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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. Although I personally didn't take offence to your first sig, the new one is more community-friendly. Good job, jerry!
  2. Just saw the website myself. It looks like you've done a fine job. Not sure about the colour scheme, but that's just me. I also like the logo, although the menu items could use a little more space.
  3. Welcome aboard, Daryl! We're glad to to have you as a new member of the community! I think you'll find lots to talk about on the forums. Just browse and see what topic or thread catches your interest. Have fun and I'll see you on the boards!
  4. I just saw the banner, and it looks really good. The only thing I would add is a border (like a few others have mentioned here) and you're set!
  5. I started learning by using Notepad and borrowing a few books from the university's computer science club that taught me the basic tags in a web page. As well, before I left for Japan, I also bought a book on HTML 4.01. Of course, websites are becoming more dynamic what with PHP and MySQL. Guess it's time for me to catch up.
  6. I agree. Posting several quality posts will get you the hosting package easily. I know I find it difficult to contrubute a good quality post every day, but I do know that I'll find a topic worth making a valid comment on before a few days have passed (if the thread is not closed).
  7. If you have Flash (or perhaps SwishMAX), you can easily tweak/fix the flash banner to your liking. I think if you download the trial version of either program you'll be able to edit it. Here are the links: Macromedia SwishMAX Hope this helps!
  8. I like FFVIII as well, especially with the graphics and the music side of it. I didn't care too much about the card game although it was easy once I got the hang of it. The junction system was a unique idea at that time and it was another great way of building your characters/GFs. Having said that, I still think FFVII has the best story of the series.
  9. I don't have an MP3 player/stick yet, but I'm thinking of buying one. My choices consists of either an iPod, an iPod mini, an iShuffle or a Sony Walkman Stick. If I were to get an iPod, I'd more likely get a 20 GB one. The mini version (6GB) wold also do me nicely. Of course, the new stick players give me enough music for a long journey or a jog. As you could probably tell, I'm still lost as to what to get....maybe settle for an iPod mini (6GB) and an iShuffle?
  10. Welcome aboard, and we look forward to more of your posts no matter what the topic may be. :rolleyes:Anyway, I'm originally from Canada, but I've been living and working in Japan for almost five years now (hence my userid). So if you have any questions related to Japan, feel free to let me know.Cheers, and I'll see you on the boards!
  11. As much as Mactel sounds funny, there's no doubt it'll be a household name in the near future. I do like nonon's suggestion of IM, though.
  12. Dell is definitely among the better PC companies. Great machines, great service and not too expensive - even for laptops!Having said that, I know a few friends who have bought Macs and they were realy happy with them. LIke sonyguy said, it depends on what you intend to use the laptop for.
  13. Having a computer in your own room does have its advantages, but there's always the risk of insomnia if you're not careful.
  14. I believe Pete Rose deserves to have his ban from baseball lifted and finally be inducted in to the Hall of Fame. At the time he was caught for betting on his own team, I thought it was unfortunate that he was banned in the first place. Makes me wonder how they establish their forms of punishment. Steroids are bad, but gambling is much worse? Give me a break!
  15. I have gmail myself and I have yet to use my invites so far. Surely Google won't stop offering the service if I invite more people to use gmail.
  16. I like Friday the best, since it marks the beginning of the weekend for me. Saturdays are a close second, though.
  17. Well, I have 4, and all of them were bought in Japan. Here's the list, if memory serves:DiskOnKey (64MB)IODATA ClipDrive (128MB)Hagiwara USB (256MB)Sony Pocket Bit (64MB)
  18. Although they have always had an excellent web and image search services, I think Gmail is the best service so far.As for the installed services, Picasa and the Toolbar are very useful (for me, anyway).
  19. Welcome to the community! I think you will be able to collect hosting credits easily if you visit Xisto often and make a few good length posts. I've been here for about 2 and a half months and it's been fairly easy to build my credits. Right now, I'm just maintaining my current number of credits and will hopefully build some more in case I won't be able to access the internet for a few weeks.
  20. I would buy a car, a house with a huge yard - complete with maids and butlers, travel around the world, give some money to chraity and then invest the rest in several solid stocks so that I'll never have to worry about money again for the rest of my life.
  21. I'm happy with the number of forums available here. We could use with a few more. I was a bit surprised when the Creativity forum was changed to "No Post Count" status...not to mention the Entertainment forums as well.
  22. Welcome aboard! Looking forward to seeing you anime graphics website.My name's Evan (aka "shigajet"), by the way. I've had the same experience hopping from host to host as well. I started on angelfire, then moved to bravenet, then freewebs, then freehostdepartment, then beigetower and finally here. A few of the hosts shared many of the same problems as snlildude87 pointed out (ads, few resources and/or webspace). I hope to stay MUCH longer this time.Anyway, hope you enjoy your time on the forums. Come visit often and post as much as you like! Cheers!
  23. Thanks for the tip. Does the procdure get rid of Trojan viruses, too? My PC's been behaving a bit slow recently.
  24. shigajet


    There's always a catch, isn't there? I checked out the website and it mentioned that it was a trial version (which you have to purchase it after it expires). If the price is right, it may be worth investing in.
  25. It's been a LONG time since I was up at 3 in the morning. Usually I would do one of several things - 1) Stay on the computer surfing the net. 2) Play on the PS2, 3) read until I sleep - or more likely a power nap. I do admit it's hard to do when you have a lot on your mind.
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