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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. For # 1, I personally wouldn't use frames. Tables are better. Plus I'd keep the navigation simple. As well, use CSS to add consistency to your website.For #2, like a few others mentioned, choose a topic or something that you know a lot about or are interested in. Chances are your site will attract lots of people with similar tastes/hobbies. A forum wouldn't hurt, either.Hope this helps! Good luck with your website!
  2. I guess she wasn't too careful
  3. Hi there, and welcome aboard! As far as I know, you can upload just about any file (within reason, of course). You may want to check out the Rules the Regulations to check what files you CAN and CANNOT upload. Apart from that, hope you have a great time here and we hope you come visit the boards often.
  4. That's interesting to hear that Microsoft is working on a P2P application. I remember one time, a friend of mine told me that the authorities (entertainment companies? government?) are currently trying to crack down on P2P software like Kazaa, Limewire, etc.
  5. Ack! Almost forgot about the Pink Panther! May I also add The Flintstones as an honourable mention.
  6. Here's a list of my favourite old cartoons:Bugs Bunny,Tom and Jerry andFat Albert
  7. shigajet


    Welcome aboard! I think you've found the right place to get some tips on graphic design and other computer-related topics. I don't have Photoshop myself, but I use the GIMP and Fireworks. Sadly, I haven't had much time to play around with either as of late. While I'm here I'll give you another possible service - Flickr. Hope this helps! Hope you enjoy your time here and I'll see you on the boards!
  8. I think I'll give SpyBot a try. I downloaded AVG a long time ago, and to this day I still wish that I hadn't. Anyway, thanks for the links/tips. I hope I can get the PC up to speed. Otherwise, I may have to back up my files and re-install everything.
  9. Well, you could add animations to your site (Flash, Javascript, DHTML) as long as you don't fill the page with a lot of them. That'll just make take much longer to load. Plus, people may get tired of those animation after a while. If you have good content, then by all means flaunt it! In many cases, it's the content that keeps people coming back to a website...of course adding some style helps to make it more presentable. Although I have ADSL, I know many others who still use a dial-up connection. As such, I would try to make a spage that can load quickly (read: light on graphics).
  10. Great tip! Although most of the files I uploaded are not compressed, it's great to know that I don't have to unzip anything before starting up cpanel. I'll give it a try sometime.
  11. My addiction(s) are the internet and making graphic effects with Fireworks and/or the GIMP. Not to mention that I'd like to read whenever I have the chance....and that includes web learning.
  12. I would use phpbb, since it is open-source software, it's the most widely used forum program and there are lots of skins available for it. Having said that, Invision looks really good (as it does here at Xisto).
  13. In my opinion, splash pages are a waste of web space. Very rarely have I have I seen a splash page put to good use. Why would I have to click just to enter a site when the index page will do? I agree about the crawler script, by the way.
  14. Wow! That's a useful tip. The only thing is I doubt I'll ever have the time to actually do this task...not to mention I'm still at the beginning stages of learning php.
  15. Glad to see another Nosuo Uematsu fan out there! I have to admit, however, that I have never heard his music from the early entries of the FF series. Then again, the first FF game is played was VII. At that time, the music was pretty good...then with every FF game after that, the music quality improved dramatically - meaning that it sounded less like it came from a computer.
  16. Welcome abaord, Michael! Ah, I remember those days when I was a teenager. Anyway, hope you enjoy your time here and keep on posting! See you on the boards!
  17. Just saw the large version. Looks similar to the sig...only darker. You may want to make the text stand out a bit more (i.e. make it a little brighter). Aside from that, it's a great background.
  18. Love the colour and the shapes you used, and I think the font suits the sig nicely. Good job! (Feel free to comment on my sig as well, if you like.)
  19. I like Dreamweaver (MX) as well. Lots of tutorials, a choice to see your site in either code or WYSIWYG format or both, support for Flash, Fireworks, etc. an Extension Manager, CSS file creator, PHP support and so much more. It may be overwheming at first (as it was for me), but once you get used to it you can make a really professional-looking site.
  20. shigajet


    Welcome aboard, baffo! So you like nature, yet you also like computers. Not a bad mix at all! Anyway, you've come to the right place to chat, post, build your site. Whatever you want to do at Xisto is cool. Hope to see you on the boards often!
  21. shigajet

    Im Here

    Welcome aboard, and I hope you enjoy your time on the boards. Just remember to visit often (whenever you can) and keep posting. There's a lot of great people here and good mix of topics - both computer-related or non-computer-related! Have fun!
  22. Don't worry...just keeping posting until you have more than enough credits for an upgraded hosting account. phpbb takes up quite a lot of space - that's 80% of your quota already. I had to do the same thing myself. I started with just the 20 MB package because I thought "start small and get more space as the site grows". After I installed a few add-ons for my site, I found out I should've gone for the 150 MB package at the start....better to have more than enough space than not enough at all.
  23. FF12 is going to be released in the fall?...finally. I haven't checked recently - is that projected release date for North America or Japan? (In the meantime, I'll go check on news of the Japan release.)
  24. Welcome to the community! I'm from Canada, but I'm currently working and living in Japan. I'm computer literate, but not to the extent of being a programmer. Still, I can always learn from some of the experts here. Anyway, hope you enjoy your time and keep on posting! See you on the boards!
  25. I posted this on another thread, just saying that the forum underwent a skin change or two before now. I like this design - it brings back the brightness of the original, and it loads much faster! I'm not too concerned about the army system, although my stats are still there.Anyway, it's a welcome change - and I like the new logo, too!
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