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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. You could make the words stand out a bit more so that's easier to read - other than that, it's great! Especially since you didn't have much time on your hands.
  2. Wow! That was quick! I was here just a few hours ago when the forum had a much darker skin. Actually, the new skin looks a bit nicer this time. It brings back the brightness of the original Trap 17 forum skin, but with a few tweaks. Love the new logo, too!
  3. shigajet

    Hey Guyz

    Welcome aboard, Kelly! I'm from Canada, although I'm currently teaching in Japan (and have been doing so for the past 4 plus years). Nice to meet you and I hope you enjoy your time on the boards!
  4. Neat poem...kinda reminds me of my own room/apartment before I got married...well, maybe not THAT bad. Still, I had a habit of leaving dishes in the sink and my laundry in the machine for several days...and of course forget to put away the futon every morning.
  5. Hmmm...interesting new template. I kinda like the darker template, but that's just me. I've gotten used to the old forum template, but the icons/fonts used for the new version are slick. Others may disagree, but I say give it a chance for about month before you guys decide whether to switch it back to the old template or not.
  6. Welcome to the community, Pdrive! Interesting to hear that you're from New Zealand! I'm from Canada, myself. I currently live in Japan and I teach at an elementary school. In fact, one of my co-workers is from NZ, too!
  7. Welcome aboard, Nax! I'm sure you'll have no problem posting as there are many topics (both computer-related and non-computer-related) in the forums. Hope you enjoy your time here and come back and visit often.
  8. I found Xisto through the freewebhosts.com review site. Since there was a section called no forced ads, I checked out the chart and the user reviews for several of the top free hosting services. There were several great services out there, but I decided to go with Xisto, mainly because of the hosting credit system and the features/add-ons.
  9. Hi there, and welcome to the community. Sorry to hear that you had some bad experiences with your previous hosts. I've been with Xisto for over two months now, and it's proven to be a very reliable host - no ads, as much as 150 MB of web space, lots of add-ons. There's also a great community with lots of people who can offer their sage advice and support. Hope you enjoy your time here and keep visiting and posting on the boards as often as you can.
  10. Hello and welcome to the Trap 17 community, imran. I'm sure you'll find lots of forums to keep you active, since you're a programmer. Of course, every now and then I may need your advice in the near future...especially if it's related to php and mySQL. Hope you enjoy your time here and see you on the boards!
  11. Just checked out the site as well. It certainly looks professional, but don't forget to add the title in the head tags. A different skin to match your website theme would also help.
  12. A time machine would be a neat idea, but I wouldn't want to use it - just to change something that happened in the past. I keep thinking of the H.G. Wells book (and the movie adaptations), as it brings up an important point that it can be dangerous if you misuse it.Besides, in a sense we have "time machines" in our minds - they're called memories (the past) and dreams (the future).
  13. HI, Oxygen, and welcome to the Trap 17 community! Don't worry if you're not an expert on computers and/or the internet. I'm a non-expert myself, yet I visit many of the forums as there are lots of different topics to choose from, including computer-related stuff.By the way, my name is Evan and I'm a Canadian living in Japan. Yoroshiku ne! (That's Japanese for "Nice to meet you!")Hope you have a good time here and visit often. See you on the boards!
  14. Hasn't this topic been discussed before? (To guangdian) Firefox is made by Mozilla. Other products from them include Thunderbird and the Mozilla Suite.
  15. I agree. It might be a bug. The best thing to do is either post it to the support forum, or better still, send them a private message to the admins and moderators. I'm sure they'll help you out.
  16. Among the things/movies that scare me are:1. The Shining (Jack Nicholson in one of his creepiest roles)2. heights...especially if there is no gate to prevent me from falling3. death (it's unavoidable but still scary)There are probably a few more, but that's what came to my mind at the time I wrote this post.
  17. shigajet

    Hi All

    Welcome to the community, Sudhakar! Glad to hear you're active on several of the forums on Trap 17. So you're a programmer, eh? Mind giving me a few tips on php and MySQL? (Sorry, I'm more of a writer than a coder...) Anyway, hope you enjoy your time here. See you on the boards!
  18. shigajet


    Welcome aboard, Focus! I think you've found a great community with great webhosting packages! Hope you enjoy your time here on the boards!
  19. Welcome aboard, Milovoriel! Hope you enjoy your time on the boards. Just check out some topics that suit your interest and post away.
  20. As much as I like Windows XP with its sleek design and all (perhaps moving closer to the OSX (Mac) in appearance?), I like Windows 2000 as it is based on Windows NT and is more secure.
  21. With Fireworks, GIMP and Photo Studio 2000 (ArcSoft) I like to use drop shadows and glows for the text. As for images...rendering all the way plus I like the horizontal line effect to make it look like a TV screen image. At the same time, I'll experiment to see what other effects I can create. You never kow until you take the time to play around with any graphics program to see what it can do.
  22. Welcome aboard, and I hope you enjoy your stay here. Seems like you're off to a great start into the IT world. If you're stuck on a computer-related problem, check out the How-to tuorials. Otherwise, feel free to borwsew the topics and post often. See you on the boards!
  23. I heard a lot of good things about McAfee, what about software like Norton Utilities or Virus Buster (an antivirus software available in Japan)?
  24. Difficult to say which feature is the best. I like a lot of things about Firefox: fast downloads, pages load really fast, pop-up blocking, frequent updates...the list goes on.
  25. That's odd. I didn't have a problem uploading my picture. Perhaps it may be too big. The size of an avatar is usually no more than thumbnail size. If you're referring to posting sigs, upload the picture you want to use using an FTP program, then try posting the sig using your Xisto account address.
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