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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. The spam discussed could also refer to those annoying bots that leave stupid links and ads about viagra. I don't think the thread starter is trying to block out people whose comments he doesn't like. Off topic here, but why get a forum just to obtain one-way feedback?? Forums are more complex and meant for discussions, not for giving feedback. When I had guestbooks, my settings are such that comments will only show up on the guestbook after I have moderated it. While it is time wasting to read through and delete the spam messages, at least there won't be undesirable comments showing up to ruin the impression on your website or offend your visitors. Using CAPTCHA is also an effective way to prevent spam.
  2. Here are tips about how to get to sleep easily and prevent insomnia from setting in.1. Calm and clear your mindBefore sleeping, do not do any work that is mentally strenuous. Allow your brain to relax and to calm your nerves. If you are upset or agitated, it will be difficult for you to fall asleep.2. Exercise regularlyIf you exercise everyday, you will be able to fall into deep sleep easily at night. Before you sleep, you can do exercises such as strolling, meditation or yoga. The last 2, especially, have hypnotic effects to lull you to sleep. However, do not do vigorous exercises before sleep.3. Sleep in a comfortable environmentYou will sleep better in a quiet and peaceful room which has adequate air circulation.4. Avoid access sugarTaking in too much sugar will cause your glucose level to decrease, causing insomnia. Symptoms include quickening heart beat and mild depression. If you experience these symptoms on a regular basis, eat a bowl of cereal porridge at night. It will help to soothe your nerves.5. Avoid excess alcohol intakeAlthough alcohol will cause you to fall asleep more quickly, too much alcohol disrupts the sleeping pattern, causing one's sleep in the later stages to be disturbed, resulting in tiredness the next day.6. Take a warm bathTaking a warm bath before sleeping helps to improve your blood circulation so you may fall asleep easily.7. Avoid stimulantsAvoid stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine a few hours before sleeping. Other than tea and coffee, products containing stimulants also include cocoa, coca cola and chocolates. Eating food with MSG may also lead to problems of insomnia.8. Drink milkDrinking beverages containing milk or cereal will help to induce sleep. Trytophan in these products will be changed into a chemical which helps induce sleep. 9. HygieneShake out your blankets/comfortables/bedsheets when you wake up, and change your bedsheets frequently to ensure a clean environment for sleeping.10. Appropriate thickness of blanketsChoose blankets which have appropriate thickness such that they are neither too warm nor too ineffective against cold weather
  3. My friend had a problem with an msn virus also, she did scans with McAfee and other similar software (registered, not free), and they were unable to effectively find and remove the virus. I also suggest that you do all the back up that you need to do while you can still access your computer. You never know when it's going to go berserk and not even allow you to access windows. After you have backuped all your important files, you can then try to do more scanning, or reformat your computer if nothing works.
  4. I love to use iframes too, mainly because I can just create one navigation menu for the entire site, and if I need to make changes to the menu again, I will not have to do it for every single page, or worry that I've forgotten to change something on other pages. However, iframes isn't the best structure, as some members have already mentioned above. I think another ideal solution is to use php scripting to enable you to use the same navigation for on all different pages without having to change the html on every page.
  5. When choosing or designing and installing shower fittings, two key matters must be considered:Bathroom space and how to contain the water splashes so your showers don't drench the entire floor and all the other fixturesIf you want a shower cubicle with a base tray, you'll have to choose a base that fits into the area you can spare, while leaving enough room to manoeuvre around the sink and toilet.Even if you want a "wet bathroom" where the shower isn't boxed into a stall, you still have to consider how much space you have left for moving comfortably about.Some kind of screen in the form of a shower curtain or glass panel is always advisable, even in the most open of bathroom layouts, to keep water from getting onto everything.The smallest shower areas can look smart and inviting with clever use of materials and panelling. Clear glass panels paired with flooring that is continuous with the rest of the bathroom floor keeps the space visually open instead of cramped and dark. You could also install partial panelling (on just one side of the shower area) to contain water splashes without causing you to feel boxed in.Shower trays needn't be a drawback, as elegant, unobtrusive ones are readily available these days. If the ceiling is high enough, you might even elevate the shower tray, with one or two steps leading up to it, to visually increase the sense of space.If panelling feels too rigid and constructive to you, use the shower curtains instead for a little more "elbow room".
  6. Going abroad for holidays is fun and exciting, but falling sick or hurting yourself in a foreign country not only ruins the holiday but can create a lot of problems for you both at the holiday destination and back home. Here are 8 tips to prevent yourself from contracting some of the most common holiday ailments.1. DiarrheaMajority of tourists who contract diarrhea are infected by germs. Most of these people feel the effects of diarrhea 5 days after they reached their holiday destination because they ate something that did not agree with them or the water was contaminated. Upon contracting diarrhea, one should avoid eating anything from between 8 to 12 hours. Milk must also be avoided. In the meantime, you can drink one kl of water with 1 tablespoon of sugar added to it to replenish the water in your body.2. Ear InfectionSome air passengers tend to feel discomfort in their ear when the plane takes off or lands. If it's serious, they may even contract acute ear infection. To prevent this condition, you can do a little exercise before the plane takes off or lands. Take a deep breath, shut your mouth and pinch your nose lightly to close your nostrils, then blow hard to force open your mouth and nostrils. This will prevent your ears from getting blocked. Do not try this if you are having a cold or runny nose.3. Motion SicknessThis condition varies for different people. Light symptoms include dizziness, and serious symptoms include vomiting, nausea, cold sweat or even fainting. To prevent this condition, choose to sit in the middle or front of the plane or carriage.4. Eye damageMany people believe that the darker the lenses of your dark glasses, the greater its ability to protect your eyes. However, if the lenses are too dark, your pupils will be enlarged in order to allow more light to enter so you can see properly, and as a result, the amount of UV rays that enters your eyes increases too, causing damage to your eyes. Appropriate lenses should be permeable to 30% of visible rays to prevent the green and gray tones in UV rays from entering the eyes.5. Foot blistersAfter walking for long hours, your feet are prone to blisters. If they are not treated with care, they may give way to infection. When you walk, keep your speed constant and put your foot firmly to the ground with each step to prevent your feet from blistering. If you do get blisters, never attempt to burst them because it will be prone to infection. Keep it under a clean bandage that is changed everyday until it disappears.6. Sensitive skin in pubic areas Skin in public areas which have been freshly-shaven are more sensitive than usual. Avoid entering the swimming pool for preferably 3 days after shaving.7. Skin ProblemsMany girls would do a bikini wax before going down to the *BLEEP*. However, the skin usually needs 48 hours for full recovery. If hairless skin is suddenly exposed under the sun, it may become red and irritated. It is preferable to wait at least 2 days before suntanning after waxing.8. Burnt hairIf you love to suntan, remember not to neglect your hair while you smear liberal amounts of sunblock over the rest of your body. Hair conditioner does not constitute a sufficient protection as it will only protect your hair from damp heat and not dry heat. Heat from the sun and oil from your hair conditioner will cause your hair to be burnt even more easily. Do apply sunblock to your hair instead.
  7. I always dream in English too, though I'm fluent in Cantonese and Chinese!
  8. I haven't got any advice to share, but you might want to check out this site: https://secreteyes.org/shopping/index.php Very catchy and vibrant contact lenses they have
  9. Erm what do you mean 'friendly' hosts? I don't see anything unfriendly about photobucket. Some people use it for posting for forums, but you can actually use it as a photo album. If you want it private, it has a function that allows you to set a password for it so that only people whom you give your password to can view the photos.
  10. Oh I had this font on my old computer. Yes it's called Blackadder. I believe you can download it for free from http://www.fontgarden.com/ That's where I get most of the unique fonts I own for free.Edit: Oh sorry, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ doesn't seem to have it either. I wonder where I got mine from. Anyway, you can probably get some similar ones from the website.
  11. Maybe your boyfriend really gets along well with your cousin. I don't think you should actually try to stop your bf from hanging out with him, because your bf sees him as just another pal of his, and you aren't supposed to control which people he befriends right? You should probably talk to your cousin and tell him not to ask those interfering questions. I guess you feel that you're not close to him after they started getting together because you resent him, and obviously, you wouldn't feel close to someone whom you have begun to dislike. Your cousin probably still feels the same about you as he did before, or he may have detected your coldness towards him and is trying to get back your attention by doing all those annoying things. You should have a good talk with your cousin. It's not wise to spoil your relationship with a family member over a guy. Moreover, it's not a very serious problem. At least they are talking about you in front of you, instead of gossiping about you behind your back. You can also tell your boyfriend some embarrassing things about your cousin, an eye for an eye.
  12. Haha yes it's a funny rule! Empty guns can still raise a huge lump in the head though. Thanks for your views! I've never known what it's like to have a gun, so I wouldn't understand what it's like to have it taken away from me. I suppose it will cause a lot of disagreements though, as the shown by the protests and criticisms from the NRA in American. I agree with you that just like we can't blame the media, we can't blame guns. Unfortunately there are too many crazy murderers around and giving them easy access to guns poses a threat to all the other innocent people around them. I think countries that has legalized guns should take gradual steps to ban it, or at least make it more difficult to access it such that only people who have a valid reason and who do not have records of crime, violence or psychological disorders can own it. And people who own guns for a valid reason should keep them out of the way of people who have no reasons to be near guns. When I read reports of young children accidentally shooting their siblings or grandparents, it's really sad.
  13. Haha I come from a tropical country :PThanks for the information! Wow that sounds like a lot of things! Looks like I'll have to spend a lot of money.I'm not going to be doing a lot of adventurous things, cos' alas, I'm actually going there for a study program, not for a holiday.What are knee-length wool/cashmere winter coats for? I've seen them in shops selling winter clothes and the sales people just tell me they are for subzero conditions but they don't seem to really know if it has to be worn with other things.
  14. My combined height of my original height and heels is about 170cm. As long as the guy isn't shorter than that, I'm fine with that. Anyway 175cm isn't particularly short. Some hollywood actors are shorter than that but they are Cruising (ahem) along fine. If you have a good personality or good looks, you will make up for your unsatisfactory height. Also, I think guys who are too tall are quite intimidating.
  15. This topic may seem similar to http://forums.xisto.com/topic/47172-the-united-states-gun-laws/, but that one is about US gun laws, I wanted to learn about gun laws and its effects all over the world, or whichever countries you all are from. I spend most of my life living in Hong Kong and Singapore, which are countries that ban civilians from keeping firearms. I am glad for this ban, because although banning of guns does not completely prevent crimes from taking place (you don't need a gun to rob or rape someone), at least I don't have to worry about having my brains blown out when I turn a corner. Those shootings in American schools really freak me out. Firearms supporters probably argue that banning guns is equivalent to taking away their rights for self-defense, but you can clearly see that in many cases, people shoot to kill, not to defend themselves. It doesn't help that the media portrays snipers as glamorous people, but we can't put all the blame on the media, because if the kids didn't have guns, they wouldn't have been able to act out their fantasies. So what do you think? Should guns be banned? Let's hear about your country's firearms laws and your opinions.
  16. I'm going to a country with subzero winter conditions (around high subzero, that means higher than -10) in december. I've never experienced such cold conditions, so I need advice about the type of winter wear I need. Thanks!(Hope I posted this in the right forum)
  17. Robots are just computers that look like humans right? And we don't give our computers rights, do we? O_o Computers are not like clones, they can't feel emotions, and if they do, it's just a programmed script, unlike clones and animals, where the emotions come about from the hormones.
  18. I'm from an Asian society, and most of our elders are still very conservative about it. They see pre-marital sex as something to be ashamed of. The younger generation is more open-minded, people would probably be engaging in pre-marital sex but not go around discussing about it. I like that you've made a topic like this, because it's something that I wouldn't discuss with my friends or people I know face-to-face.Myself, I'm not a virgin. My first sex partner wasn't a great guy and we split up ages ago, but I don't regret it. We were curious and fun-loving then, and it was a memorable experience. I don't see pre-marital sex as something morally wrong, no matter how many times and with how many people it's done with. I didn't get pregnant and abort any babies, nor have I contracted or spread any sexual diseases. I don't think there's anything wrong with virgins. I believe they simply haven't met the 'right' person, or their virginity is special to them and they want to keep it for their special someone. We all treasure different things.
  19. I borrowed this book called a Legacy of Hate. Forgot the author name, but it was some Irish soap opera story about how a horrible but beautiful woman seduced some guys which led to a legacy of hate and chaos for the next generation. It's full of crap.
  20. Could be lactose-intolerance. It's quite a common problem and I believe it's inborn. i don't know much about the condition except that people who have it can't vomit when they take milk or feel queasy. You could do a web search on it. I agree that milk is wonderful food. Furthermore, it makes you full too, so I believe it's good for people who are on a diet or have gastric problems but can't find time to eat properly.
  21. I like the layout and choice of colors. Simple and easy on the eyes. I agree that there is no need to indent the paragraph under objectives though. Also, since you have the luxury of presenting your resume online to your potential employer, make the fullest use of it by providing links from your resume to example works (if you have them) using the applications/software that you have worked with.
  22. It could be sleep apnea, like some of the members have said. But according to what I have learnt about people with sleep apnea, most of them don't get awakened up by loss of breath. They do make grasping noises (like very loud grunting snores) when they grasp for air, but they don't get wakened up like you do. It's still a serious condition though, and could be likely to cause heart attack. If you get awakened by loss of breath, it could be very serious sleep apnea. It could also be that you are under a lot of stress and your muscles are tensed up and that's where you get that 'ghost holding you down' feeling. You should probably see a doctor if it happens often.
  23. If you cannot fall asleep, don't force yourself to fall asleep. You will end up getting anxious because you can't sleep, and you will end up not getting sleep. Get up and read a book, or watch some television. Yes I know some people, like Dagoth, feel that tv simulates your brain cells and keeps you awake, but that's under normal circumstances. When you are having insomnia and can't sleep no matter how hard you beg yourself to, you must do something to tire yourself out and you'll be able to fall asleep. This info is from a psychology textbook 'Psychology' by Glenn E. Meyer and Saundra Ciccarelli. I can't vouch if it works on Insomniacs, but I do realize that after playing computer games or watching tv at night, I fall asleep faster than usual because my eyes feel so tired. I guess it's also a reason why people read books in bed.Don't take drugs that are supposed to help you to fall asleep. Cos' you may grow dependent on them, and also because some drugs plunge you straight into deep sleep. The earlier stages of sleep are where you are just drifting off to sleep, to put it in layman term, it's 'light' sleep. Many sleep drugs cause the person to skip past the stages of light sleep, that's why you fall asleep immediately. But it's bad cos' your body tells you you have missed that stage of sleep and you'll feel tired the next day.
  24. sigh... absolutely agree with this. I swear my computer crashes very suddenly for no rhyme and reason. It's not as though I used it for too long to result in overheating, or that I'm running too many programs at the same time. I'd just be typing a regular word doc and suddenly the blue screen just appears. Thank goodness for auto recovery. But all the same, it's bad for my heart.
  25. Oh yes my other website that is on wordpress (also hosted on Xisto) now says "Error establishing a database connection".I think the problem of the website loading slowly or not loading at all started about a couple of weeks ago for me too, but I was too busy to pay attention to my website then.
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