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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. This dish requires quite a fair amount of ingredients, but it's really simple to make after all the shopping's done. It's also a great dish for meat lovers who don't often incorporate much vegetables in their meals.Serves: 6Prep : 20 mins Cook : 20 minsIngredients:120 ml rice vinegar 80 ml light soy sauce 2 tbsps sugar 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp sesame oil 250 g uncooked penne or spiral shaped pasta 2 tbsps cooking oil 300 g frozen pork tenderloin, cut into bite sizes 2 tbsps light soy sauce 250 g broccoli, cut into bite sized pieces, steamed, rinsed in cold water 200 g button mushroom, sliced 200 g red, green and yellow capsicum slices 1 tbsp sesame seeds, toasted 80 g parmesan cheese (optional)Method: 1. To make dressing, pour the first 5 ingredients in a small bowl and combine well till the sugar and salt dissolve. Set it aside. 2. Cook the pasta. Drain, rinse with tap water to cool and drain again.3. Heat oil and saute the pork slices and the 2 tablespoons light soy sauce until pork slices are cooked and browned. Leave to cool.4. In large bowl, mix together pork, pasta, broccoli, musbrooms and capsicum slices. 5. Pour vinegar dressing over salad and toss gently to coat. 6. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. 7. Sprinkle sesame seeds (and parmesan cheese if desired) and toss.
  2. Disclaimer: I wrote this article with the purpose of introducing various beauty treatments in the market and explaining what they are about. I am in no way implying that people with cellulite issues should use these treatments. If your dimpled butt I and lumpy thighs are I stopping you from I slipping into that sexy mini, you're not alone. In response to the growing demand, the beauty industry has lined up a dazzling array of creams, pills, massages and surgical procedures, each claiming to be the ultimate solution to this knotty problem. With so many available 'solutions', how can you make the right choice? Creams Retinoid: Retinoid tightens and strengthens overlying skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite. However, this effect only lasts for as long as the cream is used. Anti-cellulite creams: anti-cellulite creams further claim to induce the metabolism of fat. These creams usually contain caffeine, aminophylline or forskolin. The best time to use anti-cellulite cream would be at night, when the skin is most permeable. Pills Free radicals: They are believed to contribute to the ageing process and cause many degenerative diseases. It is proposed that these free radicals also damage fat calls, causing them to degenerate and develop the appearance of cellulite. Examples of anti-oxidants include juniper berries, black and green teas, grape seed bioflovonoids and co-enzyme Q10. Rubs Massages: A massage is not only an indulgence but may also smoothen cellulite by improving circulation within cellulite tissues. This stimulates the drainage of fluids trapped within fats cells and reduces the swollen appearance of cellulite. Endermologie: A machine-assisted massage invented in France, has been used fairly extensively to improve cellulite. This machine works by rolling and sucking to smooth out the contours of cellulite. However, expect to go for several treatment sessions before seeing results. Quick Solutions Liposuction: If it's fast and dramatic results you want, surgery is the way to go. The most common problem associated with liposuction is the uneven removal of fat, which may result in unsightly humps and grooves after the operation. Other uncommon side effects include infection and haemorrhage. However, when performed by a skilled surgeon, these undesirable side effects are rare. Mesotherapy: Mesotherapy involves the injection of an enzyme directly into cellulite to reduce damaged connective tissue and improve the appearance of cellulite. It is recommended that mesotherapy be used in tandem with carbon dioxide and electrofrequency heat to eliminate fat cells. Be warned though, that mesoconcoctions are yet to be regulated by health science authorities and may contain unsafe ingredients. Whatever your choice may be, combine exercise with a well-balanced diet, and you'll soon find that you not only have a shapelier body, but a healthier one as well.
  3. We love the feeling of bonhomie as the year draws to a festive close and the days fill with shopping and feasting. Soon after though, your sins start showing on your weighing machine. If it's your waistline under threat right now, maintaining weight is actually achievable with a bit of discipline and preparation. Tips for the guests - Cheat at the table It may be the Christmas or Chinese New Year reunion dinner. The tables are piled high with food that your host, mum or grandma insists you eat. What do you do to placate relatives and friends and still maintain your waistline? Take small helpings of energy-rich foods high in fat, fried dishes or cakes and instead fill your plate with lots of less energy dense vegetables and fruits. That way your host will see that you have a full plate and not feel insulted. Eat slowly to maintain the illusion of a plate constantly stacked with food. Another way to reduce temptation is actually to eat something (preferably less energy dense foods like whole-wheat crackers or fruit) before hitting dinner or a party, and thus avoid arriving ravenously hungry. The snacks will take the edge off your hunger and reduce the urge to binge. Drinking water or low-calorie fluids before and during meals also helps to keep you feeling full. Tips for hosts If you host a party, do yourself and your guests a favor by making clever substitutes of traditional favorites. Roast turkey or chicken are great low fat choices if they aren't accompanied with rich sauces or rich stuffing. Find a recipe for a lighter, fruit-based sauce that is just as flavorful but not as rich as traditional fat-based gravies. Stir-fry or steam vegetables instead of dousing them with thick sauces. Steam fish or chicken with herbs and condiments like ginger and garlic. Alternatively, you can serve low-fat seafood like grilled shrimp or steamed fish instead of meat dishes. Use low-fat or fat-free versions of salad dressing or dips for appetizers. It is important to serve traditional dishes with all their trappings (after all, it is the festive season), but be kind to your guests and serve up lighter or lower calorie dishes as well - like fruit or mixed salad with low-fat dressing so that everyone stays happy and guilt-free. Plan portions Watching your portion sizes may not initially sound such a fun thing to do while having a festive dinner, but remember you will enjoy the festivities after the meal more if you don't have that uncomfortable 'I've eaten too much' feeling. Here are some ideas to help in your portion control efforts - use the smallest plate you can find and mentally eye-ball the higher calorie items; at a buffet, start off with salads, fruit or vegetables and dig into the roast or meats only after you have had a couple of vegetable servings; drinking water or other low calorie fluids while you eat will also help to reduce the amount of food you eat and indirectly helps to keep you feeling full and satisfied. Recognize danger zones Beware of the appetizers and nibbles that accompany drinks and cocktails. You may not realize it, a handful of mixed nuts or crisps with your cocktail could actually have as many calories as a regular meal. Avoid stocking up on regular cookies, cakes and desserts at home - after all, you can eat these any time of the year, and by eliminating these during the holiday period, you can replace with some of the traditional seasonal/ festive food treats. Limit consumption of treats by consuming them only at parties or festive meals and avoid gorging on second, third or even fourth helpings, and instead concentrate and savor in moderation. Don't be tempted to skip main meals to balance calorie intake - this is most likely to lead to over-eating later in the day. Instead, choose light low calorie meals, and maybe make it something a little special, more expensive than your normal fare such as exotic imported fruit or a small delicacy -proving to yourself that you can still treat yourself without stacking up the calories. Alcohol alert Wine and alcoholic beverages often accompany meals during celebrations. Do remember that alcohol is a big calorie contributor. For instance, a 3.5oz glass of wine has about 80 calories. Other beverages like Christmas favorite egg-nog may set you back more than 100 calories a cup! Alternatives are a spritzer or alternate alcoholic drinks with sparkling water or other lower-in-calorie beverages. Take action! Inject some fun into the party by encouraging your guests to dance. Or if you're going out with a group of friends, suggest that you hit a nightspot with a dance floor and dance off the dessert! After all the parties, if you're going to take a break, make it an active one. Book a vacation at a nearby island resort that offers a lot of water activities like snorkeling, kayaking or windsurfing. Or take a trip to hilly ground and hit the hiking trails. Or, don't leave town. Make family time play time by taking bike rides with the kids or picking up a new sport like rollerblading that the whole family can enjoy. Ultimately, the holidays are a time to relax and enjoy. By making smart choices of what you eat and drink during this time, you can enjoy the season and leave 'losing weight' off your New Year's resolution list.
  4. Gosh I haven't visited Xisto in ages and now it's got a funky new layout! I've been busy with my work and course.As some of you might know, I work in the beauty industry (make-up artist) and recently I took enrichment courses related to beauty health and wellness and I even took a course in writing because other than providing beauty services, I'm interested in educating people about beauty through my writings. I've done quite a bit of writing while I was away so I'll be posting my writings here. They're mostly health related or food related (healthy food for overall wellness!) and there will be some musings about my travels. Hope the new year has been treating you well. I can't wait to catch up with the rest of this amazing forum!
  5. Three ways on how smoking destroys your beauty:1. You'll look years older Smoking causes the skin to age prematurely. A person who has been smoking a pack of cigarettes each day is estimated to look at least 1.4 times their actual age. That means:A 20-year-old smoker will look like a 28-year-old non-smoker.A 23-year-old will look 32.Cigarette smoke produces free radicals that eventually cause the breakdown of elastin and collagen, the very substances that keep skin soft, supple and elastic. The result: Dry and wrinkly skin, especially around the upper and lower lips, eye area, cheeks and lower jaw.2. You'll lose your natural glow Cigarettes produce carbon monoxide, which causes blood vessels near the surface of the skin to constrict, reducing the amount of oxygen and nutrients that are circulated to the skin. Starved of oxygen and nutrients, smokers' skin becomes grey and dull-looking over time.3. You'll scar more easily Smoking reduces the skin's ability to regenerate and repair itself, thus slowing the rate at which wounds heal and increasing the chances of scarring. That means that if you are already battling acne problems (and especially if you are prone to squeezing your pimples), you will likely end up with more scars if you smoke.So if you think smoking makes you look cool/hot, think again!
  6. Serves eight, as part of a mealINGREDIENTS500g lean beef (I used the fillet) 1 tsp light soya sauce 1 tbs rice wineHalf a head of Chinese cabbage Dip4 tbs light soya sauce1 spring onion, sliced thinly1 red chilli, sliced thinlyJuice from half a lemon1 sprig of fresh coriander, cut into pieces1 25cm-wide Chinese bamboo steaming basket with coverMETHODPlace the meat in the freezer for a little while to harden it so that it is easier to slice. Slice meat as thinly as you can.Season meat slices with light soya sauce and rice wine and leave to marinate, covered, for at least a few hours, if not overnight, in the fridge.Wash and cut off the hard stems from the Chinese cabbage and keep for another time. Cut the leaves and tender stems into small pieces. Bring a kettle to boil and blanch the cabbage leaves.Bring a wok half-filled with water to boil. In the meantime, lay beef slices evenly on the rack of the bamboo dim sum basket. Top with a layer of cabbage leaves.When water boils, place basket, covered, on a plate and place it on a rack in the wok. Cover the wok and leave to steam for 10 minutes.Remove and serve immediately with lemon-flavoured soya sauce dip, garnished with spring onion, red chilli and fresh coriander.My explanation:Not only is there beefy goodness in this dish, it is wholesome eating and takes just 15 minutes to turn out. It is thin slices of beef, cooked by steaming, a cooking method long neglected, especially for meats. It needs no added oil, yet it retains the juiciness and all the flavour of the meat, even if it is a lean cut such as the tenderloin.I first ate beef cooked this way at a sushi restaurant where they used thin slices of well-marbled wagyu beef. I wanted to see how it would turn out if I substituted the marbled cut for a lean one. It worked. The trick lay in the marinating and in the timing of the cooking.You need to marinate the meat for a few hours at least - if not overnight -in light rice wine and soya sauce and cook it for just 10 minutes.The result is tender and tasty meat overlaid with the sweetness of Chinese cabbage, also known as Napa cabbage.It is also low in carbohydrate, which is all the rage these days, yet makes for a satisfying meal with both meat and vegetable on the plate and a piquant dip on the side.To make it even more convenient, both vegetables and meat are cooked together in one of those bamboo dim sum baskets, which practically every household has. The meat is laid directly on the rack at the bottom of the basket, allowing the steam to penetrate it. I served this lightly cooked beef with a lemon infused soya sauce, dressed with thinly sliced red chilli and spring onion and it is sensational eating.Lean beef is an often overlooked cut of meat yet it is a superior source of protein and B vitamins. One serving of lean beef such as a round steak contains just 168 calories and 4.6g of fat, including 1.7g of saturated fat. In comparison, a similar serving of skinless chicken breast has 169 calories and 3.5g of fats, including lg of saturated fat. In fact, there are 19 cuts of lean beef of which the round steak tops the list. The flank, tenderloin and the sirloin (trimmed of its characteristic strip of fat) are included in this group.Anyway, you can generally see if a piece of meat is well-marbled or not. Choose those cuts of meat that are red and not pink in colour. Whether you choose beef, lamb or chicken, all visible fat should be trimmed off before cooking. If you belong to the 0 blood group and follow the blood group diet, you must already know that lean beef is actually good for your health. So, there is more than one way of looking at red meat after all.
  7. Tourists, especially those who travel free and easy, often make easy targets for thefts because they are less streetwise compared to the natives and probably have little notion about who to go for help when they run into trouble. And usually, because we are so preoccupied with getting round the country, we may become more careless and end up losing some possessions as a result, which can really ruin a holiday!I compiled a list of tips from past experiences and friend's experiences. Hopefully they'll be helpful to travellers!1. Get a large, obvious, unique luggage tagYou want to be able to spot your luggage quickly and grab the right one before something bad happens to it. A lot of luggage bags and laptop bags look similar. Someone could grab yours by mistake, or you could grab others' by mistake. Yet some others may even take your luggage on purpose on the grounds that they could probably get away with the excuse of carelessness if they do get caught. Alternatively, you can also use a coloured or patterned luggage to make it identifiable to you. Mine's hot pink :)2. Use your hand carrier.Put all your valuable items, your money, your most expensive cosmetics and gadgets, and medication into your hand carrier instead of your luggage.3. Don't be too open with your laptopWhen you're using your laptop on the plane, cafeteria or wherever, keep it for your eyes only. Especially if you're using your laptop to do some confidential stuff or fill up an online form, you'll be revealing a wealth of information to a sharp thief, such as your name, address, date of birth etc. Get a privacy filter that blocks the screen from anyone who's not sitting directly in front of it. Just imagine, if you were making a paypal transaction and someone sees it, he'll be able to use your credit card number to make purchases online.4. Speak quietly in the hotel.Just imagine, you check into the hotel and you tell the receptionist loudly about your name and room number. You have with you a gorgeous rose print luggage which you used because of tip no. 1. While you're gone, a stranger impersonates your friend, gives your particulars and room number to the receptionist and requests to go to your room because he left something in it. When the security guard volunteers to walk him to the room, he assures him, 'I'm really her friend. She has a rose print luggage bag, right?'. Spot on, because he noticed you checking into the hotel with that bag. The security guard lets him go hassle-free, or accepts a little bribe. And the next thing you know, you have to make a police report. This may not happen in 5 star hotels, but it is likely to happen in cheap hotels and motels. It happened to my friend. So be on your guard!5. Don't return your room card key when you check out.If you're staying in a hotel, and you use the card, it retains your personal information - name, address, credit card number etc... all the information used for booking the hotel. Don't even bother returning the card. Someone could easily steal your identity if they read the information off the card. Usually, the better hotels use cards, and they don't need it back.6. Use the room safe.As far as possible, don't leave your valuables in the hotel, but if you absolutely must because it's too cumbersome to carry around, put it into the safe. This is not just to safeguard against the hotel cleaning staff. These cleaning staff usually leave your room door wide open, even when they are not in your room. You wouldn't want other people darting in and stealing your stuff. 7. Keep your cash with you.Pickpockets all over the world thrive on tourists. You may consider wearing a money belt under your clothes if you have a lot of cash on you. Always keep your wallet in your front pocket, not behind you or even at the side. Ladies, clutch your handbags tightly under your arm. If you use a swing bag, make sure the bag is in front of you.8. Don't get too chummy with strangers.Yes, you can make friends, but don't think everyone around you is in the vacation mood just because you are. If you're at the bar, don't accept drinks from strangers especially when you're alone. Don't even leave with someone you don't know. You could be robbed or worst, raped and killed. Remember, travellers, constant vigilance!
  8. Niayab is an uncommon name (I've never heard of it before!) so you probably won't find it on any Chinese name translator side, which usually just compiles a huge list of translations for common English names. But if I translate it according to the pronounciation, I'd translate it as 尼阿亚卜 (Pronounced as Ni-Ah-Ya-Bu) I know the last character 'Bu' is quite redundant, but I can't think of any Chinese character for the 'b' sound itself. Personally I don't there's a need to analyse the meaning of every single character because the names are translated based on pronounciation, not meaning. So unless your chinese name as a whole translates into something that has a meaning, you don't have to fret about it.
  9. Your lips are all dry from the airconditioning in your office, but you have a date in an hour. What do you do?Here?s a quick respite for dry, dull lips! 1. Cut a slice of lemon and put it against your lips for about two minutes, during which you can ease it left and right so that it gets in contact with every part of your lips. Acid from the lemon causes the dead skin on your lips to emerge. 2. Wipe your lips gently. You should feel that your lips are softer, smoother and moisturized. 3. Apply lip gloss and lipstick, and there you are! Mesmerizing lips under 5 minutes!
  10. I'd say she likes you too, but the fact that she has a boyfriend is a real bummer. If you really like her, you ought to talk to her about the whole issue, including what she intends to do about her boyfriend. But if you're really unwilling to talk to her, you probably don't like her enough to do so. Which is fine actually, just let things take its natural course and play by ear.
  11. Growing old is a natural and inevitable process and so is wrinkling, that is, if you aren?t thinking of going for botox. While we can?t stop ourselves from ageing, the onset of wrinkles can be delayed. Here are some common causes of wrinkles and how we can prevent or reduce their impact. Ageing Women begin ageing from age 25 onwards. The skin starts to lose its radiance and become dry. The amount of fats under skin is gradually reduces. Due to a reduction in moisture and oil, the skin wrinkles at the corner of the eyes and forehead. We can?t avoid ageing, but we should keep our skin healthy and well-moisturized at all times by consuming sufficient water, fruits and vegetables daily. Using moisturizing creams help too. UV Rays Over-exposure to UV Rays cause skin to get dry and even crackly. Small wrinkles on your skin are the result of these little cracks. Avoid sun-tanning, and apply sunblock when you go out. Weight fluctuation Skin becomes saggy when you lose too much weight at one go. Wrinkles are a result of lines formed when your skin folds over. Maintain a regular diet; don?t go on crash diets or intense weight-loss regimes. Facial muscle movement Frequent movement of the same facial muscles results in wrinkling. Laughter intensifies wrinkles at the corner of the eyes. Wrinkles on the forehead are emphasized when you frown. I?m not suggesting that you walk around expressionless all day as facial movements are really inevitable, but it would be a good idea not to frown. Alcohol Consuming too much alcohol overworks the excretory system, causing skin to age faster, consequently leading to the premature surfacing of wrinkles. Smoking Smoking causes wrinkles to appear faster. If you already have wrinkles, smoking causes an even greater number of wrinkles to appear. Insufficient rest The lack of sleep is often reflected on one?s face. Insufficient sleep causes one to age faster, and subsequently, the development of wrinkles.
  12. Buy all the things I have been hankering after (which doesn't amount to a lot. Im not a big spender).Buy private apartment for myself and parents.Give my parents 1 million each and they can do whatever they want with it.Donate 5% of what I'm left with to charity.Then probably start a business with the rest of the money. It's dangerous to invest money these days. brr...
  13. Lamb is red meat and therefore, not something one would consider healthy due to high fat content. When it is served with red wine, butter and thick, rich gravies, it may taste delicious, but is really bad for people with heart problems, and can make one feel really satiated. So I decided to do away with the conventions and cook lamb with herbs and vegetables instead! The sweet taste of lamb is not overwhelmed by heavy sauce or gravy, and the accompanying greens make the dish healthier.Here is a recipe that can serve four people.Ingredients:500g lamb tenderloin, left in one piece, trimmed of fat (to make it healthier)A pinch of salt and pepper4 cups unsalted vegetable stock or water1 teaspoon salt and black pepper to taste1/2 cup white wineA selection of vegetables, cut into equal sizes - young potatoes, baby carrots, fine green beans and baby corn are some of my recommendations.Ingredients for Lemon mint sauce:1 cup fresh mint leavesJuice from half a lemonExtra virgin olive oilpinch of saltMethod:Making the lemon mint sauce:Finely chop mint leaves. Place in a bowl and add lemon juice, salt and enough olive oil to cover, Mix well and leave aside for flavours to blend together.Rub salt and pepper over lamb. Heat grill pan until hot, then sear on all sides of the meat till brown and caramelised. Remove and leave aside.Bring vegetable stock to boil. Gather selection of vegetables. I allocated two each of young corn, new potatoes, baby carrots and a handful of fine green beans for each person.Trim vegetables into equal sizes. Place them in the pot and poach gently until the carrots are tender. Add white wine. Season with salt and pepper. Remove vegetables.Bring stock to boil again and poach tenderloin in it for about 10 minutes. Add a dollop of lemon mint sauce. Remove meat and leave to rest for another 10 minutes. Slice meat and divide among four plates. Serve with vegetables, garnished with lemon mint sauce on top.
  14. The credit crunch is really hitting hard. If your eyebags are popping out from all the stress and lack of sleep, I?ve some cheaper alternatives to expensive eye creams. That?s one less burden for your pocket!Vitamin EEach night before you sleep, take a Vitamin E capsule (the soft, squishable ones, not the hard ones), roll it over your eyebag while gently squeezing it so that the liquid in the capsule oozes out. Massage the liquid gently over your eyebag. Do the same with your other eye with another Vitamin E capsule. Adopt this as your before-bed regime for at least four weeks. Vitamin E is really good for revitalizing skin and it will not only nourish the skin under your eyes, but also cause your eyebag to diminish.Natural eye maskBefore bed, apply a slice of cucumber over the skin below your eye. Do this regularly and you should see your eye bags fading away gradually. Instead of using cucumber slices, you can boil some papaya slices and peppermint leaves together. Sun the mixture and when it?s dry enough to form a paste, apply it over your eyebags. Papaya has exfoliating properties while peppermint has a soothing effect. Relax your eye musclesGive your eye muscles some relief. Enhance blood circulation by repeatedly gently tapping the area around your eyes with your finger tips. You can do this once each day (or night if you prefer) for 10 minutes. Avoid pulling your lower eyelid unnecessarily.Healthy dietConsume foods rich in protein, such as egg white, animal liver, tomato, beans etc. Protein stimulates growth. When new cells are produced, they gradually replace the dead cells that form your eye bags.Flower eye maskFlower teas are enjoying increasing popularity. You can buy some flower teabags (jasmine and rose flavours are great), boil them together with castor oil or olive oil. Let the teabags cool down. Place one teabag over the under of each eye for 15 minutes or so. This will soothe your tired eyes, enhance blood circulation and help you relax with its wonderful aroma.
  15. I've used Nokia and samsung. Nokia is very hardy. All my phones have lasted 2 years and are still working when I switched them. My samsung flipphone died after barely a year. the monitor just went black.
  16. I always use godaddy. They accept paypal. While it doesn't have domains this cheap, you can use godaddy coupons to get discounts. so the cost of the domain could get lowered to 7 plus. All you have to do is google godaddy coupons.
  17. Word of mouth is not really going to help in this case. Spread the word on forums. Submit your site to search engines and relevant links list. Request site linkage and affiliation which websites related to weather. Also, you really need to do something about the layout of your site. It's very cluttered. There's this thing to the right that doesn't load for me and seems out of place, and there's a music playlist in the middle of it. Either the placement is weird, or it's incompatible with firefox, which is bad because a lot of people use firefox these days. Website attractiveness is one of the appeals that bring in visitors!
  18. Recently I switched my domain to princesstimes.co.cc (didn't renew the old one in time, and times are bad, so didn't want to get a top level domain for a hobby site)But when I click http://www.princesstimes.co.cc/ it goes to my old domain instead (an advertisement page basically). i don't understand. I've removed the old domain from my cpanel and successfully parked my new one. Help please?
  19. These days, more of us are turning to home remedies because they are conveniently available (on the net, your friend, your mum...), are said to be tried and tested, and let's face it, rising costs of everything, including consultation fees, are not helping at all. However, while some home remedies appear to work, some have no scientific basis and may cause harm that you are unaware of until the problem gets significant enough to be noticed. Treating burns with butter Butter may actually cause infections for deep burns. This is because the skin's protective function has been damaged during the burn. Butter itself is not a sterile item, so when placed on a wound without protection, it could introduce bacteria which causes the infection. An alternative and safer home remedy is to use cold water on mild burns to reduce the injury. Do not use ice as it will constrict your blood circulation. If there is a blister, prick it gently so that the fluid can be removed while leaving the skin intact. You can use a wet compress to remove excess fluids later. If the burn is serious, go to your doctor. Removing eye styes by piercing them with a needle Styes on the eyelids are extremely near your eyeballs. If you use a sharp needle so near your eye, you may accidentally hurt your eyeball. The safer home remedy is to soak a clean towel in boiled water, then use it to compress the stye. Doing this helps to improve the blood circulation, consequently softening the stye. After that, you can apply antiseptic eye cream on the stye. You can get it at any pharmacy. Treating acne by applying toothpaste on it Actually, toothpaste could cause your acne to worsen by causing irritation or burns on the surrounding area. Some toothpaste contains high amounts of hydrogen peroxide. Too much hydrogen peroxide can burn your skin. A safe, alternate medication for your acne is diluted vinegar or diluted salt water. Applying these to your problem areas help reduce the swelling of acne. Removing fish bone stuck in throat using fingers You may end up pushing the fish bone further down the throat with your fingers. Your fingernails may even pierce the tissue lining of your throat. Instead, go to the nearest doctor immediately. This is a severe problem which can be really dangerous if you try to solve it yourself because there are many important and delicate organs below your esophagus. Usually, the person won't choke to death immediately as long as he doesn't try to swallow it or move too vigorously in attempts to dislodge the bone. Removing finger warts by cutting them off Most people are not professionals at cutting finger warts and may end up leaving deep cuts that cause damage to the skin. Also, using dirty or contaminated instruments to cut the warts may cause an infection. Instead, use a pumice stone to file it away. You should be able to purchase it from your pharmacy. If you want quick results, you should have a doctor remove it surgically. Removing ear wax through ear candling Our ears are actually self-cleansing. By inserting foreign objects such as buds or ear candle cones into the ear, you may end up with complications such as ear infections and compressed ear wax, which could lead to clocked ears. Instead, use ear drops, which can be found at pharmacies, which softens ear wax and allows it to flow out naturally. Before you subscribe to a home remedy, do research, try to find some scientific basis in it, and above all, trust your common sense.
  20. virtual reality games have killed people's social lives and distorted their mentalities towards life! I do love virtual reality games and I've played a few here and there. they are fun, but we must know where to toe the line. this is crazy. fancy ruining her real life over her fake life!
  21. Oh yes i hate people who do that! They behave as though they own the entire stretch of the road! Actually i think the right thing to do would be to shout 'excuse me!' because they are the ones who are being downright rude and inconsiderate in the first place. At least that's better than shoving people aside. On the other hand, some idiots don't understand or are deaf and continue to hog the road. Once, a friend of mine got held up by a group of 4 talkative giggly girls. They didn't hear her say 'excuse me'. so my friend got so annoyed she just shoved the girl's bum and stalked past. Apparently, there was a domino effect when the girl lost balance. lol
  22. From personal experience, you should try to correct your mistakes first, instead of worrying about your mum. Have a talk with the teachers of the subjects you are failing. Find out where you went wrong, try to resolve the issues. Put more effort on your studies, request extra tuition classes if you can. If you find that you are in the wrong course, not being interested in the stuff you're studying, you might want to consider changing courses.In any case, have a discussion with your teacher(s). Then talk to your mum when you arrive at a decision.
  23. The common estimate is 3 days. Somehow, i think willpower plays a part in prolonging or shortening survival time too. Im not sure if ultra-strong willpower will help a man live longer than 3 days without water, but I'm certain that if you lose the willpower to live, you won't survive all three days.
  24. When I was in school, teachers gave us exam questions which required us to write down a definition of a term word-for-word. You get penalized if you miss out a point. I think this is really dumb and useless. While it is important to know what something means, it is even more important to know how it works. Sometimes when you explain the definition of something, you may miss out something because it didn't occur to you then and you simply forgot. In fact, when you're told to answer something that requires the application of the principal of the term, you could answer it just as well even if you can't remember the definition, because applying it makes you think.so remember not to ask questions requiring students to regurgitate!
  25. personally, i define 'right' as something that doesn't harm your own interests or others. 'wrong' as something that harms your own interests or others'.For example, smoking is 'wrong' because you harm your own health and you cause people around you to be passive smokers. Crossing the road during green light is right because you practice road safety and are taking responsibility for your own life and others around you.Then there are some with slightly blurred boundaries, but can still be explained with the above mentioned theory. For example, we typically say that lying is wrong, but when you lie to protect the interests of others without hurting some others, it is right. (to me, that is. I don't know about others). For example, you hide the truth about someone having a fatal disease because you don't want him to take it badly when you drop the bomb on him unprepared. this is considered right in my opinion. But if you are lying to cover your *bottom* and sacrificing someone else in the process e.g. framing someone else for something you did, then that's wrong.
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