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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. Is it just me or is my website taking a very long time to load? http://princesstimes.com/ It usually loads very quickly previously, and I haven't added anything to it recently to cause it to take a long time to load.
  2. Good tips there, especially the bit about noting down your first date anniversary. It could come to be useful in future! :PI don't agree with the expensive champagne and fancy chocolate though. It may be intimidating for both sides and could imply that the person expects a lot. Unless you are filthy rich, then it's different. The first date should be simple. I'm a girl, and trust me, I don't mind going dutch. If the guy decides to foot the bill, that would be nice, but they should not have gone to a very expensive place in the first place.Making a good impression with your dressing and your conversation is more important than the cost of the date.
  3. I've worked part-time and those jobs are way too boring compared to school life. School is definitely not boring! In fact, if I had money, I want to go to school forever, but I can't anyway. Honestly, if you have good friends in school, life in school cannot be boring. It may be horrible sometimes, but at least you've got your friends with you.
  4. I love spices, so I add chilli powder or chilli oil. Usually, it comes with the noodles anyway. I also add a lot of ingredients such as leafy vegetables, meatballs, fishballs, shrimps... depending on what I have at home. It usually takes a short time because most of my ingredients are already cooked and just need to be heated up. I make sure it's a balanced meal. Who says instant noodles are unhealthy
  5. Haha true, when your website annoys people so much, they will remember it vividly and tell their friends 'hey don't go to so-and-so website'. and people, being curious, will check out your website, and they too remember it for being so awful and tell their friends too, and that's how the awful website will attract a lot of traffic.
  6. But rapidshare doesn't pay you money, it just allows you to accumulate points to create premium accounts for free.It's true though that these uploading sites are often used to share warez and porn.
  7. Did you visit the doctor? He might be able to prescribe some flu medication that will speed up the recovery process. Drinking lots of water and sleeping a lot is the right thing to do. Remember but to drink cold water. You can also get some books to read in bed. It won't waste too much of your energy and it will keep you occupied so you don't feel miserable. And before you know it, you will be well again.
  8. Are you talking about a network of PCs, as in like in an office, or a home network, where all the PCs are connected to each other and you can share files in a common drive?
  9. I don't really care about them. Sometimes, the research results conflict, like in one research article, it will say that coffee is good for you and you should drink more of it, but in another, it says coffee is bad and you should abstain from drinking it. So what do you do then?Basically I just use my common sense and basic knowledge to decide what's good for myself.
  10. Hmm I have seen websites where people post confessions, but they don't get replies from a 'specialist', just comments from other users.I don't think it could be a 'serious' sort of thing, as in you can't expect a father to respond to you, because they would probably believe that you are only reflecting to your sins when you connect to God in a church, not to your computer.For a 'joke' thing, it could work I suppose. Have you seen those 'book of answers' where the book contains page after page of 'replies', and you are supposed to ask a question and randomly open up to one page and find your 'answer'. It could have rather funny results. I suppose you could have a database of answers, and when someone submits a confession, he gets a random, vague, funny response.
  11. I use it almost all the time. It's very handy and I don't have to copy and paste a lot of codes. However, I will use html if I am using different layouts/fonts for individual pages in a website.
  12. Wikipedia has been banned from my school and many universities as a research souce. I refer to it when I'm just reading up on something for leisure, but it can prove pretty unreliable sometimes.It also depends on who writes it and on what topic. Some wikipedia entries are very well-written and even have a good list of sources to back up the writings. Others are not so.
  13. I voted for the 2nd. I can't stand all those cheesy Valentines Day advertisements. Not to mention, they increase the prices of everything from souvenirs to dinners just for that day. I don't understand how people can stand it to be exploited by these commercial entities!
  14. wow! I've always been fascinated by this plant! Sorry I know nothing about taking care of it to help you. My country doesn't even sell it. It would probably die here. But good luck with your progress, I hope it will grow well and you can take nice photos of it to show us.
  15. That's clever! I didn't know filters could be this useful. Thanks for sharing.
  16. oh i thought the answer was 'long red underwear' lol I
  17. my date's house. I use it to spy on him, but he's going to think that you made this pipe connection and he's not going to be pleased.He values his privacy a lot and he won't hesitate to hunt you down and kill you if he thinks you're been spying on him.At this very moment, the doorknob turned ominously...
  18. I hate it because it's incompatible with a lot of hardware that I previously used with Windows XP, like my printer and my MP3 player, which I could originally charge using XP. Unfortunately, i'm stuck with using it right now. I have to use my desktop for other applications.
  19. That's the problem with online communities. You can make fake profiles as long as if you pics and good imagination. I have caught people making profiles out of my pictures before, because I've got an online portfolio of my pictures. It's something you can't really prevent because people can say anything they like about themselves. If you are in doubt about whether the person you are talking to is the one in the photo, you could ask for a salute (also known as fan sign). Have the person take a photo of him/her holding a paper indicating his/her myspace id, friendster id or what-have-you. Above all, don't put too much faith into an online relationship. Online friendships are fine, but if you want something serious, you had better confirm his/her identity or you will suffer from disappointment and waste of time.
  20. I'd love a black rose. Whatever anyone says about it, I associate black with elegance and beauty.
  21. that sounds really annoying. He's sticking with you because he thinks you accept him cos' you're not like the other people who bully him and ostracise him. It's sad that he's a tattletale, otherwise if I were you i'd attempt to look over his faults because i know it's terrible when one is friendless, helpless and lonely.Why don't you try talking to him, telling him about whichever behavior of his that you (and probably everyone else) dislike, including the tattletale bit and asking him to change? Maybe he'll cry, but make him realize that it's for his own good. If he becomes a more pleasant person, more people will like him, and maybe you will even grow to like him too.If you really can't stand him, well, i second brandice's suggestion. Tell him you are busy whenever he tries to get you to hang out with him and then run off. Eventually he will realize that you are ignoring him and he will feel hurt and go away. Yes, unfortunately, you can't have your cake and eat it. You will be rid of him, but he will be hurt even if you don't want him to be.
  22. These creatures are meant to live in the wild and I think it's really selfish to try to domesticate them just because it's 'cool' or unique to have such pets. It's a poor deal for both the owner and the pet. I hope is guilty about having caused a python to be put down because she and other irresponsible animal breeders try to defy the law of nature.
  23. Well this is about photography tips, not image-editing tips. Besides, she just said On topic, I realize that I hardly get photos with red eyes because I never try to photograph my subjects in dim light, where the flash would be brightest, so I certaily agree with rule 1. The 2nd idea is new to me! I'll try it out if I ever have to photograph people in the dark. I notice that when you I suppose staring at a small light source like your cellphone or a digital watch will work for this? Cos' if you had better light sources, you wouldn't try to take photos in the dark
  24. Thanks. It's very useful. But if you forget where the file is kept or the file name, can you still retrieve it?
  25. I did once, it's not really a 'game', but it was for a social networking site, and pretty much the same concept with rpg, where I had to 'buy' clothes and stuff for your avatar. I'm not impressed with myself for this, because I soon lost interest, and I consider it a waste of money. I can understand why people would do it though. Sometimes you get really addicted to a game and you are really curious and interested to see what are the vip stuff you can use to improve your game experience, and you want the best of everything.
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