see you on the boards.
  16. Looks like the site is still up and running.
  17. I'd still go with Windows XP - it's has been the best Windows OS to date - it's built for networking, security, media and much more. Admittedly, though, MAC OSX does look nice, the features on it are cool (namely, the iLife suite) and it's easy to use...plus you can switch between several languages with just a few clicks.
  18. I just saw the website myself. Looks nice and clean, but the text was a bit too small to read. Banner looks good, but there's room for improvement. As well, some error messages popped up in the body text area of the page. Might want to take a look at that.
  19. Funny hearing all that about Netscape...especially since it was the first web browser I used. (This was way back at my university in 1995, when the Internet was just starting to become common for everyday use...and the websites were certainly not as slick as they are now).
  20. I have both SwishMAX and Flash on my machine, although I can't really choose which one is better. Both have their pluses and minuses.SwishMAX is easy to learn with lots of preset effects, allowing the user to create Flash animations quickly. The downside is that there are some effects that Swish cannot do but Flash can.Flash can do a lot more and can do a lot of professional effects (as demonstrated on many a commercial Flash-based website), but the learning curve is admittedly a bit steep. If the user has time fool around and become comfortable using some of the effects, then Flash is great.
  21. My favourite colour is blue - navy blue, in particular. I have a personal preference for dark colours in general - so dark purple, indigo, grey, dark red are a close second for me.
  22. Welcome aboard, mama_soap! I'm not as much of a programmer as many of the people here, but I'm learning slowly but surely. All the same, there are a lot of topics here (including programming threads) you can talk about. Aside from that...have fun and I'll see you on the boards!
  23. I sometimes use Windows Media Player but I use other types of media players, too - depending on the file. WINAMP is a great alternative to play audio tracks...especially on my old laptop. For my XP machine, I use iTunes since you can easily edit track info, create multiple playlists and burn mp3 and audio CDs. As for video files, Quicktime is my player of choice. It seems that a lot of sites these days require either Windows or Quicktime. (The only other option is RealPlayer)
  24. I have phpbb installed (from Fantastico) but I've yet to update it...then again I haven't had the chance to use it much...if at all. I haven't had the time to do either as of late...maybe sometime over the next few days.
  25. Two and a half weeks? Well, you either post as much as you can (and I mean good, long posts) to give you enough hosting credits for the time you're going to be away. If you happen to stop by an internet cafe on your travels, that may be of some help.
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