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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. lol yes! Some of the original names are actually unpronounceable! No wonder they had to change it or the Oscars awards hosts will all wind up stuttering! Thanks for sharing this interesting list!
  2. This is a nicely written tutorial for those who don't know how to play Sudoku. I've never heard of Kakuro before but I might follow your tutorial and try it one day. I am currently hooked on Sudoku and I do one everyday. It is mentally stimulating.
  3. Actually I believe violent video games may be a good way of releasing stress and venting anger. Once you vent your anger by bashing up and killing virtual people, your anger dissipates, or you simply have no energy to get angry. Playing video games is after all mentally and physically straining. However, young children should not play violent video games because they are too young to establish right and wrong and may feel compelled to commit violence so they can be like their virtual hero.
  4. I am more impressed with the wife! She stuck with him and took care of him for 19 years even though he was practically a dead man. I hope they will live happily ever after.
  5. Thanks a lot for your help and effort! Some of these aren't exactly applicable for me because of the limitation in country and financial institution, but at least some of my customers will have more choices. I was wondering if you know anything about AlertPay.com? It is supposedly similar to Paypal, though not as popular. About my Paypal problem, they expect my brother to solve his issues before they will unlock my account. Now I can only receive money but I can't make any payments. wtf? They just want to earn money with my account. And my brother can't solve his issues as he didn't create them in the first place. To be frank, this is not the first time paypal created problems for me. The last time someone sent me a payment for 500, they locked my account for some stupid reason, and only unlocked it after a month of emails and phonecalls. I could go on a tirade on the stupid company, but this is not the place. So anyway, no paypal for me.
  6. A lot of people seem to place too much emphasis on the design of the website. Actually, navigation is very important too. The navigation menu should be easy to find. And visitors should be able to identify which links will lead to what sort of content. Visitors don't like websites that waste their time, no matter how nice it looks.
  7. Are they even allowing him to sue God? If they are, then they are just as stupid as he is.
  8. Very nice choice of picture and fonts! Wow 3 years on a forum is quite something. I'm quite interested to know how many credits you have (don't worry im not eyeing them)
  9. I'd lament about that 'thing' I bought for her that is taking ages to arrive and apologize that she'd get her present late. Then I'll quickly buy something later.Actually I think most mothers are understanding, so if you tell her sincerely that you really were busy and forget, I think she'll be fine. You can always have a meal with her to make up for it.
  10. Would you consider making her something? You've got a couple of weeks. That should be sufficient for you to make something small and meaningful, like a friendship bracelet (some will come with instructions on making them) or a little sculpture.Or you could get something useful like a watch. And if you have enough money, get yourself a 'his' version so you both can wear them together.
  11. I'm going to sell some stuff and I need advice on which online merchant is suitable for me and reliable.I am based in Singapore and would like to be able to withdraw money to a local bank or check to Singapore. Minimum requirement should preferably not be too high. I know http://www.epay.vg/ only allows withdrawals through check after a minimum sum of 49USD and that's a bit too high for me.My potential clients are international and some may be too young to have credit cards, so preferably the online merchant should offer depositing methods other than credit card.Absolutely no Paypal for me. They freezed my account just because I share the same residential address with my brother, whose account is having some problems and it wasn't even his fault.And if you recommend egold, please tell me how it works. Do my clients just sign up with one of those egold converters, buy egold and send it to my egold account? Or do they have to set up an egold account, find an egold converter, buy egold, top up their account and then send the egold to me? That would be way too troublesome!I appreciate your help. Thanks in advance!
  12. I vsited Egypt in April this year. Although I spent only 3 days in Sinai, it left a deep impression. Away from famous tourist spots of Cairo and Luxor on the mainland, this unassuming place on the other side of the Suez Canal proves that Egypt's attractions are not only restricted to pyramids and mummies. Sinai is known for its rugged desert landscape, where rocks and sand dominate the scenery and little life appears to survive in its deadly dry environment. But Sinai's harsh outlook belies a softer, gentler sight. After being hassled endlessly in other busy cities of Egypt, it is refreshing to walk along the streets of Dahab undisturbed. As the place where the prophet Moses was said to have received the Ten Commandments from God, Mount Sinai is a holy place for Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. I start my climb to Mount Sinai's 2,285m summit at midnight, coincidentally on Good Friday, hoping to catch a glimpse of sunrise over the desert. Bathed in the glow of a full moon, there is a peaceful hush that surrounds the mountain. The howling of the wind accompanied me on the four-hour trek, but it never feels eerie. The landscape is barren and rocky, but the path is wide and well-trodden from climbs by tourists over the years. Halfway up the mountain, I even ran into a group of 30 Malaysian Muslims who are making their way to the top as part of their pilgrimage. We chat in English and I find out that most of them are in their thirties and forties, and expressed a steely determination to do the climb for their faith. Before sunrise, I reach the summit, but it is far too cold for me to stay outside waiting, even though I was wearing 3 layers of clothing. So i huddle into a Bedouin tent (they have Bedouin guides to guide people up the mountain and some of them live up there for short periods of time) with a cup of hot chocolate and fall asleep. By the time I awake to make the final hike up to the peak, I realise to my dismay that it is filled with 100 other people. So much for spiritual peace. I jostle for a good position among the rocky outcrops as the skies lighten. Then the sun bursts out from the horizon. Celestial hues of gold, blue and pink are gloriously mixed in the canvas of the skies. A hush comes over the mountains and everyone stops talking. For a moment, it was as though God has come down to speak to Moses again.
  13. These people are sick. I have heard many instances of animals being tortured and killed. It is very depressing, especially if these inhumane acts are conducted by young people and children. What an awful premonition of how terrible our society will be like in the future! Strict animal laws must be implemented in all countries! Animals should not be treated as lesser beings. They are also life forms like us and deserve respect and should be left alone. If a person murders an animal or treats an animal brutally, it is an indication of what he is capable of doing to other humans and hence, a danger to society.
  14. lol why do you want bots? It may seem nice that your website is so popular that a lot of people seem to be browsing your website. However, people are getting exposed to more knowledge about spams and bots now. Also, if you have a large number of 'guests' and they don't join your website, it doesn't reflect particularly well on your site either. Anyway, good luck with getting more real members! Real members and lots of constructive posts are still the best indication of a popular forum.
  15. Fully clothed, with shorts and t-shirt or sleeveless top. I sleep with my door half open for better airflow, and I have no wish for anyone to come in and see me naked
  16. Being a moderator is tough work. I am a moderator on another huge forum. Everyday, I have to dedicate myself to looking at people's posts and warning them if they have broken rules, which can be quite boring after some time.As the party pooper, you aren't exactly on of the favorite people in the forum. It's nice to know that you are doing something good for a community, but not everyone appreciates you for what you do, especially those you apprehend. And the sad thing with people is that most are quick to complain publicly, but slow to show their gratitude.
  17. Ikea has very vague directions and confusing diagrams. Most of the time, I assemble them myself through trial and error methods rather than study the diagrams and confuse myself. My dad absolutely hates assembling stuff, so we seldom get stuff from there now unless it doesn't need assembling.
  18. I think it really depends on your teacher's teaching methods. If your teachers make you spend the lessons doing assignments and practices, then it is tiring and unnecessary to have homework.However, some teachers just give lectures during the lessons and they want you to do homework so they can tell whether you have learnt the theories and are able to apply them. In this case, homework will be quite essential.Homework helps you remember what you're supposed to be learning. If teachers do not force students to do homework, most likely, nobody is going to do any revision on their own, and when the exams come, they are either going to burn the midnight oil on the exam week or fail due to lack of revision.
  19. I'd need some advice on this too. I was always having problems with the absolute positioning in IE! My frames site would look perfect in Firefox but when I test it in IE, it'll look distorted. Wish everyone would just use Firefox.
  20. China has the largest population in the world, but many of their people live in the rural areas and tribes and have no access to internet, phone or any form of technology whatsoever. If we consider a lot of personal factors and motives, we have a lot to doubt about the results. For example, some voters may not have been to all the 7 wonders of the world, and they'll base their decision on those they have actually been to. Also, not everybody knows about this voting event. I only knew that they were choosing new 7 wonders of the world after the results were announced through the media. I still think they should have a panel of judges, or impose stricter criteria on the voters.
  21. I doubt Windows Explorer problems have anything to do with your browsers. I used to have the same Windows Explorer crashing issue, and I was using Windows XP. It doesn't crash as frequently as the way you describe, but there were particular folders which I would open and they would just crash. I did a complete virus scan with Spyware Doctor (licensed) and eventually I don' experience the crash half as much. It still occurs once in awhile, but the situation has certainly improved.
  22. This is so funny!!! I also know of people who have tried the 2nd method listed under Restaurants and it works. However, I wouldn't want such things to happen to me if I was a waiter or hotel guest, so I'll just regard this as amusement.
  23. The list you have is probably the 7 Modern Wonders of the World. What I'm sharing is a new listing of the Ancient Wonders of the World. Maybe I should have made it clearer, but by default, people recognize Wonders of the World as the Ancient Wonders of the World. It's funny that the Redeemer statue is on both our lists, but one of the requirements for a monument to qualify for the voting is that it has to be of a certain number of years old, and the statue must have qualified, and given that it has religious impact, it's not surprising that many people would have voted for it. If you doubt the credibility of my post, you can check out New7Wonders.com for the listing and the criteria.I think ancient monuments are amazing because people of the olden days didn't have all the technology we have now to construct buildings and monuments. Yet they managed to raise whole cities with natural resources, possibly with their bare hands and very simplistic tools. Some monuments are so wondrous that people have no choice but to offer supernatural explanations. That's why they deserved to be named 'Wonders' of the World.You and other people who consider modern architecture as wonders are perfectly entitled to your own opinions, but I feel there is nothing wondrous about modern architecture. What can you wonder about them? They are very nice, strategically placed and functional. They do have high artistic and commercial value. But we all know that they are man-made by technology and artificial materials. They aren't as stupendous and fascinating as the Ancient Wonders of the World. The list you have certainly has some of the best architecture in the world, but I personally do not consider them 'wonders'.
  24. Actually people do buy these games, or they wouldn't make them You may think it's boring because it's not the sort of genre you like. Personally, I like dance and music, so I find it pretty interesting.
  25. There's a saying that goes something like 'Work Smart, not Work Hard'. It is true that you should put in effort into everything you do, but if you can do it in a way that takes less effort and still achieve the same result, then why not? Conserve the rest of your efforts for other things
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