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Everything posted by shigajet

  1. Whether I'm in an internet cafe, in a hotel lobby or in a public library, I never ever click on the "Remember Me" button when I log onto anything. It's just too dangerous when you don't know who's going to use the computer next. Another step I take is to clear the cache, history and cookies before I log out my session and shut down the computer. Changing passwords may be the next precaution to take for me (although I may have to keep track of my new passwords somewhere on a memo pad and keep it with me at all times). Nowadays, I just use the computer at home. That way, at least I know I and my wife are the only ones using it.
  2. Nice work, but it could be better if you experiment with PHP and/or CSS for your site. The header is a bit blurry in places. I guess that's about it...but now that you've been a part of the Xisto community for a while, why not try the hosting service - since it has no ads whatsoever.
  3. That's a neat idea. I have lots of mp3 files on my machine, but I've wanted to find a way to edit them and put it into my mobile phone as well (perhaps once I upgrade my phone would help, too).
  4. My hobbies are usually surfing the Internet, using the computer to create documents and educational materials, experimenting with Fireworks, reading novels and manga (comic books), hiking, jogging and riding my bike.
  5. Welcome aboard, therapy! I'm sure you find a lot of topics and threads on the forums to suit your interests. The people here are very friendly and supportive, and if you encounter a problem feel free to send a message to the admins or moderators. Hope you enjoy you stay here, and come back and post as often as you like!See you on the boards!
  6. I agree that Final Fantasy VII is the best FF game released to date. For me, it was my introduction to the Final Fantasy games. I was really impressed by the story, the music and the graphics (for that time). The game play (active time battle) and the Materia system was also quite innovative. In the case of FFVIII, the music and graphics improved a lot although the story wasn't quite as good as VII.
  7. Welcome aboard! I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay on the forums, as there are many topics and threads that'll suit your interest. The people here are really friendly and supportive, too. The web hosting service is top-notch as well. So...hope you enjoy posting on the forums and come back as often as you like!See you on the boards!
  8. Happy belated birthday! Sorry to hear that things didn't turn out so well, but there are many more happy events to come that could make up for what happened then.
  9. Usually I would listen to the radio and/or watch the morning news while I have my breakfast, then on my commute to school by bike I plug in to my iPod shuffle. Of course, if the weather is not so crap it literally puts a damper on things, but still...getting out of the house gives me is a bit like an escape for me.
  10. I just checked out the website myself, and the program looks promising. I guess my problem would whether to use AIM, Skype or Googletalk - since I have a gmail account already.
  11. Welcome aboard! I'm sure you've made a good choice in joining the Xisto community. There are a lot oe topics and threads that'll suit your interests and the people here are very friendly and supportive. Hope you enjoy you stay here and come back and post as often as you like!See you on the boards!
  12. I use both - Winamp for music files and Windows Media Player for movies, trailers, etc. Winamp is quicker to start up in the first place and is pretty much all I need if I just want to play files without waiting for WMP to start up. Aside from that I also use iTunes.
  13. shigajet

    Forum Software

    I'd personally go with phpbb, mainly because it is open-source and there are many skins out there that you can use to change that plain-looking default design.
  14. For the new version of my website, I use both. Wordpress is the CMS I use, although I did a bit of tweaking with one of the existing themes to make it look the way I want it to. It invloved a lot of CSS/PHP editing, so it took some time.As for the old version, I did the design from scratch, using either Notepad or one of the Free HTML programs (like ACE HTML and 1st Page 2000).
  15. Wow! That's one of the best sigs I've seen so far. Very striking and it looks very professional. I take it you used Photoshop and/or Fireworks?
  16. I'd put in a vote for the Playstation, especially the PS2 and the upcoming release of PS3. One of the things I really like about it is you can play regular PS games on it (backwards compatibility) and it can double as a DVD player.
  17. Among my suggestions for free image editing software include the GIMP (in my opinion, the best choice) and Serif PhotoPlus 5.5 I'm not sure if the latter is still available now, but before I got a hold of the GIMP and Fireworks, I used the Serif program on a regular basis to keep and edit my pics. Another good program to try is ImageForge.
  18. Apart from reducing the size of the sig, try adding come colours (as several members here suggested). The text effects are really neat, but the grey-tinted image in the background makes it more bland. If you have Fireworks, GIMP, Photoshop, etc., experiement with some tools and see what you can come up with.
  19. ..and so the age-old debate continues. From my own experience, I started using Apple computers, since my dad bought one of the first Macs way back in the early 80's. Despite the monochrome screen, it was a really neat computer that was easy to use at that time. So I've used the Mac up until I went to university when I encountered DOS and Windows 3.x. Since then, I've switched over to using Windows to this day. I like XP and 2000, as I think they are the most stable operating systems Microsoft has made to date. At the same time, however, I've seen quite a few people use Mac/PowerBook and Mac OS X looks really slick. So....in my opinion, it all comes down to what you want to use the computer for. If you see yourself doing a lot of graphic design, get a Mac. If you want a good all-purpose computer, get a (Windows) PC.
  20. I would say SimCity 2000 for the Playstation. Handling the controls to place the zones, transportation and construction became really bothersome. The PC/Mac versions are much easier to control with the keyboard and mouse.
  21. Welcome aboard, babyloon!It's pretty simple. All you have to do is chat and/or post away on the forums. There are a lot of topics and threads that may suit your interests, so you won't have a problem building up and maintaining web hosting credits. The people here are friendly and very supportive, and the site is up almost all the time. Hope you have fun and come back often. See you on the boards!
  22. Since I joined Trap 17 in early April this year, I started posting on an average of about 6 posts a day, but then gradually dropped as summer vacation rolled around. Still I can't believe I've already managed to make more than 500 posts in that short span of time. The reward is that I - along with other members who passed this milestone - can customize their member title. The silver, gold, platinum levels are a great idea, though. ..or something like Novice, Beginner, Intermediate, Master, Supreme Master. Failiing that, maybe use characters from RPGs. It'll still take me a while before I get "Trapped"
  23. I sleep about 6 hours a night, on average. There'll be some nights where I find it really difficult to get to sleep for whatever reason, so I lose those hours - then sleep in a few days later (on the weekend) to make up for those lost hours.
  24. Should be a fairly simple procedure. Just follow some of the tutorials and remember your password to access your FTP site and you'll be just fine. Cheers!
  25. Where I come from no-one is allowed to have any firearms unless they have a hunting liscence. A swiss army knife doesn't really count as a weapon, and I don't consider any kitchen utensils as weapons. So, technically I don't have a weapon at home.
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