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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. Hi there and wlecome to the community! I'm originally from Canada but now I live in Japan (and have been for the past 4+ years...). I think you'll find some great people here. Aside from that...have fun and keep posting!
  2. I guess it depends on where I am. At work, I use the computer to make most of my teaching materials (worksheets, flashcards, etc.). Even then, how much I use it at work depends on how many classes I have. At home, I use it for about 2-3 hours in the evening. So....in general, at LEAST 2-3 hours or more per day.
  3. I like Nokia as well. Much better than the Nortel "brick" I remember using about 10 years ago. The cel phone I have now (J-Phone/Vodaphone) is a Nokia model.
  4. I'll throw in another vote for Dreamweaver - mainly because there's so much you do. I have Studio MX on my machine and you can integrate Fireworks, Flash, FreeHand into your website.As for the free editors, good ol' Notepad is tried and true. AceHTML and 1st Page 2000 are honourable mentions. The latter allows you to switch modes, depending on your expertise - from Beginnner to Hardcore.
  5. Welcome to the community! I think you'll enjoy the forums here. Great people and a great webhosting service, too! So...aside from that, have fun, keep posting and we'll be looking forward to seeing your site when you get the hosting package.
  6. There's not much contrast between the text and background colour. As well, the site looks a bit screwed up in Firefox. The flah navigation menu overlapped the main scrollbar text area.
  7. The header I'm using for my website is about double the size of the sig you see now and the title says "Evan In Japan" instead of "ShigaJET". If I have some spare time, I'll browse around my photo archives to make a second sig...and eventually another header image.
  8. I'm still debating on whether to go with Advanced or Viper myself. Both look good and I like the feature where you can choose your country from a drop-down list. I like some of the skins, too. The only thing is in order to see the image you submitted with your post, you would have to disable ZoneAlarm (if you have it). No problem in Advanced guestbook, though.
  9. shigajet

    Swish 2 ?

    I have SwishMax on my PC and although it can't do everything that Flash, I like it because it is easy to use. Be careful if you plan to use Flash for your site. Although it'll look stunning, the download time could be a drag for users who still have a dial-up connection. A way getting around this is to make an HTML version of the page and provide a choice of either HTML (for low-speed connections) or Flash (for high-speed connections, like broadband). Another alternative is to check out the AnfyFlash website. They've got some Flash and Javascript contents that you can download for free.
  10. I just realized...sine you were asking about the characters I used...well I thought they would go well with the castle - one of many prominent symbols of Japan. (Check the post I made earlier.)
  11. Well, the image you see on the right is of Nagahama Castle - one of many (about 47, I think) castles in Japan that are still around today. Although some of them have turned into museums inside of a reconstruction (like this one, Fukuyama, Hiroshima, Nagoya and Osaka), a lot of them have the original material still intact.Of course, I could have put something like Mt. Fuji, shrine gates or cherry or people in traditional clothing and so forth. I figure this is a good place to start. Perhaps as I use more pics with Japanese imagery I could make several different sigs...just for display.
  12. Although I don't have a pet, there are several that come to mind for me.Dogs/Cats - This is tough. Dogs are great social animals but they might mess up your abode if you go out and leave the pet at home. Cats are very quiet, but they are independent. Birds, hamsters, guinea pigs would probably be cool to have as pets as well.
  13. Although I don't have a pet, there are several that come to mind for me.Dogs/Cats - This is tough. Dogs are great social animals but they might mess up your abode if you go out and leave the pet at home. Cats are very quiet, but they are independent. Birds, hamsters, guinea pigs would probably be cool to have as pets as well.
  14. Although I don't have a pet, there are several that come to mind for me.Dogs/Cats - This is tough. Dogs are great social animals but they might mess up your abode if you go out and leave the pet at home. Cats are very quiet, but they are independent. Birds, hamsters, guinea pigs would probably be cool to have as pets as well.
  15. Welcome aboard! I've been here for over a month now and I find it to be a great community so far. I'm also hosted here (but I'm still working on my website). Hope you enjoy your stay here. Have fun and keep posting!
  16. I'm at around 41 (before this post). I could've had more if I went with Package 2 right off the bat, but there ya go. Still, it's a fairly "comfortable" number but I try to post whenver possible and if the topics look interesting enough for me to make a comment.
  17. I don't think there is anything wrong with using a CMS. It depends on what kind of site you want to build. If it's just a personal website, Wordpress or Nucleus will do nicely. I've taken a look at the list of complete CMS (like php-Nuke, XOOPS and such). They're very good, but I thought to myself that I don't need all those features.
  18. I'm orginally from Canada, but I used to live near Toronto - which is pretty close to the U.S. anyway. In the past, I visited Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, New York, Illinois, Oklahoma, Florida, Vermont, Missouri and Ohio.Can't really pick out a single favourite, but I really liked Florida, Wisconsin, Indiana, Missouri and Vermont (the camping here is great)!
  19. The two characters are read as "Nihon" (or "Nippon"), and it's the Japanese word for Japan. The first character (日- ni or hi, depending on the reading) means sun and the second one (本 - hon or moto, depending on the reading) means book or origin.I apologize to all the others on this forum. Some of you may have to change the encoding to Japanese/Shift-JIS or Japanese/Automatic on your browsers to see the characters in this post.
  20. Hate to say this, but I never really got into Dragonball Z. I only watched a few episodes every now and then (through a friend's fansub collection way back when).
  21. Welcome to the community! I don't think it's "unfortunate" that you found Xisto. This place is great! Hope you enjoy your time on the forums! Interesting to hear that you're setting up a WordPress blog because I'm doing that as well. I just installed WP 1.5.1, but I need some help in creating my own theme before I show it to everyone. If you could offer tips/code snippets, that would help me immensely.See you around!
  22. Hey everyone. Here's my sig and I would welcome any comments you have. This is what I plan to use as the header image on my index page. Only the title would be different.
  23. I think it's a good job as well, but the images took a while to load. As well, the navigation buttons were a bit hard to read. Like the header, though.
  24. I prefer the second sig. It has a good colour sheme, but a border would add a nice touch.
  25. I've been using XP at home and Windows 2000 at my school and I haven't had any mojor problems yet. Both are quite good on theier own merits and much better than ME (on my old laptop). Windows 2000 is stable since it is based on Windows NT, but Windows XP is also solid and great for networking.
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