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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. It certainly makes common sense to keep the hosting credits above a certain level. How about if a member has Package #2 (like I do)? Would I have to keep the number of credits above 30 to keep the hosting alive or is it 10 - just like Package #1? Just asking.
  2. As much as I'm trying to avoid putting any kind of ads on my page, it is an opportunity to get paid some extra money. Since I'm currently living in Japan, I wonder if they pay in yen?
  3. Welcome to the community! I think your English is just fine! As an English teacher in a country where the first language is NOT English, I can tell you that the sentences don't have to be grammatically perfect - communication is the most important matter. So if we all understand what you are trying to say, that's great! Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time here on the forums and post as much as you like. There are many topic/threads that you'll find on the forums, and the people here are very friendly and supportive. See you on the boards!
  4. Very nice sigs, I must say! Have you entered them into the T17 sig contest yet? As soon as I have some spare time, I'll see if I can create a few more sigs of my own and join the competition (other than the one you see below my post). Keep up the good work!
  5. Where I'm living right now there are several choices for ADSL services - mainly from NTT and Yahoo BB (the two major players in the market). The latest advances that both companies have made is optical fibre - meaning you could also use your service for Web TV (if it's a newer model).
  6. There are many other ways to build up your hosting credits without spamming. At the very least, maybe write a review or a tutorial, comment on members' artwork, talk about what's happening in world news, etc. Just remember, it's the QUALITY of the posts that matter, NOT the quantity.
  7. Welcome aboard, Kid (no pun intended)! I'm sure you'll have no problem staying active in the forums. We have a great community here at Trap 17; the people are friendly and very supportive. If you have a problem, I'm sure anyone online here can help you out. Feel free to peruse the topics and threads as there may be something that'll suit your interests. Have fun and enjoy your stay here. See you on the boards!
  8. As a kid, I cheered for the Montreal Expos (long before they moved to Washington), mainly because of strong attachments and that they were the closest pro baseball team to Ottawa (where I grew up). Likewise, I used to cheer for the Habs (Montreal Canadiens) in the NHL because of the same reason. However, I started to become more of an Ottawa Sentors fan (again, because of my roots) since they played their first season in 1992/93. In my opinion, it takes a real fan to support the team through both the good and bad times, rather than jump on the bandwagon when the team is winning.
  9. Wow, that's cool! It's kinda like Google Earth, but the focus is more on a map presentation. Still, it was neat moving from one area of a country to another. Great find - I'll bookmark it.
  10. Hi there, and welcome aboard! I think you've found a great community here, as the members are very friendly and supportive. There are a lot of topics and threads to suit your interest, and if you have any sigs to show off then post them in the graphics forum!Hope you enjoy your stay and post as much as you like!See you on the boards!
  11. When I first joined and started posting, I too wondered why there wasn't an EDIT button. Now that I hear about people abusing the feature, I now understand why. I make some mistakes every now and then, but I usually don't worry about it as long as people can understand the general gist of my post.
  12. Talk about creativity! That web page is proof that there's more to Fedex than just packaging and delivery...Don't have any furniture for your home? No worries - Fedex comes to the rescue!
  13. The main programming languages in need these days seem to be C++, Perl, PHP (as well as HTML), Java (in web programming). I'm currently learning a bit of PHP on the side myself.
  14. Welcome aboard, Astireloth, and I hope you have fun posting away here in the Trap 17 community. The people here are really friendly and supportive, and there are lots of topics and threads that catch your interest...so you spend even more time on the computer. Anyway, come back often and post as muchas you like. See you on the boards!
  15. Cheese!! Gotta love their little jokes when they celebrate the lauch of a new product. I still remember the "infinite" space for Gmail's first anniversary celebration. Anyway, a great bit of diversion, but Google Earth is more impressive.
  16. I think it's a combination of both, since it looks like more and more people are switching to Firefox as their default browser. I personally like the product because of it loads the pages quickly and the user can customize it easily.
  17. Linux and Windows (XP or 2000, to date) are among the better operating systems (in terms of stability) in my opinion. Mac OS is solid as well. I know some people who have either one of the other and none have expereinced any significant problems with either.On my PC I have Windows XP and it's been working fine.
  18. You could use any of the suggestions mentioned before, or if you prefer to generate your own gallery pages and upload them to your website, try Jalbum. There are lots of themes you can use - and best of all, the program is free!
  19. I haven't even touched my (modified) Playstation 1 in about five years, and I'm also thinking of selling my PS2 as well since smaller version of the console have been created (well, that and PS3 coming out soon).
  20. I voted for Sunday as the first day of the week. I've always thought of Sunday as a chance to rest up before I start up school/work again on Monday.
  21. The sig looks really good. I really like the colour scheme and how it suits the character in the sig well. Keep up the great work!
  22. Welcome aboard, songlikeecho. I think you've found an excellent community and hosting service here at Trap 17. The people are friendly and very supportive. Great to hear that you're a graphic design student. As you may have noticed in several threads, there is a graphics sig contest, so if you have a sig of your own (or would like to create one), by all means show the community what you can do! Have fun and post as much as you like! See you on the boards!
  23. Starting a website from scratch allows you the flexibility and a chance to use your creativity, but at the same time can be very time-consuming...especially if it's a very big website. I've heard a lot of good things about MAMBO, but I personally went for Wordpress CMS for my blog. If many others suggest MAMBO, there's no harm in giving it a try.
  24. Just check out both version of your sig. In the second one, the text blended really well, but you may want to experiment using another font (either Gothic/Germanic style). Otherwise, great job!
  25. I can see the need for having a car alarm active and it can easily alert people if anything happens to that car. On the other hand, since many people have them on their cars it tends to become annoying after while but I wouldn't shoot up the vehicle. Talk about having a short fuse!
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