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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. That short guide is good to keep in mind. I'll keep both browsers, although I'll be using Firefox most of the time. It's just that there are several site that won't operate properly on anything other than IE.
  2. There is another effective pop-up blocker aside from the ones that come with IE and Firefox. Try this one from Panicware and let me know what you think! Cheers!
  3. It all depend on how frequently you make the posts - and on how big the posts are. If you have a lot to say, then there shouldn't be any problem. Then again, I'm not one of the moderators, so I can't say for sure.
  4. For me, there are several issues that come to mind:Poverty, global warming and the depletion of the ozone layer, widespread famine in underdeveloped countries, cancer, AIDS, world peace (terrorism is included under this general issue), the availability of knowledge and how potentially dangerous it could be, pollution.
  5. Hi there! Welcome to the community. Hope you enjoy your stay here and have fun posting.
  6. Welcome aboard, Mandrillia! You found a great community with great hosting services! Hope you enjoy your stay here, but don't forget to take a break once in a while.
  7. My ideal phone? Well, in Japan the new mobile phone models can do some of those functions mentioned in previous posts. Anyway..my ideal phone would have to include some of the following:- digital camera with very high detail in megapixels, and that can also take digital movies- ability to not only watch live streaming of TV programs but to record your favourite segments as well- a system that allows you to order anything online- colour screen- built-in MP3 player- ability to store PDFs- have a USB port- speaker phone
  8. As much as I like the using the Internet for communication (e-mail, chat, forums, etc.), I still feel nothing beats either the telephone or a face-to-face conversation as it seems a lot more personal to me.
  9. As for me, Friday the 13th bringing bad luck is merely a superstition, just as 7 is considered to be a "lucky" number. It's true that in many in countries in Asia fear the number 4. I know that in Japan, this is certainly the case. BuffaloHELP was spot on with hi post: 4 (four) has two pronunciations in Japanese - one is yon, the other is shi (This is the one that means "death").
  10. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the FLAM player. Like the name suggests, it's a Flash music player than you can download for free, customize it to your liking and include it on your website. You can find it here.
  11. Welcome to the community, xelchemy! I'm from Canada, but as you can see I'm currently living in Japan. Hope you enjoy your time on the forums and I'll see you around from time to time!
  12. Hi there, and welcome to the community! It's interesting that you are into Chinese calligraphy. My wife is a licensed calligrapher (she even has a website for her work)!Anyway, nice to meet you! Have fun, enjoy your stay and I'll see you around in the forums!
  13. Welcome aboard from a fellow Canadian! As you can see, I have been living in Japan for quite a while now. There's a lot of great people here in the community, so I believe you enjoy it here! Have fun, keep posting and I'll see ya on the boards!
  14. As much as I like sweets, I don't have it that often - and even then it's only a small amount. I cut out sugar completely when I have coffee.
  15. I'm not surprised at the change, considering the lockout is still going on and there's no way of knowing when it will end. Changing the NHL link to Hockey probably makes sense since there are lots of other leagues other than the National Hockey League (or should that be "No Hockey League"?)
  16. I briefly ran into a problem signing into the Xisto forums as well from one of my school's computers. I had to use an anonymous proxy since then. Thankfully, the problem was short-lived even though I didn't say anything to the admin. (It took less than a week.)
  17. I've heard lots of good things about Skype, too. I currently have a Yahoo BB ADSL/Phone connection. With it you also get pretty good rates on international calls. It'll be difficult to switch, but I'll try out Skype when the opportunity arises.
  18. Hi everyone! Well, I'm back with another essay from my experiences in Japan. I wrote this one as more of a reflection on living and working in a small town in Japan and a review of some of the things I learned. I guess you might also notice that I - as well as other teachers on the program - were struggling to find something to write about. Eventtually, something comes up and we write what was on our minds at that time.Okay, enough rambling...hope you enjoy this entry!The "Imachu" ChapterWow! Hard to believe I'm already in my third year in Imazu! It seemed like it was only yesterday when I made brief (but impressionable) introduction on the stage at my school's culture festival. Now I'm an ALT "senpai" about to write my final essay before I head home to Canada for the holidays. Like many of you, I found it very difficult to find someting to write about this year. There's a lot I'd like to say, but only a limited space in which to do so. After countless revisions and false starts, I thought I'd just settle on some key things I discovered during my time here.Living in Japan has taught me many things. Even though I was to be the one teaching at my school, I am constantly learning things both inside and outside of school - anytime and anywhere. Here are some of the key things I've learned in my two plus years in Japan: I've learned to be more patient and tolerant, I've gained a better understanding of both the English and Japanese languages, and I've tapped into many different creative ways to communicate my language and culture to others, not to mention that I've also learned a lot about communication in general.Overall, I've adapted to life in Japan quite well. I'm not saying that it was easy. To be sure, I've had my share of hard times, but who doesn't? Bad days happen no matter where you are. Thanks to the many people I've met (both the locals and other ALTs) during my time here so far, though, I've had many more positive experiences than negative ones.Another year is passing by and the "Imachu" chapter of my life will come to a close next summer. I feel that it has been worthwhile for me to stay the full three years. I'd like to thank the town of Imazu and the school for having me as their ALT. I often feel that I was lucky to be placed in such a friendly town because it helped me enjoy Japan for what it is.
  19. Welcome to the community, SystemWisdom! Hope you enjoy your stay in the forums! See you around on the boards and we all look forward to seeing your new MP3 player. Let us know when you finished it.
  20. I've read the rules enough to have an idea what is allowed and what is not. Since my site is still in the works, I've been following them so far. Same goes for my posting.
  21. shigajet

    College Finals

    I used to ask that question myself. Final exams do take up a fair chunk of your final grade, but for many courses that is the final "task" for students so that teachers to see whether you have learned the material or not. In the end, students do have to be tested at some point - even if you don't see yourself using the stuff you learned in school four years later.
  22. Usually what I would do is that I would first look through the most recent topics/posts and see what catches my interest and then make a reply to it. Of course I'll start up a topic from time to time - that's when I have something more to say. Otherwise, there's the Kenka System (RPG) and the Army System. Since the latter is inactive at the moment, feel free to explore other areas of the site and see what you can find.
  23. Hi Eric! Welcome aboard! Hope you enjoy your stay on the forums. I'm (still) working on the website as I speak so it'll be a little while before it's up. See you around!
  24. As for me, I'd probably go outside more often if the weather is nice, or read more books or watch TV if it was rainy (or stormy). I'm more likely to do more constructive work, too. On the flip side, there are a lot of things I can do now that wasn't even possible if there was no Internet.
  25. shigajet

    I Hate Noobs

    I believe we are all "noob"s (or newbies) no matter what we do. It's not just in a forum, game or the internet in general. We all encounter something we haven't experienced before but in time we all learn how to handle it.
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