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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. Any recommendations for cheap and reliable Top-level domains?By cheap I mean less than the usual 8, 9 bucks usually charged by most well-known domain companies like godaddy, with no additional purchase. And the renewal fee should not cost much higher. i was with domainsarefree.com for a time. The $3.99 first year order looks good but renewal is more than twice the amount, which kind of put me off after that.And of course, it's got to be reliable.
  2. I can't believe people would dislike anyone for being too skinny. I have some skinny friends and we are always making good-natured jokes about them and they laugh about it with us too. Perhaps they were just joking about the 'tumors'? If they really dislike you because you are skinny, then go get yourself other friends. People who make friends based on appearance are shallow and will not make good friends.On the other hand, maybe they dislike you for other things, not your skinniness. Perhaps you may really be too talkative, since you yourself admit it. Either you tone down a bit and stop being so talkative, or find yourself some friends who appreciate your talkativeness.Oh and being skinny isn't bad, as long as it's not a result of health problems. Not everyone has perfect body structures. So don't talk about it as though it's a bad thing.
  3. You should post this in the Vent. I don't think people in high school actually have such problems. it all sounds really childish. Even a teacher wouldn't want to deal with it for you! Talk to her. She won't think you hate her, unless you shout at her. Explain to her nicely that you too need your own desk space and would she kindly keep to her own desk since its there for that very purpose.
  4. Whatever you do, don't try to pick a fight yourself. You'll only make things more complicated. And you'll end up being the one in the wrong if it gets to the school authorities. This sounds like a classic case of school bullying. Maybe you can talk to someone in school about it, like maybe a teacher you like and trust, or a school counsellor.
  5. I know how you feel. Sometimes my mum and dad nag soooo much that I get very angry and shout eventhough I was trying to hold back my anger for a long time. It's inevitable, but also a huge mistake, because not only will they leave you alone and stop nagging like you want them to, they will nag even more about what a rude child you are etc etc etc... Besides, I think one usually regrets saying such things because we usually only say it in a fit of an anger. I don't know if its too late, but you can apologize about your rudeness, explain to your dad why you screamed, and most likely he will stop grounding you. And remember that in future, try not to lose your temper like this. Now I try not to explode. Usually I'll keep myself occupied with something else so that whatever's annoying me can't get to me.
  6. Haha! Some of it is true, but I don't think all apply, maybe only to the more extreme guys, especially the Male Chauvinistic Pigs!
  7. wow it's certainly cool! It would save you a lot of space when you aren't using it!
  8. It depends on what you use your email add for. I had one email add that I use for work and school stuff, and another for other less important stuff. Once I used it to register at some website for free software, and the following weeks, *bam* lots and lots of spam email. If I leave it alone for 2 weeks, I can get up to 200 spam emails. The good thing is that most of it is filtered into the spam box so I can just delete them with a click of the button. My other email is still spam free. So if you don't want spam in your email, best is you get another email account to do site and forum registrations.
  9. A lot of people like to dig out candid shots of celebrities without makeup and laugh at them about it, so you can't really blame girls for lacking confidence in their un-madeup state. Using makeup to cover up flaws like acne and spots is fine, but heavy eye makeup, too much blusher etc is too artificial and should be left off on normal days.
  10. Well you'd have to sort out your own feelings first. If you really do not have romantic feelings for him and can't bring yourself to have romantic feelings for him, there's no point trying to give it a shot because he likes you. You may end up ruining a wonderful friendship.
  11. This is a difficult question...To me, happiness is more important than money. But money can buy me happiness, because I like shopping and making myself look good, living in comfort and eating good food, and money can do all this for me. On the other hand, if I have to suffer five full working days a week of doing things I don't like, I might crack, and I probably won't perform well enough in my job to maintain my high position and pay.
  12. Do toilets flush in spirals? I never knew! Mine just goes straight down.
  13. This is definitely weird, but I don't think this is the weirdest thing in the world. There are so many weird things in the world!To me, something weirder was a story about this girl in India who grew up thinking she was someone else with another name, another life, another family, even a husband and a child. At first the parents thought that she was just a very imaginative child. But the girl was consistent in relating herself to her 'other identity' so they got worried. They went to do some checking up and found out about another person of the same name that the child kept referring herself to, who was already deceased, but had exactly the same life, family members, husband and even children of the same name as the girl had related. And the girl couldn't have found these out through thorough research, because she was already relating herself to this stranger when she was a young child below 10. Is there really an afterlife and could she be the reincarnation of that woman? And if there really is something called reincarnation, why did she still remember her past life clearly. This is something that is truly baffling.
  14. The first tip is the most true. Why even have a website if you have no original content to share?I'm not too sure of the other tips. Whether the website offers them or not, I still visit it if it has original content that I enjoy looking at. I think it depends on your purpose for surfing the website anyway. Also, good advertising and exposure is more vital. If you offer all those freebies and nobody knows, you won't get your visitors. It's more important to carry out link exchanges and affiliation with other websites.
  15. Actually autistism is getting more widely-known. In the past, people feel embarrassed about it because they are ignorant and think it's something rare and shameful to have. Now treatment can be sought for the child, depending on the severity of the condition. There are child psychologists, therapists and psychiatrists that can help treat autistism. I believe it is easier for autistic patients to seek help at a younger age.
  16. If it's just based on appearance, then yes, I think fat girls stand a better chance than ugly girls. And some fat girls do have beautiful faces and large boobs, which men are generally attracted to.I think personality is more important than looks, or rather, this is the idealistic way of thinking, but I don't this is the point of this topic, so ill stop here.
  17. First, you should start developing some positive thinking, like what RAWRzilla said. At least you know your husband is constantly working, instead of fooling around outside. It is good that men value their careers. If he has a good career, he will be able to give your family a good life. Also, why do you both have to go out with your friends? Why not just the 2 of you together? If he's unromantic, you probably can't change that, but you can suggest some romantic things to do and have him go along with your plans. I'm sure he won't mind that. If you are tired with your current job, you should start hunting for a new job (but don't quit yet if you need the income or something to keep you occupied). But first ask yourself what kind of job do really want.
  18. Well it's not just here. It happens in lots of forums.There was one webhosting forum that I'm a member of. It has a forum for people to state their hosting requirements and request free hosting and companies offering free hosting can make their offers. And many of these companies never ever read the first post. They just copy and paste their advertisements to every single thread, even if the requestor's requirements are not met by their offers. There was one guy who requested adult hosting in his first post and some stupid company copied and pasted his advertisement below, asking him to accept their offer. Another poster came along and pointed out the no adult material rule in the company's TOS. So either the company doesn't even know its TOS, or it was just advertising blindly. Either way it reflects on its unprofessionalism.So folks, always read the first post before replying!
  19. Very clean interface and good color choices.However, your right sidebar looks a bit cluttered. It looks to me that it is made up of 2 columns. How about making each column a different shade of blue? It will make each column stand out and create a clear division, and the whole layout will not just be a plain white with a lot of things on it.
  20. Yay for google! Gosh time really passes very fast, doesn't it? I hope google keeps getting better! It is always the very first page I open when I switch on my computer!
  21. Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars contains ports of arcade classic Crazy Taxi and its sequel Crazy Taxi 2, though the third game (there are 3 released) is nowhere to be seen. For those who never caught Crazy Taxi, you play as one of four taxi drivers and drive maniacally around town, picking up fares and earning as much as you can. A large part of the game lies in how fast you can bring customers to their destinations and how much they tip you. This involves taking shortcuts whenever possible and pulling crazy stunts like reckless overtaking and drifting. Much has changed since the original arcade and Dreamcast games though. Sadly, there's no more placement of brands like KFC and Pizza Hut, which helped identify the original games with the real world better. A generic pizza parlour and a fried chicken shack are there instead. Also gone are songs that defined the game's identity, including those from punk rock band The Offspring. However, you get custom soundtracks as a new option. The game can play music loaded in your PSP's memory stick, so you can drive along to all the songs you desire. One big addition is ad hoc multiplayer. You and a friend can go head-to-head and compete for fares. If you feel evil, you could even seek your opponent out and crash into him on purpose, making him lose his fare. If you've never played a game of Crazy Taxi before, try it at an arcade that still offers it. This game is a decent reproduction for PSP, and if you liked playing the game at the arcade, you will like Crazy Taxi: War Fares.
  22. Very interesting list! Firefox does have lots of fun and interesting plug-ins!
  23. My favorite character is Captain Haddock from The Adventures of Tin Tin. His catchphrase 'ten thousand blue blistering banarcles in a thundering typhoon' is simply classic. I think I'll remember it for the rest of my life. He is the best comic relief ever! And though he can be really stupid and violent at times, he is a very loyal friend.
  24. Sorry to burst your bubble, but if Harry Potter was lame, J.K. Rowling wouldn't become the richest author in the world. If you sincerely think Harry Potter is lame, do explain why. Did you read at least one book? I know a lot of people like to say Harry Potter is lame, but the problem is, they didn't even read the book, so their critique is not credible at all. Yes, Harry Potter has generated plenty of unnecessary hype, but the series is well-worth some of the hype. Besides, magic is fantasy. What you probably mean here is High Fantasy. There isn't such a thing as 'real' or 'false' fantasy, because fantasy isn't even real in the first place A high fantasy author I like is Tolkien. I like The Hobbit because it is witty and light-hearted, introduces interesting and brand new characters with refreshing personalities (not just your average peasant boy type of protagonist). I also enjoyed Lord of the Rings because of the types of characters and personalities that he portrays. I read The Silmarillion, which was quite fascinating, with its different subplots involving many elves of different backgrounds and personalities. Unfortunately, each elf had a great many names, which made it rather confusing at times.
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