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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. Do people really do that? That's ridiculous! Those are perfectly legitimate English words which I'm sure were not meant to be insensitive or derogatory. If one wants to be sensitive to the feelings of the handicapped or minority, he should give him assistance when he needs it and be respectful of his feelings. This sort of 'political correctness' is just insincere and makes the handicapped or minority even more conscious of their differences.
  2. I'm just starting to play it because everyone keeps raving about it, so now I'm really curious, especially since I'm bored, and the game's free (apart from member). I hope it's as good as everybody says. I'm a newbie and name's kurodatenshi.
  3. Contrary to popular belief, gaming does not turn people into anti-social recluses unable to adapt to the real world. In fact, gaming can help sharpen your survivial skills in the dog-eat-dog corporate jungle. Here are some skills you can pick up in gaming and potentially add to your resume. Lead by example Game examples: Team tactical types like Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter, Rainbow Six True leadership is about saving your entire team from being massacred and not getting a word of thanks when it's over. In team titles like these, you stick your neck out to steer the team towards completing objectives, counter their bad AI and listen to them whine. But as true leaders know, when trouble hits, you need to bear the blame nobly. Be a Team player Game examples: Party role-playing games like Neverwinter Nights, World of Warcraft No person can fell a dragon on his own. Well, not unless you are a level 70 Warlock. And even so, there are always tougher monsters to beat. You will need restorative powers of a healer, the deviousness of a rogue and the endurance of a warrior. Working in a team is the best way to see your project come to fruition, never mind that sometimes the rewards, XP and recognition are not always fairly distributed, just like in the corporate world. Handle Criticism Game examples: Any online multiplayer game like World of Warcraft, Everquest, Battlefield Being able to handle criticism is essential for your mental well-being, not only in the corporate world but also in online gaming. Any game that you play online with other living beings opens you up to criticism - some constructive, most not. Despite putting in effort and doing what you think is best, you will be censured by your peers and team leaders. So play more online games to develop a thick skin that destructive darts can't take hold of. Conquer Fear Game examples: Survival horror games like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Doom 3, Alien vs Predator, Bioshock Cowered by your evil boss, sneaky co-workers and fire-breathing clients? Hone your courage by playing these games full of indomitable "bosses", horrifying underlings and loathsome demons. Once you have learnt to (literally) "deal with demons" and overcome the psychology of fear, find the right weapons in (hardcopy) books that give you the lowdown on how to battle with superiors, co-workers and difficult clients. Remember, as in Bioshock, use different weapons to deal with different monsters! Persist till the end Game examples: Punishing action like Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry Gamers are a persistant bunch. You always strive to better your score, beat the toughest monsters and when you fail, you try and try again. For the masochistic gamer, the tougher the challenge, the more fun it is. Who has not spent hours trying to clear a level of a punishing game like Ninja Gaiden at the expense of sleep, despite getting finger blisters and cramps? Now that is a work ethic that any employer will value!
  4. This game is the sequel of a little-known Game Boy Advance game named Super Army Wars. That the developers decided to do a sequel to something unknown is surprising. But it could also be one of the best decisions yet. First, this game is a side-scrolling shooter. You play as the pilot of either a plane or helicopter, performing bombing runs and strafing enemy soldiers. Second, aside from being the pilot, you are also in command of the war. You decide what units to deploy, and when to launch special weapons available to you, like paratroopers and long-distance missiles. If the micromanagement is too tough, fret not - the computer will help you in deploying troops. The battles take place on a 2D map, from the side view. The top DS screen shows your unit and is where you look most of the time, while the bottom screen tells you what is happening on the frontline. While the combination of shooter and strategy may sound like a mess, it tied together into a very engaging game - as you work on providing air support, your fellow tanks and infantry run along the battlefield, taking over bunkers and moving towards the enemy. The story is told through well-written letters from soldiers to their loved ones, complete with the tussle of emotions you'd feel in a war - from the fear of dying to missing home. If only the campaign was longer - 16 missions could take just a few hours to finish if you're really good. You could, of course, set up skirmishes against the computer or against up to seven other friends. But that is about all the replayability you're going to get. Though its predecessor may have been low profile, Glory Days 2 is one of the major sleeper hits for the DS that is definitely worth a try, especially if you are craving for shooting and strategy melded into one.
  5. Expansion packs are usually double-edged swords for massive multiplayer online gamers. Most of the time, they give access to only those who've been playing till they hit the final level. Great for them, not so great for the newer players. Guild Wars: Eyes of the North is that sort of expansion pack. Aimed squarely at those who have hit the level cap of 20, it introduces over 150 new skills spread over more than six classes, of which 100 are geared for high-level player versus player combat only. In its storyline, the game introduces new races the Norn and Asuran, who team up with you to stop an invasion from enemies known only as The Destroyers. While cliched, there are star moments of storytelling here. In the map of Oola's Lab, for instance, puzzles are set along the path for players to solve as they advance, while other maps present other problems such as a shielded golem, a hulking magical robot, whose glowing aura you must stay within while fighting. It's clear that you need real player help though. While the game introduces some 10 new heroes such as the necromancer Livea, the near brain-dead AI that has plagued these helpers is still unfixed. As a final note, this game requires that you own one of the previous three released titles - the original, or its two expansion packs Nightfall or Factions. So only those already into Guild Wars may find the meat in here worth chewing on.
  6. I did not miss the point. I was merely giving my suggestions. He started a discussion about sending visitors to his websites. I'm merely saying what I felt would be a better way. Personally, if I was misled into entering a website and not finding what I expect to see, I'd just leave without bothering about other content or ads. And I'd tell my friends not to visit his website too, because I really hate bogus websites. As Galahad aptly pointed out, the quality of the internet is degrading, thanks to all these bogus websites. There are just too many of this crap around. Believe me, if you want to earn money with ads, you'd do better to have a unique site, rather than a copycat site, and a poor-quality one too. Using the Mist example, I guess it's all right if you use Mist as a search term and put the trailer there, but if you put something like Mist full download, Mist rip or something, then that's a blatant lie and you really will offend a lot of visitors. Anwiii, why do you keep saying other people are missing his point, just because we don't agree with his method? You yourself said he is free to choose whatever method he likes to get hits as long as they work. So we are are free to have our own methods and talk about them too. I believe you yourself are missing our point. Let me explain to you. Many of us don't agree with his method because we don't like being cheated. As dre says, his website's credibility will be ruined. Imagine for example, someone blogs about his website, or writes about it in a forum, complaining how bogus it is. Nobody's going to bother entering it even if his website/domain shows up on their search engine. Sooner or later, his method will cease to work and he'll have to make another website and start all over again. Let me reiterate, we DO get his point, so kindly stop insulting our intelligence. We know that what he wants to do is attract first-time visitors to his website using search terms. When they come, he is hoping they will click his ads on the website since they are probably going to be relevant to what they are looking for, and he'll earn money from there. We aren't trying to teach him how to get visitors to come back. We are just discussing what we think about his method, as that's obviously one of the main purposes of a discussion forum.
  7. Mailoreothoriel made a good point here. In almost every forum I go to, there are debates about capital punishment. Debating doesn't really serve much contructive purpose, except for allowing the contributors to get many different points of views. If you really want to make a difference, don't commit murder of course, and influence the people around you to be good law-abiding citizens. Then perhaps one day, capital punishment will be abolished.
  8. ooh very pretty effect. I'll try it out some day. thanks.
  9. I believe you annoyed them. If they came to your site for 'The Mist', that's where you get a page view, but then they realize that all you've got are trailers, which they can easily get from youtube, so they feel cheated and never come back again. Do you think they would even bother looking at your ads and clicking them after you annoyed them so?In my opinion, if you want quick bucks, you've still got to have regular visitors who keep coming back, or even better, introduce your website to their friends. Spruce up your webpage and the original content that it offers. Never lie to your visitors! Most people get turned off by products that offer something but never live up to expectations. Same goes for websites. If you put search terms that do not reflect actual content for your website, all you'll get is the one page view when people enter your website.
  10. Oh that's cos' i haven't had time to do that page yet. lol I haven't uploaded it, that's why it doesn't work.
  11. I agree with you on this. I find it appalling that from the olden days till now executioners, prison officers etc are made to stain their hands with murderer's blood. I'm sure many of them were not willing to take the lives of others, whether they are criminals or not, but because their country has capital punishment, they have no choice. Really? Why is the bill for execution so high? What do they do? Anyway, I think what's the most economically beneficial thing is to have criminals compensate their victims for life or for however long their sentence is, or to do work for the country, like hard labor or something. Better than wasting money letting them sit in jail and doing nothing to earn their 3 meals and bed. Yes that's true, same argument as nobody having the right to take another's life. I believe the crime rates depend on societal changes. The death penalty remains the same, but temptations for murders seem to be ever changing -- higher cost of living (robbery + murder), violence in the media, stress leading to psychological problems and violence tendencies, gun laws. You can't conclude that the death penalty has absolutely no deterrant effect. Who knows, if you remove the death penalty, murder rates may even increase. But still, it's true that nobody has the right to claim the lives of others. Anyway, so what if the murderer is dead. Doesn't change anything and nobody benefits. In my opinion, they should be put to good use -- compensate the family, do free labor etc.
  12. Which pictures section are you referring to? The ones for princesstimes work fine and i haven't got any picture section for celestial-delinquent. I took your advice, got this report: * TOTAL_HTML - Congratulations, the total number of HTML files on this page (including the main HTML file) is 1 which most browsers can multithread. Minimizing HTTP requests is key for web site optimization. * TOTAL_OBJECTS - Caution. You have 6 total objects on this page. Consider reducing, eliminating, and combining external objects (graphics, CSS, JavaScript) to reduce the total number of objects, and thus separate HTTP requests. * TOTAL_IMAGES - Congratulations, the total number of images on this page is 4 . Most browsers can send multiple requests, which can speed display of multiple images. * TOTAL_CSS - Congratulations, the total number of external CSS files on this page is 1 . Because external CSS files must be in the HEAD of your HTML document, they must load first before any BODY content displays. Although they are cached, CSS files slow down the initial display of your page. * TOTAL_SIZE - Caution. The total size of this page is 41324 bytes, which will load in over 8 seconds on a 56Kbps modem - or 9.44 seconds. Consider reducing total page size to less than 30K to achieve sub eight second response times on 56K connections. Be sure to provide feedback for pages over 30K by layering your design to display useful content within the first two seconds. Consider optimizing your site with Speed Up Your Site or contacting us about our optimization services. * HTML_SIZE - Congratulations, the total size of this HTML file is 9615 bytes, which less than 20K. Assuming that you specify the HEIGHT and WIDTH of your images, this size allows your page to display content in well under 8 seconds, the average time users are willing to wait for a page to display without feedback. * IMAGES_SIZE - Caution. The total size of all your images is 27603 bytes, which exceeds 15K. Consider optimizing and creatively cropping your images, and combining them where appropriate. Even better, replace graphic text and form controls with styled text to eliminate unnecessary HTTP requests. Ideally each image should be less than 1160 bytes, to easily fit into one TCP-IP packet. * CSS_SIZE - Caution. The total size of your external CSS is 4106 bytes, which is above 4080 bytes and less than 8K. For external files, try to keep them less than 1160 bytes to fit within one higher-speed TCP-IP packet (or an approximate multiple thereof). Consider optimizing your CSS and eliminating features to reduce this to a more reasonable size. * MULTIM_SIZE - Congratulations, the total size of all your external multimedia files is 0 bytes, which is less than 4K. It doesn't look bad, does it? It's a brand new blog with a few pages and images. The main issue i'm having is that when i type in the url of the images that are loading, they just lead me back to my old host's website, with an error page because the image is not uploaded to my old host's page either. Is it the problem with the dns or something?
  13. Christmas has come early with World in Conflict, which does to RTS genre what Bioshock did to the first-person shooter. It redefines it. Set in a hypothetical 1989 when USSR invades both Europe and America in a startling World War III to prevent its internal collapse, the game puts you in the shoes of Lieutanant Parker, tasked to help defend American soil from Mother Russia. In between, players also get the chance to play on the European front where NATO forces are holding the line. How World in Conflict differs from other RTS is by doing away with base building and focusing on a reinforcement system. Players spend an allotment of points on units, and if they die, the points slowly trickle back for you to order in more. These units are split between Air, Armour, Infantry and Support, eash with its pros and cons. Players pick a path and can buy a small number of units - ranging from heavy tanks to light transport vehicles - from them. Gameplay is fast and furious, consisting of squads working in tandem (often with AI-controlled allies) to achieve goals. While the story alone is worth the price, it's the multiplayer scheme you'll be coming back for. With a full-game client, Voice-over IP, buddy lists and ladder rankings, it's clear that a lot of thought went into the game. Diving in, you'll find a choice of the four paths to choose from - Air, Armour, Infantry and Support. Players will need to divide themselves well in order to succeed by supporting each other in battle. On any one map, you'll often have up to 16 other players in any of those classes trying to battle it to help take objectives, but World in Conflict isn't geared for solo heroes. Players will absolutely need allies. For instance, tanks will chew up enemy armour and fortifications, but anti-tank infantry and choppers will make mince-meat out of them, requiring two or more players to tag along with each other for proper fire support. If you find yourself alone and outgunned though, all is not lost. The other resource in the game is called tactical points, gained by capturing specific locations on the map, completing your objectives or simply killing enough enemies. These give you the chance to call in various arsenal - from napalm strikes that can burn down forests shielding infantry to the ultimate graphical glory - a tactical nuke. One of the things you'll love most about World in Conflict is how jaw-dropping realistic the graphics are, even on a mid-range system running a GeForce 7600. Zoom in all the way and tiny details like canteens and infantry can be seen. Zoom out and watch the landscape getting blown up. The ability to level forests, bridges, buildings and more are routine, a feature that was not so common in previous RTS games. In short, if you're any sort of RTS fan who's always believed that more players fighting really wins the war, this is your battlefield.
  14. Thanks for your responses!I am still having problems though. I don't know if it's just me, but I can see one background image now, but not the others (there are supposed to be 3).And another thing is, http://www.celestial-delinquent.com/ is a wordpress blog, and it's taking me ages and ages for the login page or new post page to load. Why is this so?
  15. Oh yes they work now, thanks for checking for me. But for http://www.celestial-delinquent.com/, the images aren't showing up. Instead, when I right click to view background image (there are supposed to be images in the background), I get redirected to the error page from the previous host that I parked celestial-delinquent.com on, and I do have the images hosted on my Xisto webhost. That's so weird!
  16. This is really strange, but after adding an add-on domain, my websites hosted on Xisto aren't showing up at all. At first, they showed up fine after I added the addon domain, but after awhile, they don't show up anymore. I tried on both firefox and ie. These are my websites: http://princesstimes.com/ (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ tried both and they don't work) http://www.celestial-delinquent.com/ (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ tried both and they don't work) I don't even know why http://princesstimes.com/ is affected. I didn't do anything to the domain. I am still able to access my cpanel though. Thanks in advance for your help!
  17. I'd like to configure a 2nd domain of mine to point to a subfolder in my web directory. How do I do that?Thanks!Edit: Oh wait I've found out already. Feel free to remove this topic.
  18. I'm glad that Xisto has so many forums and so many categories to host many different topics of discussions! Otherwise nobody can get their free host quickly Xisto sure is huge, but as long as you look through the whole forum and understand what all the categories are and what are they for, then you should be fine. The first thing to do in any forum, large or not, is to always read the forum rules.
  19. When you work, especially in the executive levels, you often find yourself having to speak in public to more than just a few people, such as your colleagues, clients, bosses etc. Public speaking can be a daunting task, especially when you are worrying about whether you are getting your audience's attention.Here are the 3 Ps you should take note of to maintain your confidence and eloquency in public speaking.PlanConsider what your audience is interested in hearing. Identify key areas and focus on these, at least initially. This technique is equally effective when planning the opening of a speech or presentation. If you're unfamiliar with your audience, gather as much information as possible about their interests and their level of knowledge of the topic you intend to discuss. Do not leave your audience wondering what the crux of your presentation will be. Generally, audiences can assimilate a maximum of three main pieces of information from a presentation. Think hard about what your three key messages are, mention them in your opening, explore them in the presentation and return to them at the end.PractisePractise your public-speaking skills in a low-stress environment. Many managers find that they use these skills most often to address employees at informal gatherings or meetings. Use these meetings as a training ground. Prepare what you want to say in advance and practise until you know your introduction by heart. If you use notes, put them on small cards. Limit it to five words a line and five lines a card, so that you can glance at them while still maintaining eye contact with your audience. Ask a couple of colleagues to watch your performance critically and ask for feedback on your delivery speed, voice pitch, body language as well as content of the speech. Act on their comments and the next time you give a talk, ask them if they notice any difference. With this experience under your belt, you can move on to more formal situations.PaceYour audience will take in much more if you give them time to absorb what you say. Many people start babbling when they are nervous, so slow down and don't be afraid to pause. Structured rehearsals and preparation are the key tools that can turn a potential nightmare into a skill that you can use to win friends and influence people. You may even learn to enjoy it.In addition:Breathe: Before you begin speaking, take deep breaths, establish eye contact with your audience and pause until you have their full attention.Start strong: The first 30 seconds are crucial. Rehearse your opening until you know it from back to front.Watch the clock: Running late will irritate your audience. Allow two to three minutes for each slide and leave time for questions at the end.Keep it simple: All information should be presented in a clear and simple manner. Don't expect your audience to be as familiar as you are with the facts and figures.Bring them on board: Use inclusive language to engage your audience. Using the word "we" instead of "I" is a simple way to do this. Make eye contact with the whole audience.
  20. So you've gone to a social or business gathering and you'd like to talk to network with some people. Sometimes, it's rather awkward to try to network with people especially if you don't know the person at all and you are not sure what kinds of conversations will interest him or even how to approach him. Well, I wrote a little something called the Holy 'Grail' of networking. Hope this will be useful to people who need to network for their jobs. Greet the person with a smile, a warm handshake and a prepared introduction. Make the first move. Don't wait for him to come to you. Chances are he is nervous as you are and will be relieved when you approach him. After all, everyone appreciates acknowledgement and likes to feel important. Decide whom to approach and go for it. Use a firm and friendly handshake. Let him know you are happy to meet him. Exude warmth and sincerity. Make eye contact and smile. Have an opening ready. Your opening may take the form of a 5 to 10 second introduction about yourself. It should include your name and some fact or interesting pitch relevant to the occasion. Never just give your job title. So many people do that. You don't want to be like everyone else, you want to stand out. For example, instead of saying "I'm an insurance agent", say: "I provide peace of mind so people can sleep at night" or "I help people take care of their families when they can't do it themselves". Make the other person curious. Amuse him and put him at ease. In other words, make him interested in talking to you. Rapport means making a connection. The essence of rapport is harmony and similiarity. Build rapport through eye contact, body language and a suitable topic of conversation. Be polite, friendly and welcoming. Use body language to create a feeling of similiarity. If you are talking to someone who is seated, pull a chair up and sit next to him, do not stand over him. If your conversation partner uses certain buzzwords, you should use them too. People like people who are like themselves, so you want to be like the person you are with. Ask questions to sustain the conversation and let the other person shine. Short, relevant questions are useful for eliciting information, keeping the conversation on track, confirming understanding and maintaining rapport. There is no point taking the initiative to make conversatio only to have the conversation die after you exchange names. Ask questions to keep the conversation alive. The questions you ask at this point need not be insightful, witty or profound. They can be simple and obvious. You are not trying to be clever. You just want to make the other person feel comfortable with you and sustain a conversation for five minutes. Keep a few stock questions in mind, as well as a few based on current events. If you prepare some questions before arriving at a networking event, you will not feel pressured to come up with good questions on the spot. Interest. Show interest in the other person. Put the spotlight on him. Make him feel good about himself, and you. Exude energy and enthusiasm. People are more interested in enthusiastic types - they are more fun to be with! Make small talk. Keep up with current events and have a stock of discussion topics ready. In a pinch, you can always make a comment about the occasion or the surroundings. Be positive. Most people prefer to keep a positive outlook, and critics can alienate others without realising it. Listen attentively. Good listening skills are critical for establishing and maintaining rapport. In a room full of people intent on talking about themselves, lining up business or filling their social calendars, a good listener can make quite an impression. Make eye contact, smile, nod your head and show interest. Be the person other people want to talk to.
  21. Mmmm that sounds delicious! My mouth's watering now.
  22. I really hate it when i'm trying to enjoy a peaceful meal or watching a movie and kids around you start screaming, crying or running around. The running around bit especially gets to me. They are small and you can't see them or avoid them and they will run into you or brush past you (and it does hurt because they run at top speed) and not a word of sorry. Kids should be banned from public areas! I was a good little kid, I don't run around or scream.To the parents speaking up for kids, yes, I can easily imagine how you have to deal with screaming kids everyday, but just because you deal with them and get used to them doesn't mean the innocent people around have to bear with them. For example, in the library, you're not supposed to make any noise, but in some of the libraries I've been to, the kids are walking all over the place, causing disturbances and chattering loudly. Or in the cinema, kids are kicking people's chairs or bawling at the top of their voices. Are other people to be deprived of their freedom to enjoy what they set out to do or paid for just because some irresponsible or new parent can't keep their kids quiet? I shouldn't think so!
  23. Your story is rather brief. Did you try to talk to her? Observe what she did or where she went before she changed?
  24. Yes it definitely happens. Like when you have this sense of foreboding that something bad is going to happen, or you get out of bed feeling all cranky, then something bad really happens! It's quite amazing!Have you heard of the Chaos theory? If I remember right, it sort of says that something in it's initial stage will set off something related and that's why the something related happens. So maybe while you were waiting for a call or reading a magazine, something is 'set off' and you get what you wanted. Not sure if its related, but it could be.
  25. Just relax, spend your time being yourself and don't try to force yourself to be the funny man or whatever. Just be your natural humorous self. You'll perform to your best standards if you get your worries out of the way. I agree with you that comedians have a difficult job, but since you consign yourself to it, just do your best!
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