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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. A lot of traffic laws don't make sense. A friend of mine was in an accident involving 8 vehicles. Apparently, the first car in front of a line of vehicles braked suddenly, causing the 2nd car to bump into it and also brake at the same time, and the same happened to the 3rd, 4th... car behind, like a domino effect. My friend's car was 5th in the queue. All the cars had their headlights and fronts or backs damaged. By right, it should have been the first vehicle to pay for all the damages he caused to everyone. But somehow, it ended up that everybody had to pay for damages incurred by the 2nd car. It really didn't make sense at all and my friend was fedup because his car was damaged and he had to bear the punishment incurred by one idiot's mistake.
  2. Oh my God YES it's back! Thank you for the information rvalkass, it worked. Now I can update my website!
  3. Ok I'll try that. How long will it be for the domains to work after being removed and re-added?
  4. sigh... no I really can't. Would you like to try for me? My websites are http://www.celestial-delinquent.com/ and http://princesstimes.com/
  5. I don't think so... It's a new computer. I've only had it for about a few months. I don't think I toggled with any settings. I don't make it a habit to do stuff like that since I know I won't be able to fix it if anything goes wrong. I might have done it unintentionally, but at the moment I can't think of anything I could have done to cause it to exhibit such strange behavior.
  6. Really?? Now I really am confused. Does this mean that site visitors can visit your website after you configured those ip things? That doesn't make sense to me, especially since they haven't been asked to configure their ips too. Also, I tried to use the command window to flush my dns but I keep getting Request Timed Out when I ping my dns.
  7. Let's not call it a 'Credit Return'. Maybe more like a Credit Bonus to pacify us for our loss. I know that our hosting is free and I really appreciate that a lot, including all the admin's hard work. However, to some people, their websites are very important to them, so a few days of disruption in their webhosting would cause a lot of inconvenience to them and their audience. It may not be in terms of money, but also in terms of things like exchange of news and information. If you'd like a more concrete reason for granting us extra credits, we can think about this. When our websites are working again, we will have to spend extra time updating and explaining things to our website visitors as a result of those few days that the website was down. Furthermore, we didn't have advance notice about our websites going offline, so we couldn't inform our site visitors and that makes things worst. Hence, we would end up having to spend more time rectifying these issues, and less time trying to build up on our credit count. So some bonus credits would come in handy.Obviously, I'm not going to kick up a fuss if I don't get anything, but DemonFire has made a good point and I'd just like to show support for it.
  8. This strange issue has been happening to me recently. I notice that when I shut down my computer, and then start it up the next time, the time and date of my computer remains the same as that of the time and date that I shut down my computer, and it continues from that time and date until I adjust it manually myself.For example, if I shut down my computer on 3 May 2008, 10pm, even when I switch on my computer on 4 May 2008 9am, the date and time shows 3 May 2008, 10 pm.I don't understand why, I did not automatically synchronize it with an internet server, and I've got the time zone correct. It has only started happening a couple of weeks ago.
  9. Thanks, that worked. But my blog site which is hosted on another domain http://www.celestial-delinquent.com/ and in the folder 'cd' didn't work. I tried accessing gamma.xisto.com/~bishoujo/cd but to no avail.
  10. sorry I'm still confused. Do we have to do all that ip stuff only if our domain is configured with ip add? Is all this supposed to help me to view my website? Anyway I tried to access my website with http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but it didn't work I can access my cpanel though.
  11. I like your choice of colors. It's very tranquil looking and somehow reminds me of healthy vegetables. The layout is very neat too. I don't know if it's just me though but it seems that five images at the bottom of your website aren't loading.
  12. Haha I think it's funny! But the teacher doesn't seem to find it funny. Why didn't he/she laugh? I know I would have. And at least it shows that it means a lot to your friend to do well, so your teacher should have been pleased with that. Why do they bother taking back the test papers anyway. It's silly.
  13. What's the purpose of this? Aren't email addresses supposed to make it convenient for people to reach you online?
  14. My sympathy goes out to you and your broken wrist. I hope it gets better soon!Some drivers are extremely irresponsible. In my country, many cab drivers are fond of cutting across lanes without warning, speed or the time, drive past red lights, and they can do it very quickly and at their own convenience, but other people's expense because they have lots of experience driving on the roads everyday. But they probably don't understand that such irresponsible behavior can get other people into trouble.
  15. Always remember to check the domain of the email address that claims to be from paypal. Of course I don't use Paypal now, so I just delete anything that has Paypal in the title or report for phishing. But it's actually quite easy to tell whether it's a scam or not. It just takes a little bit more time to take a look at the email add.
  16. I read an article in a health magazine which talks about vitamins and all those pills you pop because you're afraid that you aren't getting enough of something, or even pills that also have aesthetic purposes such as those that promise to help rid you of old age spots, make your skin more radiant etc. It is all right to eat a single multivitamin pill a day, if it makes you feel more secure. However, a person whose diet includes lots of fruits and vegetables generally does not need additional vitamin supplements. On the other hand, if your diet is poor in fruits and vegetables, a vitamin supplement may be helpful. Also, people who have health problems, such as cancer, liver and kidney problems etc, should not start relying on supplements as a potential cure to their health problems, especially not when they have not consulted a specialist. According to the Food Standard Agency in Britain, some supplements are potentially harmful. Furthermore, some substances may have irreversible harmful effects if taken for long periods at the highest doses. Eating a variety of supplements daily is also dangerous, since there is little information about how these supplements interact in the body, especially in the long run. Therefore the bottomline is, ensure that you eat a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables everyday and you won't have to worry about supplements. If you really must take supplements, just choose one standard multivitamin pill, or consult a nutritionist.
  17. This is interesting and pretty funny! I love spicy food so I honestly wouldn't mind trying, and it actually looks kind of delicious. Maybe I'll try it out and let you know
  18. One of my friends owns a Terrabyte hard disk. He uses it to store movies, games, high-res pictures etc. When you progress to GB, you'll start wanting more and more. It's not hard to fill up a Terrabyte of space. Though, like SolarX says, it's probably not legal stuff. Heh.
  19. It is probably just natural human instinct in the subconscious mind. Like it or not, humans have similar basic sexual instincts with animals. Your dream is probably nothing to worry about, because sex is a common theme for dreams, whether or not the person enjoys sex or is currently indulging in sex. As for the fact that you dreamt about having sex with your friend, it's probably because your brain registered your friend since you obviously know the person, and dreams are made up of past experiences and things and people that go on in your life.You may also wish to ask yourself whether you actually desire to be more than close friends with this friend of yours. Dreaming of having sex with your friend may be a hidden desire of yours to seek intimacy with him/her. If you only treat this person as your friend, don't worry about the dream.
  20. You should never clean cameras with a wet cloth! If the water went inside the lcd, that's probably why the pixels are messed up. You probably need to get it replaced, but you should probably call up the manufacturer or whoever you registered the warranty with for advice.
  21. Sorry about your Grandfather's accident. My psychology lecturer insists that dreams are not a reflection of the future though. They are mainly a reflection of past experiences and events. Some people think dreams help predict the future because they only count the numbers of hits and not the misses. In your case, you had one dream that coincided with what happened in the future, but surely most of your other dreams don't. Maybe in your subconscious mind, you realized he was unwell, so you had such a dream, and because it kept troubling you, you kept getting haunted by dreams about your grandfather.
  22. I absolutely agree. And don't listen when people claim they have passwords and post them in a zip file for you to download. You might be downloading a trojan, or just contributing to someone's collection of premium points. The only way to get a premium account is to buy one month of it, accumulate premium points by letting lots of people download your files, and then you can keep extending the account for free with your premium points.
  23. I've always liked grey eyes. But some eye colors may look nice on their own but look clash with your hair, skin color etc. Just treasure what we're born with. Hehe.
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