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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. This can easily be faked. There are loads of edited pictures floating around the net these days. I believe such scenes won't be shown in a PG-rated film!
  2. I chose 6 because it's not uniform and kind of looks funky. Humor should be something creative and provides surprises. That's why i think this font is suitable. The contours on it look a bit strange though. Did you do the Bevel and Emboss thing in Photoshop? Maybe it would look better if you left it out or reduce the intensity.
  3. to me, they are a neccessity. I don't use mobile phones for fancy features. I prefer to use my mp3 player and digicam over my mobile phone for other stuff, but I rely on it heavily to communicate and get info. Got to send at least an sms each day. If I leave my house without my mobile phone, I feel strangely lost because i can't contact my family and friends.
  4. The main issue is not that she is 11 years older than you, but it should be that she is married with 2 kids. In this case, you really must stay away from her. Firstly, she may not reciprocate your feelings, especially if she still has her children to commit to, even if she is unhappy with her husband. Secondly, even if she does reciprocate your feelings, what about the kids? Are you willing to accept them along with her? Will you treat them like your own, if you have further plans with her? What if her kids blame you for her problems with their father since you appeared at this time when they were having problems with their relationship?You are still young , probably what you are experiencing is puppy love. You won't be able to commit to a complicated relationship. Move on, meet other people, find a new hobby or something. Soon you will get over it. Good luck!
  5. F-Secure Internet Security 2008 suite has all the necessary tools to help users defend themselves from unsavoury elements while surfing the Net. The program comes with various tools such as virus and spyware scanners, rootkit scanners, anti-spam for email messages, anti-phishing and firewalls. A pleasant surprise was the option to scan the computer without installing the software: the option quickly presented itself when I inserted the installation disk into the PC. The program also gets itself up and running without much trouble, and scans and quarantines viruses and spyware without too much fuss. And it continually scans all files and email messages while you work and surf, so you have peace of mind. The other notable feature is the Parental Control tool. The tool can categorise PC users under parents, children and teenagers, allowing parents to limit access to certain webpages on the Internet for each category. Parents can apply time limits on PC usage too. Because it is password-protected, children cannot access the application and change the settings. As a similar parental control feature can be found in Windows Vista, Windows XP users will find this useful. However, the program requires the user to uninstall pre-existing security tools that reside in the PC before it can be installed. This is somewhat limiting, I feel, because I prefer "the more the merrier" approach, which gives me more options and protection on how to tackle the slew of spyware and viruses. Also, updating F-Secure virus and spyware definitions is really a pain as I had to try for nearly 2 days to get a response from the server via the program. And when I did get a response, it took a long time for the file to be downloaded. Totally unacceptable. This program has good security features, but there are others just as good or better.
  6. My parents are always quarelling too, over very tiny little things. It drives me mad. I used to cry, but now I just hide away and ignore them and pretend I don't hear anything. Best not to interfere, especially when you don't understand them completely.
  7. bishoujo

    I Hate Greenday!

    I don't like western rock and techno too, not just Green Day in particular. The songs make no sense or are very simplistic, and the music hurts my ears so. Oh and the 'don't want to be an american idiot' gets to me too.
  8. I agree with this. You should depend on your site content to draw people. It's all right to join link lists and stuff, but traffic generation defeats the real purpose of generating any traffic at all.
  9. Well there are actually lots of genres of manga. There are certainly kiddy ones, but many of them deal with more mature and sensible topics like romance, commadarie, death, environmental issues, morals etc that are applicable to us in real life, just that they are depicted in fantasy situations, otherwise, it would be like reading a documentary. And the drawing styles of large eyes and noses are typical to manga/anime, so it depends whether you accept it or not. And I do agree that artists like to copy or adapt styles, and in manga, they do use caucasian features like large colored eyes, sharp noses and face shapes and blonde/brunette hair types. But this type of 'copying' isn't unique to them. Some western comics are beginning to take to the 'manga' style too, like Sabrina the Teenage witch. Heh I don't quite agree with this one. Females in comics and manga are always stereotyped. Even if they are superheroes, they are always portrayed as sex pots, love interests, second fiddles, somehow inferior to the men. There are certainly powerful and clever females in manga, but they are always stereotyped too somehow too. what sort of genre do you like? Some of the suggestions other members gave are pretty good. Personally, I think Rurouni Kenshin is a good one to start off with. The main genres are historical, action, friendship, comedy and the women characters aren't just there for sex appeal or acting stupid.
  10. i don't play runescape, but like you, I hate it when people start obssessing about rpg games to people who don't play it. and i can't imagine people would fork out real money to buy virtual items!
  11. I've never really thought about difference in browsing speed before. I always thought it was attributed to the website itself. I've used Opera before. It's quite decent, but it is incompatitible with certain sites, like Gmail, as mentioned above. I still like firefox best.
  12. yup yup are you talking about the one by Carrie Asai or the manga by Reiji Saiga?
  13. I guess since you guys knew each other online for years, she probably thought its time to really meet up, see if you both really get along as well as you do online, and then forge a genuine friendship and maybe even more. After all, relationships through Virtual reality doesn't beat getting to know each other in person. You should probably get to know her as friends/ good friends first before venturing into anything else, cos' as I said, you both might really feel different meeting each other in reality.
  14. I've read the newspaper report about her being born with 8 limbs. It's really amazing and horrific, all the new genetic problems that have suddenly materialized! Fortunately the extra limbs could be removed, or she'll certainly face psychological and physical problems later on in life.
  15. I never trust new free webhosts now. They give you a lot of false hope and then gives you lots of problems like lousy ftp connections and offline accounts >_<Xisto is still the best so far!
  16. I find that invisionfree is really quite good. It has a lot of premium features that come with the license Invision board. But since it's free and you don't own it, obviously it will be less customizable and have some limitations.I've use MyBB and it the best free forum software I've used so far. Once you download and install some of their mods, they can even work as well as Invision and VBulletin. Opensource is great! Notice from BuffaloHELP: Merged.
  17. I've studied in a country that used to practise streaming at grade 8 or 9. They did it for years but it turned out to be such a bad idea that they took gradual moves to scrap it.From your post, it appears that you've only thought about yourself, but have you thought about what those people who would be streamed to lousier classes feel? That was why the parents complained. It made their kids develop poor self-esteem or keep getting worst because all they mix with is bad company. And on the other hand, you also get elite kids growing up to develop 'superiority' mentalities. Kids are very susceptible at young ages, so the impact can be everlasting on both groups of people. Mind you, I was put in the 'bright' class, and I've seen a lot of hoity-toity people who refuse to associate themselves with their other schoolmates. I grew to be a bit arrogant too, but fortunately I had a good friend in a not-so-good class so I didn't end up segregating myself from other people.Besides trouble-making is different from underperforming. A student may not be very good in his studies, but that does not mean he's the sort who comes late to class, doesn't do his homework, disrupt the classes etc. It's unfair to say that all poor students behave like this, and even worst to put all the underperforming and troublemaking students together. Imagine how the poor teacher would manage.I seriously don't think streaming is a good idea. If there are troublemaking students, they should be dealt with by detentions, lectures from the teachers, principal meetings etc. If you are just talking about students who are bad in their studies, well i don't see how they could possibly affect you if you're a truly good student. In fact, if you take the initiative to help them, you'll be doing yourself a favor by refreshing your knowledge and revising too.If you are truly affected by your classmate's behavior, you should talk to your teacher, or volunteer to talk to the principal if your teacher doesn't want to do anything about it.
  18. I believe even my hamsters dream too. I've seen them moving their limbs a lot when they sleep.
  19. I certainly do. my all-time favorite comic series is Tin Tin. It is very witty and I've learnt a lot of stuff about foreign politics and history from it. I have the whole series at home, and they are tattered and torn because they actually were passed on to me from my brother. I also read Archie comics. The older ones were nice but the new stories are getting silly. I don't know if its because I've outgrown it or what.I read manga more than western comics though. It seems like you have some misunderstanding about manga. Was it simply because of the models that put you off? Japanese comics have lots of genres for adults and children alike. They have thrillers, romance, mature, science-fiction, fantasy etc. Some authors do like to 'sex-up' the image of female characters and I can imagine that it would offend some people. However, that depends on the author and the genre. Not all manga authors do that to their female characters. Also, the models are usually designed in this way on purpose, and they look less 'sexy' on screen or paper. Perhaps the creators make them this way to attract male customers, because it is usually guys who collect toys and stuff. But do not judge a manga by its collectible. I'm a girl, not some paedophilic geek who loves underaged anime woman, and if I am not put off by manga, I don't think you would be.Anyway, I've seen collectibles of American female superheroes like Catwoman and Superwoman. Aren't they clad scantily and have very big boobs too? But their sexiness is toned down in cartoons and comics. So I believe the same applies to manga too.
  20. I'm not from the US, so these offers don't work for me either. Fushion Cash wouldn't even let me sign up. Pity.
  21. Scientists are really weird! They probably think that such an invention would be very useful because more people choose not to get married or divorce because of the problems that can arise due to interpersonal relationships. For example, people are now choosing to spend time with their online buddies on Myspace rather than their friends in real life, and they can face the computer for hours without being sick of it. So same with robots as well. But this is definitely a bad thing and I can't believe scientists are propagating such a thing and encouraging it. There should be more counsellors instead of robots for marriage!By the way, this thesis isn't new. There is a Japanese manga/comic called Chobits that talks about the world of the future where everybody's dating or marrying their robots. it was written and published a few years ago.
  22. Yes I do believe you need to get hosting first. Or lots of people here would have gotten free domains. I remembered that posting for credits before getting hosted wasn't as hard as accumulating credits after getting hosted. I accumulated 90 within a few days before I requested for hosting. Otherwise I hate to lament about what a good offer I missed out on.
  23. I remembered I made my very first webpage using Freewebs. They had a lovely green layout with a fantasy feel that suited my website well. and I learnt to add pictures and thumbnails, and was incredibly proud of it. Later, however, I tinkered around with the pre-made pages on Front Page and soon realized I could do A LOT more than these site builders offer. Site builders are good for beginners, and you can't blame them for using them since they don't know html. But the most important thing is to learn to improve on the pages instead of being overdependent on site builders.
  24. $7.99 is not bad, not exactly a bargain, but still cheaper than places like godaddy and stuff. And since Xisto is affiliated to it, it should be quite reliable. But does it come with domain forwarding, email forwarding etc? Cos' i noticed on the front page it says that these services cost $0.99.
  25. I did this from my own headshot! Had to use a gaussian blur of 8 radius. The effects really differ for different types of pictures. I think it works best on close-ups but makes scenery look silly.
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